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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 16960, 2022 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36216864


Quantum two-level systems (TLSs) intrinsic to glasses induce decoherence in many modern quantum devices, such as superconducting qubits. Although the low-temperature physics of these TLSs is usually well-explained by a phenomenological standard tunneling model of independent TLSs, the nature of these TLSs, as well as their behavior out of equilibrium and at high energies above 1 K, remain inconclusive. Here we measure the non-equilibrium dielectric loss of TLSs in amorphous silicon using a superconducting resonator, where energies of TLSs are varied in time using a swept electric field. Our results show the existence of two distinct ensembles of TLSs, interacting weakly and strongly with phonons, where the latter also possesses anomalously large electric dipole moment. These results may shed new light on the low temperature characteristics of amorphous solids, and hold implications to experiments and applications in quantum devices using time-varying electric fields.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(22): 220503, 2021 Jun 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34152167


In order to scale up quantum processors and achieve a quantum advantage, it is crucial to economize on the power requirement of two-qubit gates, make them robust to drift in experimental parameters, and shorten the gate times. Applicable to all quantum computer architectures whose two-qubit gates rely on phase-space closure, we present here a new gate-optimizing principle according to which negligible amounts of gate fidelity are traded for substantial savings in power, which, in turn, can be traded for substantial increases in gate speed and/or qubit connectivity. As a concrete example, we illustrate the method by constructing optimal pulses for entangling gates on a pair of ions within a trapped-ion chain, one of the leading quantum computing architectures. Our method is direct, noniterative, and linear, and, in some parameter regimes, constructs gate-steering pulses requiring up to an order of magnitude less power than the standard method. Additionally, our method provides increased robustness to mode drift. We verify the new trade-off principle experimentally on our trapped-ion quantum computer.

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(1)2019 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33266767


We investigate the emergence of chaotic dynamics in a quantum Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem for anharmonic vibrations in atomic chains applying semi-quantitative analysis of resonant interactions complemented by exact diagonalization numerical studies. The crossover energy separating chaotic high energy phase and localized (integrable) low energy phase is estimated. It decreases inversely proportionally to the number of atoms until approaching the quantum regime where this dependence saturates. The chaotic behavior appears at lower energies in systems with free or fixed ends boundary conditions compared to periodic systems. The applications of the theory to realistic molecules are discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 145(3): 034903, 2016 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27448902


We investigate entirely electronic torsional vibrational modes in linear cumulene chains. The carbon nuclei of a cumulene are positioned along the primary axis so that they can participate only in the transverse and longitudinal motions. However, the interatomic electronic clouds behave as a torsion spring with remarkable torsional stiffness. The collective dynamics of these clouds can be described in terms of electronic vibrational quanta, which we name torsitons. It is shown that the group velocity of the wavepacket of torsitons is much higher than the typical speed of sound, because of the small mass of participating electrons compared to the atomic mass. For the same reason, the maximum energy of the torsitons in cumulenes is as high as a few electronvolts, while the minimum possible energy is evaluated as a few hundred wavenumbers and this minimum is associated with asymmetry of zero point atomic vibrations. Theory predictions are consistent with the time-dependent density functional theory calculations. Molecular systems for experimental evaluation of the predictions are proposed.