A Displasia Cement ria Periapical um tumor odontognico de origem mesenquimal, derivado do ligamento periodontal. Por nÆo apresentar sinais e sintomas, normalmente descoberto em exames radiogr ficos de rotina. O aspecto radiogr fico semelhante a lesães periapicais de origem endodntica, o que pode confundir o cl¡nico no momento do diagn¢stico e lev -lo a um tratamento desnecess rio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso cl¡nico de Displasia Cement ria Periapical, apresentar as caracter¡sticas, bem como ressaltar a importncia do correto diagn¢stico diferencial.
Periapical Cemento Dysplasia is an odontogenic tumor of mesenchymal origin, derived from the periodontal ligament. Because it doesnt show signs and symptoms, it is usually discovered on routine radiographic examination. The radiographic appearance is similar to periapical lesions of endodontic origin, which can confuse the clinician at the time of diagnosis and lead to an unnecessary treatment. The aim of this study was to report a case of Periapical Cemento Dysplasia, and present its characteristics as well as underscoring the importance of the proper diagnosis.