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Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-739132


ABSTRACT Aspects related to epidemiology of flies belonging to Fannia genus were studied in order to determine predisposing factors for its occurrence in layer hens houses of commercial farms in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An observational, analytical and sectional survey was conducted to verify major epidemiological aspects associated to infestations. This research was accomplished starting from an adapted secondary database of and structured with information on the presence and absence of ectoparasites and arthropods, characteristics of chicken houses, the poultry, type of facilities, geographical location and the management. The study was conducted in four hundred and thirty one houses located in forty three farms visited in 2012 year in the state of Minas Gerais. Ten farms (23.25%) and sixty eight houses (15,77%) were observed the presence diptera belonging to Fannia genus. The specie Fannia admirabilis was found in four farms (9,30%), Fannia albitarsis in two farms (4,65%) and only in one farm (2.32%) was observed the presence of Fannia canicularis. For three farms 6,98% was no possible to identify the species only Fannia genus. The epidemiological aspects for the occurrence of these flies were investigated using Poisson regression models. Characteristics such as farm, city of farm, presence of Histeridae beetles, type of facility (cage, on the floor with or without bedding) and the existence of mechanical removal of manure were associated with the occurrence of Fannia spp.

Arq. Inst. Biol. ; 77(3)2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-760281


ABSTRACT Data on caprine tuberculosis in Brazil and its importance for public health are scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence and examine epidemiological aspects of tuberculosis in dairy goat herds in the Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba mesoregion in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two hundred and thirty-three goats from seven dairy farms were tuberculinized using the comparative cervical tuberculin test (CCT), taking as a reference the procedures and interpretation criteria of standard results for this species. Of the animals subjected to the test, 1.29% (3/233) reacted positively, 2.14% (5/233) showed inconclusive reactions, and 96.57% (225/233) showed no reaction. All the goats that tested positive and one showing an inconclusive response were necropsied. Samples of lymph nodes, liver, lung and kidney presenting alterations were collected for histopathological examination (hematoxylin-eosin). Material removed from abscesses and lymph-node fragments were cultured in Stonebrink and Petragnani culture medium. An epidemiological inquiry was carried out to analyze risk factors on the farms. The necropsied animals did not exhibit macroscopic lesions suggestive of tuberculosis or any histopathological alterations, nor did the cultures show Mycobacterium sp. growth. The goats prevalence rate was 1.29%, which may represent a zoonotic risk in this mesoregion since these are dairy herds. The interpretation of the epidemiologic records, allied to the results of the tuberculinization procedure, indicated positive reagents only on a farm where fresh cow milk was fed to newborn goat kids.

RESUMO Dados referentes à tuberculose caprina no Brasil e sua importância em saúde pública são escassos. Diante disso, este trabalho teve por objetivos investigar a ocorrência e pesquisar aspectos epidemiológicos da tuberculose em rebanhos leiteiros caprinos na mesorregião do Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba, MG. Foram tuberculinizados 233 caprinos provenientes de sete propriedades leiteiras, utilizando-se o teste cervical comparativo, tomando-se como referência os procedimentos e critérios de interpretação de resultados padronizados para esta espécie. Dos animais submetidos ao teste, 1,29% (3/233) reagiram positivamente, 2,14% (5/233) apresentaram reações inconclusivas e 96,57% (225/233) não reagiram. Todos os caprinos positivos e um com resposta inconclusiva foram submetidos à necropsia. Amostras de linfonodos, fígado, pulmão e rim que apresentaram alterações foram colhidos para exame histopatológico (Hematoxilina-Eosina). Material proveniente de abscessos e fragmentos de linfonodos foi submetido à cultura em meio Stonebrink e Petragnani. Um inquérito epidemiológico foi procedido para análise dos fatores relacionados à ocorrência de tuberculose nas propriedades. Não foram encontradas lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de tuberculose nos animais necropsiados, nem alterações histopatológicas. Também não houve crescimento de micobactérias na cultura. A taxa de prevalência dos caprinos foi de 1,29%. Por se tratar de rebanhos leiteiros, a ocorrência de tuberculose pode representar risco zoonótico na mesorregião do Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba, MG. A interpretação dos registros epidemiológicos, associada aos resultados da tuberculinização,constatou reagentes positivos somente na propriedade onde se utilizou leite bovino in natura para alimentar cabritos recém-nascidos.

Arq. Inst. Biol. ; 77(1)2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759768


ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to evaluate the action of the botanic insecticide neem oil on larvae of Ceratitis capitata, as well as in the parasitism of these larvae by Diachasmimorpha longicaudata. Third-instar larvae were immersed for 30 seconds in a neem solution, in concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% of a commercial product composed of 0.37% (3.686 ppm) neem oil, while the controls were immersed only in distilled water. Soon afterwards the larvae were exposed to parasitism of D. longicaudata for 2 hours and 30 minutes. In the no-choice experiment, for every treatment, a single parasitism unit was hung inside the cage. In the experiment with free choice, parasitism units were hung inside another cage, so that the parasitoids had free access to all treatments. In the no-choice experiment, it was ascertained that the increase of the neem oil concentration decreased the attraction of the females, the number of females that lay, the parasitism rate and parasitoid emergency. In the experiment with free choice, it was ascertained that the emergence of parasitoids and parasitism rate were harmed at the larger neem oil concentrations. The isolated action of neem oil, when in contact with the third-instar larvae, did not affect the emergence of C. capitata.

RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ação do inseticida botânico nim em larvas de Ceratitis capitata, bem como no parasitismo destas larvas por Diachasmimorpha longicaudata. Para tanto, larvas de 3o ínstar de C. capitata foram mergulhadas por 30 segundos em soluções contendo as concentrações de 0,5%, 1% e 1,5% de um produto comercial à base de óleo de nim a 0,37% (3.686 ppm), além da testemunha mergulhada apenas em água destilada. Em seguida, as larvas foram expostas ao parasitismo de D. longicaudata por um período de 2 horas e 30 minutos. No experimento sem chance de escolha, para cada tratamento, uma única unidade de parasitismo foi pendurada no interior da gaiola. No experimento com livre escolha, as unidades de parasitismo foram penduradas no interior de uma mesma gaiola, de forma que os parasitoides tivessem livre acesso a todos os tratamentos. No experimento sem livre escolha, foi constatado que o aumento da concentração de nim diminuiu a atração das fêmeas, o número de fêmeas que efetuaram postura, o índice de parasitismo e a emergência dos parasitoides. No experimento com livre escolha, verificou-se que a emergência dos parasitoides e o índice de parasitismo também foram prejudicados nas maiores concentrações de nim. A ação isolada do nim, quando em contato com as larvas de 3o instar, não afetou a emergência de C. capitata.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 76(4)2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1462075


ABSTRACT Vampire bats are responsible for the transmission of herbivorous rabies, a zoonosis of the greatest importance to public health. In the present study the habitats of these bats were investigated in the County of Araguari, MG, Brazil, in the period between 1996 and 2003. The objective of the investigation was to locate and register the natural and artificial shelters with hematophagous bats, estimating the median population of the colonies and the identification of the species found therein, having in mind their population control. A total of 54 shelters of Desmodus rotundus, the most frequently found hematophagous bat in Brazil were registered and grouped in 12 different kinds. In terms of their location, 81.5% of these shelters were in man-made objects, listed in regard to the decreasing order of their frequency: houses, drains, small bridges, bridges, etc., while 18.5% were in natural sites, of which caves and hollows in trees were the most frequent. Of the shelters inhabited by D. rotundus, 82.4% had an estimated population between 1 to 50 individuals, while 17.6% had between 51 and 300 individuals, with a median population of 30.2 per shelter. After treatment with Warfarin, 72.5% of the shelters were unoccupied. For effective control of rabies in herbivores it is necessary to maintain a routine registry of shelters with monitoring at least once a year.

RESUMO Os morcegos hematófagos são responsáveis pela transmissão da raiva dos herbívoros, zoonose de maior importância em saúde pública. Neste estudo, foram pesquisadas habitações desses morcegos no Município de Araguari, MG, no período entre 1996 e 2003, com o objetivo de localizar e cadastrar abrigos naturais e artificiais que acolhiam hematófagos, visando controle populacional, estimativa da mediana nas colônias e identificação das espécies encontradas. Foram cadastrados 54 abrigos, agrupados em 12 tipos diferentes, do Desmodus rotundus, espécie de hematófago mais frequente no Brasil. Dentre o total de abrigos 81,5% eram artificiais, conforme ordem decrescente de suas frequências: casas, bueiros, pontilhões, pontes, etc., enquanto que entre os 18,5% dos naturais, as cavernas e ocos de árvores foram os mais frequentes. Dos abrigos habitados pelo D. rotundus, 82,4% possuíam população estimada entre 1 a 50 hematófagos e 17,6% entre 51 a 300 indivíduos, com população mediana de 30,2 por abrigo. Após o tratamento com warfarina, 72,5% dos abrigos foram desabitados. Para o controle efetivo da raiva dos herbívoros é necessário que se mantenha uma rotina de cadastro dos abrigos, com monitoramento de pelo menos uma vez por ano.