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Sci. med ; 24(3): 245-253, jul-set. 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-743665


Objetivos: Estimar a preval�ncia de obesidade geral, obesidade central e fatores associados em adultos de uma cidade na regi�o Sul do Brasil.M�todos: Estudo transversal de base populacional com adultos residentes em Tubar�o, Santa Catarina, de novembro de 2011 a junho de 2012. Os participantes foram entrevistados e submetidos � antropometria. A entrevista avaliou dados sociodemogr�ficos, atividade f�sica, consumo de �lcool, tabagismo, h�bitos alimentares (passos da alimenta��o saud�vel) e dados cl�nicos. A associa��o entre as vari�veis de interesse foi avaliada pelo teste de qui-quadrado de Pearson, e para compara��o entre as m�dias utilizou-se o teste t de Student. Empregou-se o teste de Kappa para verificar o grau de concord�ncia entre os dois tipos de obesidade. Para controle dos fatores de confus�o, foram inclu�das na an�lise as vari�veis que apresentaram valor de p abaixo de 0,20 e/ou selecionadas com base na revis�o de literatura, sendo feita an�lise multivariada pela regress�o de Poisson.Resultados: Foram estudados 371 adultos, com m�dia de idade de 40,5 (�12,3 anos), sendo que 237 (63,9%) eram mulheres. A obesidade geral (aferida pelo �ndice de massa corporal) em homens e mulheres foi de 23,1% e 29,1%, respectivamente (diferen�a n�o significativa). A obesidade central (medida pela circunfer�ncia abdominal) foi verificada em 24,6% dos homens e 43,5% das mulheres (p <0,001). Ao se verificar o grau de concord�ncia entre a obesidade geral e central obteve-se um valor de Kappa de 0,7 (bom grau de concord�ncia). Os participantes n�o obesos apresentaram uma m�dia de 4,3 passos da alimenta��o saud�vel contra 3,7 dos participantes com obesidade central (p<0,001) e 3,7 com obesidade geral (p=0,002). Com rela��o � obesidade geral, houve uma associa��o independente com faixa et�ria maior, hist�rico familiar de obesidade e uso de moderadores do apetite. Com rela��o � obesidade central, houve associa��o independente com sexo feminino, maior faixa et�ria, ter uni�o est�vel, hist�ria familiar de obesidade e uso demoderadores do apetite.Conclus�es: A preval�ncia de obesidade geral foi de 26,9%, e os fatores associados foram idade mais avan�ada e predisposi��o gen�tica. Apreval�ncia de obesidade central foi de 36,7%, e os fatores associados foram sexo feminino, idade mais avan�ada e uni�o est�vel. Houve boaconcord�ncia entre obesidade central e geral. A dieta saud�vel foi fator de prote��o para obesidade geral e central. O uso de medicamentospara emagrecer esteve associado aos dois tipos de obesidade.

Aims: To estimate the prevalence of overall and central obesity, and associated factors in adults in southern Brazil.Methods: A cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted among adults living in Tubarao, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, between November 2011 and June 2012. Participants were interviewed, and anthropometric measurements were taken. The interview assessed sociodemographic data, levels of physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoking, dietary habits and clinical data. The association between the variables of interest was tested using Pearson?s Chi-square; Student t-test was used to compare means, and agreement between both types of obesity was assessed using Kappa statistics. Modified Poisson?s regression analysis was performed including variables with p<0.2 as well as variables selected through literature review.Results: We studied 371 adult patients (mean age 40.5�12.3 years; 63.9% women). Overall obesity prevalence was 23.1% for men and 29.1% forwomen (no statistical difference between them). Waist circumference measurement revealed that 24.6% of men and 43.5% of women had central obesity. Kappa value for the agreement between central and overall obesity was 0.7 (good level of agreement). Non-obese participants showed an average of 4.3 healthy feeding steps versus 3.7 steps of subjects with central and overall obesity (respectively p<0.001 and p<0.002). Regarding overall obesity, there was an independent association with younger age, family history of obesity and use of diet pills. Regarding central obesity, there was an independent association with female gender, older age, stable marital relationship, family history of obesity, and use of diet pills.Conclusions: The prevalence of overall obesity was 26.9%, and the associated factors were older age, genetic predisposition, and diet pills. The prevalence of central obesity was 36.7%, and the associated factors were female gender, older age, and stable marital relationship. There was a good agreement between central and overall obesity. A healthy diet was a protective factor for obesity. The use of diet pills was associated to both types of obesity.