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Rev. medica electron ; 45(1)feb. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442014


Introducción: el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana es una enfermedad cuya influencia ha marcado el desarrollo poblacional, cultural, económico, social y escolar del mundo. En la actualidad existen grandes campañas para su prevención; sin embargo, el ritmo de contagios en Colombia toma una tendencia ascendente en universitarios de entre 15 y 34 años. Objetivo: analizar los conocimientos, actitudes (positivas y negativas) y creencias erróneas de estudiantes universitarios en la ciudad de Bucaramanga sobre la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo observacional-transversal, con una población de referencia de 1 243 estudiantes universitarios, matrícula activa en edad entre 15 y 34 años. Se tomó una muestra de 180 estudiantes, aplicando un muestreo probabilístico. La recolección de datos se realizó, previo consentimiento informado, mediante el uso de la Escala VIH/SIDA-65 modificada para Colombia. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: un total de 180 estudiantes universitarios, con una edad promedio de 25,61 años, respondió a la encuesta. El 71,1 % de los encuestados eran solteros y las mujeres conformaban el 55,5 %. El 83,8 % poseía buenos conocimientos sobre el VIH; el 11,94 % tenía ideas erróneas sobre la enfermedad; el 22,96 % mostró actitudes negativas; el 30,53 % no se consideró susceptible a contraer la enfermedad, y el 6,6 % mostró bajos niveles de eficacia en prevención. Conclusiones: el conocimiento de la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana permite el mejoramiento de las actitudes, percepciones y creencias frente a la enfermedad, y a la positividad para el virus.

Introduction: the human immunodeficiency virus is a disease whose influence has marked the population, cultural, economic, social and school development of the world. At present there are now major campaigns for its prevention; however, the rate of contagion in Colombia takes an upward trend in university students between the ages of 15 and 34. Objective: to analyze the knowledge, attitudes (positive and negative) and erroneous beliefs of university students in the city of Bucaramanga on human immunodeficiency virus infection. Materials and methods: cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study, with a reference population of 1,243 university students, active enrolled, between the ages of 15 and 34. A sample of 180 students was taken, applying a probabilistic sampling. Data collection was carried out, with prior informed consent, using the HIV/AIDS-65 Scale modified for Colombia. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: a total of 180 university students, with an average age of 25.61 years, responded to the survey. 71.1% of the respondents were single and women made up 55.5%. 83.8% had good knowledge about HIV; 11.94% had misconceptions about the disease; 22.96% showed negative attitudes; 30.53% did not consider themselves susceptible to contracting the disease, and 6.6% showed low levels of efficacy in prevention. Conclusions: knowledge of human immunodeficiency virus infection allows the improvement of attitudes, perceptions and beliefs regarding the disease, and positivity to the virus.

Front Physiol ; 12: 749006, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34759840


Introduction: Human adaptation to high altitude is due to characteristic adjustments at every physiological level. Differences in lipid profile and cardiovascular risk factors in altitude dwellers have been previously explored. Nevertheless, there are no reports available on genotype-controlled matches among different altitude-adapted indigenous populations. Objective: To explore the possible differences in plasma lipid profile and cardiovascular risk among autochthonous Kiwcha people inhabitants of low and high-altitude locations. Methodology: A cross-sectional analysis of plasmatic lipid profiles and cardiovascular risk factors in lowland Kiwchas from Limoncocha (230 m) and high-altitude Kiwchas from Oyacachi (3,800 m). Results: In the low altitude group, 66% were women (n = 78) and 34% (n = 40) were men, whereas in the high altitude group, 59% (n = 56) were women and 41% (n = 41%) were men. We found the proportion of overweight and obese individuals to be higher among low altitude dwellers (p < 0.05). Red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin concentration, and SpO2% were higher among high altitude dwellers and the erythrocyte size was found to be smaller at high altitude. The group located at low altitude also showed lower levels of plasma cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), but most of these differences are not influenced by gender or elevation. Conclusions: Living at an altitude elicits well-known adaptive physiological changes such as erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit level, and serum glucose level. We also report clinical differences in the plasma lipid profile, with higher levels of cholesterol, HDL, and LDL in inhabitants of the Andes Mountain vs. their Amazonian basin peers. Despite this, we did not find significant differences in cardiovascular risk.

Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 28(1): 74-80, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1252454


Introducción: La luxación recurrente anteroinferior del hombro es consecuencia de una luxación aguda traumática que, en pacientes jóvenes, menores de veinte años, se ha estimado puede llegar al 97% de recurrencia, pero que disminuye a medida que aumenta la edad, excepto en pacientes mayores con rupturas asociadas del manguito rotador. Al ser una patología incapacitante que afecta la calidad de vida de las personas, hay una mayor tendencia a tratarla por métodos quirúrgicos que con rehabilitación. La lesión fundamental es el desprendimiento del labrum anterior de la glenoides conocida como la lesión de Bankart-Perthes, estructura que tiene limitaciones para cicatrizar de manera anatómica con tratamientos incruentos, perpetuando la inestabilidad. A medida que recurre la luxación se presentan lesiones óseas asociadas tanto en la glenoides denominada Bankart ósea, así como en la cabeza humeral en su región posterosuperior o lesión de Hill-Sachs, que aumentan la posibilidad de recurrencia. Se han descripto diferentes técnicas abiertas y artroscópicas para corregir la luxación, pero por la heterogeneidad de la lesión no hay un tratamiento para corregirla que sea patrón de oro. Nuestro objetivo es describir los resultados clínicos en pacientes con luxación recurrente anteroinferior de hombro que fueron sometidos a cirugía artroscópica de reparación de Bankart/plicatura y remplissage y correlacionar los resultados con la escala preoperatoria de ISIS. Materiales y métodos: se revisaron las historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de luxación de la articulación del hombro (S430) (M253), que fueron llevados a cirugía entre junio de 2015 y enero de 2019, analizando características de la(s) lesión(es), clasificación preoperatoria de acuerdo con la escala de ISIS, tipo de procedimiento(s) quirúrgico realizado y número de implantes. Resultados: de veinticinco pacientes operados por el autor senior (MMA) de luxación recurrente de hombro, veintitrés completaron el seguimiento con los procedimientos de reparación de Bankart/plicatura y la adición de un remplissage en casos de lesiones Hill-Sachs enganchantes. Todos tenían una escala de ISIS preoperatoria igual o inferior a 6. Al final del seguimiento ningún paciente reportó recurrencia de su luxación. Conclusión: en nuestra casuística, la reparación de Bankart/plicatura en pacientes con lesiones Hill-Sachs no enganchantes en asocio del remplissage produce excelentes resultados a corto y mediano plazo cuando la escala de ISIS es igual o inferior a 6. Nivel de evidencia: IV

Introduction: Recurrent anteroinferior shoulder dislocation is the consequence of an acute traumatic dislocation which, in young patients, under twenty years old, has been estimated to reach 97% of recurrence, but which decreases with increasing age, except in older patients with associated rotator cuff tears. Being a disabling pathology that affects people's quality of life, there is a greater tendency to treat it by surgical methods than with rehabilitation. The fundamental lesion is the detachment of the anterior labrum of the glenoid known as the Bankart-Perthes lesion, a structure that has limitations to heal anatomically with bloodless treatments, perpetuating instability. As the dislocation recurs, there are associated bone lesions both in the glenoid called Bony Bankart, as well as in the humeral head in its posterior superior region or Hill-Sachs lesion, which increase the possibility of recurrence. Different open and arthroscopic techniques have been described to correct dislocation, but due to the heterogeneity of the lesion, there is no gold standard treatment to correct it. Our objective is to describe the clinical results in patients with recurrent anteroinferior shoulder dislocation who underwent arthroscopic Bankart/plication repair and fill surgery and correlate the results with the preoperative ISIS scale. Materials and methods: the medical records of patients with a diagnosis of shoulder joint dislocation (S430) (M253), who were taken to surgery between June 2015 and January 2019, were reviewed, analyzing characteristics of the injury(s), classification preoperative according to the ISIS scale, type of surgical procedure(s) performed and number of implants. Results: of twenty-five patients operated by the senior author (MMA) for recurrent shoulder dislocation, twenty-three completed follow-up with Bankart/plication repair procedures and the addition of a fill in Hill-Sachs engaging lesions. All had a preoperative ISIS scale equal to or less than 6. At the end of follow-up, no patient reported recurrence of their dislocation.Conclusion: in our casuistry, Bankart/plication repair in patients with non-engaging Hill-Sachs lesions in association with filling produces excellent results in the short and medium term when the ISIS scale is equal to or less than 6. Level of Evidence: IV

Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Artroscopia/métodos , Recidiva , Luxação do Ombro , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Resultado do Tratamento , Instabilidade Articular