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J Relig Health ; 61(1): 586-600, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33415600


The purpose of this text is to reflect on a way of thinking which supports availability and the very atmosphere of the psychological clinic of Kierkegaardian inspiration. We will begin by elucidating what is meant by clinical thinking. It will then be necessary to clarify the meaning of two other elements that we are highlighting, possibility and upbuilding. These elements will be taken in relation to existence in its everyday concreteness, a space that always holds the possibility of transformation and of a continuous strengthening (upbuilding) in this movement. To conclude, we must return to the path we have taken in order to conjugate the disjunction that constitutes existence with our central theme, that is, the thinking that sustains the psychological clinic as a possibility of upbuilding. For Kierkegaard, there is no separation between thinking and being, which means that clinical thinking is founded on the very way the clinical relationship is established.

Existencialismo , Humanos
Psicol. Caribe ; 31(3): 531-556, sep.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-731721


Este artículo tuvo como objetivo realizar una reflexión sobre las cuestiones de las identidades en cuanto a la diversidad y pluralidad, que constituyen el objeto de estudio en el espacio de discusión de la Psicología. El cuestionamiento suele ser: ¿Cómo llegar a la unidad que pretende la Psicología sobre la diversidad de su objeto, o sea, la existencia? Para acompañar la cuestión propuesta se abordó primero el problema de la identidad y la diferencia como fueron pensadas por la filosofía presocrática hasta la actualidad. En la obra de Heidegger se estudió su texto Identidad y Diferencia y en la de Kierkegaard su libro la repetición. Con estas nociones se buscó defender las identidades que son imprescindibles en la Psicología, sin despreciar la riqueza de la pluralidad y de la complejidad que es propia de su objeto de estudio, o sea, la existencia.

This paper aimed to reflect about the issues of identity amidst diversity and plurality that is the subject of study in the psychology's space. The question is usually: How to get to the unit you wish to Psychology on the diversity of its object, i.e. the existence? To accompany the propo-sed issue, the problem of identity and difference is addressed first to how they were thought from the Pre-Socratic philosophy to the pre-sent. In Heidegger's work was studied his text Identity and Difference; in Kierkegaard's work, his Repetition. With these notions sought to defend the identities, which are essential in psychology, without neglecting the richness of plurality and complexity that is characteristic of its subject, that is, human existence.

Psicol. Caribe ; 31(1): 161-186, ene.-abr. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-712493


Este es un artículo de revisión y reflexión teórica acerca de los fundamentos señalados por el pensamiento de Sóren Kierkegaard hacia una psicología existencial y una psicoterapia, teniendo en cuenta los temas de la libertad, en la duplicidad de su carácter universal de angustia objetiva, y de su carácter particular, de angustia subjetiva. Con la revisión de distintas obras de Kierkegaard y de textos de comentadores contemporáneos de estas obras se concluye que la filosofía de la existencia, tal como desarrollada por el filósofo dinamarqués, puede proporcionar elementos no solo para una crítica al modo como la psicología se había constituido en su tiempo, con su creencia de que el comportamiento humano es posible determinarse por criterios experimentales, deductivos o metafísicos (universales), pero, principalmente, puede proporcionar elementos para la elaboración de una psicología que considere la existencia en su materialidad.

This is a review paper and theoretical reflection about the basics identified by Sóren Kierkegaard's thought to an existential psychology and psychotherapy, taking into account the issues of freedom, in the duplicity of its universal character of objective anguish, and its particular character, of subjective anguish. Based on the review of various works of Kierkegaard and on texts from contemporary commentators, we concludes that the philosophy of existence, as developed by the Danish philosopher, can provide elements for a review not only to the way psychology had constituted in his time, with his belief that human behavior is liable to be determined by experimental criteria, deductive or metaphysical (universal), but mainly can provide elements for the development of a psychology which considers the existence in their materiality.