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Zootaxa ; 5093(3): 296-314, 2022 Jan 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35391485


Deep-sea benthic communities from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, were sampled in JanuaryApril 2005 in an area located between 61S70S and 0W49W. We found a total of eight ascidian species that belong to five different families, of which one corresponded to a new species. These were: Protoholozoa pedunculata Kott, 1969; Corynascidia suhmi Herdman, 1882; Styela andeepensis Maggioni Tatin sp. nov.; Culeolus suhmi Herman, 1881; Culeolus anonymus Monniot F. Monniot C., 1976; Culeolus likae Sanamyan K. Sanamyan N., 2002; Oligotrema lyra (Monniot C. Monniot F., 1973) and Asajirus indicus (Oka, 1913). We report: the extension of the known distribution ranges of P. pedunculata, Corynascidia suhmi, Culeolus suhmi, C. likae and A. indicus, being the first time they are collected from the Weddell Sea; and the shallowest record of C. likae. Six species were added to the list of ascidians of the Weddell Sea, being all deep-sea representatives. While the total number of ascidian species augmented from 43 to 49, the number of deep-sea representatives increased from 23 to 29. Our findings, thus, reinforce the need of performing more deep-sea prospections in the area.

Cordados , Thoracica , Urocordados , Animais , Regiões Antárticas , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Humanos
Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 43(1): 41-47, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347685


Resumen: La enfermedad tromboembólica venosa como trombosis venosa profunda y tromboembolismo pulmonar, son causa importante de mortalidad materna, además se han considerado un problema de salud pública en diferentes países. La trombosis venosa profunda y el tromboembolismo pulmonar son considerados parte de una misma enfermedad con diversos síntomas clínicos que afectan al paciente. Algunas cifras epidemiológicas de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa son que su incidencia se encuentra en torno a 167 por cada 1,000,000 personas por año, en mujeres embarazadas se presenta con una incidencia de 0.5-2.2 por 1,000 embarazos además que es de elevada mortalidad, se ha incrementado en los últimos diez años y en sus factores de riesgo podemos mencionar: trombofilia, tabaquismo, raza, hipertensión, hemorragia obstétrica, transfusiones, obesidad, cesárea principalmente. El abordaje terapéutico dependerá de la expresión clínica de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa. Por lo que esta revisión incluye datos sobre la epidemiología, patogénesis, inflamación, factores de riesgo relacionados a la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa en el embarazo, la identificación de factores de riesgo no sólo son fundamentales para el diagnóstico, sino que también son importantes para prevenir y tratar la enfermedad.

Abstract. Venous thromboembolic disease such as deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism are important causes of maternal mortality and has also been considered a public health problem in different countries. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism are considered part of the same disease with various clinical symptoms that affect the patient. Some epidemiological numbers of the venous thromboembolic disease are that its incidence is around 167 for every 1,000,000 people per year, in pregnant women it appears with an incidence of 0.5-2.2 per 1,000 pregnancies besides that it is of high mortality, it has increased in the last ten years and in their risk factors we can mention: thrombophilia, smoking, race, hypertension, obstetric hemorrhage, transfusions, obesity, cesarean section mainly. The therapeutic approach will depend on the clinical expression of venous thromboembolic disease. So this review includes data on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, inflammation, risk factors related to venous thromboembolic disease in pregnancy, the identification of risk factors are not only essential for diagnosis, but are also important to prevent and treat the disease.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 42(2): 83-88, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094155


Resumen: El delirium postoperatorio (DPO) es común en adultos mayores, y se caracteriza por alteración de la consciencia y la percepción. Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo preoperatorios asociados con DPO en adultos sometidos a anestesia general balanceada en el Hospital Ángeles Metropolitano. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal. Se incluyeron 50 adultos de 60 o más años, a los cuales se les aplicó el Cuestionario de Valoración de Confusión (Confusion Assessment Method) a la hora de ingreso a sala de recuperación. Se realizó un modelo de regresión logística para encontrar los factores de riesgo asociados. Resultados: Se incluyó un total de 50 pacientes con una edad promedio de 70.8 (± 7.1) años. Por sexo, 60.0% (30) fueron mujeres y 40.0% (20) hombres. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a cirugías gastrointestinales-abdominales (34%), ortopédicas (26%), urológicas (16%), cardiovasculares (12%) y otras (12%). El DPO fue detectado en 22 (44.0%) pacientes, no encontrando diferencias significativas por edad y sexo. Las variables asociadas con DPO fueron duración de la cirugía (RM = 1.04 [IC 95% 1.01-1.06, p = 0.004]) y la presencia de niveles elevados de glucosa intraoperatoria (RM = 1.02 [IC 95% 1.00-1.04, p = 0.049]). Conclusiones: El DPO es una complicación frecuente en el adulto mayor, por lo que se necesita un oportuno diagnóstico y la implementación de estrategias de prevención para esta población.

Abstract: Post-operative delirium (POD) is common in older adults and is characterized by changes in attention and cognition. Objective: To determine the preoperative risk factors associated with POD in adults submitted to balanced general anesthesia at Hospital Metropolitano Angeles. Material and methods: Cross-sectional study. Fifty adults aged 60 years or older were included in the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) at the time of admission to the recovery room. A logistic regression model was used to find the associated risk factors. Results: A total of 50 patients with a mean age of 70.8 (± 7.1) years were included. By sex 60.0% (30) were women and 40.0% (20) men. Patients underwent gastrointestinal-abdominal surgeries (34%), orthopedic (26%), urologic (16%), cardiovascular (12%) and others (12%). DPO was detected in 22 (44.0%) patients, not finding significant differences by age and sex. The variables associated with POD were surgery duration (OR = 1.04 [95% CI 1.01-1.06, p = 0.004]) and the presence of elevated intraoperative glucose levels (OR = 1.02 [95% CI 1.00-1.04, p = 0.049]). Conclusions: POD is a frequent complication in the elderly, so it is necessary to provide timely diagnosis and implementation of prevention strategies for this population.

Zootaxa ; 4526(1): 1-28, 2018 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30486087


The understudied deep-sea benthic communities from the Southwestern Atlantic continental slope (200 m-3000 m depth) were sampled on August 2012 in an area located around 38°S that included the Mar del Plata submarine canyon. In these samplings we found a total of 16 ascidian species from six different families, of which two corresponded to new species. These were: Aplidium meridianum (Sluiter, 1906); Aplidium variabile (Herdman, 1886); Aplidium marplatensis Maggioni Tatián (sp. nov. present work); Aplidium solitarium Maggioni Tatián (sp. nov. present work); Synoicum georgianum Sluiter, 1932; Synoicum molle (Herdman, 1886); Synoicum sp.; Polysyncraton trivolutum (Millar, 1960); Sycozoa umbellata (Michaelsen, 1898); Ascidia meridionalis Herdman, 1880; Cnemidocarpa drygalskii (Hartmeyer, 1911); Styela squamosa Herdman, 1881; Pyura pilosa Monniot C. Monniot F., 1974; Molgula pyriformis Herdman, 1881; Molgula setigera Ärnbäck-Christie-Linde, 1938 and Asajirus indicus (Oka, 1913). Based on morphological evidence, we propose the new synonymy: Molgula setigera Ärnbäck-Christie-Linde, 1938 = Molgula marioni Millar, 1960 = Molgula robini Monniot C. Monniot F., 1983. We also propose to maintain Molgula pyriformis and Molgula malvinensis as separate species. We report: the extension of the distribution range of Aplidium meridianum, Synoicum georgianum, Polysyncraton trivolutum, Sycozoa umbellata, Cnemidocarpa drygalskii, Pyura pilosa and Molgula setigera, being the first time they are collected off La Plata River; the deepest registers for Synoicum georgianum, Poylsyncraton trivolutum, Sycozoa umbellata, Ascidia meridionalis, Pyura pilosa, Molgula pyriformis and Molgula setigera; and the shallowest register for Synoicum molle.

Cordados , Urocordados , Animais
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 103(2): 77-84, jun. 2013. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30422


Las especies invasoras son una de las causas más importantes de la pérdida de biodiversidad y de las alteraciones que se producen en los servicios ecosistémicos; en ello reside la importancia de la detección de estas especies y su estudio. Las almejas asiáticas (Corbiculidae) son organismos invasores que ingresaron accidentalmente en el Río de La Plata, Argentina, presuntamente en la década de los 1960'. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron identificar las especies de corbicúlidos y determinar su distribución en distintas localidades a lo largo de la cuenca del Río Suquía, un área extensa localizada en el centro de Argentina. Asimismo, la estructura poblacional fue evaluada mensualmente durante el periodo de un año, en un sitio de la ciudad de Córdoba caracterizado por una alta influencia humana. Se reporta por primera vez la presencia de Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) y Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) en la cuenca del Rio Suquía. La primera sólo se encontró en un ambiente léntico (embalse San Roque), mientras que la segunda especie también se encontró a lo largo de los afluentes y arroyos de la cuenca. Corbicula largillierti mostró una variación en la densidad media, considerando los diferentes sitios; asimismo en la biomasa y las clases de tamaño en un mismo sitio, durante el período de estudio. La composición relativa de los sedimentos, la fluctuación del caudal y la contaminación humana podrían ser las responsables de las diferencias observadas.(AU)

Invasive species are one of the most significant causes of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services, which underlines the importance of their detection and their study. The Asian clams (Corbiculidae) are invasive organisms that accidentally entered the La Plata River, Argentina, presumably in the 1960s. The objectives of the present study were to identify the corbiculid species and to determine their distribution at several locations along the Suquía River basin, an extended area in central Argentina. In addition, population structure was evaluated monthly during one year, at a site in the city of Córdoba that is characterized by high human influence. The presence of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) and Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) in the Suquía River basin is reported for the first time. The former species was found only in a lentic environment (San Roque reservoir), while the latter was also found along the tributary rivers and brooks of the basin. Corbicula largillierti showed variations in average density between the different sites and also in biomass and size classes throughout the study period at the site at Córdoba city. The relative composition of the sediments, flow fluctuation and human pollution may be responsible for the observed differences.(AU)

Animais , Moluscos/classificação , Moluscos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crescimento Demográfico , Animais Exóticos , Biodiversidade
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 103(2): 77-84, jun. 2013. map, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482754


Las especies invasoras son una de las causas más importantes de la pérdida de biodiversidad y de las alteraciones que se producen en los servicios ecosistémicos; en ello reside la importancia de la detección de estas especies y su estudio. Las almejas asiáticas (Corbiculidae) son organismos invasores que ingresaron accidentalmente en el Río de La Plata, Argentina, presuntamente en la década de los 1960'. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron identificar las especies de corbicúlidos y determinar su distribución en distintas localidades a lo largo de la cuenca del Río Suquía, un área extensa localizada en el centro de Argentina. Asimismo, la estructura poblacional fue evaluada mensualmente durante el periodo de un año, en un sitio de la ciudad de Córdoba caracterizado por una alta influencia humana. Se reporta por primera vez la presencia de Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) y Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) en la cuenca del Rio Suquía. La primera sólo se encontró en un ambiente léntico (embalse San Roque), mientras que la segunda especie también se encontró a lo largo de los afluentes y arroyos de la cuenca. Corbicula largillierti mostró una variación en la densidad media, considerando los diferentes sitios; asimismo en la biomasa y las clases de tamaño en un mismo sitio, durante el período de estudio. La composición relativa de los sedimentos, la fluctuación del caudal y la contaminación humana podrían ser las responsables de las diferencias observadas.

Invasive species are one of the most significant causes of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services, which underlines the importance of their detection and their study. The Asian clams (Corbiculidae) are invasive organisms that accidentally entered the La Plata River, Argentina, presumably in the 1960s. The objectives of the present study were to identify the corbiculid species and to determine their distribution at several locations along the Suquía River basin, an extended area in central Argentina. In addition, population structure was evaluated monthly during one year, at a site in the city of Córdoba that is characterized by high human influence. The presence of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) and Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) in the Suquía River basin is reported for the first time. The former species was found only in a lentic environment (San Roque reservoir), while the latter was also found along the tributary rivers and brooks of the basin. Corbicula largillierti showed variations in average density between the different sites and also in biomass and size classes throughout the study period at the site at Córdoba city. The relative composition of the sediments, flow fluctuation and human pollution may be responsible for the observed differences.

Animais , Animais Exóticos , Biodiversidade , Crescimento Demográfico , Moluscos/classificação , Moluscos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 6(2): 129-138, ago. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-657683


El Síndrome de Burnout (SBO) es un problema creciente, comprende alteraciones físicas, somáticas y psicológicas; así como ausentismo laboral, y cuantiosas pérdidas económicas. Desafortunadamente presenta alta prevalencia en los profesionales de la salud y en los estudiantes, principalmente los del área odontológica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer las diferencias por afectación del SBO, en tres grupos (docentes, trabajadores administrativos y estudiantes) que conforman el personal de la Facultad de Odontología, de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM). Se aplicó el Maslach Burnout Inventory y un cuestionario sobre las características sociodemográficas, laborales y académicas, a 108 personas de la Facultad de Odontología, de la UAEM: 36 docentes, 36 trabajadores administrativos y 36 estudiantes. El instrumento consta de 22 ítems para evaluar las tres subescalas del SBO: 1) Agotamiento Emocional (AE), 2)Despersonalización (DP), y 3) Realización Personal (RP). Se aplicó una prueba t para conocer las diferencias entre los grupos, con apoyo del software SPSS, versión 19. Al comparar las medias de afectación por el SBO entre los grupos, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la subescala AE entre docentes y estudiantes (p=0,00), entre docentes y trabajadores administrativos (p=0,01), y entre trabajadores administrativos y estudiantes (p=0,00). En la subescala DP sólo se encontraron diferencias entre los trabajadores administrativos y los estudiantes (p=0,01). En la subescala RP se encontraron diferencias entre los docentes y los estudiantes (p=0,00), entre los docentes y los trabajadores administrativos (p=0,01), y entre los trabajadores administrativos y los estudiantes (p=0,05). No hay estudios sobre el SBO, que incluyan todos los grupos que conforman el personal de una Facultad de Odontología. Sin embargo, es importante conocer las diferencias en la afectación por este síndrome en cada uno de los grupos, ...

Burnout syndrome (BOS) is a growing problem, involves physical, somatic and psychological alterations, as well as work absenteeism, and economic losses. Unfortunately it has high prevalence among health professionals and students, mainly on dentistry area. The aim of this study was to know the differences by affectation of the BOS, between the three groups (educational, administrative workers and students) that conforms the personnel of the Dentistry Faculty, of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM). The Maslach Burnout Inventory and a questionnaire on sociodemographic, labor and academic characteristics, was applied to 108 people of the Dentistry Faculty of the UAEM: 36 educational ones, 36 administrative workers and 36 students. The instrument includes 22 items to evaluate the three subscales of the BOS: 1) Emotional fatigue (EF), 2) Depersonalization (DP), and 3) Personal Realization (PR). A t test was applied to know the differences between the groups studied, with support of software SPSS, version 19. When comparing the averages of affectation by BOS between the groups studied, were statistically significant differences in the subscale of EF between the educational and students groups (p=0.00), between educational and administrative workers groups (p=0.01), and between administrative workers and students groups (p=0.00). In the subscale of DP only were differences between the administrative workers and students groups (p=0.01). In the subscale of PR were differences between educational and students groups (p=0.00), between educational and administrative workers (p=0.01) and, between administrative workers and students groups (p=0.05). There are not studies on the BOS that includes all the groups that conform the personnel of a Dentistry Faculty. Nevertheless, it is important to know the differences in the affectation by this syndrome in each one of the groups, since it will allow elaborating specific strategies for each one; and..

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Esgotamento Profissional/diagnóstico , Estudantes de Odontologia/psicologia , Docentes de Odontologia , Inventário de Personalidade , Pessoal Administrativo/psicologia , Esgotamento Profissional/psicologia , Despersonalização , Faculdades de Odontologia , México , Satisfação Pessoal , Psicometria , Inquéritos e Questionários
Int Dent J ; 61(6): 297-301, 2011 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22117785


Nanotechnology has been used for medical applications in several forms, including dental practice with the development of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) as a useful tool. The aim of this review was to identify the properties and appliances of Ag NPs in dental practice. Silver compounds and NPs have already been used as dental restorative material, endodontic retrofill cements, dental implants and caries inhibitory solution. Despite the effectiveness that Ag NPs has shown in dental practice, Ag NPs remain a controversial area of research with respect to their toxicity in biological and ecological systems. Therefore any application of Ag NPs in dentistry requires more studies. In order to avoid the toxicity of these materials Ag NPs can be temporarily used in dentistry.

Anti-Infecciosos/uso terapêutico , Materiais Dentários/química , Nanopartículas , Prata , Cariostáticos/uso terapêutico , Humanos , Nanopartículas/química , Nanopartículas/uso terapêutico , Prata/química , Prata/uso terapêutico