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Int J Surg Case Rep ; 114: 109131, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38128290


INTRODUCTION: Thyroid carcinoma is the most common endocrine malignancy, accounting for 3 % of recent malignancies in world wide. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma constitutes 90 % thyroid malignancies, within that follicular type constitutes 10-15 %. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 55-year-old female presented with left-sided neck pain and swelling over medial end of clavicle, following normal manual work. Physical examination revealed swelling on medial end of left clavicle and palpable nodule in left thyroid lobe. Imaging studies showed two nodules in both thyroid lobes with left level IV lymphadenopathy and osteolytic lesion with pathological fracture in medial end of clavicle. Histopathological evaluation confirmed well-differentiated follicular thyroid carcinoma with clavicular metastasis. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy, followed by radioiodine therapy for medial end of left clavicle. DISCUSSION: Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) is metastasis through the bloodstream, predominantly to flat bones and upper end of long bones, but clavicular deposits are very rarely reported. FNAC only diagnosed the follicular neoplasm. Further tissue evaluation needed to confirm the malignancy. Therefore, hemithyroidectomy of the lesion side is usually carried out for histopathological diagnosis. But in this case, follicular thyroid carcinoma was confirmed through core biopsy from medial end of clavicle, leading to total thyroidectomy and left cervical block dissection, followed by radioiodine therapy for metastatic clavicular involvement. CONCLUSION: Clavicular metastasis of follicular thyroid carcinoma is very rare. Early detection and proper management of suspicious thyroid carcinoma in uncommon skeletal sites, like the clavicle, is crucial for enhancing patient outcomes, despite the rarity of follicular carcinoma metastasis to this area.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 114: 109122, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38100932


INTRODUCTION: Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a severe kidney infection characterized by gas formation, predominantly affecting diabetic women. Symptoms include fever, pain, and nausea, requiring urgent and accurate management due to its potentially fatal nature. CASE PRESENTATION: This article reports a successful management of a case of bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis complicated with perinephric, retroperitoneal collection and urosepsis. DISCUSSION: Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a severe kidney infection characterized by acute necrotizing infection in the renal tissue and nearby structures. While EPN typically affects individuals with risk factors such as diabetes, obstructive uropathy, and hypertension, this case is unique because the patient lacks these common risk factors but hails from a region where EPN is more prevalent. The management of EPN has evolved over the years, with recent advances in imaging, antibiotics, and drainage techniques leading to a shift from invasive surgical procedures to more conservative approaches, resulting in improved outcomes and reduced mortality rates. CONCLUSION: Emphysematous pyelonephritis demands urgent intervention to prevent high mortality rates. Swift, tailored treatment, including antibiotics and possible surgical interventions, is crucial, involving a multidisciplinary approach for improved patient outcomes.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 111: 108898, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37797525


INTRODUCTION: Wandering spleen (WS) is a rare condition, occurring in only 0.2 % of cases, where the spleen becomes hypermobile due to the absence or laxity of its anchoring ligaments. Torsion of the spleen, primarily seen in children but occasionally in adults, is a critical complication that can lead to infarction and is considered a medical emergency. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: We present a case report of a 50-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes and psychiatric illness presented with 2 days of vomiting, abdominal pain, and dehydration. Physical examination showed a tender mass in the abdomen and imaging confirmed a twisted spleen with a thrombosed splenic vein, leading to a successful emergency splenectomy. The patient had an uncomplicated recovery and was discharged with post-splenectomy protocol. DISCUSSION: Splenic torsion, a rare occurrence primarily observed in children. Clinical diagnosis is aided by palpable abdominal masses and confirmed by radiological imaging. The gold standard diagnostic tool is contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), whereas Ultrasonography (USG) is equally good in early assessment. Early identification is crucial to salvage the spleen. Management options include detorsion, splenopexy, or splenectomy depending on the organ viability. Elective splenopexy has emerged as a proactive measure, particularly in children, to prevent complications. CONCLUSION: Splenic torsion is a rare but important differential diagnosis in patients presenting with acute abdomen. Early diagnosis and prompt management is necessary to preserve the spleen and to prevent the development of complication. Surgery is often necessary and either splenopexy or splenectomy should be done.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 111: 108879, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37776688


INTRODUCTION: Renal cancer is a significant global cause of death and clear cell being the most common subtype. Bilateral synchronous renal cancers with different histologies are extremely rare and less reported. Managing bilateral renal cancer is challenging. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 51-year-old woman with a history of hypertension and hypothyroidism presented with right loin pain, leading to the discovery of a 7 cm right renal mass and a 2.3 × 2.6 cm mass on the upper pole of the left kidney, associated with reactive right para-aortic lymph nodes. The right kidney mass was identified as leiomyosarcoma with liver metastasis while the left kidney mass was diagnosed as clear cell renal carcinoma. Patient was managed with right side nephrectomy, left side microwave ablation and follow-up chemotherapy. DISCUSSION: Primary leiomyosarcoma of kidney is extremely rare and aggressive, leading to poor outcome. Synchronous bilateral renal cancer pose surgical challenges due to potential loss of renal function. In this case of differing histologies in synchronous bilateral renal masses, a nephron-sparing approach was taken, but despite aggressive treatment, the patient developed metastases in the liver and peritoneum. CONCLUSION: Bilateral synchronous renal cancer, particularly with differing histologies in each kidney, are exceptionally uncommon, making their management challenging. Despite the limited guidance available due to their rarity, addressing these cases aggressively and promptly is crucial, as their prognosis is generally unfavorable, necessitating further research to advance management strategies.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 110: 108732, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37647754


INTRODUCTION: Renal cancer is a relatively common form of cancer; however, squamous cell carcinoma of the kidney is extremely rare and it carries poor prognosis. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: We present a rare case of renal squamous cell carcinoma that was manifested with the psoas sign in a patient with a history of chronic staghorn calculus. DISCUSSION: Squamous cell carcinoma of kidney is rare and more invasive. Even though many risk factors have been identified, staghorn renal calculi with chronic infection have a higher incidence of renal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has a wider range of atypical presentations; the psoas sign is not commonly reported in other literature. Due to the lack of reporting and sufficient knowledge, there are currently no established management guidelines. Despite advancements in contemporary medicine, the survival rate of renal SCC remains remarkably low, necessitating further research to develop a standardized treatment protocol. CONCLUSION: Primary renal SCCs are rare tumors and exhibit a strong association with renal stones, requiring prompt assessment and treatment of renal stones in affected patients. Despite their aggressiveness and poor prognosis, timely intervention is crucial.