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J Biol Phys ; 34(1-2): 121-33, 2008 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19669497


Reaction-diffusion theory has played a very important role in the study of pattern formation in biology. However, a group of individuals is described by a single state variable representing population density in reaction-diffusion models, and interaction between individuals can be included only phenomenologically. In this paper, we propose a new scheme that seamlessly combines individual-based models with elements of reaction-diffusion theory and apply it to predator-prey systems as a test of our scheme. In the model, starvation periods and the time to reproductive maturity are modeled for individual predators. Similarly, the life cycle and time to reproductive maturity of an individual prey are modeled. Furthermore, both predators and prey migrate through a two-dimensional space. To include animal migration in the model, we use a relationship between the diffusion and the random numbers generated according to a two-dimensional bivariate normal distribution. Despite the simplicity of this model, our scheme successfully produces logistic patterns and oscillations in the population size of both predator and prey. The peak for the predator population oscillation lags slightly behind the prey peak. The simplicity of this scheme will aid additional study of spatially distributed negative-feedback systems.
