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Arq Gastroenterol ; 59(suppl 1): 85-124, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36995890


BACKGROUND: Approximately 25% of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) develop the disease during childhood or adolescence and treatment aims to control active symptoms and prevent long-term complications. The management of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) can be especially challenging in children and adolescents, related to particularities that may affect growth, development, and puberty. OBJECTIVE: This consensus aims to provide guidance on the most effective medical and surgical management of pediatric patients with CD or UC. METHODS: Experts in Pediatric IBD representing Brazilian gastroenterologists (Brazilian Organization for Crohn's Disease and Colitis [GEDIIB]) developed this consensus. A rapid review was performed to support the recommendations/statements. Medical and surgical recommendations were structured and mapped according to the disease type, disease activity, and indications and contraindications for medical and surgical treatment. After structuring the statements, the modified Delphi Panel methodology was used to conduct the voting. The process took place in three rounds: two using a personalized and anonymous online voting platform and one face-to-face. Whenever participants did not agree with a specific recommendation, an option to explain why was offered to enable free-text responses and provide the opportunity for the experts to elaborate or explain disagreement. The consensus of recommendations in each round was accepted when reached ≥80% agreement. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The recommendations are presented according to the stage of treatment and severity of the disease in three domains: management and treatment (drug and surgical interventions), criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of medical treatment, and follow-up/ patient monitoring after initial treatment, follow-up/ patient monitoring after initial treatment. Surgical recommendations were grouped according to disease type and recommended surgery. The target audience for this consensus was general practitioners, gastroenterologists, and surgeons interested in the treatment and management of pediatric CD and UC. Additionally, the consensus aimed to support the decision-making of health insurance companies, regulatory agencies, and health institutional leaders and/or administrators.

Colite Ulcerativa , Doença de Crohn , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais , Adolescente , Humanos , Criança , Doença de Crohn/terapia , Doença de Crohn/diagnóstico , Consenso , Brasil , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais/terapia , Colite Ulcerativa/diagnóstico
Arq. gastroenterol ; 59(supl.1): 85-124, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429853


ABSTRACT Background: Approximately 25% of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) develop the disease during childhood or adolescence and treatment aims to control active symptoms and prevent long-term complications. The management of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) can be especially challenging in children and adolescents, related to particularities that may affect growth, development, and puberty. Objective: This consensus aims to provide guidance on the most effective medical and surgical management of pediatric patients with CD or UC. Methods: Experts in Pediatric IBD representing Brazilian gastroenterologists (Brazilian Organization for Crohn's Disease and Colitis [GEDIIB]) developed this consensus. A rapid review was performed to support the recommendations/statements. Medical and surgical recommendations were structured and mapped according to the disease type, disease activity, and indications and contraindications for medical and surgical treatment. After structuring the statements, the modified Delphi Panel methodology was used to conduct the voting. The process took place in three rounds: two using a personalized and anonymous online voting platform and one face-to-face. Whenever participants did not agree with a specific recommendation, an option to explain why was offered to enable free-text responses and provide the opportunity for the experts to elaborate or explain disagreement. The consensus of recommendations in each round was accepted when reached ≥80% agreement. Results and conclusion: The recommendations are presented according to the stage of treatment and severity of the disease in three domains: management and treatment (drug and surgical interventions), criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of medical treatment, and follow-up/ patient monitoring after initial treatment, follow-up/ patient monitoring after initial treatment. Surgical recommendations were grouped according to disease type and recommended surgery. The target audience for this consensus was general practitioners, gastroenterologists, and surgeons interested in the treatment and management of pediatric CD and UC. Additionally, the consensus aimed to support the decision-making of health insurance companies, regulatory agencies, and health institutional leaders and/or administrators.

RESUMO Contexto: Aproximadamente 25% dos pacientes desenvolvem doença inflamatória intestinal (DII) durante a infância ou adolescência, e o tratamento visa controlar os sintomas ativos e prevenir complicações a longo prazo. O tratamento da doença de Crohn (DC) e retocolite ulcerativa (RCU) pode ser especialmente desafiador em crianças e adolescentes, relacionado a particularidades que podem afetar o crescimento, o desenvolvimento e a puberdade. Objetivo: Este consenso visa fornecer orientações sobre o tratamento clínico e cirúrgico mais eficaz de pacientes pediátricos com DC ou RCU. Métodos: Gastroenterologistas brasileiros especialistas em DII Pediátrico membro da Organização Brasileira para Doença de Crohn e Colite (GEDIIB) desenvolveram este consenso. Uma revisão rápida foi realizada para apoiar as recomendações/declarações. As recomendações médicas e cirúrgicas foram estruturadas e mapeadas de acordo com o tipo de doença, atividade da doença e indicações e contraindicações para tratamento médico e cirúrgico. Após a estruturação das declarações, foi utilizada a metodologia modificada do Painel Delphi para conduzir a votação. O processo ocorreu em três rodadas: duas por meio de uma plataforma de votação online personalizada e anônima e uma presencial. Sempre que os participantes não concordavam com a recomendação específica, uma opção para explicar o motivo era oferecida para permitir respostas em texto livre e dar a oportunidade para os especialistas elaborarem ou explicarem a discordância. O consenso das recomendações em cada rodada foi aceito quando houve concordância ≥80%. Resultados e conclusão: As recomendações são apresentadas de acordo com o estágio de tratamento e gravidade da doença em três domínios: manejo e tratamento (intervenções medicamentosas e cirúrgicas), critérios para avaliar a eficácia do tratamento médico, acompanhamento/monitoramento do paciente após tratamento. As recomendações cirúrgicas foram agrupadas de acordo com o tipo de doença e cirurgia recomendada. O público-alvo deste consenso foram clínicos gerais, gastroenterologistas e cirurgiões interessados no tratamento e manejo da RCU e DC pediátrica. Além disso, o consenso visava apoiar a tomada de decisão das operadoras de planos de saúde, agências reguladoras e líderes e/ou administradores de instituições de saúde.

Rev. dor ; 13(3): 243-248, jul.-set. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-650707


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Há poucos dados na literatura sobre constipação intestinal secundária ao uso de morfina em pacientes com câncer. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o hábito intestinal de pacientes com câncer em uso de morfina. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo, não aleatório, realizado no período de fevereiro a novembro de 2007. Todos os pacientes tinham câncer, idade superior a quatro anos e utilizavam morfina para o controle da dor. Após 24h do início da morfina os pacientes receberam laxantes. A avaliação do hábito intestinal foi realizada através de um questionário estruturado. Quando necessário, foi realizado desimpactação das fezes por via retal ou oral. RESULTADOS: Foram admitidos 22 pacientes com câncer e idade entre cinco e 35 anos (média 16,7 anos), dos quais 63,6% estavam em cuidados paliativos. Na primeira semana de uso morfina e lactulona, 40,9% dos pacientes ficaram constipados. Na segunda e terceira semanas, a constipação ocorreu em 38,8% e 16,6%, respectivamente. Com o tratamento adotado foi possível controlar o quadro de constipação em 50% dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: A constipação intestinal foi frequente; entretanto, a atenção específica ao hábito intestinal destes pacientes aumentou a adesão aos laxantes e reduziu a formação do fecaloma.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There are few data in the literature on intestinal constipation secondary to morphine in cancer patients. This study aimed at evaluating intestinal habits of cancer patients under morphine. METHOD: This is a prospective non-randomized study carried out from February to November 2007. All patients had cancer, over 4 years of age and were under morphine for pain control. Patients received laxatives 24 hours after starting with morphine. Intestinal habits were evaluated through a structured questionnaire. When needed, feces were rectally or orally desimpacted. RESULTS: Twenty-two cancer patients aged between 5 and 35 years (mean 16.7 years) were admitted, of whom 63.6% were under palliative care. During the first week under morphine and lactulose, 40.9% of patients were constipated. In the second and third weeks, constipation was present in 38.8% and 16.6% of patients, respectively. Treatment was able to control constipation in 50% of cases. CONCLUSION: Constipation was frequent however the specific attention to their intestinal habits has increased adherence to laxatives and has decreased the formation of fecal impaction.

Intestinos , Morfina , Dor