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Front Psychol ; 13: 867899, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35356324


Training for sustainable development is an educational challenge of prime importance. Physical activity and sports in natural environments provide training committed to sustainability and environmental education. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an undergraduate training program in Physical Activities and Sports in Natural Environments concerned with sustainable development. A total of 113 students from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) who are studying a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education and High School (specializing in Physical Education) were involved. Specifically, we aimed to assess the impact of this training program on three dimensions related to Environmental Education (knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes). Its effect was also examined bearing in mind students' sex, age and educational profile (sportive and educational). Mixed-methods were used: for the quantitative approach, data were collected with the Environmental Attitude in Physical Activities in Natural Environments validated scale; for the qualitative approach individual reflective diaries completed by students that attended the program were analyzed. The results show positive effects on the students regarding the three dimensions of Environmental Education, for both the sportive and educational training profiles. The quantitative results do not present significant differences concerning the gender variable, although the qualitative information shows that female students perceived a greater environmental sensitivity during their practices. Regarding the age variable, significant differences are found in the youngest students with an educational profile. To conclude, the study ratifies that the program carried out generated improvements in terms of knowledge, behaviors and attitudes toward the environment and sustainable development. Future research should use larger samples and consider other variables related to education for sustainability.

Inmunología (1987) ; 25(1): 39-49, mar. 2006. ilus
Artigo em Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-047749


El correcto movimiento y posicionamiento celular son elementosclaves en el desarrollo, determinantes tanto en situacionesfisiológicas como patológicas. Probablemente sea en el sistemainmunológico donde más extensamente se han estudiado losprocesos de migración celular, ya que muchos aspectos de la respuestainmune están directamente relacionados con la regulacióndel tráfico leucocitario. La migración de leucocitos es un procesoaltamente coordinado en el que participan muchas moléculas ysus correspondientes receptores. En esta revisión, nos centramosprincipalmente en las quimiocinas, moléculas con capacidad quimioatrayente,y en los opioides, ya que, aunque normalmente suactividad se ha considerado restringida al sistema nervioso, tambiénafectan a las células inmunes y modulan su movilidad. Larespuesta inmune es un proceso muy dinámico que depende dela concentración de una gran variedad de moléculas que aparentementepueden no tener ninguna relación así como de la presenciade los receptores para esas moléculas en la membrana celular

Correct cell movement and positioning are central elementsin development, and influence both normal physiology and diseasestates. Cell movement has probably been studied most extensivelyin the immune system, where many aspects of the immuneresponse are closely related to coordination of leukocyte trafficking.Leukocyte migration is thus a highly regulated processthat implicates many molecules and receptors. In this reviewwe focus our attention on chemokines, classical chemoattractantmolecules and on opioids, molecules that usually act on thenervous system but that also affect immune cells and modulatetheir movement. The final immune response is a very dynamicprocess that depends on the amount of a variety of different apparentlyunrelated molecules and on the presence at the cell membraneof their corresponding receptors

Humanos , Fatores Inibidores da Migração de Leucócitos/análise , Quimiocinas/farmacocinética , Entorpecentes/farmacocinética , Inflamação/imunologia , Movimento Celular/imunologia