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Phys Rev Lett ; 117(1): 013001, 2016 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27419565


We experimentally demonstrate a nonlinear detection scheme exploiting time-reversal dynamics that disentangles continuous variable entangled states for feasible readout. Spin-exchange dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates is used as the nonlinear mechanism which not only generates entangled states but can also be time reversed by controlled phase imprinting. For demonstration of a quantum-enhanced measurement we construct an active atom SU(1,1) interferometer, where entangled state preparation and nonlinear readout both consist of parametric amplification. This scheme is capable of exhausting the quantum resource by detecting solely mean atom numbers. Controlled nonlinear transformations widen the spectrum of useful entangled states for applied quantum technologies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(24): 245301, 2015 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26705638


We report on the experimental observation of scaling in the time evolution following a sudden quench into the vicinity of a quantum critical point. The experimental system, a two-component Bose gas with coherent exchange between the constituents, allows for the necessary high level of control of parameters as well as the access to time-resolved spatial correlation functions. The theoretical analysis reveals that when quenching the system close to the critical point, the energy introduced by the quench leads to a short-time evolution exhibiting crossover reminiscent of the finite-temperature critical properties in the system's universality class. Observing the time evolution after a quench represents a paradigm shift in accessing and probing experimentally universal properties close to a quantum critical point and allows in a new way benchmarking of quantum many-body theory with experiments.

Modelos Teóricos , Teoria Quântica , Gases/química , Rubídio/química
Phys Rev Lett ; 113(10): 103004, 2014 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25238356


A major challenge in quantum metrology is the generation of entangled states with a macroscopic atom number. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that atomic squeezing generated via nonlinear dynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates, combined with suitable trap geometries, allows scaling to large ensemble sizes. We achieve a suppression of fluctuations by 5.3(5) dB for 12,300 particles, from which we infer that similar squeezing can be obtained for more than 10(7) atoms. With this resource, we demonstrate quantum-enhanced magnetometry by swapping the squeezed state to magnetically sensitive hyperfine levels that have negligible nonlinearity. We find a quantum-enhanced single-shot sensitivity of 310(47) pT for static magnetic fields in a probe volume as small as 90 µm3.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(7): 070401, 2013 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23992050


We prepare a superposition of two motional states by addressing lithium atoms immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate of sodium with a species-selective potential. The evolution of the superposition state is characterized by the populations of the constituent states as well as their coherence. The latter we extract employing a novel scheme analogous to the spin-echo technique. Comparing the results directly to measurements on freely evolving fermions allows us to isolate the decoherence effects induced by the bath. In our system, the decoherence time is close to the maximal possible value since the decoherence is dominated by population relaxation processes. The measured data are in good agreement with a theoretical model based on Fermi's golden rule.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(25): 253001, 2013 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24483741


Many cold atom experiments rely on precise atom number detection, especially in the context of quantum-enhanced metrology where effects at the single particle level are important. Here, we investigate the limits of atom number counting via resonant fluorescence detection for mesoscopic samples of trapped atoms. We characterize the precision of these fluorescence measurements beginning from the single-atom level up to more than one thousand. By investigating the primary noise sources, we obtain single-atom resolution for atom numbers as high as 1200. This capability is an essential prerequisite for future experiments with highly entangled states of mesoscopic atomic ensembles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(19): 193001, 2011 Nov 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181600


We experimentally investigate the mixing and demixing dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of a linear coupling between two internal states. The observed amplitude reduction of the Rabi oscillations can be understood as a result of demixing dynamics of dressed states as experimentally confirmed by reconstructing the spatial profile of dressed state amplitudes. The observations are in quantitative agreement with numerical integration of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations without free parameters, which also reveals the criticality of the dynamics on the symmetry of the system. Our observations demonstrate new possibilities for changing effective atomic interactions and studying critical phenomena.

Nature ; 480(7376): 219-23, 2011 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22139418


Historically, the completeness of quantum theory has been questioned using the concept of bipartite continuous-variable entanglement. The non-classical correlations (entanglement) between the two subsystems imply that the observables of one subsystem are determined by the measurement choice on the other, regardless of the distance between the subsystems. Nowadays, continuous-variable entanglement is regarded as an essential resource, allowing for quantum enhanced measurement resolution, the realization of quantum teleportation and quantum memories, or the demonstration of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. These applications rely on techniques to manipulate and detect coherences of quantum fields, the quadratures. Whereas in optics coherent homodyne detection of quadratures is a standard technique, for massive particles a corresponding method was missing. Here we report the realization of an atomic analogue to homodyne detection for the measurement of matter-wave quadratures. The application of this technique to a quantum state produced by spin-changing collisions in a Bose-Einstein condensate reveals continuous-variable entanglement, as well as the twin-atom character of the state. Our results provide a rare example of continuous-variable entanglement of massive particles. The direct detection of atomic quadratures has applications not only in experimental quantum atom optics, but also for the measurement of fields in many-body systems of massive particles.

Nature ; 464(7292): 1165-9, 2010 Apr 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20357767


Interference is fundamental to wave dynamics and quantum mechanics. The quantum wave properties of particles are exploited in metrology using atom interferometers, allowing for high-precision inertia measurements. Furthermore, the state-of-the-art time standard is based on an interferometric technique known as Ramsey spectroscopy. However, the precision of an interferometer is limited by classical statistics owing to the finite number of atoms used to deduce the quantity of interest. Here we show experimentally that the classical precision limit can be surpassed using nonlinear atom interferometry with a Bose-Einstein condensate. Controlled interactions between the atoms lead to non-classical entangled states within the interferometer; this represents an alternative approach to the use of non-classical input states. Extending quantum interferometry to the regime of large atom number, we find that phase sensitivity is enhanced by 15 per cent relative to that in an ideal classical measurement. Our nonlinear atomic beam splitter follows the 'one-axis-twisting' scheme and implements interaction control using a narrow Feshbach resonance. We perform noise tomography of the quantum state within the interferometer and detect coherent spin squeezing with a squeezing factor of -8.2 dB (refs 11-15). The results provide information on the many-particle quantum state, and imply the entanglement of 170 atoms.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 80(11): 113109, 2009 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19947719


We report on the first experimental determination of the hyperfine structure of the 1s(5)-2p(9) transition in (39)Ar. We give a detailed description of the sample preparation, spectroscopy cell cleaning, and spectroscopic setup. The resulting set of parameters consists of the hyperfine constants of the levels involved and the isotopic shift between (39)Ar and (40)Ar. With the achieved precision all laser frequencies necessary for the implementation of atom trap trace analysis for (39)Ar, i.e., laser cooling and repumping frequencies, are now known.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(13): 130401, 2008 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18851422


We report on the generation, subsequent oscillation and interaction of a pair of matter-wave dark solitons. These are created by releasing a Bose-Einstein condensate from a double well potential into a harmonic trap in the crossover regime between one dimension and three dimensions. Multiple oscillations and collisions of the solitons are observed, in quantitative agreement with simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. An effective particle picture is developed and confirms that the deviation of the observed oscillation frequencies from the asymptotic prediction nu(z)/sqrt 2, where nu(z) is the longitudinal trapping frequency, results from the dimensionality of the system and the soliton interactions.

Nature ; 455(7217): 1216-9, 2008 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18830245


Entanglement, a key feature of quantum mechanics, is a resource that allows the improvement of precision measurements beyond the conventional bound attainable by classical means. This results in the standard quantum limit, which is reached in today's best available sensors of various quantities such as time and position. Many of these sensors are interferometers in which the standard quantum limit can be overcome by using quantum-entangled states (in particular spin squeezed states) at the two input ports. Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atoms are considered good candidates to provide such states involving a large number of particles. Here we demonstrate spin squeezed states suitable for atomic interferometry by splitting a condensate into a few parts using a lattice potential. Site-resolved detection of the atoms allows the measurement of the atom number difference and relative phase, which are conjugate variables. The observed fluctuations imply entanglement between the particles, a resource that would allow a precision gain of 3.8 dB over the standard quantum limit for interferometric measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(19): 190405, 2008 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18518430


We report on the first direct observation of coherent control of single-particle tunneling in a strongly driven double-well potential. In our setup atoms propagate in a periodic arrangement of double wells allowing the full control of the driving parameters such as frequency, amplitude, and even the space-time symmetry. Our experimental findings are in quantitative agreement with the predictions of the corresponding Floquet theory and are also compared to the predictions of a simple two mode model. Our experiments reveal directly the critical dependence of coherent destruction of tunneling on the generalized parity symmetry.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(11): 110405, 2005 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16196985


We propose and experimentally demonstrate a method to prepare a nonspreading atomic wave packet. Our technique relies on a spatially modulated absorption constantly chiseling away from an initially broad de Broglie wave. The resulting contraction is balanced by dispersion due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. This quantum evolution results in the formation of a nonspreading wave packet of Gaussian form with a spatially quadratic phase. Experimentally, we confirm these predictions by observing the evolution of the momentum distribution. Moreover, by employing interferometric techniques, we measure the predicted quadratic phase across the wave packet. Nonspreading wave packets of this kind also exist in two space dimensions and we can control their amplitude and phase using optical elements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 94(2): 020403, 2005 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15698152


We report the first experimental observation of nonlinear self-trapping of Bose-condensed 87Rb atoms in a one-dimensional waveguide with a superimposed deep periodic potential . The trapping effect is confirmed directly by imaging the atomic spatial distribution. Increasing the nonlinearity we move the system from the diffusive regime, characterized by an expansion of the condensate, to the nonlinearity dominated self-trapping regime, where the initial expansion stops and the width remains finite. The data are in quantitative agreement with the solutions of the corresponding discrete nonlinear equation. Our results reveal that the effect of nonlinear self-trapping is of local nature, and is closely related to the macroscopic self-trapping phenomenon already predicted for double-well systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 92(23): 230401, 2004 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15245143


We report on the first experimental observation of bright matter wave solitons for 87Rb atoms with repulsive atom-atom interaction. This counterintuitive situation arises inside a weak periodic potential, where anomalous dispersion can be realized at the Brillouin zone boundary. If the coherent atomic wave packet is prepared at the corresponding band edge, a bright soliton is formed inside the gap. The strength of our system is the precise control of preparation and real time manipulation, allowing the systematic investigation of gap solitons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(6): 060402, 2003 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12935059


We demonstrate the control of the dispersion of matter wave packets utilizing periodic potentials. This is analogous to the technique of dispersion management known in photon optics. Matter wave packets are realized by Bose-Einstein condensates of 87Rb in an optical dipole potential acting as a one-dimensional waveguide. A weak optical lattice is used to control the dispersion relation of the matter waves during the propagation of the wave packets. The dynamics are observed in position space and interpreted using the concept of effective mass. By switching from positive to negative effective mass, the dynamics can be reversed. The breakdown of the approximation of constant, as well as experimental signatures of an infinite effective mass are studied.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 64(5 Pt 2): 056233, 2001 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11736080


We describe measurements of the mean energy of an ensemble of laser-cooled atoms in an atom optical system in which the cold atoms, falling freely under gravity, receive approximate delta-kicks from a pulsed standing wave of laser light. We call this system a "delta-kicked accelerator." Additionally, we can counteract the effect of gravity by appropriate shifting of the position of the standing wave, which restores the dynamics of the standard delta-kicked rotor. The presence of gravity (delta-kicked accelerator) yields quantum phenomena, quantum accelerator modes, which are markedly different from those in the case for which gravity is absent (delta-kicked rotor). Quantum accelerator modes result in a much higher rate of increase in the mean energy of the system than is found in its classical analog. When gravity is counteracted, the system exhibits the suppression of the momentum diffusion characteristic of dynamical localization. The effect of noise is examined and a comparison is made with simulations of both quantum-mechanical and classical versions of the system. We find that the introduction of noise results in the restoration of several signatures of classical behavior, although significant quantum features remain.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(7): 074102, 2001 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11497893


We present detailed observations of the quantum delta-kicked rotor in the vicinity of a quantum resonance. Our experiment consists of an ensemble of cold cesium atoms subject to a pulsed off-resonant standing wave of light. We measure the mean energy and show clearly that at the quantum resonance it is a local maximum. We also examine the effect of noise on the system and find that the greatest sensitivity to this occurs at the resonances. This makes these regions ideal for examining quantum-classical correspondence. A picture based on diffraction is developed which allows the experiments to be readily understood.