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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-959591


1. Rice constitutes the chief staple food of the Philippines. Several varieties of rice are consumed by the Filipinos. Studies by other workers have shown that the actual compositon of these varieties do not differ very much, but the methods of treatment cause considerable alteration in their composition. Biologically, several systems of classification have been proposed by several workers2. Polished rice is to a great extent used in the Philippines. Dietetically, several reasons are advanced to show the defects of polished rice3. The addition of fish to polished rice undoubtedly improves the protein, the fat, and to a slight extent, the fat soluble vitamin content: yet the minerals, especially calcium and water soluble vitamins, particularly vitamin B are still deficient4. In supplementing a diet consisting of polished rice and fish, one has to take into consideration the social and economic conditions of the masses. The question of supply and distribution of food of right quality but cheaper in price should be considered also5. Suggestions for getting the people to supplement a diet consisting of polished rice and fish are (a) encouragement in the use of green leafy and yellow colored vegetables and fruits to supply the deficiency of vitamin A, B, calcium and iron; (b) promoting the use of pork and glandular organs to supply the deficiency of animal fat and vitamin B1 and minerals, especially iron; (c) encouraging the use of eggs whenever possible in order to supplement the low biologic value of rice protein and to furnish vitamin A, iron and phosphorus; (d) discouraging the use of white polished rice and recommending the use of under-milled rice or hand-pounded rice instead; (e) popularizing the use of mongo beans, soy-beans, and bean products as cheap sources of proteins; (f) explaining the advantage of fresh Philippine vegetables and fruits which are found rich in vitamin C. The feasibility of using powdered skimmed milk as a supplement to the diet of growing Filipino children, pregnant and lactating mothers, should be studied. Caution is surely needed here, since the handling of powdered milk in a totally sanitary manner is difficult. (Summary)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-959615


The efficacy of protein-bound iodine (PBI) determination of the serum as an aid in evaluating thyroid function is presented. The study consists of 85 medical students and staff of the UP-PGH Medical Center who were clinically evaluated as euthyroid. Blood samples were taken and PBI was determined utilizing the procedure by Barker, Humphrey, and Soley. Twenty-four hyperthyroid and nine hypothyroid subjects were evaluated clinically. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) studies were doneThe PBI values obtained ranged from 3.9-9.6 gamma with a mean of 6.87 gamma . No significant difference was found between the student group and the non-student group. The scattergram showed definite elevation of PBI values in hyperthyroidism and lowering in hypothyroidism. A statistically significant difference was observed between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid values. Comparison of PBI and BMR values showed that PBI results were more consistent than BMR in evaluating euthyroidismThe study indicated that PBI determination has a definite use in the evaluation of thyroid function. Some advantages of PBI over BMR as well as extraneous factors influencing PBI are presented in the report

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-959626


This paper, however, deals with a set of symptoms observed in four of the 52 patients-symptoms which we feel are apart from those in the thyroxine release syndrome. The uniformity of the signs and symptoms presented by the four patients, the consistency in the time of appearance and the correspondence of the biochemical observations in all the patients excited our curiosity. It is possible that the four cases are those of a delayed, severe or atypical thyroxine release syndrome. They seem more likely to be what many would call cases of thyroid storm or thyroid crisis a vague and ill defined syndrome which has defied understanding. (Author)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-962709


The most common diseases afflicting the Negritos are malnutrition, intestinal parasitism, and upper respiratory tract infection. Inadequate food intake, unhygienic conditions and poverty are mainly responsible for their occurrenceInteresting results noted in the PTC taste sensitivity test and in the distribution of the major blood groups signify that genetic studies may be helpful in establishing the biological origin of the aborigines of the Philippines. (Conclusion)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-963076


A method for determining circulating free thyroid hormone using Sephadex gel filtration is described. It differentiates clearly the euthyroid from the hyperthyroid states. Its most useful clinical application is in the diagnosis of clinically hyperthroid states with normal protein-bound iodine and radioactive iodine uptake. (Summary)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-963100


The thyroid disorders studied - hyperthyrodism, endemic goiter and non-endemic or sporadic goiters- are not associated with gross chromosomal abnormalities, either morphologically or numerically. This does not exclude, however, the possibility of minute alterations in the chromosomes not discernible by the human eye. The possibility of a defect at the biochemical or molecular level in these thyroid diseases remain to be explored. (Conclusion)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-963240


These data indicate that patients with nephrotic syndrome have diminished thyroid hormone binding proteins as shown by the result that 14 of the 22 nephrotic patients have low residual or reserve binding proteins as reflected by a low T3-I13 binding capacity. Of these 14 patients with low or reduced thyroid hormone binding proteins, only 5 have actually low PBI values while the rest have normal PBI except for 2 patients with unexplained high PBI levelsWhen correlated with their serum albumin all 14 patients with diminished T3-I13 binding capacity have severe hypoalbuminemia. This confirms the observation of Musa et al that in patients with nephrotid syndrome, the serum protein binding of thyroid hormone is more closely related to the serum albumin.(Conclusion)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-963253


1. A new technique for the direct measurement of T3-serum protein complex has been devised and perfected. This procedure has several distinct advantages over the standard procedures: (a) previous iodide intake (inorganic or organic)does not vitiate the result, (b) no radioactivity is introduced into the system of the patient, (c) many variables connected with red cell or resin uptake procedures are obviated, and (d) a shorter period of time is required, 3 hours, to finish the test2. A total of 160 test runs were made on 136 subjects using this new procedure. Results revealed highly significant values for the evaluation of thyroid function3. In certain situations where probably either alterations in TBP thyroxine binding capacity or changes in the proportion of T4 and T3 are operative, T8-binding gives reliable results, where PBI does not .(Summary)