INTRODUCTION: Acute episodes of asthma are one of the most common respiratory emergencies, and status asthmaticus is the most severe respiratory impairment. Because "not all the wheezes are manifestations of asthma", the clinician needs to consider non asthmatic causes of wheezing in the differential diagnosis such as tracheal stenosis. CLINICAL CASE: 7 years old male, hispanic, non atopic background, with two previous cases of acute asthma. Current condition: 15 days of cough, dyspnea and wheezes, without fever. The physical examination revealed nasal flutter, use of accessory muscles of respiration, fatigue and bibasal hypoventilation. Mitomycin was applied during nasolaryngoscopy. He was discharged 17 days after with tracheal stenosis diagnosis. Biopsy reported respiratory epithelium with chronic inflammation and fibrosis. Six dilatations were performed because of persistent stenosis and he is being evaluated by infectologist and hematologist for repeated upper airway infections associated with cyclic neutropenia.