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Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 43(1): 55-64, jan.-mar. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-977566


RESUMO Introdução Há um aumento no consumo de drogas entre os jovens no Brasil. Esse consumo se destaca entre os estudantes universitários, acarretando uma preocupação adicional quando associado aos estudantes da área da saúde. Objetivo Identificar os fatores associados à manutenção do vício de fumar e do consumo de álcool entre acadêmicos de Medicina. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo analítico, de prevalência, envolvendo estudantes de Medicina das quatro escolas médicas da cidade de Fortaleza, Nordeste do Brasil. Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado, contendo 46 perguntas objetivas, aos estudantes que cursavam o primeiro ano (S1/S2) durante o ano de 2012 e novamente em 2016, quando esses mesmos estudantes se encontravam no internato (I3/I4). A amostra foi calculada considerando como população do estudo o número máximo de alunos nos dois períodos avaliados.O projeto foi aprovado pelo CEP, por meio do Parecer nº020/2012. Resultados Foram entrevistados 360 estudantes no primeiro momento da pesquisa e 354 estudantes no segundo momento. O consumo de tabaco passou de 17,4% durante o primeiro ano do curso para 28,2% durante o internato (p<0,001). O mesmo ocorreu com o consumo de álcool, que já era elevado no início do curso (84,6%) e aumentou para 92,6% (p<0,001). No primeiro ano do curso, 40,5% dos estudantes referiram já ter se embriagado pelo menos uma vez. Durante a faculdade, esse percentual subiu para 59,5% (RP=1,66; p<0,001). Conclusão O consumo de álcool e tabaco aumentou de forma importante durante o curso de Medicina. Há necessidade de intervenções nos hábitos dos acadêmicos de Medicina com o objetivo de reduzir o consumo exagerado de álcool e a manutenção do tabagismo nesta população.

ABSTRACT Introduction Drug use among young people in Brazil is increasing, particularly among the university students, leading to additional health-related concerns for students. Objective To identify factors associated with continued smoking addiction and alcohol consumption among medical students. Methods An analytical, prevalence study was carried out involving medical students at the four medical schools of Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil. A semi-structured questionnaire with 46 objective questions was applied to students in their first year of the course (S1/S2) in 2012 and again in 2016, when these same students were taking their internship (I3/I4). The sample was calculated based on a study population consisting of all the students in the two periods evaluated. The project was approved by the REC, through opinion no. 020/2012. Results 360 students were interviewed in the first phase of the research, and 354 students in the second phase. Tobacco consumption increased from 17.4% during the first year of the course to 28.2% during the internship (p <0.001). The same occurred with alcohol consumption, which was already high at the beginning of the course (84.6%) and increased to 92.6% (p <0.001). In the first year of the course, 40.5% of the students reported having got drunk at least once. During their time at medical school, this percentage rose to 59.5% (PR = 1.66, p <0.001). Conclusion Alcohol and tobacco consumption increased significantly during medical school. There is a need for interventions in the habits of medical student, in order to reduce excessive alcohol consumption and smoking in this population.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 41(2): 231-239, abr.-jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-898110


RESUMO Introdução O consumo de derivados de tabaco e álcool é apontado como importante causa de doenças e agravos no mundo. No Brasil, há um aumento no consumo dessas drogas entre os jovens, principalmente estudantes universitários. Objetivo Conhecer a prevalência e os fatores associados ao tabagismo e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas entre estudantes de Medicina, além do nível de conhecimento acerca das técnicas de cessação do hábito tabagista em diferentes momentos da vida acadêmica. Métodos Estudo analítico, de prevalência, envolvendo estudantes de Medicina de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Foram selecionadas todas as escolas médicas e os estudantes do primeiro ano (S1/S2), quarto ano (S7/S8) e aqueles do último ano do internato (I3/I4). A amostra foi calculada considerando uma frequência esperada de 10% de pessoas fumantes, com um erro de 3%, estimando 726 estudantes das quatro instituições. Foi aplicado um questionário estruturado, com 46 perguntas. Os dados foram analisados pelo software Stata 11.2. Resultados Foram entrevistados 1.035 estudantes, distribuídos proporcionalmente nos três períodos, 392 (37,9%) do primeiro ano (S1-S2), 319 (30,8%) do quarto ano (S7-S8) e 324 (31,3%) do internato (I3-I4). Quinhentos e cinquenta e três (53,4%) eram do sexo feminino, a maioria era solteira (993; 96,3%), nascidos em Fortaleza (748; 72,4%), residiam com os pais (896; 86,8%) e com renda familiar acima de dez salários mínimos (652; 61,8%). Ao todo, 533 (51,5%) eram alunos de instituições particulares. Do total, 254 (24,6%) já haviam fumado. Esse consumo foi significativamente maior entre o sexo masculino (p = 0,025), sem diferença em relação ao estado civil (p = 0,247) ou renda familiar (p = 0,191). Todos os acadêmicos que experimentaram alguma substância derivada do tabaco já haviam ingerido bebida alcoólica alguma vez na vida (p < 0,000). O consumo de álcool foi referido por mais de 80% dos estudantes, sendo maior entre aqueles cuja família apresentou renda superior a nove salários mínimos (p = 0,001). Houve relato de embriaguez em mais de 70% dos estudantes, tendo esse fato ocorrido antes dos 18 anos. Cerveja e vodca são as bebidas mais consumidas. Apenas 39,5% afirmaram estar aptos a aconselhar um paciente a não ingerir bebidas alcoólicas e apenas 28,4% receberam algum treinamento sobre o assunto em sua universidade. Conclusão A prevalência do consumo de álcool é muito elevada entre os estudantes de Medicina, principalmente entre aqueles que relataram fumar. Esses temas são abordados de forma incipiente em sua formação. É preciso reforçar esses aspectos na formação desses futuros profissionais de saúde.

ABSTRACT Introduction Tobacco and alcohol consumption is considered a major cause of diseases and disorders in the world. In Brazil, there has been increased consumption of these drugs among young people, especially university students. Objective To discover the prevalence of and factors associated to smoking and alcohol consumption among medical students, as well as their level of knowledge about techniques to stop smoking at different times of their academic life. Methods Analytical study of prevalence among medical students in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The study sample included all the city's medical schools and their first year (S1/S2) and fourth year (S7/S8) students and students in the final year of their internship (I3/I4). The sample was calculated considering an expected smoker frequency of 10%, with a 3% margin of error, estimating 726 students in the four institutions. A structured questionnaire containing 46 questions was applied. Data were analyzed using Stata 11.2 software. Results 1,035 students were interviewed, distributed proportionally in the three periods: 392 (37.87%) from the first year (S1 / S2), 319 (30.82%) from the fourth year (S7/S8) and 324 (31.30%) interns (I3/I4). 553 students (53.4%) were female; most of the students were single (993; 96.3%), born in Fortaleza (748; 72.4%), living with their parents (896; 86.8%) and with a household income of more than 10 minimum wages (652; 61.8%). In total, 533 (51.5%) were students at private institutions. Of the total, 254 (24.6%) had smoked. This consumption was significantly higher among males (p = 0.025), with no difference in relation to marital status (p = 0.247) or household income (p = 0.191). All the students who reported having experienced any tobacco derivative also reported using alcohol in their lifetime (p < 0.000). Alcohol consumption was reported by more than 80% of the students, and was higher among those whose family income was more than nine times the minimum wage (p = 0.001). Alcoholic intoxication was reported by over 70% of the students - where this had occurred before the age of 18 years. Beer and vodka are the most consumed beverages. Only 39.5% said they were inclined to advise a patient to avoid alcoholic beverages and only 28.4% had received training on the subject at their university. Conclusion The prevalence of alcohol consumption is very high among medical students, especially among those who reported smoking. These issues are addressed in a primitive manner in their training. We must strengthen these aspects in the training of future health professionals.

Pharmacogn Mag ; 11(41): 123-30, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25709221


BACKGROUND: Alpha-pinene (α-pinene) is a monoterpene commonly found in essential oils with gastroprotective activity obtained from diverse medicinal plants, including Hyptis species. The genus Hyptis (lamiaceae) consists of almost 400 species widespread in tropical and temperate regions of America. In the north and northeastern Brazil, some Hyptis species are used in traditional medicine to treat gastrointestinal disturbances. OBJECTIVE: The present study has investigated the gastoprotective effect of purified α-pinene in experimental gastric ulcer induced by ethanol and indomethacin in mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gastric ulcers were induced in male Swiss mice (20-30 g) by oral administration of absolute ethanol or indomethacin 45 min after oral pretreatment with vehicle, standard control drugs or α-pinene (10, 30, and 100 mg/kg). One hour after the ulcerative challenges, the stomach were removed, and gastric lesions areas measured. The effects of α-pinene on the gastric juice acidity were determined by pylorus ligation model. The gastrointestinal motility and mucus depletion were determined by measuring the gastric levels of phenol red and alcian blue, respectively. Hematoxylin and eosin stained sections of gastric mucosa of the experimental groups were used for histology analysis. RESULTS: α-pinene pretreatment inhibited ethanol-induced gastric lesions, reduced volume and acidity of the gastric juice and increased gastric wall mucus (P < 0.05). Furthermore, we showed an interesting correlation between concentration of α-pinene and gastroprotective effect of Hyptis species (P Pearson = 0.98). CONCLUSION: Our data showed that the α-pinene exhibited significant antiulcerogenic activity and a great correlation between concentration of α-pinene and gastroprotective effect of Hyptis species was also observed.