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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 21906, 2024 Sep 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39300204


Given a large enough volume of data and precise, meaningful categories, training a statistical model to solve a classification problem is straightforward and has become a standard application of machine learning (ML). If the categories are not precise, but rather fuzzy, as in the case of scientific disciplines, the systematic failures of ML classification can be informative about properties of the underlying categories. Here we classify a large volume of academic publications using only the abstract as information. From the publications that are classified differently by journal categories and ML categories (i.e., misclassified publications, when using the journal assignment as ground truth) we construct a network among disciplines. Analysis of these misclassifications provides insight in two topics at the core of the science of science: (1) Mapping out the interplay of disciplines. We show that this misclassification network is informative about the interplay of academic disciplines and it is similar to, but distinct from, a citation-based map of science, where nodes are scientific disciplines and an edge indicates a strong co-citation count between publications in these disciplines. (2) Analyzing the success of interdisciplinarity. By evaluating the citation patterns of publications, we show that misclassification can be linked to interdisciplinarity and, furthermore, that misclassified articles have different citation frequencies than correctly classified articles: In the highest 10 percent of journals in each discipline, these misclassified articles are on average cited more frequently, while in the rest of the journals they are cited less frequently.

Appl Netw Sci ; 7(1): 33, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35615080


The design of robust supply and distribution systems is one of the fundamental challenges at the interface of network science and logistics. Given the multitude of performance criteria, real-world constraints, and external influences acting upon such a system, even formulating an appropriate research question to address this topic is non-trivial. Here we present an abstraction of a supply and distribution system leading to a minimal model, which only retains stylized facts of the systemic function and, in this way, allows us to investigate the generic properties of robust supply networks. On this level of abstraction, a supply and distribution system is the strategic use of transportation to eliminate mismatches between production patterns (i.e., the amounts of goods produced at each production site of a company) and demand patterns (i.e., the amount of goods consumed at each location). When creating networks based on this paradigm and furthermore requiring the robustness of the system with respect to the loss of transportation routes (edge of the network) we see that robust networks are built from specific sets of subgraphs, while vulnerable networks display a markedly different subgraph composition. Our findings confirm a long-standing hypothesis in the field of network science, namely, that network motifs-statistically over-represented small subgraphs-are informative about the robust functioning of a network. Also, our findings offer a blueprint for enhancing the robustness of real-world supply and distribution systems. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s41109-022-00470-2.