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Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 39(2): 240-245, Apr-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-755157


O uso das Terapias Alternativas e Complementares (TAC) vem aumentando ao longo dos anos no Brasil e no mundo com o advento de políticas de saúde favoráveis ao emprego dessas práticas. No entanto, as escolas médicas ainda não oferecem disciplinas curriculares sobre este tema. Com o intuito de descrever as atitudes dos estudantes de Medicina de uma universidade do Sul do Brasil com relação às terapias complementares, foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal descritivo, por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Houve 65,22% de taxa de resposta, e a terapia mais conhecida pelos estudantes foi a Fitoterapia (90,3%). A maioria deles demonstrou atitudes favoráveis com relação às terapias, e 75,26% gostariam de aprender sobre o tema em aulas curriculares.

The use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies (CAT) has been increasing over the years in Brazil and worldwide, with the advent of health policies that favor the use of these practices. However, medical schools still do not offer curricular disciplines on these topics. In order to describe the attitudes of Brazilian medical students toward complementary therapies a cross-sectional observational study was conducted by means of a questionnaire. There was a 65.22% response rate and the best-known therapy among students was Phytotherapy (90.3%). Most students showed positive attitudes toward these therapies, and 75.26% would like to learn about the topic in curricular classes. Our results have shown a favorable attitude on the part of medical students in relation to complementary therapies, as well as some knowledge about them. Students demonsatrated willingness to learn about these topics during curricular lectures.