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Insects ; 10(6)2019 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31159448


Technologies that increase safety and efficiency, while facilitating and streamlining the work of seed analysts, are increasingly required by the seed industry. X-ray image analysis is a technique that has been used in the analysis of grain and seeds because it is fast, accurate and non-destructive. The traditional method to verify the presence of insect damage in seeds involves manual cutting of the seeds, which endangers the safety of the analyst and is time-consuming and repetitive work that leads to visual fatigue. The objective of this study was to compared the efficiency of radiographic analysis with and without contrast in the determination of infestation by Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), at different stages of development, in maize seeds, compared to the traditional method required by seed legislation, which consists of cutting and visual evaluation. Seeds were evaluated regarding the presence of eggs/oviposition signs, larvae, pupae, adult insects, insect damage in five infestation periods (5, 18, 33 and 35 days after infestation), while evaluating the total number of seeds infested, comparing the three methods. For characterization of the oviposition stage, the use of contrast was best at all times of infestation. For the larval stage, there was no difference between the evaluation methods; however, at 18 days, larger infestations were observed by the traditional method. At 5 days, the identification of pupae was better by the traditional method and radiography without contrast, while for the identification of adult insects the best method was the use of radiography without contrast. The characterization of the level of infestation with maize weevil damage was best verified using contrast radiography. Radiographic analysis is efficient in the detection of damage caused by S. zeamais in maize seeds. This method of radiographic analysis (with or without contrast) is thus an auxiliary tool to assess the damage and presence of S. zeamais in maize seeds.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 32(5): 1557-1562, set.-out. 2008. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-497006


Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas e períodos de pré-secagem em terreiro na composição química e qualidade da bebida do café ½cereja descascada½. Foram usadas temperaturas na massa de 40°C, 50°C e 60°C com fluxo de ar de 20m³ m-1 m2. Após a secagem, foram retirados os defeitos visíveis das amostras de café. Para avaliação da qualidade, foram realizadas as seguintes análises: análise sensorial, açúcares totais, açúcares redutores e não redutores, condutividade elétrica, lixiviação de potássio e acidez graxa. Verificou-se que menores temperaturas de secagem e um maior período de pré-secagem contribuíram para obtenção de uma bebida de melhor qualidade. Os açúcares não redutores diminuíram com o aumento da temperatura e com o aumento da pré-secagem, enquanto que elevaram-se os valores de açúcares redutores. A condutividade elétrica, lixiviação de potássio e acidez graxa aumentaram significativamente com a elevação da temperatura e a lixiviação de potássio reduziu com o aumento do período de pré-secagem. O teste de acidez graxa mostrou-se sensível a temperatura de secagem.

This work had the aim of evaluating the effect of different temperatures and pre-drying periods on yard on the chemical composition and quality of the beverage of peeled cherry coffee. Temperatures of 40°C, 50°C and 60°C were used in the mass with air flow of 20m³m-1m². After drying, the visible defects of the coffee samples were removed. For evaluation of quality, the following analyses were performed: sensorial analyses, total sugars, reducing sugars and non- reducing sugars, electrical conductivity, potassium leaching and fatty acidity. One verified that lower drying temperature and greater pre-drying period had contributed for the attainment of a better quality drink. The increase of temperature and pre-drying periods decreased the non-reducing sugars content while the values of reducing sugars increased. The electrical conductivity, potassium leaching and fatty acidity increased significantly with the rise of temperature and potassium leaching reduced with increasing of the pre-drying period. The fatty acidity test showed to be sensible to the drying temperature.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 31(2): 413-419, mar.-abr. 2007. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-454365


Com este trabalho, buscou-se caracterizar a composição química e físico-química dos grãos crus de 16 cultivares de café Coffea arabica L., com o intuito de avaliar novos materiais desenvolvidos com resistência à ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix Berg. et Br.) em comparação aos tradicionais. Desta forma, frutos provenientes do ensaio de melhoramento genético do MAPA/PROCAFÉ, localizado na Fazenda Experimental de Varginha em MG foram colhidos e transportados imediatamente para o Pólo de Tecnologia em Pós-Colheita do Café da UFLA, onde foram lavados, descascados e secados em terreiro de concreto. Após o beneficiamento, os grãos foram acondicionados em latas de alumínio e armazenados a 15°C. Os frutos avaliados correspondiam às cultivares 'Acaiá', 'Acauã', 'Bourbon Amarelo', 'Canário', 'Catuaí Amarelo', 'Catuaí Vermelho', 'Catucaí Amarelo', 'Catucaí Vermelho', 'Icatu Amarelo', 'Icatu Vermelho' 'Mundo Novo', 'Palma', 'Rubi', 'Sabiá 398', 'Siriema' e 'Topázio', do ano safra 2002. Os grãos crus foram moídos em moinho de bola com nitrogênio líquido. As análises realizadas foram: açúcares totais, redutores e não-redutores, extrato etéreo, polifenóis e cafeína. Diferenças foram consideradas significativas e as cultivares apresentaram variações para os teores de todos os compostos avaliados, indicando haver uma influência do genótipo sobre esses constituintes.

The aim of this article is characterizing the chemical and physical chemical composition of raw grains and analyzing new resistent material to rust (Hemilea vastatrix Berg. et Br.) compared to the traditional ones. The fruits were originated from breeding experiments from MAPA/PROCAFÉ, localized in the experimental farm of Varginha , Minas Gerais state. They were harvested and taken to the Postharvest Technology Center of Universidade Federal de Lavras, where they were washed, peeled and dried in a concrete ground. After cleaning, the grains were packed in aluminun box and stored at 15°C. The utilized fruits cultivars were: 'Acaiá', 'Acauã', 'Bourbon Amarelo', 'Canário', 'Catuaí Amarelo', 'Catuaí Vermelho', 'Catucaí Amarelo', 'Catucaí Vermelho', 'Icatu Amarelo', 'Icatu Vermelho', 'Mundo Novo', 'Palma', 'Rubi', 'Sabiá 398', 'Siriema' e 'Topázio', from 2002 harvest. The raw beans were tritured in a ball mills with liquid N2 . The accomplished analyses were: total sugars, reducers and non reducers, ethereal extract, polyphenols and caffeine. Differences were considered as significants and the cultivars showed variations related to tenors of all the evalued compositions, indicating to have influences of genotypo on these constituents.