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Psychol. av. discip ; 7(2): 55-67, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-704581


Resumen Se elabora una propuesta de intervención en bienestar subjetivo, autodeterminación, habilidades sociales y capacidad emprendedora en mujeres microempresarias con discapacidad intelectual a partir de un diagnóstico realizado en 20 mujeres con discapacidad intelectual. Se administró una batería de cinco instrumentos compuesta por la escala de satisfacción con la vida de Diener et ál. (1984), escala de felicidad subjetiva de Lyubomirsky y Lepper (1999), escala de autoconcepto de la Rosa y Díaz (1999), cuestionario de habilidades sociales de Goldstein (1999) y cuestionario de emprendimiento de Spencer y Spencer (1993). Los principales resultados descriptivos indican que las mujeres de la muestra manifiestan altos niveles de desarrollo de su autoconcepto (autodeterminación) (x= 382,6; σ=53,32), habilidades sociales (x= 91,6; σ=6,65) y bienestar subjetivo, tanto en felicidad subjetiva (x= 21,45; σ=3,96) como en satisfacción vital (x= 27,85; σ=5,79) y niveles moderados de su capacidad emprendedora (x= 65,85; σ=5,66). Se obtuvo un adecuado nivel en todas las variables en las mujeres de la muestra, enfocando la propuesta de intervención en potenciar sus habilidades y competencias, desarrollando conocimientos paralelos que apoyen a los ya existentes.

Abstract It constructs an intervention on subjective well-being, self-determination, social skills and entrepreneurship in women microentrepreneurs with intellectual disabilities from a diagnosis realized in 20 women with intellectual disabilities.It administered a battery of five instruments: Satisfaction Scale life Diener et ál (1984), subjective happiness scale Lyubomirsky and Lepper (1999), Self-Concept Scale (La Rosa y Díaz, 1999), Questionnaire social skills Goldstein (1999) and Entrepreurship Questionnaire (Spencer & Spencer, 1993). The descriptive analysis indicates that women in the sample expressed high levels of development of their self-concept (self-determination) (x = 382.6, σ = 53.32), social skills (x = 91.6, σ = 6, 65) and subjective well-being, both in subjective happiness (x = 21.45, σ = 3.96) and life satisfaction (x = 27.85, σ = 5.79) and moderate levels of entrepreneurial ability (x = 65.85, σ = 5,66). An adequate level for all variables in women in the sample, the proposed intervention focusing on enhancing their skills and competencies, developing parallel knowledge to support existing ones.

Mulheres Trabalhadoras , Empreendedorismo/tendências , Habilidades Sociais , Intervenção Psicossocial , Deficiência Intelectual , Trabalho , Autonomia Pessoal , Felicidade
Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-128451


El estudio que se presenta tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre la Calidad de Vida Familiar, Funcionamiento Familiar y Bienestar Subjetivo junto con los factores de la calidad de vida familiar en relación al bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, alumnos de un establecimiento de educación especial y laboral de la ciudad de Talca (Chile). La muestra fue dividida en dos grupos: uno de ellos estuvo integrado por 53 alumnos de 16 a 24 años de edad, del citado establecimiento que fueron diagnosticados con discapacidad intelectual: el 52.8% de ellos manifiesta discapacidad intelectual como único predictor de su condición, mientras que el 47.2% restante corresponde a comorbilidad de ésta con otros tipos de discapacidad asociados. Los niveles de discapacidad van desde el leve (37.7%), seguido por el moderado (50.9%) y finalmente el severo y el profundo (3.8%). El otro grupo estuvo conformado por 53 apoderados, padres o tutores del mismo establecimiento educacional. Con la finalidad de medir las variables de estudio se administraron cuatro instrumentos: (1) la Escala de Calidad de Vida Familiar (Verdugo, Sainz & Rodríguez, 2009), (2) la versión traducida al español (Bellon, Delgado, Luna del Castillo & Lardelli, 1996) del Family Functioning Questionnaire (Smilkstein, Ashworth & Montano, 1982), (3) la adaptación y validación de Moyano y Ramos Alvarado (2007) de la Satisfaction with the Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larden & Griffin) y (4) la versión chilena de Moyano-Díaz & Ramos (2007) de la Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Para realizar el estudio se utilizó una metodología descriptiva y correlacional de corte transversal a fin de establecer relaciones de concomitancia entre las variables. Los resultados principales demostraron una relación significativa entre importancia de la calidad de vida familiar y satisfacción de la calidad de vida familiar (r = .402; p < .01); entre felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción vital (r = .457; p< .01) y entre felicidad subjetiva y funcionamiento familiar (r = .388; p < .05). Los siguientes factores de la calidad de vida familiar percibidos por los padres: interacción familiar, rol parental, bienestar físico y material, bienestar emocional y apoyo a las personas con discapacidad no mantuvieron relación con la felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción vital percibidas por los jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual.(AU)

The present study aimed to identify the relationship between the quality of Family Life, Family Functioning and Subjective Well-being, along with the factors of Quality of Family Life in relation to subjective well-being in young people with intellectual disabilities from a special education setting and work in the city of Talca (Chile). The sample consisted of 53 young people aged 16 to 24 years and 53 representatives, parents or guardians. All youth in the sample have been diagnosed with intellectual disabilities, of which 52.8% intellectual disability manifested sole predictor of their condition, while the remaining 47.2% corresponds to this co morbidity with other types of disability associated. The levels of this condition are ranging from mild reaching 37.7%, followed by moderate 50.9%, and finally severe and deep with 3.8%. In order to measure the study variables they were administered four instruments: (1) Scale of Quality of Family Life (Verdugo, Sainz & Rodriguez, 2009), (2) Family Functioning Questionnaire (Smilkstein, Ashworth, & Montano, 1982), (3) The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larder & Griffin, 1984), and (4) Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Considering previous studies, we formulated the following hypotheses: (1) At higher levels of life satisfaction, higher levels of subjective happiness in young people with intellectual disabilities, (2) there is a significant positive relationship between Family Functioning and Happiness Levels Subjective life satisfaction in young people with intellectual disabilities and (3) there are significant positive relationships between the factors of quality of family life and the components of subjective well-being in young people with intellectual disabilities. For the study used a descriptive methodology and cross-sectional correlation seeking to establish concomitant relationships between variables. In relation to the variable quality of family life on two levels, importance and satisfaction, there is evidence that parents in the sample assigned more importance to the quality of family life to the satisfaction of it, because the parents at 49,1% assign more importance to the quality of family life in relation to 24.5% assigned to the satisfaction of the quality of family life. The women assigned greater importance to the quality of family life and satisfaction of this compared to men. With regard to family functioning, youths with intellectual disabilities normofunctionals consider the interactions of their respective families; those who have a moderate level of intellectual disability are those that show greater family functioning. Women perceive greater family functioning compared to men in the sample. With regard to subjective well-being into its two components, subjective happiness and life satisfaction, it appears that youths with intellectual disabilities remain a median subjective happiness and life satisfaction, feeling more satisfied than happy. It is observed that those with a moderate level of intellectual disability have a higher perception of subjective happiness and life satisfaction. The main results show a significant relationship between the importance of the quality of family life satisfaction and the quality of family life (r = .402; p < .01), between subjective happiness and life satisfaction (r = .457: p < .01) and between subjective happiness and family functioning (r = .388; p < .05). The factors of perceived quality of family life for parents: family interaction, parental role, physical and material, emotional and support for people with disabilities do not maintain a relationship with subjective happiness and life satisfaction perceived by young people with intellectual disabilities.(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694737


El estudio que se presenta tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre la Calidad de Vida Familiar, Funcionamiento Familiar y Bienestar Subjetivo junto con los factores de la calidad de vida familiar en relación al bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, alumnos de un establecimiento de educación especial y laboral de la ciudad de Talca (Chile). La muestra fue dividida en dos grupos: uno de ellos estuvo integrado por 53 alumnos de 16 a 24 años de edad, del citado establecimiento que fueron diagnosticados con discapacidad intelectual: el 52.8% de ellos manifiesta discapacidad intelectual como único predictor de su condición, mientras que el 47.2% restante corresponde a comorbilidad de ésta con otros tipos de discapacidad asociados. Los niveles de discapacidad van desde el leve (37.7%), seguido por el moderado (50.9%) y finalmente el severo y el profundo (3.8%). El otro grupo estuvo conformado por 53 apoderados, padres o tutores del mismo establecimiento educacional. Con la finalidad de medir las variables de estudio se administraron cuatro instrumentos: (1) la Escala de Calidad de Vida Familiar (Verdugo, Sainz & Rodríguez, 2009), (2) la versión traducida al español (Bellon, Delgado, Luna del Castillo & Lardelli, 1996) del Family Functioning Questionnaire (Smilkstein, Ashworth & Montano, 1982), (3) la adaptación y validación de Moyano y Ramos Alvarado (2007) de la Satisfaction with the Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larden & Griffin) y (4) la versión chilena de Moyano-Díaz & Ramos (2007) de la Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Para realizar el estudio se utilizó una metodología descriptiva y correlacional de corte transversal a fin de establecer relaciones de concomitancia entre las variables. Los resultados principales demostraron una relación significativa entre importancia de la calidad de vida familiar y satisfacción de la calidad de vida familiar (r = .402; p < .01); entre felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción vital (r = .457; p< .01) y entre felicidad subjetiva y funcionamiento familiar (r = .388; p < .05). Los siguientes factores de la calidad de vida familiar percibidos por los padres: interacción familiar, rol parental, bienestar físico y material, bienestar emocional y apoyo a las personas con discapacidad no mantuvieron relación con la felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción vital percibidas por los jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual.

The present study aimed to identify the relationship between the quality of Family Life, Family Functioning and Subjective Well-being, along with the factors of Quality of Family Life in relation to subjective well-being in young people with intellectual disabilities from a special education setting and work in the city of Talca (Chile). The sample consisted of 53 young people aged 16 to 24 years and 53 representatives, parents or guardians. All youth in the sample have been diagnosed with intellectual disabilities, of which 52.8% intellectual disability manifested sole predictor of their condition, while the remaining 47.2% corresponds to this co morbidity with other types of disability associated. The levels of this condition are ranging from mild reaching 37.7%, followed by moderate 50.9%, and finally severe and deep with 3.8%. In order to measure the study variables they were administered four instruments: (1) Scale of Quality of Family Life (Verdugo, Sainz & Rodriguez, 2009), (2) Family Functioning Questionnaire (Smilkstein, Ashworth, & Montano, 1982), (3) The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larder & Griffin, 1984), and (4) Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Considering previous studies, we formulated the following hypotheses: (1) At higher levels of life satisfaction, higher levels of subjective happiness in young people with intellectual disabilities, (2) there is a significant positive relationship between Family Functioning and Happiness Levels Subjective life satisfaction in young people with intellectual disabilities and (3) there are significant positive relationships between the factors of quality of family life and the components of subjective well-being in young people with intellectual disabilities. For the study used a descriptive methodology and cross-sectional correlation seeking to establish concomitant relationships between variables. In relation to the variable quality of family life on two levels, importance and satisfaction, there is evidence that parents in the sample assigned more importance to the quality of family life to the satisfaction of it, because the parents at 49,1% assign more importance to the quality of family life in relation to 24.5% assigned to the satisfaction of the quality of family life. The women assigned greater importance to the quality of family life and satisfaction of this compared to men. With regard to family functioning, youths with intellectual disabilities normofunctionals consider the interactions of their respective families; those who have a moderate level of intellectual disability are those that show greater family functioning. Women perceive greater family functioning compared to men in the sample. With regard to subjective well-being into its two components, subjective happiness and life satisfaction, it appears that youths with intellectual disabilities remain a median subjective happiness and life satisfaction, feeling more satisfied than happy. It is observed that those with a moderate level of intellectual disability have a higher perception of subjective happiness and life satisfaction. The main results show a significant relationship between the importance of the quality of family life satisfaction and the quality of family life (r = .402; p < .01), between subjective happiness and life satisfaction (r = .457: p < .01) and between subjective happiness and family functioning (r = .388; p < .05). The factors of perceived quality of family life for parents: family interaction, parental role, physical and material, emotional and support for people with disabilities do not maintain a relationship with subjective happiness and life satisfaction perceived by young people with intellectual disabilities.
