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Sci Total Environ ; 851(Pt 2): 158343, 2022 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36041625


Handpumps are the main water supply for rural communities across sub-Saharan Africa. However, studies show that >25 % of handpumps are non-functional at any time. We present results from a systematic field study of handpump borehole functionality. The study was designed to investigate the contribution of physical factors to functionality outcomes, including; hydrogeology, borehole configuration, and handpump components. To achieve this, we deconstructed and examined 145 handpump boreholes in Ethiopia, Uganda and Malawi. Pumping tests showed that 19 % of boreholes were located in aquifers with transmissivity below the minimum required to sustain a handpump. Water levels, measured during the dry season, had a complex relationship with borehole configuration and transmissivity. The handpump cylinder was <10 m below the water table at 38 % of sites, which increases the risk of the handpump running dry during intensive use and/or in areas of low transmissivity. The water column was <20 m at 23 % of sites and screens were <10 m long at 29 % of sites and often sub-optimally positioned in the borehole. Borehole depth had no clear relationship with functionality. Using multinomial regression and four functionality categories (functional; unreliable; low yield; unreliable and low yield) as dependant variables, we found that transmissivity is a significant risk factor for the classification of handpump boreholes as low yield. The configuration of the borehole (e.g. cylinder position, screen/casing configuration and water column) is a statistically significant risk factor for the classification of handpump boreholes as unreliable. Handpump components were in poor overall condition but rising main pipes were a particular problem with 53 % of galvanised pipes corroded and 82 % of uPVC pipes damaged, with implications for handpump performance. Our study highlights the importance of; understanding aquifer properties, investing in borehole siting, construction (including supervision) and commissioning, and improving the quality of components and maintenance of handpumps.

Água Subterrânea , Abastecimento de Água , Humanos , Malaui , Água
Nat Commun ; 11(1): 1099, 2020 03 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32132535


As rural African communities experience more frequent and extreme droughts, it is increasingly important that water supplies are climate resilient. Using a unique temporal dataset we explore rural water supply (n = 5196) performance during the 2015-16 drought in Ethiopia. Mean functionality ranged from 60% for motorised boreholes to 75% for hand-pumped boreholes. Real-time monitoring and responsive operation and maintenance led to rapid increases in functionality of hand-pumped and, to a lesser extent, motorised boreholes. Increased demand was placed on motorised boreholes in lowland areas as springs, hand-dug-wells and open sources failed. Most users travelled >1 h to access motorised boreholes but <30 min, increasing to 30-60 mins, for hand-pumped boreholes. Boreholes accessing deep (>30 m) groundwater performed best during the drought. Prioritising access to groundwater via multiple improved sources and a portfolio of technologies, such as hand-pumped and motorised boreholes, supported by responsive and proactive operation and maintenance, increases rural water supply resilience.

Environ Pollut ; 240: 938-949, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29949845


Demand for groundwater in urban centres across Asia continues to rise with ever deeper wells being drilled to avoid shallow contamination. The vulnerability of deep alluvial aquifers to contaminant migration is assessed in the ancient city of Varanasi, India, using a novel combination of emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) and groundwater residence time tracers (CFC and SF6). Both shallow and intermediate depth private sources (<100 m) and deep (>100 m) municipal groundwater supplies were found to be contaminated with a range of EOCs including pharmaceuticals (e.g. sulfamethoxazole, 77% detection frequency, range <0.0001-0.034 µg L-1), perfluoroalkyl substances (e.g. PFOS, range <0.0001-0.033 µg L-1) as well as a number of pesticides (e.g. phenoxyacetic acid, range <0.02-0.21 µg L-1). The profile of EOCs found in groundwater mirror those found in surface waters, albeit at lower concentrations, and reflect common waste water sources with attenuation in the subsurface. Mean groundwater residence times were found to be comparable between some deep groundwater and shallow groundwater sources with residence times ranging from >70 to 30 years. Local variations in aquifer geology influence the extent of modern recharge at depth. Both tracers provide compelling evidence of significant inputs of younger groundwater to depth >100 m within the aquifer system.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Água Subterrânea/química , Compostos Orgânicos/análise , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Ásia , Cidades , Índia , Praguicidas/análise , Águas Residuárias
Sci Total Environ ; 599-600: 1433-1444, 2017 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28531952


Groundwater depletion has been widely studied in northwest India, but water quality concerns are still poorly constrained. In this study, we explore the hydrochemistry of the top 160m of the aquifer system, through detailed field studies in the Bist-Doab region, considering both anthropogenic and geogenic controls. A detailed comparison is made between sites dominated by urban and agricultural landuse. Salinity, nitrate, chloride and lead concentrations are significantly higher in the shallow (0-50m) groundwater system due to surface anthropogenic contaminant loading from agricultural and urban sources. The widespread occurrence of oxic groundwater within the aquifer system means that denitrification potential is limited and also enhances the mobility of selenium and uranium in groundwater. Geogenic trace elements (e.g. As, Se, F), are generally found at concentrations below WHO guideline drinking water values, however elevated U concentrations (50-70µg/L) are found within the deeper part of the aquifer and shallow urban aquifers associated with higher bicarbonate waters. Higher concentration of Se (10-40µg/L) are found exclusively in the shallow groundwater system where Se is mobilised from soils and transported to depth in the shallow aquifer due to the prevailing oxidising aquifer conditions. New evidence from a range of environmental tracers shows elevated concentrations of anthropogenic contaminants in the deeper part of the aquifer (50-160m deep) and demonstrates vulnerability to vertical migration of contaminants. Continued intensive groundwater abstraction from >100m deep means that water quality risks to the deep aquifer system need to be considered together with water quantity constraints.

Hydrogeol J ; 25(5): 1377-1406, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32025191


The Indo-Gangetic aquifer is one of the world's most important transboundary water resources, and the most heavily exploited aquifer in the world. To better understand the aquifer system, typologies have been characterized for the aquifer, which integrate existing datasets across the Indo-Gangetic catchment basin at a transboundary scale for the first time, and provide an alternative conceptualization of this aquifer system. Traditionally considered and mapped as a single homogenous aquifer of comparable aquifer properties and groundwater resource at a transboundary scale, the typologies illuminate significant spatial differences in recharge, permeability, storage, and groundwater chemistry across the aquifer system at this transboundary scale. These changes are shown to be systematic, concurrent with large-scale changes in sedimentology of the Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial aquifer, climate, and recent irrigation practices. Seven typologies of the aquifer are presented, each having a distinct set of challenges and opportunities for groundwater development and a different resilience to abstraction and climate change. The seven typologies are: (1) the piedmont margin, (2) the Upper Indus and Upper-Mid Ganges, (3) the Lower Ganges and Mid Brahmaputra, (4) the fluvially influenced deltaic area of the Bengal Basin, (5) the Middle Indus and Upper Ganges, (6) the Lower Indus, and (7) the marine-influenced deltaic areas.

L'aquifère de l'Indus et du Gange est une des ressources en eau transfrontalière la plus importante au monde et un des aquifères le plus exploité au monde. Pour mieux comprendre le système aquifère, des typologies ont été caractérisées pour cet aquifère ; elles intègrent pour la première fois un jeu de données disponibles sur l'ensemble du bassin de l'Indus et du Gange à une échelle transfrontalière, et apportent une conceptualisation alternative de ce système aquifère. Traditionnellement considéré et cartographié comme un simple aquifère homogène aux propriétés aquifères similaires et comme une ressource d'eau souterraine à l'échelle transfrontalière, les typologies mettent en évidence des différences significatives spatiales de la recharge, de la perméabilité, de la capacité de stockage et de la chimie des eaux souterraines sur l'ensemble du système aquifère à une échelle transfrontalière. Ces changements sont systématiques coïncidant aux changements à large échelle de la sédimentologie de l'aquifère alluvial du Pléistocène et de l'Holocène, du climat et des pratiques récentes d'irrigation. Sept typologies de l'aquifère sont présentées, chacune ayant un ensemble distinct de défis et d'opportunités pour le développement des eaux souterraines et une résilience différente à l'exploitation et au changement climatique. Les sept typologies sont: (1) la marge de piedmont, (2) Le haut Indus et le Ganges moyen supérieur, (3) le Ganges inférieur et le Brahmapoutre moyen, (4) la zone deltaïque du bassin du Bengale sous influence fluviale, (5) l'Indus moyen et le Ganges supérieur, (6) l'Indus inférieur, et (7) la zone deltaïque sous influence marine.

El acuífero Indo-Gangético es uno de los recursos hídricos transfronterizos más importantes y el acuífero más explotado del mundo. Para comprender mejor el sistema acuífero, por primera vez se han caracterizado tipologías para el acuífero, integrando los conjuntos de datos existentes a través de la cuenca hidrográfica Indo-Ganges a una escala transfronteriza, y proporcionando una conceptualización alternativa de este sistema acuífero. Tradicionalmente consideradas y cartografiadas como un solo acuífero homogéneo de propiedades acuíferas y recursos de agua subterránea comparables a escala transfronteriza, las tipologías iluminan diferencias espaciales significativas en la recarga, permeabilidad, almacenamiento y química del agua subterránea a través del sistema acuífero a esta escala transfronteriza. Estos cambios son mostrados por ser sistemáticos, coincidentes con cambios en gran escala en la sedimentología del acuífero aluvial del Pleistoceno y del Holoceno, en el clima y en las prácticas recientes de riego. Se presentan siete tipologías del acuífero, cada una con un conjunto distinto de desafíos y oportunidades para el desarrollo del agua subterránea y una diferente resiliencia a la extracción y al cambio climático. Las siete tipologías son: (1) el margen del piedemonte, (2) el Indus superior y el Ganges superior-medio, (3) el Ganges inferior y el Brahmaputra medio, (4) el área deltaica fluvialmente influenciada de la cuenca de Bengala, (5) el Ganges superior, (6) el Indo Inferior, y (7) las áreas deltaicas con influencia marina.

O aquífero do Indo-Gangético é um dos recursos hídricos transfronteiriços mais importantes do mundo, e o mais explorado. Para melhor entender o sistema aquífero, tipologias foram caracterizadas para o aquífero, que integram pela primeira vez bancos de dados existentes sobre a bacia de abastecimento Indo-Gangética em uma escala transfornteiriça, e fornecem uma conceptualização alternativa desse sistema aquífero. Tradicionalmente considerado e mapeado como um aquífero homogêneo de propriedades aquíferas comparáveis e recursos subterrâneos em escala transfronteiriça, as tipologias elucidam diferenças espaciais significantes na recarga, permeabilidade, armazenamento, e química das águas subterrâneas pelo aquífero nessa escala transfronteiriça. Essas mudanças aparentam ser sistemáticas, concorrentes com mudanças em larga escala na sedimentologia do aquífero aluvial do Pleistoceno e Holoceno, clima e práticas recentes de irrigação. Sete tipologias do aquífero são apresentadas, cada uma tendo conjuntos de desafios e oportunidades distintos para o desenvolvimento das águas subterrâneas e uma resiliência diferente nas mudanças de extração e clima. As sete tipologias são: (1) a margem piemonte, (2) O Alto Indo e o Alto-médio Ganges, (3) O Baixo Ganges e o Médio Brahmaputra, (4) a área deltaica influenciada fluvialmente da Bacia de Bengala, (5) o Médio Indo e o Alto Ganges, (6) o Baixo Indo, e (7) as áreas deltaicas com influencia marinha.

Ann Rev Mar Sci ; 8: 185-215, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26515811


Global ship-based programs, with highly accurate, full water column physical and biogeochemical observations repeated decadally since the 1970s, provide a crucial resource for documenting ocean change. The ocean, a central component of Earth's climate system, is taking up most of Earth's excess anthropogenic heat, with about 19% of this excess in the abyssal ocean beneath 2,000 m, dominated by Southern Ocean warming. The ocean also has taken up about 27% of anthropogenic carbon, resulting in acidification of the upper ocean. Increased stratification has resulted in a decline in oxygen and increase in nutrients in the Northern Hemisphere thermocline and an expansion of tropical oxygen minimum zones. Southern Hemisphere thermocline oxygen increased in the 2000s owing to stronger wind forcing and ventilation. The most recent decade of global hydrography has mapped dissolved organic carbon, a large, bioactive reservoir, for the first time and quantified its contribution to export production (∼20%) and deep-ocean oxygen utilization. Ship-based measurements also show that vertical diffusivity increases from a minimum in the thermocline to a maximum within the bottom 1,500 m, shifting our physical paradigm of the ocean's overturning circulation.

Carbono/análise , Água do Mar/química , Clima , Oceanografia/instrumentação , Navios , Temperatura , Movimentos da Água
Anal Bioanal Chem ; 396(8): 2813-23, 2010 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19916004


Until 2006 the performance of confocal Raman spectroscopy depth profiling was typically described and modeled through the application of geometrical optics, including refraction at the surface, to explain the degree of resolution and the precise form of the depth profile obtained from transparent and semicrystalline materials. Consequently a range of techniques, physical and analytical, was suggested to avoid the errors thus encountered in order to improve the practice of Raman spectroscopy, if not the understanding of the underlying mechanisms. These approaches were completely unsuccessful in accounting for the precise form of the depth profile, the fact that spectra obtained from laminated samples always contain characteristic peaks from all materials present both well above and below the focal point and that spectra can be obtained when focused some 40 mum above the sample surface. This paper provides further evidence that the physical processes underlying Raman spectroscopy are better modeled and explained through the concept of an extended illuminated volume contributing to the final Raman spectrum and modeled through a photon scattering approach rather than a point focus ray optics approach. The power of this numerical model lies in its ability to incorporate, simultaneously, the effects of degree of refraction at the surface (whether using a dry or oil objective lens), the degree of attenuation due to scatter by the bulk of the material, the Raman scattering efficiency of the material, and surface roughness effects. Through this we are now able to explain why even removing surface aberration and refraction effects through the use of oil immersion objective lenses cannot reliably ensure that the material sampled is only that at or close to the point of focus of the laser. Furthermore we show that the precise form of the depth profile is affected by the degree of flatness of the surface of the sample. Perhaps surprisingly, we show that the degree of flatness of the material surface is, in fact, more important than obtaining a precise refractive index match between the immersion oil and the material when seeking a high-quality depth profile or Raman spectrum from within a transparent or semicrystalline material, contrary to accepted norms that samples for interrogation by Raman spectroscopy require little preparation.

Prosthet Orthot Int ; 28(1): 44-8, 2004 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15171577


There are many reasons why a rigid ankle foot orthosis (AFO) may be prescribed. In some cases it is desirable that the rigidity is sufficient to maintain a constant ankle position throughout the gait cycle. There is a need to determine a design of cosmetic, lightweight AFO that provides the necessary stiffness whilst being acceptable to the patient, encouraging continued wear with the resultant benefits. This paper describes an investigation of AFO resistance to dorsiflexion, comparing the stiffness of an AFO with forward trim lines, two designs of reinforced AFOs and an AFO with forward trim lines and an external ankle strap. One reinforced AFO had corrugations moulded in the polypropylene around the ankle, the other had carbon fibre inserts attached to the inside of the polypropylene. The emphasis was on testing the mechanical stiffness of the four AFO designs: the test procedure did not mimic the patterns of AFO loading during gait. Each design was tested in the same manner by the same examiner. The AFO with forward trimlines and an ankle strap displayed similar stiffness to the carbon fibre reinforced AFO and both were stiffer than the other two designs.

Tornozelo , , Aparelhos Ortopédicos , Humanos , Teste de Materiais
Appl Spectrosc ; 57(12): 1475-81, 2003 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14686768


A series of semicrystalline polymers has been prepared through morphological control. Each of these has an identical refractive index but a different, well-defined, scattering behavior. From existing geometrical optical theories of confocal Raman spectroscopy, these materials should behave identically. Initially, the extent of scattering in each system was assessed quantitatively, from the near-infrared through the visible wavelength range, by UV/visible spectroscopy. The effect of optical scattering on the variation of intensity of the Raman scattered radiation with subsurface position was then examined in all four materials; the effect of surface roughness was also considered in the highest clarity system. Where surface effects are removed through careful sample preparation and the materials are interrogated using identical optical systems to mitigate against the impact of refractive index mismatch and other optical effects, the Raman response is strongly affected by the scattering characteristics of each material. A simple empirical relationship has been determined that adequately described all our specimens.

Psychol Med ; 33(5): 803-16, 2003 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12877395


BACKGROUND: Previous twin studies investigating the heritability of schizotypy have often had limited power and have failed to measure the disorganization/social anxiety component. METHOD: Seven hundred and thirty-three female twin pairs, drawn from the Institute of Psychiatry Volunteer Twin Register, completed the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences and the Peters et al. Delusions Inventory. Structural equation modelling was carried out on scores for MZ and DZ twin pairs. RESULTS: The best fitting models for all scales comprised additive genetic and unique environmental effects. Heritability was estimated at approximately 50% for most scales, although it was lower at 37% for the PDI scale. Multivariate structural equation model fitting revealed a best-fitting model in which additive genetic and unique environmental influences act through a single common pathway for Cognitive Disorganization, Unusual Experiences and the PDI, and through a separate common pathway for Cognitive Disorganization and Introvertive Anhedonia. CONCLUSIONS: The various components of schizotypy are moderately heritable. Multivariate model fitting indicates that at least two latent factor structures are required to account for the covariation between the various components of schizotypy. The positive and negative components of schizotypy are relatively genetically independent, although each in turn may be related to Cognitive Disorganization.

Inventário de Personalidade/estatística & dados numéricos , Transtorno da Personalidade Esquizotípica/genética , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Análise de Variância , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores de Risco , Comportamento Social , Gêmeos Dizigóticos , Gêmeos Monozigóticos
J Urol ; 167(3): 1344-7, 2002 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11832728


PURPOSE: A noninvasive test providing reliable objective quantification of bladder pressure during the voiding cycle would make an important contribution to the management of lower urinary tract symptoms. We developed a new noninvasive test to measure bladder pressure in males based on controlled inflation of a penile cuff during voiding. We compared the new technique with simultaneous invasive bladder pressure measurement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated 7 volunteers and 32 patients. A conventional pressure flow study was performed first. The bladder was refilled, a penile cuff was fitted and after voiding commenced the cuff was inflated in steps of 10 cm. water every 0.75 seconds until urine flow was interrupted. The cuff was rapidly deflated, allowing flow to resume, and the cycle was repeated until the end of voiding. The flow rate was graphed against cuff pressure for each interruption cycle to determine the pressure at which flow was interrupted. This pressure was compared with simultaneous invasive isovolumetric bladder pressure. RESULTS: Invasive and noninvasive pressure measurements agreed well. Average cuff pressure at interruption of flow exceeded mean simultaneous isovolumetric bladder pressure plus or minus standard deviation by 14.5 +/- 14.0 cm. water. CONCLUSIONS: The new method provides noninvasive quantitative information on voiding bladder pressure in males. Further study is required to assess whether the technique can contribute to the management of lower urinary tract symptoms.

Bexiga Urinária/fisiologia , Micção/fisiologia , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pênis/fisiologia , Pressão , Urodinâmica , Urologia/instrumentação
Stud Health Technol Inform ; 91: 190-3, 2002.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15457721


The effect of moving the patient's centre of gravity from one extreme to the other, where the weight is entirely supported on the left or right foot at either extreme, was investigated in 33 patients attending for surface topography measurements with the Quantec Spinal Measurement System. Average changes of about 20 were seen in the measured curvature of the lower spine line and pelvic tilt, but there was considerable variation between individual patients. When such extremes of stance were included, the reproducibility of measurements of the curvature of the lower spine, pelvic tilt and vertical alignment was poorer, but not to the extent that a significant improvement in reproducibility would be expected if the patient's centre of gravity was closely controlled with, for example, a force platform.

Antropometria , Lateralidade Funcional/fisiologia , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Imageamento Tridimensional , Fotogrametria , Postura/fisiologia , Escoliose/diagnóstico , Suporte de Carga/fisiologia , Análise de Variância , Sensação Gravitacional/fisiologia , Humanos , Vértebras Lombares/patologia , Vértebras Lombares/fisiopatologia , Ossos Pélvicos/patologia , Ossos Pélvicos/fisiopatologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Escoliose/fisiopatologia , Vértebras Torácicas/patologia , Vértebras Torácicas/fisiopatologia
Stud Health Technol Inform ; 91: 199-203, 2002.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15457723


Records of Quantec measurements of tlie kypliotic curvature of the back were reviewed for all patients attending the children's orthopaedic clinic who were referred for back shape measurements. Of these, 57 children had five or more preoperative visits allowing trends to be calculated. Linear trends were found in 30 of the patients, with gradients ranging from 1.1 degree/yr to 7.2(0)1/yr. On average, the scatter of measurements about the trend line, or about the mean value in the other 27 cases, compared well with that expected from repeatability studies but the amount of scatter varied from one patient to another. This may well be due to sampling. Where such measurements are monitored for evidence of change in an individual patient, the possibility of larger than average scatter about any emerging trend should be considered.

Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Cifose/diagnóstico , Fotogrametria , Escoliose/diagnóstico , Análise de Variância , Criança , Progressão da Doença , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Cifose/classificação , Cifose/cirurgia , Modelos Lineares , Vértebras Lombares/patologia , Vértebras Lombares/cirurgia , Masculino , Escoliose/classificação , Escoliose/cirurgia , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Vértebras Torácicas/patologia , Vértebras Torácicas/cirurgia
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 97(4): 1944-8, 2000 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10677559


Event-related functional MRI and a version of the Stroop color naming task were used to test two conflicting theories of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) function during executive processes of cognition. A response-related increase in ACC activity was present when strategic processes were less engaged, and conflict high, but not when strategic processes were engaged and conflict reduced. This is inconsistent with the widely held view that the ACC implements strategic processes to reduce cognitive conflicts, such as response competition. Instead, it suggests that the ACC serves an evaluative function, detecting cognitive states such as response competition, which may lead to poor performance, and representing the knowledge that strategic processes need to be engaged.

Córtex Cerebral/fisiologia , Cognição/fisiologia , Análise de Variância , Associação , Córtex Cerebral/anatomia & histologia , Testes de Percepção de Cores , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Tempo de Reação
Mycotoxin Res ; 16(2): 101-11, 2000 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23605346


Mycelial yield and production of three trichothecenes, namely T-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) and neosolaniol (NEO) were compared in control (CS) and carbendazim-resistant strains (RS) ofFusarium sporotrichioides. Each strain was exposed to graded concentrations of carbendazim (0, 1, 2, and 4 µg/ml media) for 2, 5 and 7 days under shake-culture conditions at an incubation temperature of 25°C. Mycelial yield was significantly (P<0.001) affected by strain, carbendazim concentration and incubation time. The strain differences in mycelial mass at 2 days (P<0.05) became more pronounced at 5 and 7 days of incubation (P<0.001). However, mycelial growth differences between the two strains were greatest following exposure to carbendazim, with the effects becoming more divergent with time. Combined results for the three incubation times showed dose related effects in carbendazim inhibition of T-2 toxin production by CS isolates. In contrast, RS cultures exposed to the 2 µg/ml addition of carbendazim significantly increased T-2 toxin production (P<0.05 or better). At 1 and 4 µg/ml additions, T-2 toxin inhibition occurred but the effect was less marked than in the CS series. RS yielded more DAS than CS at 5 days (P<0.05) and at 7 days (P<0.01) of incubation. The major component of this strain difference arose from the effects of the 2 µg/ml addition of carbendazim (P<0.01). NEO production was also higher in RS than in CS, with the difference becoming progressively more pronounced from day 5 (P<0.05) to day 7 (P<0.01) of incubation. However, these differences reflected enhanced NEO output with carbendazim addition of 4 µg/ml (P<0.05) in day 5 extracts and of both 2 µg/ml (P<0.01) and 4 µg/ml additions (P<0.05) in day 7 samples. Moreover, the ratio of NEO to T-2 toxin production was affected by an interaction involving incubation time, strain and carbendazim dose (P<0.05 or better). On day 5, this ratio was greater in CS exposed to 2 µg/ml, but at 4 µg/ml, the ratio was higher in RS. It is concluded that carbendazim resistance induced genuine differences in the synthesis of T-2 toxin and NEO. It is suggested that the strain difference may reside in the conversion of NEO to T-2 toxin which may be sensitive to fungicide concentration. This would imply that carbendazim resistance induces changes in the terminal rather than initial phases of trichothecene biosynthesis.

Br J Obstet Gynaecol ; 106(6): 570-5, 1999 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10426615


OBJECTIVE: To estimate the maternal genetic contribution to the hypertensive diseases of pregnancy. DESIGN: A cohort study of female twins with information on hypertensive diseases of pregnancy obtained by questionnaire screening, and verification of diagnosis from hospital or general practitioner records. SETTING: A volunteer twin registry in the UK with recruitment through the media without reference to pregnancies or disease status. POPULATION: Adult female, same-sex twin pairs who completed a pregnancy history questionnaire and consented to record inspection. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Self-reported and hospital-validated diagnosis of non-proteinuric pregnancy hypertension and of pregnancy hypertension with proteinuria (pre-eclampsia). RESULTS: Self-reported pre-eclampsia had a heritability of 0.221 and non-proteinuric hypertension of 0. 198. However, none of the pairs who were self-reported as concordant for pre-eclampsia were confirmed from hospital records. Using hospital records, the heritability of pre-eclampsia was 0 and 0.375 for non-proteinuric hypertension. Using a model treating pre-eclampsia as a separate disease from non-proteinuric hypertension, and assuming that the next pair identified was both monozygotic and concordant for pre-eclampsia, the estimated heritability of pre-eclampsia remained 0 (95% CI 0-0.49). Using a threshold model in which non-proteinuric hypertension is treated as a mild form of pre-eclampsia, heritability is estimated at 0.247 (95% CI 0.23-0.454). CONCLUSION: Neither non-proteinuric hypertension nor pre-eclampsia are inherited in simple Mendelian fashion. The genetic contribution to multi-factorial inheritance is smaller than hitherto believed.

Doenças em Gêmeos/genética , Hipertensão/genética , Pré-Eclâmpsia/genética , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Complicações Cardiovasculares na Gravidez , Inquéritos e Questionários
Arch Gen Psychiatry ; 56(2): 162-8, 1999 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10025441


BACKGROUND: Previous twin studies have supported a genetic contribution to the major categories of psychotic disorders, but few of these have employed operational diagnostic criteria, and no such study has been based on a sample that included the full range of functional psychotic disorders. METHODS: A total of 224 twin probands (106 monozygotic, 118 dizygotic) with a same-sex co-twin and a lifetime history of psychosis was ascertained from the service-based Maudsley Twin Register in London, England. Research Diagnostic Criteria psychotic diagnoses were made on a lifetime-ever basis. Main-lifetime diagnoses of DSM-III-R and International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision schizophrenia were also made. Probandwise concordance rates and correlations in liability were calculated, and biometrical model fitting applied. RESULTS: A substantial genetic contribution to variance in liability was confirmed for the major diagnostic categories except Research Diagnostic Criteria depressive psychosis and unspecified functional psychosis, where familial transmission was confirmed, but the relative contribution of genetic and common environmental factors was unclear. Heritability estimates for Research Diagnostic Criteria schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, mania, DSM-III-R schizophrenia, and International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision schizophrenia were all between 82% and 85%. None of the estimates differed significantly from any other. CONCLUSIONS: Heritability estimates for schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and mania were substantial and similar. Population morbid risk estimates were inferred rather than directly measured, but the results were very similar to those from studies where morbid risks were directly estimated.

Doenças em Gêmeos/genética , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Transtornos Psicóticos/genética , Adulto , Transtorno Bipolar/diagnóstico , Transtorno Bipolar/epidemiologia , Transtorno Bipolar/genética , Doenças em Gêmeos/diagnóstico , Doenças em Gêmeos/epidemiologia , Humanos , Londres/epidemiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Modelos Genéticos , Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica/estatística & dados numéricos , Transtornos Psicóticos/diagnóstico , Transtornos Psicóticos/epidemiologia , Sistema de Registros , Fatores de Risco , Esquizofrenia/diagnóstico , Esquizofrenia/genética , Gêmeos Dizigóticos/genética , Gêmeos Monozigóticos/genética
Mycotoxin Res ; 14(1): 9-18, 1998 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23604957


3-Acetyl deoxynivalenol (3-ADON) and esterase production were determined in a strain ofFusarium culmorum insensitive to the fungicide, difenoconazole. Following further exposure to this fungicide for different periods of time, the initiation of 3-ADON production was observed to be accelerated in the insensitive strain compared to a control (sensitive) strain of the phytopathogen. In particular, 3-ADON appeared in insensitive cultures within 21 days of incubation with fungicide levels of 1 to 4 µg/ml media and at 43 days with difenoconazole levels of 6 and 10 µg/ml. However, in the control strain, 3-ADON production was delayed until 28 and 57 days for the respective doses of fungicide. For these times and fungicide levels, the overall production of 3-ADON by the insensitive strain was significantly different from the zero values recorded with the control strain (P<0.05). Moreover, although difenoconazole was generally effective in depressing 3-ADON synthesis in both strains, the suppression was not significant (P>0.05) for the insensitive strain at 43 and 57 days of incubation with fungicide added at 1 µg/ml. In a parallel experiment, total esterase production was observed to increase progressively over time and at consistently higher levels for the insensitive strain from day 14 onwards so that by day 35 the strain difference was significant (P<0.05). Although the increase with time occurred in both strains, this enhancement appeared at 14 days in the insensitive strain (P<0.05) but delayed until 21 days in the control strain (P<0.05). In conclusion, these investigations have demonstrated the persistence of 3-ADON production and enhanced levels of total esterases in a strain ofF. culmorum insensitive to difenoconazole. Furthermore, it is proposed that changes in esterase profiles might be of diagnostic value in identifying toxigenic strains of differentFusarium species.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry ; 62(6): 562-9, 1997 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9219739


OBJECTIVES: To investigate the cause of sporadic motor neuron disease (MND) by twin study, so allowing (1) estimation of the genetic contribution, and (2) collection of matched pairs for a case-control study of possible environmental factors. METHODS: 10872 death certificates bearing the diagnosis MND were collected from 1979 to 1989 inclusive. Inspection of individual birth entries allowed identification of potential twins. The status of each co-twin was determined and contact made through the National Health Service Central Register (NHS-CR) and their general practitioner (GP). The diagnosis of MND was verified via the co-twin and relatives, and medical records where available. Zygosity was assessed using a recognised questionnaire. Details concerning environmental exposures and health were gathered by interview of cotwin and relatives using a semistructured questionnaire. Heritability (h2) of MND was estimated, and the environmental information was analysed by conditional logistic regression modelling. RESULTS: Seventy seven probands were identified, of whom 26 were monozygotic and 51 dizygotic. Four monozygotic probands were concordant, but two probands came from a family known to have familial MND. The estimated heritability was between 0.38 and 0.85. Most environmental risk factors were not significant. Regular vehicle maintenance (odds ratio (OR) = 7.0; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.3-89.9) and occupational paint usage (OR = 3.75; 95% CI 1.0-17.1), however, occurred significantly more often in the affected cases. CONCLUSIONS: This "death discordant" method for twin collection has proved to be viable, and has allowed the ascertainment of a large population sample in a rare disease. The genetic role in sporadic MND is substantial, and higher than expected. Exposure to industrial chemicals, particularly constituents of petrochemicals and paints, may contribute to the aetiology of MND.

Doenças em Gêmeos , Doença dos Neurônios Motores/epidemiologia , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doença dos Neurônios Motores/genética , Estudos Retrospectivos , Reino Unido/epidemiologia
Behav Genet ; 27(1): 1-13, 1997 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9145539


Many twin registers hold information on flat file systems such as those provided by statistical packages or spreadsheets. Demographic details may be maintained separately from data collected in multiple different studies, leading to considerable problems with data consistency, redundancy, and integration. Ad hoc requests may be difficult. Implementation of a relational database system permits storage and maintenance of all records, simple data entry and validation procedures, linking of information from different projects with security of access, and the flexibility to provide rapid answers to ad hoc enquiries using standard Structured Query Language (SQL). Twin data provide a challenge for relational database design which rests on the technique of normalization and the use of unique identifiers to access associated groups of variables; for twins, "uniqueness" must preserve identification of both the pair and the individual twin subjects in the data structure to enable flexible access to and analysis of the data. An application on the Institute of Psychiatry Volunteer Twin Register (IOPVTR) database is described, through reference to one study of a sample of the twins, with simulated data. We show how a balance of adherence to database design principles and attention to ongoing clerical and research procedures has been used to produce an integrated, flexible, and open-ended system.

Coleta de Dados , Sistemas de Informação , Estudos em Gêmeos como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Computação Matemática , Sistema de Registros/estatística & dados numéricos , Software