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CienciaUAT ; 18(1): 81-94, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513972


RESUMEN La sororidad es un concepto que posibilita la reflexión crítica y discusión constructiva de las formas en que las mujeres tejen relaciones sociales y generan interacciones. Actualmente, no existe un precedente de instrumento o escala para su medición, ya que los estudios realizados se han abordado con enfoque cualitativo, desde el nivel experiencial, fenomenológico. Es ahí la importancia de ampliar el diálogo y discusión teórica con un enfoque cuantitativo, sin reducir la experiencia humana a estándares paramétricos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue demostrar evidencia de confiabilidad y validez psicométrica de un instrumento respecto a la percepción femenina acerca del concepto de sororidad, en un contexto universitario, con la intención de que a partir de él se pueda realizar un análisis desde la perspectiva de género de las relaciones de las mujeres. El método se circunscribe a los parámetros estadísticos para su construcción y su evaluación. Se determinó la validez de contenido, mediante conversatorios, análisis teórico y la valoración de los ítems a través de expertos; la validez de constructo mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio, con las pruebas de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin y Bertlett; y la validez de confiabilidad, utilizando alfa de Cronbach. La muestra fue no probabilística, de inclusión continua y voluntaria, utilizando la técnica de la bola de nieve, conformada por 118 profesoras universitarias, de México. El instrumento mostró una confiabilidad global excelente (0.915), por lo que permitió medir la sororidad de un modo consistente y válido. Es recomendable su futura aplicación en otros contextos, ya que cuenta con las propiedades psicométricas necesarias.

ABSTRACT Sorority is a concept that enables critical reflection and constructive discussion of the ways in which women weave relationships and generate interactions. Currently, there is no precedent of an instrument or scale for its measurement, since the studies conducted have been approached with a qualitative focus, from the experiential, phenomenological level. Hence the importance of expanding the dialogue and theoretical discussion with a quantitative approach, without reducing human experience to parametric standards. The objective of this work was to demonstrate evidence of reliability and psychometric validity of an instrument regarding the female perception of the concept of sorority, in a university context, with the intention of being able to analyze women's relationships from a gender perspective. The method is circumscribed to the statistical parameters for its construction and evaluation. Content validity was determined by means of discussions, theoretical analysis, and the evaluation of the items by experts; construct validity was determined by means of an exploratory factor analysis, with the KaiserMeyer-Olkin and Bertlett tests; and reliability validity was determined using Cronbach's alpha. The sample was non-probabilistic, of continuous and voluntary inclusion, using the snowball technique, made up of 118 female university professors from Mexico. The results show that the instrument measures sorority in a consistent and valid way and is suitable for future application in other contexts since it has the necessary psychometric properties.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506437


Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud, menciona que el estrés que el COVID-19 desencadena y el confinamiento están causando un fuerte impacto psicológico en las sociedades, por la relación que se hace del binomio: pandemia-muerte. Lo anterior, expone el escenario político del COVID-19 para el adulto mayor que de nuevo exhibe la imagen del adulto mayor como un ser frágil, incapaz de pensar y decidir por sí mismo, al que se debe enclaustrar y aislar. Sin embargo, a pesar de las evidencias empíricas que muestran a una población vulnerable y en riesgo en el marco de la actual pandemia, existen otras miradas teóricas que difieren, y enfatizan en las fortalezas que en esta etapa de vida se manifiestan. Objetivo: comprender la construcción narrativa y sus procesos resilientes que la población adulto mayor ha experimentado respecto al COVID-19. Se puso especial atención al discurso sobre consecuencias psicoemocionales, creencias sociales alrededor de la vejez, la discriminación, así como las omisiones a los derechos humanos y dignidad del adulto mayor. Método: diseño cualitativo descriptivo transversal, etnometodológico, con una muestra de inclusión continua, correspondiente a 15 participantes, entre 64 y 85 años radicados en México. Resultados: se identificó que los adultos mayores participantes, cuentan con suficientes recursos psicoemocionales de afrontamiento, por la eficacia de la regulación entre los sentimientos experimentados. Sin embargo, aun influye la percepción social de estereotipos y estigmatización. Conclusiones: Los resultados coinciden con los postulados de la psicología positiva y la psicogerontología respecto al desarrollo de capacidades y potencialidades como un continuo proceso, y que en la edad adulta mayor se hacen presentes, gracias a la acumulación de experiencias, individuales y colectivas. Lo que subraya la importancia de incluir otras formas en que se vive y estudia a la vejez y por ende a las metodologías y propuestas de intervención.

Background: The World Health Organization mentions that the stress that COVID-19 triggers and confinement are causing a strong psychological impact on societies, due to the relationship made of the binomial pandemic and death. The above exposes the political scenario of COVID-19 for the elderly that once again exhibits the image of the elderly as fragile beings, incapable of thinking and deciding for themselves, who must be cloistered and isolated. However, despite the empirical evidence that shows a vulnerable and at-risk population in the context of the current pandemic, other theoretical views differ and emphasize the strengths that are manifested in this stage of life. Objective: To understand the narrative construction and resilient processes that the older adult population has experienced concerning COVID-19. Special attention was paid to the discourse on psycho-emotional consequences, social beliefs about old age, discrimination, as well as the omissions of human rights and dignity of the elderly. Method: qualitative descriptive cross-sectional ethnomethodological design, with a continuous inclusion sample, corresponding to 15 participants, between 64 and 85 years old, living in Mexico. Results: It was identified that the participating older adults have sufficient psycho-emotional coping resources, due to the efficacy of the regulation of the feelings experienced. However, it is still influenced by the social perception of stereotypes and stigmatization. Conclusions: The results coincide with the postulates of positive psychology and psycho-gerontology regarding the development of capacities and potentialities as a continuous process, and that in older adulthood they become present, thanks to the accumulation of experiences, individual and collective. This underlines the importance of including other ways in which old age is lived and studied, and therefore in the methodologies and proposals for intervention.

Interdisciplinaria ; 35(1): 35-69, jul. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984531


Se informa un estudio cualitativo, cuyo objetivo fue valorar la función de abuela universitaria y profesionista, en la dinámica familiar, desde la propia subjetivad de mujer y explorar la transformación de su identidad, configuraciones vinculares y el legado a las siguientes generaciones. Se hizo un estudio cualitativo exploratorio, transversal y no experimental en el que participaron 10 mujeres voluntarias, de 40 años o más, por inclusión continua por conveniencia, con entrevistas a profundidad y la aplicación del Cuestionario Mi Envejecer (CME). La mayoría de la producción académica en temática relacionada sobre vida académica de las mujeres y su relación con sus funciones en la familia apunta hacia estrés laboral y a la no inclusión en las tareas domésticas del varón, así como la superposición de la mujer en funciones y roles que la sobrepasan, tratando de cumplir perfecta y exitosamente con los deberes laborales, sin faltar a las demandas de la maternidad. Pero sobre mujeres adultas mayores profesionistas y activas laboralmente, no existen referencias de investigaciones. Por ello es de importancia abordar el tema de la abuelidad desde lo femenino, familia, identidades y las configuraciones vinculares nuevas o alternas a las tradicionales. Reconocer la actividad de las abuelas puede motivar en la mejora de la imagen social de las mujeres mayores, contrarrestando la cultura del viejismo.

The following work is the result of an investigation which by its extension - to be a qualitative study - was necessary to be exposed in two parts. This first part presents the theoretical aspects that support the research as well as the methodology used. The second part will present the results and their analysis, derived from the categories that emerged from the in-depth interviews. It should be mentioned that most of the academic production related to the academic life of women and their relation to their functions in the family - although with a broad reflection and sharp analysis with a gender perspective - points to work stress and non-inclusion in the domestic tasks of the male, as well as the overlapping of the woman in roles and roles that pass her, trying to perfectly and successfully fulfill the labor duties and without missing the demands of motherhood. As well an investigation of mature women in aging processes but in relation to the body exploring from perspectives of pathological aging or with dyes towards active and satisfactory aging, being proposals in which the value of doing over the Being of the woman is emphasized. However, it should be noted that there are no references to research on specific adult work in the labor market in different contexts, but on what has happened to the family relationship of the role of the grandmother who is also inserted in the public world, there are no references. The education of women in Mexico, from the time before the arrival of Spain and until the mid-twentieth century, was marked by education for domestic tasks: maternity, home care, child care, and other activities Home care, the history of women's college education contains elements of exclusion and inclusion. Those who at that time gained access to the university developed strategies to overcome these setbacks. For women to enter the university, many struggles had to happen between opposing forces that did not conceive that there were different alternatives for women and not just being a mother and a wife. The first university students entered in careers and placed themselves in professional environments, which did not represent strong confrontations with the conceptions of gender of the time. Thus, their professional and academic achievements reflected the interplay between their desires and what they were allowed according to their sociocultural context of the historical moment in which they lived. The education of women brought the discovery of their lives, questioning, reflecting, discussing and criticizing their status as women. However, a question arises: Does university life, the professionalization of women, have changed Roles that are played within the family? Are university grandmothers assuming themselves as women conscious of being grandmothers or mothers autonomously and independently of what society expects of them? It is therefore important to address the issues related to the grandparenthood from the feminine, family, identities and the new or alternate configurations to the traditional ones. Thus, the recognition of the activity of the grandmothers can motivate in the improvement of the social image of older women, against subtracting the culture of old. Thus, the purpose of this work was to evaluate the role of university and professional grandmother in family dynamics, from the subjectivity of women and explore the transformation of their identity, their configurations, and their legacy to the next generations. Through a qualitative exploratory, transverse and non-experimental study in which 10 volunteer women, aged 40 years and older, were evaluated by continuous inclusion for convenience, with in-depth interviews, and the age-old questionnaire (CME) was also applied.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 14(1): 13-26, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-975038


Resumen La sororidad engloba las prácticas de colaboración y soporte en las relaciones entre mujeres y es el espacio propicio para la construcción de nuevas formas de significar la vejez femenina. El objetivo de este estudio cualitativo fue describir y categorizar los tipos de configuraciones vinculares que se mantienen y los que se han transformado en pro a la sororidad en los procesos de envejecimiento femenino, por medio del análisis narrativo de una entrevista profunda grupal. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de implementar políticas y acciones en aras de disminuir el ageism con relación al envejecimiento de mujeres. La construcción de la sororidad ayuda en el empoderamiento colectivo en pro de su género. La sexualidad de la mujer mayor sigue siendo un tema pendiente en la agenda de la investigación y la discusión en los estudios feministas, lo que nos lleva a concluir que, a pesar de la existencia de diferencias individuales en los propios procesos de envejecimiento, las mujeres se experimentan y comparten en una misma condición histórica, por ello es en colectivo que la acción de la sororidad se pronuncia como vía en la generación de nuevas narrativas preferidas por las mujeres. Finalmente, se expone una propuesta para trabajar la percepción del cuerpo femenino en el proceso de envejecer, y la construcción de la sororidad, desde las prácticas narrativas de White y Epston.

Abstract Sorority encompasses the practices of collaboration and support in relations between women and is the propitious space for the construction of new ways to signify female old age. We present results of a qualitative study using focus groups, which aimed to describe and categorize the types of relational configurations that remain unchanged or change towards sorority in the female aging process. Findings describe the need to implement actions to reduce ageism, not only in terms of the experiences women go through, but also towards aging in general. One of the measures we can take is undoubtedly the construction of women circle sorority, which leads to collective empowerment of gender. The female body is a focus of attention in terms of what it lives and experiences, and the right to have love and sexuality throughout life is also highlighted. We then created an intervention proposal to work on the perception of the female body and its experience in the aging process. The proposed intervention is a workshop, based on the narrative model of Michael White and David Epston.
