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Front Sports Act Living ; 4: 859153, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36213453


Doping has serious negative consequences for athletes and the integrity of sports, implying the need for effective prevention programs. Since educating young athletes about doping-related knowledge is deemed to be not sufficiently effective to minimize doping, a focus on values, emotions and morality is seen as a promising approach and previous research indicates which variables exactly could be addressed in anti-doping efforts. These variables are anticipated guilt, empathy, moral disengagement, and collective moral norms, since these constructs have been strongly and consistently linked to doping intention, likelihood, or behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a values-based anti-doping intervention, which targets the aforementioned variables, and to evaluate its effectiveness in producing changes in outcomes in comparison to an information-based intervention and a waiting control group. To evaluate their effectiveness, both interventions, which each consist of six 45-min sessions (one session per week) were implemented in a sample of 321 young elite athletes, aged 13-19 years, from a broad range of team and individual sports. Thirty different teams, training groups or classes were randomly assigned to either the values-based intervention, the information-based intervention, or to a waiting control group. Doping intention, doping susceptibility as well as the above mentioned variables were assessed at pre- and posttest and, for participants of the values- and information-based conditions also at a 3 to 4-month follow up. Within a multilevel modeling framework general linear mixed regression analyses revealed that the values-based intervention, compared to the control group, was able to decrease athletes' moral disengagement and increase their anticipated guilt immediately after the intervention (at posttest), whereas no effects for the information-based intervention emerged. Looking at how the outcomes developed over time (i.e., at the follow up measurement), it could be demonstrated that the reduction in moral disengagement sustained. The increase in anticipated guilt, however, was not sustainable and, surprisingly, decreased from post to follow up. Furthermore, athletes in the values-based intervention reported higher empathy from post to follow up, which could possibly indicate a "delayed" effect. This study provides support that a values-based approach can produce changes in some, yet, not all addressed variables and specific elements from this intervention could potentially be a useful addition to traditional anti-doping education (i.e., information provision).

Front Psychol ; 11: 611658, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33584445


The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mobility worldwide. As a corollary, the health of top- and lower-level athletes alike is profoundly reliant on movement and exercise. Thus, the aim of this study is to understand impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on athletes' motivation to exercise and train. In detail, we aim to better understand who (i.e., demographic, sport-specific, and psychological state and trait variables) reported a change in motivation to train due to the lockdown, why they reported lower motivation (i.e., open-ended questions on problems), what they did to help themselves, what support they received from others, and what they are looking forward to after the lockdown (i.e., open questions). Questionnaire data and answers to these open-ended questions were assessed via an online questionnaire, completed by 95 amateur and recreational athletes during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany (April to mid-May 2020). Results show that greater numbers of female athletes are less motivated to train in comparison to male athletes (p = 0.029). No differences in motivation were found regarding type of sport (individual vs. team sport) and number of competitions during the year. Also, more motivated to train amateur and recreational athletes showed lower athletic identity than athletes who reported no change in motivation to exercise during the lockdown (p = 0.03). Additionally, differences in state emotional, perceived stress, and personality variables (i.e., orientation to happiness, volition) were found between athletes who stated that they were less motivated to train compared to athletes who reported no changes in motivation. In particular, closure of sports facilities and social distancing measures were perceived to be highly problematic. Even though athletes received emotional support, organized themselves via routines and schedules, and trained using online tools, they predominately stated that they wished that their coaches would have supported them more. Understanding the impacts of a pandemic-related lockdown on athletes' motivation, athletes' coping strategies, and their desired support will help better support them in future crises.