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Phys Rev Lett ; 133(5): 056602, 2024 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159113


Despite intense research in topological photonics for more than a decade, the basic question of whether photonic band topology is rare or abundant-i.e., its relative prevalence-remains open. Here, we use symmetry analysis and a dataset of 550 000 synthetic two-dimensional photonic crystals to determine the prevalence of stable, fragile, and higher-order topology across 11 plane groups and find a general abundance of nontrivial band topology. Below the first band gap and with time-reversal symmetry, stable topology is more prevalent in the transverse electric polarization, is weakly dependent on contrast, and fragile topology is nearly absent. In time-reversal broken settings, Chern insulating phases are also abundant, albeit less so in threefold symmetric settings. Our results elucidate the role of symmetry, dielectric contrast, polarization, and time-reversal breaking in engendering topological photonic phases and may inform new design principles for their experimental realization.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(26): 266601, 2024 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38996300


Weyl fermions are hypothetical chiral particles that can also manifest as excitations near three-dimensional band crossing points in lattice systems. These quasiparticles are subject to the Nielsen-Ninomiya "no-go" theorem when placed on a lattice, requiring the total chirality across the Brillouin zone to vanish. This constraint results from the topology of the (orientable) manifold on which they exist. Here, we ask to what extent the concepts of topology and chirality of Weyl points remain well defined when the underlying manifold is nonorientable. We show that the usual notion of chirality becomes ambiguous in this setting, allowing for systems with a nonzero total chirality. This circumvention of the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem stems from a generic discontinuity of the vector field whose zeros are Weyl points. Furthermore, we discover that Weyl points on nonorientable manifolds carry an additional Z_{2} topological invariant which satisfies a different no-go theorem. We implement such Weyl points by imposing a nonsymmorphic symmetry in the momentum space of lattice models. Finally, we experimentally realize all aspects of their phenomenology in a photonic platform with synthetic momenta. Our work highlights the subtle but crucial interplay between the topology of quasiparticles and of their underlying manifold.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(11): 116602, 2024 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563931


Chern insulators, and more broadly, topological insulators, present an obstruction to the construction of exponentially localized electronic Wannier functions. This implies a fundamental difficulty in determining whether such insulators exhibit electric polarization. Here, we show that these insulators can indeed exhibit bound charges and adiabatic currents consistent with changes in bulk polarization over space and time, respectively. We also show that the change in polarization across crystalline domains within these strong topological insulators is quantized in the presence of crystalline symmetries.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(11): 113901, 2022 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35363022


Nonlinear Thouless pumps for bosons exhibit quantized pumping via soliton motion, despite the lack of a meaningful notion of filled bands. However, the theoretical underpinning of this quantization, as well as its relationship to the Chern number, has thus far been lacking. Here we show that, for low-power solitons, transport is dictated by the Chern number of the band from which the soliton bifurcates. We do this by expanding the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (equivalently, the Gross-Pitaevskii equation) in the basis of Wannier states, showing that a soliton's position is dictated by that of the Wannier state throughout the pump cycle. Furthermore, we describe soliton pumping in two dimensions.

Sci Adv ; 7(52): eabk1117, 2021 Dec 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34936454


In the past decade, symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum (BICs) have proven to be an important design principle for creating and enhancing devices reliant upon states with high-quality (Q) factors, such as sensors, lasers, and those for harmonic generation. However, as we show, current implementations of symmetry-protected BICs in photonic crystal slabs can only be found at the center of the Brillouin zone and below the Bragg diffraction limit, which fundamentally restricts their use to single-frequency applications. By microprinting a three-dimensional (3D) photonic crystal structure using two-photon polymerization, we demonstrate that this limitation can be overcome by altering the radiative environment surrounding the slab to be a 3D photonic crystal. This allows for the protection of a line of BICs by embedding it in a symmetry bandgap of the crystal. This concept substantially expands the design freedom available for developing next-generation devices with high-Q states.

Nature ; 596(7870): 63-67, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34349291


The topological protection of wave transport, originally observed in the context of the quantum Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gases1, has been shown to apply broadly to a range of physical platforms, including photonics2-5, ultracold atoms in optical lattices6-8 and others9-12. That said, the behaviour of such systems can be very different from the electronic case, particularly when interparticle interactions or nonlinearity play a major role13-22. A Thouless pump23 is a one-dimensional model that captures the topological quantization of transport in the quantum Hall effect using the notion of dimensional reduction: an adiabatically, time-varying potential mathematically maps onto a momentum coordinate in a conceptual second dimension24-34. Importantly, quantization assumes uniformly filled electron bands below a Fermi energy, or an equivalent occupation for non-equilibrium bosonic systems. Here we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate quantized nonlinear Thouless pumping of photons with a band that is decidedly not uniformly occupied. In our system, nonlinearity acts to quantize transport via soliton formation and spontaneous symmetry-breaking bifurcations. Quantization follows from the fact that the instantaneous soliton solutions centred upon a given unit cell are identical after each pump cycle, up to translation invariance; this is an entirely different mechanism from traditional Thouless pumping. This result shows that nonlinearity and interparticle interactions can induce quantized transport and topological behaviour without a linear counterpart.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(2): 023605, 2021 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34296895


We show that point defects in two-dimensional photonic crystals can support bound states in the continuum (BICs). The mechanism of confinement is a symmetry mismatch between the defect mode and the Bloch modes of the photonic crystal. These BICs occur in the absence of band gaps and therefore provide an alternative mechanism to confine light. Furthermore, we show that such BICs can propagate in a fiber geometry and exhibit arbitrarily small group velocity which could serve as a platform for enhancing nonlinear effects and light-matter interactions in structured fibers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(21): 213901, 2020 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33274969


Higher-order topological insulators are a recently discovered class of materials that can possess zero-dimensional localized states regardless of the dimension of the system. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that the topological corner-localized modes of higher-order topological systems can be symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum; these states do not hybridize with the surrounding bulk states of the lattice even in the absence of a bulk band gap. This observation expands the scope of bulk-boundary correspondence by showing that protected boundary-localized states can be found within topological bands, in addition to being found in between them.

Light Sci Appl ; 9: 178, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33088495


Thouless charge pumping protocols provide a route for one-dimensional systems to realize topological transport. Here, using arrays of evanescently coupled optical waveguides, we experimentally demonstrate bulk Thouless pumping in the presence of disorder. The degree of pumping is quite tolerant to significant deviations from adiabaticity as well as the addition of system disorder until the disorder is sufficiently strong to reduce the bulk mobility gap of the system to be on the scale of the modulation frequency of the system. Moreover, we show that this approach realizes near-full-unit-cell transport per pump cycle for a physically relevant class of localized initial system excitations. Thus, temporally pumped systems can potentially be used as a design principle for a new class of modulated slow-light devices that are resistant to system disorder.

Science ; 368(6493): 856-859, 2020 05 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32439788


Topological protection is a universal phenomenon that applies to electronic, photonic, ultracold atomic, mechanical, and other systems. The vast majority of research in these systems has explored the linear domain, where interparticle interactions are negligible. We experimentally observed solitons-waves that propagate without changing shape as a result of nonlinearity-in a photonic Floquet topological insulator. These solitons exhibited distinct behavior in that they executed cyclotron-like orbits associated with the underlying topology. Specifically, we used a waveguide array with periodic variations along the waveguide axis, giving rise to nonzero winding number, and the nonlinearity arose from the optical Kerr effect. This result applies to a range of bosonic systems because it is described by the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (equivalently, the attractive Gross-Pitaevskii equation).

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(25): 253902, 2020 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33416372


Weyl points are robust point degeneracies in the band structure of a periodic material, which act as monopoles of Berry curvature. They have been at the forefront of research in three-dimensional topological materials as they are associated with novel behavior both in the bulk and on the surface. Here, we present the experimental observation of a charge-2 photonic Weyl point in a low-index-contrast photonic crystal fabricated by two-photon polymerization. The reflection spectrum obtained via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy closely matches simulations and shows two bands with quadratic dispersion around a point degeneracy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(2): 023902, 2019 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386534


We propose a new paradigm for realizing bound states in the continuum (BICs) by engineering the environment of a system to control the number of available radiation channels. Using this method, we demonstrate that a photonic crystal slab embedded in a photonic crystal environment can exhibit both isolated points and lines of BICs in different regions of its Brillouin zone. Finally, we demonstrate that the intersection between a line of BICs and a line of leaky resonances can yield exceptional points connected by a bulk Fermi arc. The ability to design the environment of a system opens up a broad range of experimental possibilities for realizing BICs in three-dimensional geometries, such as in 3D-printed structures and the planar grain boundaries of self-assembled systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(15): 153904, 2019 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050507


Slow-light waveguides can strongly enhance light-matter interaction, but suffer from a narrow bandwidth, increased backscattering, and Anderson localization. Edge states in photonic topological insulators resist backscattering and localization, but typically cross the bulk band gap over a single Brillouin zone, meaning that slow group velocity implies narrow-band operation. Here we show theoretically that this can be circumvented via an edge termination that causes the edge state to wind many times around the Brillouin zone, making it both slow and broadband.

Nature ; 560(7719): 461-465, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30135528


The hallmark property of two-dimensional topological insulators is robustness of quantized electronic transport of charge and energy against disorder in the underlying lattice1. That robustness arises from the fact that, in the topological bandgap, such transport can occur only along the edge states, which are immune to backscattering owing to topological protection. However, for sufficiently strong disorder, this bandgap closes and the system as a whole becomes topologically trivial: all states are localized and all transport vanishes in accordance with Anderson localization2,3. The recent suggestion4 that the reverse transition can occur was therefore surprising. In so-called topological Anderson insulators, it has been predicted4 that the emergence of protected edge states and quantized transport can be induced, rather than inhibited, by the addition of sufficient disorder to a topologically trivial insulator. Here we report the experimental demonstration of a photonic topological Anderson insulator. Our experiments are carried out in an array of helical evanescently coupled waveguides in a honeycomb geometry with detuned sublattices. Adding on-site disorder in the form of random variations in the refractive index of the waveguides drives the system from a trivial phase into a topological one. This manifestation of topological Anderson insulator physics shows experimentally that disorder can enhance transport rather than arrest it.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(11): 113901, 2018 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29601765


We report the first observation of lasing topological edge states in a 1D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger active array of microring resonators. We show that the judicious use of non-Hermiticity can promote single edge-mode lasing in such arrays. Our experimental and theoretical results demonstrate that, in the presence of chiral-time symmetry, this non-Hermitian topological structure can experience phase transitions that are dictated by a complex geometric phase. Our work may pave the way towards understanding the fundamental aspects associated with the interplay among non-Hermiticity, nonlinearity, and topology in active systems.

Science ; 359(6381)2018 03 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29420260


Topological insulators are phases of matter characterized by topological edge states that propagate in a unidirectional manner that is robust to imperfections and disorder. These attributes make topological insulator systems ideal candidates for enabling applications in quantum computation and spintronics. We propose a concept that exploits topological effects in a unique way: the topological insulator laser. These are lasers whose lasing mode exhibits topologically protected transport without magnetic fields. The underlying topological properties lead to a highly efficient laser, robust to defects and disorder, with single-mode lasing even at very high gain values. The topological insulator laser alters current understanding of the interplay between disorder and lasing, and at the same time opens exciting possibilities in topological physics, such as topologically protected transport in systems with gain. On the technological side, the topological insulator laser provides a route to arrays of semiconductor lasers that operate as one single-mode high-power laser coupled efficiently into an output port.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(6): 063902, 2018 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29481241


We experimentally demonstrate topological edge states arising from the valley-Hall effect in two-dimensional honeycomb photonic lattices with broken inversion symmetry. We break the inversion symmetry by detuning the refractive indices of the two honeycomb sublattices, giving rise to a boron nitridelike band structure. The edge states therefore exist along the domain walls between regions of opposite valley Chern numbers. We probe both the armchair and zigzag domain walls and show that the former become gapped for any detuning, whereas the latter remain ungapped until a cutoff is reached. The valley-Hall effect provides a new mechanism for the realization of time-reversal-invariant photonic topological insulators.

Nature ; 553(7686): 59-62, 2018 01 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29300011


When a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas is placed in a perpendicular magnetic field, its in-plane transverse conductance becomes quantized; this is known as the quantum Hall effect. It arises from the non-trivial topology of the electronic band structure of the system, where an integer topological invariant (the first Chern number) leads to quantized Hall conductance. It has been shown theoretically that the quantum Hall effect can be generalized to four spatial dimensions, but so far this has not been realized experimentally because experimental systems are limited to three spatial dimensions. Here we use tunable 2D arrays of photonic waveguides to realize a dynamically generated four-dimensional (4D) quantum Hall system experimentally. The inter-waveguide separation in the array is constructed in such a way that the propagation of light through the device samples over momenta in two additional synthetic dimensions, thus realizing a 2D topological pump. As a result, the band structure has 4D topological invariants (known as second Chern numbers) that support a quantized bulk Hall response with 4D symmetry. In a finite-sized system, the 4D topological bulk response is carried by localized edge modes that cross the sample when the synthetic momenta are modulated. We observe this crossing directly through photon pumping of our system from edge to edge and corner to corner. These crossings are equivalent to charge pumping across a 4D system from one three-dimensional hypersurface to the spatially opposite one and from one 2D hyperedge to another. Our results provide a platform for the study of higher-dimensional topological physics.

Nature ; 548(7666): 161-162, 2017 08 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28796210
