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Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1166133, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37655219


Common vetch is one of the most profitable forage legumes due to its versatility in end-use which includes grain, hay, green manure, and silage. Furthermore, common vetch is one of the best crops to rotate with cereals as it can increase soil fertility which results in higher yield in cereal crops. The National Vetch Breeding Program located in South Australia is focused on developing new vetch varieties with higher grain and dry matter yields, better resistance to major diseases, and wider adaptability to Australian cropping environments. As part of this program, a study was conducted with 35 field trials from 2015 to 2021 in South Australia, Western Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales with the objective of determining the best parents for future crosses and the vetch lines with highest commercial value in terms of grain yield production. A total of 392 varieties were evaluated. The individual field trials were combined in a multi-environment trial data, where each trial is identified as an environment. Multiplicative mixed models were used to analyze the data and a factor analytic approach to model the genetic by environment interaction effects. The pedigree of the lines was then assembled and incorporated into the analysis. This approach allowed to partition the total effects into additive and non-additive components. The total and additive genetic effects were inspected across and within environments for broad and specific selections of the lines with the best commercial value and the best parents. Summary measures of overall performance and stability were used to aid with selection of parents. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study which used the pedigree information to breed common vetch. In this paper, the application of this statistical methodology has been successfully implemented with the inclusion of the pedigree improving the fit of the models to the data with most of the total genetic variation explained by the additive heritable component. The results of this study have shown the importance of including the pedigree information for common vetch breeding programs and have improved the ability of breeders to select superior commercial lines and parents.

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 942220, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36352886


International production of chickpea is under constant threat from the fungal disease Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei). In Australia, there is limited cultivar resistance, and disease management is reliant on foliar applied fungicides. Several recently registered fungicides in Australia that combine active ingredients with different modes of actions, have been shown to have curative properties. In this study, in the presence of Ascochyta blight, disease severity, grain yield and quality were measured and the subsequent gross margin for growers calculated in seven field experiments conducted in Victoria (Australia) across three seasons. These experiments investigated the effects of: two cultivars with differing disease resistance (PBA Striker and Genesis 090), and several fungicide strategies for the control of Ascochyta blight. Fungicides that combine different modes of actions (Tebuconazole + Azoxystrobin, Bixafen + Prothioconazole and Fludioxonil + Pydiflumetofen) were applied before a rainfall event (preventative) or after the first signs of disease (post-infection). Older, single active fungicides compared included Captan, Chlorothalonil, and Propiconazole, all applied preventatively. Maximum disease severities ranged from 87% at Horsham and 94% at Curyo across three seasons with Nhill recording 87% during 2020. Demonstrating the benefit of cultivar resistance for Ascochyta blight management, grain yield losses were substantially lower in the partially resistant cultivar Genesis 090 (64%) compared to the susceptible cultivar PBA Striker (96%), at Curyo in 2020. The preventative fungicide strategies reduced grain yield losses from 96 and 64% to 51 and 15% for PBA Striker and Genesis 090, respectively, demonstrating the benefit of fungicides in Ascochyta blight management. Across seasons and environments, a comparison between fungicides applied preventatively or post-infection highlighted both were both profitable ($23-$1,095/ha), except when dry conditions limited grain yield to less than 0.6 t/ha. The post infection timing had greater yield losses in sites/seasons with higher rainfall, but with dual active ingredient fungicides and partially resistant cultivars this timing could allow a reduction in the number of fungicide applications, thus improving profitability. These experiments highlighted the importance of controlling Ascochyta blight through cultivar resistance and fungicides to improve grain yields, grain quality, and grower profitability.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 635397, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33854519


Heat stress at booting stage causes significant losses to floret fertility (grain set) and hence yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); however, there is a lack of well-characterized sources of tolerance to this type of stress. Here, we describe the genetic analysis of booting stage heat tolerance in a cross between the Australian cultivars Drysdale (intolerant) and Waagan (tolerant), leading to the definition of a major-effect tolerance locus on the short arm of chromosome 2B, Wheat thermosensitive male sterile Drysdale/Waagan (WtmsDW). WtmsDW offsets between 44 and 65% of the losses in grain set due to heat, suggesting that it offers significant value for marker-assisted tolerance breeding. In lines lacking the WtmsDW tolerance allele, peaks in sensitivity were defined with reference to auricle distance, for various floret positions along the spike. Other (relatively minor) floret fertility response effects, including at the Rht-D1 dwarfing locus, were considered likely escape artifacts, due to their association with height and flowering time effects that might interfere with correct staging of stems for heat treatment. Heat stress increased grain set at distal floret positions in spikelets located at the top of the spike and increased the size of spikelets at the base of the spike, but these effects were offset by greater reductions in grain set at other floret positions. Potentially orthologous loci on chromosomes 1A and 1B were identified for heat response of flowering time. The potential significance of these findings for tolerance breeding and further tolerance screening is discussed.