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J Int Soc Prev Community Dent ; 11(2): 184-189, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34036081


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of polymerization conducted by using LED lamps of different wavelengths (polywave and monowave) on the compressive strengths of nanohybrid composite resins Filtek™ Bulk Fill - 3M and 3M™ Filtek™ Z350 XT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was prospective, experimental in vitro, and comparative. The sample consisted of nanohybrid composite resins. The sample size (n) was 100 specimens, divided into 10 groups. CRIS (Checklist for Reporting In-vitro Studies) Guidelines were used for writing this article. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences between all groups with P < 0.001. Group 2 (nanohybrid composite resin blocks 3M™ Filtek™ Z350 XT with Monowave LED lamps) showed the highest compressive strength of 238.36±34.69N; CI (213.55-263.18) N. This was followed by Group 4 (nanohybrid composite resin blocks 3M™ Filtek™ Z350 XT with Poliwave LED lamps, High Power) and Group 6 (nanohybrid composite resin blocks 3M™ Filtek™ Z350 XT with Poliwave LED lamps, Soft Star), with compressive strengths of 222.33 ± 53.09N, and 209.21 ± 22.52N, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences were found between the compressive strengths of 3M™ Filtek™ Z350 XT and Filtek™ Bulk Fill - 3M resins, and that of resins photopolymerized with monowave and polywave LED lamps and halogen light. Thus, the types of light and lamp directly influence the compressive strengths of the composite resins.
