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Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22278973


In late 2020, the JCVI (the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, which provides advice to the Department of Health and Social Care, England) made two important recommendations for the initial roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine. The first was that vaccines should be targeted to the elderly and vulnerable, with the aim of maximally preventing disease rather than infection. The second was to increase the interval between first and second doses from 3 to 12 weeks. Here, we re-examine these recommendations through a mathematical model of SARS-CoV-2 infection in England. We show that targeting the most vulnerable had the biggest immediate impact (compared to targeting younger individuals who may be more responsible for transmission). The 12-week delay was also highly beneficial, estimated to have averted between 32-72 thousand hospital admissions and 4-9 thousand deaths over the first ten months of the campaign (December 2020 - September 2021) depending on the assumed interaction between dose interval and efficacy.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22276316


One of the key features of any infectious disease is whether infection generates long-lasting immunity or whether repeated reinfection is common. In the former, the long-term dynamics are driven by the birth of susceptible individuals while in the latter the dynamics are governed by the speed of waning immunity. Between these two extremes a range of scenarios is possible. During the early waves of SARS-CoV-2, the underlying paradigm was for long-lasting immunity, but more recent data and in particular the 2022 Omicron waves have shown that reinfection can be relatively common. Here we investigate reported SARS-CoV-2 cases in England, partitioning the data into four main waves, and consider the temporal distribution of first and second reports of infection. We show that a simple low-dimensional statistical model of random (but scaled) reinfection captures much of the observed dynamics, with the value of this scaling, k, providing information of underlying epidemiological patterns. We conclude that there is considerable heterogeneity in risk of reporting reinfection by wave, age-group and location. The high levels of reinfection in the Omicron wave (we estimate that 18% of all Omicron cases had been previously infected, although not necessarily previously reported infection) point to reinfection events dominating future COVID-19 dynamics.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22274150


BackgroundFew studies have assessed the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines in settings where most of the population had been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection. MethodsWe conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of COVID-19 vaccine in Kenya from a societal perspective over a 1.5-year time frame. An age-structured transmission model assumed at least 80% of the population to have prior natural immunity when an immune escape variant was introduced. We examine the effect of slow (18 months) or rapid (6 months) vaccine roll-out with vaccine coverage of 30%, 50% or 70% of the adult (> 18 years) population prioritizing roll-out in over 50-year olds (80% uptake in all scenarios). Cost data were obtained from primary analyses. We assumed vaccine procurement at $7 per dose and vaccine delivery costs of $3.90-$6.11 per dose. The cost-effectiveness threshold was USD 919. FindingsSlow roll-out at 30% coverage largely targets over 50-year-olds and resulted in 54% fewer deaths (8,132(7,914 to 8,373)) than no vaccination and was cost-saving (ICER=US$-1,343 (-1,345 to - 1,341) per DALY averted). Increasing coverage to 50% and 70%, further reduced deaths by 12% (810 (757 to 872) and 5% (282 (251 to 317) but was not cost-effective, using Kenyas cost-effectiveness threshold ($ 919.11). Rapid roll-out with 30% coverage averted 63% more deaths and was more cost-saving (ICER=$-1,607 (-1,609 to -1,604) per DALY averted) compared to slow roll-out at the same coverage level, but 50% and 70% coverage scenarios were not cost-effective. InterpretationWith prior exposure partially protecting much of the Kenyan population, vaccination of young adults may no longer be cost-effective. KEY QUESTIONSO_ST_ABSWhat is already known?C_ST_ABSO_LIThe COVID-19 pandemic has led to a substantial number of cases and deaths in low-and middle-income countries. C_LIO_LICOVID-19 vaccines are considered the main strategy of curtailing the pandemic. However, many African nations are still at the early phase of vaccination. C_LIO_LIEvidence on the cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines are useful in estimating value for money and illustrate opportunity costs. However, there is a need to balance these economic outcomes against the potential impact of vaccination. C_LI What are the new findings?O_LIIn Kenya, a targeted vaccination strategy that prioritizes those of an older age and is deployed at a rapid rollout speed achieves greater marginal health impacts and is better value for money. C_LIO_LIGiven the existing high-level population protection to COVID-19 due to prior exposure, vaccination of younger adults is less cost-effective in Kenya. C_LI What do the new findings imply?O_LIRapid deployment of vaccines during a pandemic averts more cases, hospitalisations, and deaths and is more cost-effective. C_LIO_LIAgainst a context of constrained fiscal space for health, it is likely more prudent for Kenya to target those at severe risk of disease and possibly other vulnerable populations rather than to the whole population. C_LI

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22272535


Control and mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic in England has relied on a combination of vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). Some of these NPIs are extremely costly (economically and socially), so it was important to relax these promptly without overwhelming already burdened health services. The eventual policy was a Roadmap of four relaxation steps throughout 2021, taking England from lock-down to the cessation of all restrictions on social interaction. In a series of six Roadmap documents generated throughout 2021, models assessed the potential risk of each relaxation step. Here we show that the model projections generated a reliable estimation of medium-term hospital admission trends, with the data points up to September 2021 generally lying within our 95% prediction intervals. The greatest uncertainties in the modelled scenarios came from vaccine efficacy estimates against novel variants, and from assumptions about human behaviour in the face of changing restrictions and risk.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22269877


BackgroundThe SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has generated considerable morbidity and mortality world-wide. While the protection offered by vaccines (and booster doses) offers a method of mitigating the worst effects, by the end of 2021 the distribution of vaccine was highly heterogeneous with some countries achieving over 90% coverage in adults by the end of 2021, while others have less than 2%. In part, this is due to the availability of sufficient vaccine, although vaccine hesitancy also plays a role. MethodsWe use an age-structured model of SARS-CoV-2 dynamics, matched to national data from 152 countries, to investigate the global impact of different vaccine sharing protocols during 2021. We assume a direct relationship between the emergence of variants with increased transmissibility and the cumulative amount of global infection, such that lower global prevalence leads to a lower reproductive number within each country. We compare five vaccine sharing scenarios, from the current situation, through sharing once a particular within-country threshold is reached (e.g. all over 40s have received 2 doses), to full sharing where all countries achieve equal age-dependent vaccine deployment. FindingsCompared to the observed distribution of vaccine uptake, we estimate full vaccine sharing would have generated a 1.5% (PI -0.1 - 4.5%) reduction in infections and a 11.3% (PI 0.6 - 23.2%) reduction in mortality globally by January 2022. The greatest benefit of vaccine sharing would have been experienced by low and middle income countries, who see an average 5.2% (PI 2.5% - 10.4%) infection reduction and 26.8% (PI 24.1% - 31.3%) mortality reduction. Many high income countries, that have had high vaccine uptake (most notably Canada, Chile, UK and USA), suffer increased infections and mortality under most of the sharing protocols investigated, assuming no other counter measures had been taken. However, if reductions in vaccine supply in these countries had been offset by prolonged use of non-pharmaceutical intervention measures, we predict far greater reductions in global infection and mortality of 64.5% (PI 62.6% - 65.4%) and 62.8% (PI 44.0% - 76.3%), respectively. InterpretationBy itself, our results suggest that although more equitable vaccine distribution would have had limited impact on overall infection numbers, vaccine sharing would have substantially reduced global mortality by providing earlier protection of the most vulnerable. If increased vaccine sharing from high income nations had been combined with slower easing of non pharmaceutical interventions to compensate for this, a large reduction in both infection and mortality globally would be expected, confounded by a lower risk of new variants arising.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21268131


Quantitative assessments of the recent state of an epidemic and short-term projections into the near future are key public health tools that have substantial policy impacts, helping to determine if existing control measures are sufficient or need to be strengthened. Key to these quantitative assessments is the ability to rapidly and robustly measure the speed with which the epidemic is growing or decaying. Frequently, epidemiological trends are addressed in terms of the (time-varying) reproductive number R. Here, we take a more parsimonious approach and calculate the exponential growth rate, r, using a Bayesian hierarchical model to fit a Gaussian process to the epidemiological data. We show how the method can be employed when only case data from positive tests are available, and the improvement gained by including the total number of tests as a measure of heterogeneous testing effort. Although the methods are generic, we apply them to SARS-CoV-2 cases and testing in England, making use of the available high-resolution spatio-temporal data to determine long-term patterns of national growth, highlight regional growth and spatial heterogeneity.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21268307


Throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the worldwide transmission and replication of SARS-COV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19 disease, has resulted in the opportunity for multiple mutations to occur that may alter the virus transmission characteristics, the effectiveness of vaccines and the severity of disease upon infection. The Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) was first reported to the WHO by South Africa on 24 November 2021 and was declared a variant of concern by the WHO on 26 November 2021. The variant was first detected in the UK on 27 November 2021 and has since been reported in a number of countries globally where it is frequently associated with rapid increase in cases. Here we present analyses of UK data showing the earliest signatures of the Omicron variant and mathematical modelling that uses the UK data to simulate the potential impact of this variant in the UK. In order to account for the uncertainty in transmission advantage, vaccine escape and severity at the time of writing, we carry out a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of these variant characteristics on future risk.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21266079


1The reduction in SARS-CoV-2 transmission from contact tracing applications (apps) depends both on the number of contacts notified and on the probability that those contacts quarantine after notification. Referring to the number of days preceding a positive test that contacts are notified as an apps notification window, we use an epidemiological model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission that captures the profile of infection to consider the trade-off between notification window length and active app-usage. We focus on 5-day and 2-day windows, the lengths used by the NHS COVID-19 app in England and Wales before and after 2nd August 2021, respectively. Short windows can be more effective at reducing transmission if they are associated with higher levels of active app usage and adherence to isolation upon notification, demonstrating the importance of understanding adherence to control measures when setting notification windows for COVID-19 apps.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21265977


In many countries, an extensive vaccination programme has substantially reduced the public-health impact of SARS-CoV-2, limiting the number of hospital admissions and deaths compared to an unmitigated epidemic. Ensuring a low-risk transition from the current situation to one in which SARS-CoV-2 is endemic requires maintenance of high levels of population immunity. The observed waning of vaccine efficacy over time suggests that booster doses may be required to maintain population immunity especially in the most vulnerable groups. Here, using data and models for England, we consider the dynamics of COVID-19 over a two-year time-frame, and the role that booster vaccinations can play in mitigating the worst effects. We find that boosters are necessary to suppress the imminent wave of infections that would be generated by waning vaccine efficacy. Projecting further into the future, the optimal deployment of boosters is highly sensitive to their long-term action. If protection from boosters wanes slowly (akin to protection following infection) then a single booster dose to the over 50s may be all that is needed over the next two-years. However, if protection wanes more rapidly (akin to protection following second dose vaccination) then annual or even biannual boosters are required to limit subsequent epidemic peaks an reduce the pressure on public health services.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21260271


BackgroundTo control within-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission in England, secondary school pupils have been encouraged to participate in twice weekly mass testing via lateral flow device tests (LFTs) from 8th March 2021, to complement an isolation of close contacts policy in place since 31st August 2020. Strategies involving the isolation of close contacts can lead to high levels of absences, negatively impacting pupils. MethodsWe fit a stochastic individual-based model of secondary schools to both community swab testing data and secondary school absences data. By simulating epidemics in secondary schools from 31st August 2020 until 21st May 2021, we quantify within-school transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools in England, the impact of twice weekly mass testing on within-school transmission, and the potential impact of alternative strategies to the isolation of close contacts in reducing pupil absences. FindingsThe within-school reproduction number, Rschool, has remained below 1 from 31st August 2020 until 21st May 2021. Twice weekly mass testing using LFTs have helped to control within-school transmission in secondary schools in England. A strategy of serial contact testing alongside mass testing substantially reduces absences compared to strategies involving isolating close contacts, with only a marginal increase in within-school transmission. InterpretationSecondary school control strategies involving mass testing have the potential to control within-school transmission while substantially reducing absences compared to an isolation of close contacts policy.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21259100


Policy decisions on COVID-19 interventions should be informed by a local, regional and national understanding of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Epidemic waves may result when restrictions are lifted or poorly adhered to, variants with new phenotypic properties successfully invade, or when infection spreads to susceptible sub-populations. Three COVID-19 epidemic waves have been observed in Kenya. Using a mechanistic mathematical model we explain the first two distinct waves by differences in contact rates in high and low social-economic groups, and the third wave by the introduction of a new higher-transmissibility variant. Reopening schools led to a minor increase in transmission between the second and third waves. Our predictions of current population exposure in Kenya ([~]75% June 1st) have implications for a fourth wave and future control strategies. One Sentence SummaryCOVID-19 spread in Kenya is explained by mixing heterogeneity and a variant less constrained by high population exposure

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21258476


Viral reproduction of SARS-CoV-2 provides opportunities for the acquisition of advantageous mutations, altering viral transmissibility, disease severity, and/or allowing escape from natural or vaccine-derived immunity. We use three mathematical models: a parsimonious deterministic model with homogeneous mixing; an age-structured model; and a stochastic importation model to investigate the effect of potential variants of concern (VOCs). Calibrating to the situation in England in May 2021, we find epidemiological trajectories for putative VOCs are wide-ranging and dependent on their transmissibility, immune escape capability, and the introduction timing of a postulated VOC-targeted vaccine. We demonstrate that a VOC with a substantial transmission advantage over resident variants, or with immune escape properties, can generate a wave of infections and hospitalisations comparable to the winter 2020-2021 wave. Moreover, a variant that is less transmissible, but shows partial immune-escape could provoke a wave of infection that would not be revealed until control measures are further relaxed.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21255949


BackgroundEven with good progress on vaccination, SARS-CoV-2 infections in the UK may continue to impose a high burden of disease and therefore pose substantial challenges for health policy decision makers. Stringent government-mandated physical distancing measures (lockdown) have been demonstrated to be epidemiologically effective, but can have both positive and negative economic consequences. The duration and frequency of any intervention policy could, in theory, could be optimised to maximise economic benefits while achieving substantial reductions in disease. MethodsHere we use a pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 transmission model to assess the health and economic implications of different strengths of control through time in order to identify optimal approaches to non-pharmaceutical intervention stringency in the UK, considering the role of vaccination in reducing the need for future physical distancing measures. The model is calibrated to the COVID-19 epidemic in England and we carry out retrospective analysis of the optimal timing of precautionary breaks in 2020 and the optimal relaxation policy from the January 2021 lockdown, considering the willingness to pay for health improvement. ResultsWe find that the precise timing and intensity of interventions is highly dependent upon the objective of control. As intervention measures are relaxed, we predict a resurgence in cases, but the optimal intervention policy can be established dependent upon the willingness to pay (WTP) per QALY loss avoided. Our results show that establishing an optimal level of control can result in a reduction in net monetary loss of billions of pounds, dependent upon the precise WTP value. ConclusionsIt is vital, as the UK emerges from lockdown, but continues to face an on-going pandemic, to accurately establish the overall health and economic costs when making policy decisions. We demonstrate how some of these can be quantified, employing mechanistic infectious disease transmission models to establish optimal levels of control for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21253542


The swift development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has been met with worldwide commendation. How-ever, in the context of an ongoing pandemic there is an interplay between infection and vaccination. Whilst infection can grow exponentially, vaccination rates are generally limited by supply and logistics. With the first SARS-CoV-2 vaccines receiving medical approval requiring two doses, there has been scrutiny on the spacing between doses; an elongated period between doses allows more of the population to receive a first vaccine dose in the short-term generating wide-spread partial immunity. Focusing on data from England, we investigated prioritisation of a one dose or two dose vaccination schedule given a fixed number of vaccine doses and with respect to a measure of maximising averted deaths. We optimised outcomes for two different estimates of population size and relative risk of mortality for at-risk groups within the Phase 1 vaccine priority order. Vaccines offering relatively high protection from the first dose favour strategies that prioritise giving more people one dose, although with increasing vaccine supply eventually those eligible and accepting vaccination will receive two doses. Whilst optimal dose timing can substantially reduce the overall mortality risk, there needs to be careful consideration of the logistics of vaccine delivery.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21251484


The introduction of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 infection, in the UK in early 2020, resulted in the UK government introducing several control policies in order to reduce the spread of disease. As part of these restrictions, schools were closed to all pupils in March (except for vulnerable and key worker children), before re-opening to certain year groups in June. Finally all school children returned to the classroom in September. In this paper, we analyse the data on school absences from September 2020 to December 2020 as a result of COVID-19 infection and how that varied through time as other measures in the community were introduced. We utilise data from the Educational Settings database compiled by the Department for Education and examine how pupil and teacher absences change in both primary and secondary schools. Our results show that absences as a result of COVID-19 infection rose steadily following the re-opening of schools in September. Cases in teachers were seen to decline during the November lockdown, particularly in those regions that had previously been in tier 3, the highest level of control at the time. Cases in secondary school pupils increased for the first two weeks of the November lockdown, before decreasing. Since the introduction of the tier system, the number of absences owing to confirmed infection in primary schools was observed to be significantly lower than in secondary schools across all regions and tiers. In December, we observed a large rise in the number of absences per school in secondary school settings in the South East and Greater London, but such rises were not observed in other regions or in primary school settings. We conjecture that the increased transmissibility of the new variant in these regions may have contributed to this rise in cases in secondary schools. Finally, we observe a positive correlation between cases in the community and cases in schools in most regions, with weak evidence suggesting that cases in schools lag behind cases in the surrounding community. We conclude that there is not significant evidence to suggest that schools are playing a significant role in driving spread in the community and that careful monitoring may be required as schools re-open to determine the effect associated with open schools upon community incidence.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20248896


BackgroundThe announcement of efficacious vaccine candidates against SARS-CoV-2 has been met with worldwide acclaim and relief. Many countries already have detailed plans for vaccine targeting based on minimising severe illness, death and healthcare burdens. Normally, relatively simple relationships between epidemiological parameters, vaccine efficacy and vaccine uptake predict the success of any immunisation programme. However, the dynamics of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 is made more complex by age-dependent factors, changing levels of infection and the potential relaxation of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) as the perceived risk declines. MethodsIn this study we use an age-structured mathematical model, matched to a range of epidemiological data in the UK, that also captures the roll-out of a two-dose vaccination programme targeted at specific age groups. FindingsWe consider the interaction between the UK vaccination programme and future relaxation (or removal) of NPIs. Our predictions highlight the population-level risks of early relaxation leading to a pronounced wave of infection, hospital admissions and deaths. Only vaccines that offer high infection-blocking efficacy with high uptake in the general population allow relaxation of NPIs without a huge surge in deaths. InterpretationWhile the novel vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 offer a potential exit strategy for this outbreak, this is highly contingent on the infection-blocking (or transmission-blocking) action of the vaccine and the population uptake, both of which need to be carefully monitored as vaccine programmes are rolled out in the UK and other countries. Research in contextO_ST_ABSEvidence before this studyC_ST_ABSVaccination has been seen as a key tool in the fight against SARS-CoV-2. The vaccines already developed represent a major technological achievement and have been shown to generate significant immune responses, as well as offering considerable protection against disease. However, to date there is limited information on the degree of infection-blocking these vaccines are likely to induce. Mathematical models have already successfully been used to consider age- and risk-structured targeting of vaccination, highlighting the importance of prioritising older and high-risk individuals. Added value of this studyTranslating current knowledge and uncertainty of vaccine behaviour into meaningful public health messages requires models that fully capture the within-country epidemiology as well as the complex roll-out of a two-dose vaccination programme. We show that under reasonable assumptions for vaccine efficacy and uptake the UK is unlikely to reach herd immunity, which means that non-pharmaceutical interventions cannot be released without generating substantial waves of infection. Implications of all the available evidenceVaccination is likely to provide substantial individual protection to those receiving two doses, but the degree of protection to the wider population is still uncertain. While substantial immunisation of the most vulnerable groups will allow for some relaxation of controls, this must be done gradually to prevent large scale public health consequences.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20242941


Identification of those at greatest risk of death due to the substantial threat of COVID-19 can benefit from novel approaches to epidemiology that leverage large datasets and complex machine-learning models, provide data-driven intelligence, and guide decisions such as intensive-care unit admission (ICUA). The objective of this study is two-fold, one substantive and one methodological: substantively to evaluate the association of demographic and health records with two related, yet different, outcomes of severe COVID-19 (viz., death and ICUA); methodologically to compare interpretations based on logistic regression and on gradient-boosted decision tree (GBDT) predictions interpreted by means of the Shapley impacts of covariates. Very different association of some factors, e.g., obesity and chronic respiratory diseases, with death and ICUA may guide review of practice. Shapley explanation of GBDTs identified varying effects of some factors among patients, thus emphasising the importance of individual patient assessment. The results of this study are also relevant for the evaluation of complex automated clinical decision systems, which should optimise prediction scores whilst remaining interpretable to clinicians and mitigating potential biases. Author summaryThe design is a retrospective cohort study of 13954 in-patients of ages ranging from 1 to 105 year (IQR: 56, 70, 81) with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 by 28th June 2020. This study used multivariable logistic regression to generate odd ratios (ORs) multiply adjusted for 37 covariates (comorbidities, demographic, and others) selected on the basis of clinical interest and prior findings. Results were supplemented by gradient-boosted decision tree (GBDT) classification to generate Shapley values in order to evaluate the impact of the covariates on model output for all patients. Factors are differentially associated with death and ICUA and among patients. Deaths due to COVID-19 were associated with immunosuppression due to disease (OR 1.39, 95% CI 1.10-1.76), type-2 diabetes (OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.17-1.46), chronic respiratory disease (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.05-1.35), age (OR 1.56/10-year increment, 95% CI 1.52-1.61), and male sex (OR 1.54, 95% CI1.42-1.68). Associations of ICUA with some factors differed in direction (e.g., age, chronic respiratory disease). Self-reported ethnicities were strongly but variably associated with both outcomes. GBDTs had similar performance (ROC-AUC, ICUA 0.83, death 0.68 for GBDT; 0.80 and 0.68 for logistic regression). We derived importance scores based on Shapley values which were consistent with the ORs, despite the underlying machine-learning model being intrinsically different to the logistic regression. Chronic heart disease, hypertension, other comorbidities, and some ethnicities had Shapley impacts on death ranging from positive to negative among different patients, although consistently associated with ICUA for all. Immunosuppressive disease, type-2 diabetes, and chronic liver and respiratory diseases had positive impacts on death with either positive or negative on ICUA. We highlight the complexity of informing clinical practice and public-health interventions. We recommend that clinical support systems should not only predict patients at risk, but also yield interpretable outputs for validation by domain experts.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20238600


We explore the spatial and temporal spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus under containment measures in three European countries based on fits to data of the early outbreak. Using data from Spain and Italy, we estimate an age dependent infection fatality ratio for SARS-CoV-2, as well as risks of hospitalization and intensive care admission. We use them in a model that simulates the dynamics of the virus using an age structured, spatially detailed agent based approach, that explicitly incorporates governamental interventions, changes in mobility and contact patterns occurred during the COVID-19 outbreak in each country. Our simulations reproduce several of the features of its spatio-temporal spread in the three countries studied. They show that containment measures combined with high density are responsible for the containment of cases within densely populated areas, and that spread to less densely populated areas occurred during the late stages of the first wave. The capability to reproduce observed features of the spatio-temporal dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 makes this model a potential candidate for forecasting the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in other settings, and we recommend its application in low and lower-middle countries which remain understudied.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20230649


BackgroundAs part of a concerted pandemic response to protect public health, businesses can enact non-pharmaceutical controls to minimise exposure to pathogens in workplaces and premises open to the public. Amendments to working practices can lead to the amount, duration and/or proximity of interactions being changed, ultimately altering the dynamics of disease spread. These modifications could be specific to the type of business being operated. MethodsWe use a data-driven approach to parameterise an individual-based network model for transmission of SARS-CoV-2 amongst the working population, stratified into work sectors. The network is comprised of layered contacts to consider the risk of spread in multiple encounter settings (workplaces, households, social and other). We analyse several interventions targeted towards working practices: mandating a fraction of the population to work from home; using temporally asynchronous work patterns; and introducing measures to create COVID-secure workplaces. We also assess the general role of adherence to (or effectiveness of) isolation and test and trace measures and demonstrate the impact of all these interventions across a variety of relevant metrics. ResultsThe progress of the epidemic can be significantly hindered by instructing a significant proportion of the workforce to work from home. Furthermore, if required to be present at the workplace, asynchronous work patterns can help to reduce infections when compared with scenarios where all workers work on the same days, particularly for longer working weeks. When assessing COVID-secure workplace measures, we found that smaller work teams and a greater reduction in transmission risk reduced the probability of large, prolonged outbreaks. Finally, following isolation guidance and engaging with contact tracing without other measures is an effective tool to curb transmission, but is highly sensitive to adherence levels. ConclusionsIn the absence of sufficient adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions, our results indicate a high likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 spreading widely throughout a worker population. Given the heterogeneity of demographic attributes across worker roles, in addition to the individual nature of controls such as contact tracing, we demonstrate the utility of a network model approach to investigate workplace-targeted intervention strategies and the role of test, trace and isolation in tackling disease spread.