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Chin J Sociol ; 1(3): 333-355, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26478685


IPUMS-International disseminates harmonized census microdata for more than 80 countries at no cost, although access is restricted to bona-fide researchers and students who agree to the stringent conditions of use license. Currently over 270 samples are available, totalling more than 600 million person records. Each year 15-20 additional samples are released, as more countries cooperate with the IPUMS initiative and the integration of 2010 round census samples is completed. With so much microdata so readily available, questions of data quality naturally arise. This paper focusses on the concept of statistical coherence over time for a single concept, primary schooling completed. From an analysis of the percentage completing primary schooling by birth year for pairs of samples for thirteen Asia-Pacific countries, we find outstanding coherence for four-China, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Indonesia-with mean differences of less than 0.5 percentage points, regression coefficient (b) ranging from 0.93 to 1.07 and R2 =.99. For the thirteen countries as a group there is considerable variation overall with mean absolute difference as high as 16 percentage points, b ranging from 0.62-1.44 and R2=.65-.99. As a whole, statistical coherence of primary schooling is outstanding. Nonetheless, to make expert use of the harmonized microdata, researchers are cautioned to carefully study the IPUMS integrated metadata as well as the original source documentation. National Statistical Offices not currently cooperating or that have not yet entrusted 2010 round census microdata are invited to do so.

J Demogr Economics ; 81(2): 203-216, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26236495


The Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) International partnership is a project of the Minnesota Population Center and national statistical agencies, dedicated to collecting and distributing census data from around the world. IPUMS is currently disseminating data on over a half-billion persons enumerated in more than 250 census samples from 79 countries. The data series includes information on a broad range of population characteristics, including fertility, nuptiality, life-course transitions, migration, labor-force participation, occupational structure, education, ethnicity, and household composition. This paper describes sample characteristics and data structure; the data integration process including the creation of constructed family interrelationship variables; the flexible dissemination system that enables researchers to build customized extracts of pooled census samples across time and place; and some of the most significant findings that have emerged from the database.

Popul Res Policy Rev ; 32(1): 81-102, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25506110


The explosive expansion of non-marital cohabitation in Latin America since the 1970s has led to the narrowing of the gap in educational homogamy between married and cohabiting couples (what we call "homogamy gap") as shown by our analysis of 29 census samples encompassing eight countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and Panama (N = 2,295,160 young couples). Most research on the homogamy gap is limited to a single decade and a small group of developed countries (the United States, Canada, and Europe). We take a historical and cross-national perspective and expand the research to a range of developing countries, where since early colonial times traditional forms of cohabitation among the poor, uneducated sectors of society have coexisted with marriage, although to widely varying degrees from country to country. In recent decades, cohabitation is emerging in all sectors of society. We find that among married couples educational homogamy continues to be higher than for those who cohabit, but in recent decades the difference has narrowed substantially in all countries. We argue that assortative mating between cohabiting and married couples tend to be similar when the contexts in which they are formed are also increasingly similar.

Rev Demogr Hist ; 30(1): 69-88, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25506369


Over the past decade a revolution has occurred in the dissemination and analysis of census microdata. This paper discusses the IPUMS-International initiative to liberate census data for researchers world-wide without cost. As of June 2013, academic researchers and policy makers may access, 234 anonymized samples representing 74 countries and totaling over one-half billion person records. The database expands with the addition of 20-30 samples each year. Data are downloadable as extracts from the project website: To facilitate good use, both metadata and microdata are integrated. The analysis of 450 citations in the project bibliography reveals patterns in publications by country and topic.

Estadastica ; 65(184): 31-45, 2013 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26028691


Seventy years of Inter American Statistical cooperation, symbolized by the 70th anniversary of Estadística, made possible the construction of IPUMS-International, the world's largest integrated census microdata dissemination site, Currently, the site offers access to 238 samples totaling over 540 million person records representing 74 countries. The Americas, which account for only about one-seventh of the world's population, amount to over one-third (36%) of the person records in the IPUMS-International database. Likewise, 35% of the citations in the IPUMS-International bibliography are for studies focused on Latin America, with about half of these analyzing a single Latin American country. This article discusses salient features of the IPUMS integration methods and system. National Statistical Institutes that have not yet entrusted 2010 census microdata to the initiative are invited to do so. Researchers and teachers are invited to use the data freely in analysis and teaching. Setenta años de cooperación estadística inter-Americana, simbolizada por el 70 aniversario de la revista Estadística, han hecho posible la construcción de IPUMS-internacional, la base en línea de microdatos censales harmonizados más grande del mundo, Actualmente, IPUMS proporciona acceso a 238 muestras con más de 540 millones de registros individuales de 74 países. Las Américas, que albergan una séptima parte de la población mundial, representan más de un tercio (36%) de todos los registros individuales en la base de datos IPUMS-internacional. Asimismo, el 35% de todas las referencias en la bibliografía de IPUMS son de estudios realizados sobre América Latina, la mitad de éstas basadas en un sólo país de la región. Este artículo presenta las principales características del sistema de integración y difusión de datos de IPUMS. Los Institutos Nacionales de Estadísticas que todavía no ha entregado la muestra de microdatos de la ronda de 2010 son invitados a hacerlo. Los investigadores y profesores son invitados a utilizar los datos de forma gratuita para sus actividades de investigación y docencia.

Priv Stat Databases ; 7556: 179-187, 2012 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28393150


IPUMS-International disseminates population census microdata at no cost for 69 countries. Currently, a series of 212 samples totaling almost a half billion person records are available to researchers. Registration is required for researchers to gain access to the microdata. Statistics from Google Analytics show that IPUMS-International's lengthy, probing registration form is an effective deterrent for unqualified applicants. To protect data privacy, we rely principally on sampling, suppression of geographic detail, swapping of records across geographic boundaries, and other minimally harmful methods such as top and bottom coding. We do not use excessively perturbative methods. A recent case of perturbation gone wrong- the household samples of the 2000 census of the USA (PUMS), the 2003-2006 American Community Survey, and the 2004-2009 Current Population Survey-, an empirical study of the impact of perturbation on the usability of UK census microdata-the Individual SARs of the 1991 census of the UK-, and a mathematical demonstration in a timely compendium of statistical confidentiality practices confirm the wisdom of IPUMS microdata management protocols and statistical disclosure controls.

J Popul Res (Canberra) ; 8(1): 89-101, 2011 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22984345


The 2007 Community Survey conducted in South Africa included questions on maternal deaths in the previous 12 months (pregnancy-related deaths). The Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) was estimated at 700 per 100,000 live births, some 30% more than at the 2001 census. This high level occurred despite a low proportion of maternal deaths (4.3%) among deaths of women aged 15-49 years, which was even lower than the proportion of time spent in the maternal risk period (7.6%). The high level of MMR was due to the astonishingly high level of adult mortality, which increased by 46% since 2001. The main reasons for these excessive levels were HIV/AIDS and external causes of death (accidents and violence). Differentials in MMR were very marked, and similar to those found in 2001 with respect to urban residence, race, province, education, income, and wealth. Provincial levels of MMR correlated primarily with HIV/AIDS prevalence. Maternal mortality defined as `pregnancy-related death' appears no longer as a proper indicator of `safe motherhood' in this situation.

Papeles Poblac ; 16(66): 9-40, 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25593515


This paper investigates the effect of consensual union dissolution on the observed levels of women never in union as estimated from the marital status variable in Latin American population censuses. We compare census data with data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for those countries and years where both sources are available (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru). Results show that the proportions of women never in union based on the census 'marital status' variable are systematically higher than those estimated from the DHS. This overestimation is due to individuals formerly in consensual unions declaring themselves as single at the time of the census. The large proportion of single women that have children is strong evidence of this and at the same time appears to be a valid and practical option to correct the bias.

Priv Stat Databases ; 6344: 74-84, 2010 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28393149


In the last decade, a revolution has occurred in access to census microdata for social and behavioral research. More than 325 million person records (55 countries, 159 samples) representing two-thirds of the world's population are now readily available to bona fide researchers from the IPUMS-International website: hosted by the Minnesota Population Center. Confidentialized extracts are disseminated on a restricted access basis at no cost to bona fide researchers. Over the next five years, from the microdata already entrusted by National Statistical Office-owners, the database will encompass more than 80 percent of the world's population (85 countries, ~100 additional datasets) with priority given to samples from the 2010 round of censuses. A profile of the most frequently used samples and variables is described from 64,248 requests for microdata extracts. The development of privacy protection standards by National Statistical Offices, international organizations and academic experts is fundamental to eliciting world-wide cooperation and, thus, to the success of the IPUMS initiative. This paper summarizes the legal, administrative and technical underpinnings of the project, including statistical disclosure controls, as well as the conclusions of a lengthy on-site review by the former Australian Statistician, Mr. Dennis Trewin.

Popul Health Metr ; 6: 4, 2008 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18718008


BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality remains poorly researched in Africa, and is likely to worsen dramatically as a consequence of HIV/AIDS. METHODS: The 2001 census of South Africa included a question on deaths in the previous 12 months, and two questions on external causes and maternal mortality, defined as "pregnancy-related deaths". A microdata sample from the census permits researchers to assess levels and differentials in maternal mortality, in a country severely affected by high death rates from HIV/AIDS and from external causes. RESULTS: After correcting for several minor biases, our estimate of the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in 2001 was 542 per 100,000 live births. This level is much higher than previous estimates dating from pre-HIV/AIDS times. This high level occurred despite a relatively low proportion of maternal deaths (6.4%) among deaths of women aged 15-49 years, and was due to the astonishingly high level of adult mortality, some 4.7 times higher than expected from mortality below age 15 or above age 50. The main reasons for these excessive levels were HIV/AIDS and external causes of deaths. Our regional estimates of MMR were found to be consistent with other findings in the Cape Town area, and with the Agincourt DSS. The differentials in MMR were considerable: 1 to 9.2 for population groups (race), 1 to 3.2 for provinces, and 1 to 2.4 for levels of education. Relationship with income and wealth were complex, with highest values for middle income and middle wealth index. The effect of urbanization was small, and reversed in a multivariate analysis. Higher risks in provinces were not necessarily associated with lower income, lower education or higher proportions of home delivery, but correlated primarily with the prevalence of HIV/AIDS. CONCLUSION: Demographic census microdata offer the opportunity to conduct an epidemiologic analysis of maternal mortality. In the case of South Africa, the level of MMR increased dramatically over the past 10 years, most likely because of HIV/AIDS. Indirect causes of maternal deaths appear much more important than direct obstetric causes. The MMR appears no longer to be a reliable measure of the quality of obstetric care or a measure of safe motherhood.

Priv Stat Databases ; 4302: 375-382, 2006 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28393148


A breakthrough in the tradeoff between privacy and data quality has been achieved for restricted access to population census microdata samples. The IPUMS-International website, as of June 2006, offers integrated microdata for 47 censuses, totaling more than 140 million person records, with 13 countries represented. Over the next four years, the global collaboratory led by the Minnesota Population Center, with major funding by the United States National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, will disseminate samples for more than 100 additional censuses. The statistical authorities of more than 50 countries have already entrusted microdata to the project under a uniform memorandum of understanding which permits researchers to obtain custom extracts without charge and to analyze the microdata using their own hardware and software. This paper describes the disclosure control methods used by the IPUMS initiative to protect privacy and to provide access to high precision census microdata samples.

Notas poblac ; 13(38): 55-63, ago. 1985.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, MINSALCHILE | ID: lil-28072


Robert McCaa fue el relator del seminario que sobre orfandad y mortalidad en el pasado organizaron en San José, Costa Rica, la Universidad de Costa Rica, el Comité de Demografía Histórica de la Unión Internacional para el Estudio Científico de la Población y el CELADE, entre los días 12 y 14 de diciembre de 1984. En su informe se hace un cuidadoso análisis crítico de los trabajos presentados sobre seis poblaciones latinoamericanas; se señalan las limitaciones de los datos afectadas por deficiencias administrativas, por una alta prevalencia de ilegitimidd, por la confusión entre los padres naturales y los adoptivos, por la significación del matrimonio en las distintas poblaciones. El documento no se limita a describir lo hecho por los autores y lo dicho en el seminario, sino que va más allá. Adelanta sugerencias de cómo puede mejorarse el trabajo realizado. Frente a la generalizada opinión, un tanto pesimista, de los autores de los estudios, McCaa invita a nuevos ensayos que permitan comprobar la verosimilitud de las estimaciones. Adopta una actitud constructiva y optimista, aunque es lo suficientemente cauto para terminar afirmando que todavía es prematuro concluir que de la información sobre orfandad, en América Latina, pueden extraerse estimaciones válidas sobre la mortalidad adulta en el pasado

História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Mortalidade , Peru , Argentina , Brasil , Chile , Costa Rica , México