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Am J Primatol ; 86(4): e23588, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38143424


The golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) is an endangered primate that occurs exclusively in the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil. Its geographic range has been severely reduced by deforestation and its populations are restricted to a human-modified landscape consisting primarily of Atlantic forest fragments and shade cacao (Theobroma cacao) agroforestry, locally known as cabrucas. In the last 30 years, there has been a 42% reduction in the geographic range and a 60% reduction in the population size of L. chrysomelas, with only 8% of its habitat represented by protected areas. Thus, we investigated the occurrence of L. chrysomelas in forest fragments and cabrucas based on interviews and using playback census, and evaluated the influence of landscape attributes on its occurrence. The occurrence was measured using a Generalized Linear Model using a set of 12 predictor variables, including fragment size and elevation. L. chrysomelas inhabited 186 (38%) of the 495 forest fragments and cabrucas. Most inhabited habitat patches (n = 169, 91%) are in the eastern portion (ca. 70 km wide region from the Atlantic coast to inland) of its geographic range. The remaining (n = 17, 9%) are in the western portion of the distribution, between 70 and 150 km from the Atlantic coast. Our models indicate a higher occurrence of L. chrysomelas in the eastern portion of its geographic range, where the landscape exhibits lower land cover diversity, greater functional connectivity, lower altitudes (<400 m), and is primarily composed of forest fragments and cabrucas with a higher core percentage. In contrast, we observed a lower occurrence of L. chrysomelas in the western portion, where the landscape is more diverse and heterogeneous due to anthropogenic activities, such as agriculture and livestock. We urge the establishment of ecological corridors via reforestation of degraded areas in the western portion of the range. This increase in habitat availability and suitability in the west together with the protection of the forests and cabrucas in the east would increase our chances of saving L. chrysomelas from extinction.

Leontopithecus , Humanos , Animais , Brasil/epidemiologia , Florestas , Ecossistema
Ecology ; 104(7): e4098, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37258300


Many studies have focused on vegetation across forest edges to study impacts of edges created by human activities on forest structure and composition, or patterns of vegetation at inherent natural edges. Our objective was to create a database of plant-related variables across different types of edges from various studies (mainly from across Canada, but also in Brazil and Belize) to facilitate edge research. We compiled data on vegetation along more than 300 transects perpendicular to forest edges adjacent to clear-cuts, burned areas, bogs, lakes, barrens, insect disturbances, and riparian areas from 24 studies conducted over the past three decades. Data were compiled for more than 400 plant species and forest structure variables (e.g., trees, logs, canopy cover). All data were collected with a similar sampling design of quadrats along transects perpendicular to forest edges, but with varying numbers of transects and quadrats, and distances from the edge. The purpose for most of the studies was either to determine the distance of edge influence (edge width) or to explore the pattern of vegetation along the edge to interior gradient. We provide data tables for the cover of plant species and functional groups, the species and size of live and dead trees, the density of saplings, maximum height of functional groups and shrub species, and the cover of functional groups at different heights (vertical distribution of vegetation). The Forest Edge Research Network (FERN) database provides extensive data on many variables that can be used for further study including meta-analyses and can assist in answering questions important to conservation efforts (e.g., how is distance of edge influence from created edges affected by different factors?). We plan to expand this database with subsequent studies from the authors and we invite others to contribute to make this a more global database. The data are released under a CC0 license. When using these data, we ask that you cite this data paper and any relevant publications listed in our metadata file. We also encourage you to contact the first author if you are planning to use or contribute to this database.

Florestas , Animais , Humanos , Insetos , Árvores , Áreas Alagadas
Ecology ; 103(2): e03595, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34807455


Flowering plant species and their nectar-feeding vertebrates exemplify some of the most remarkable biotic interactions in the Neotropics. In the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, several species of birds (especially hummingbirds), bats, and non-flying mammals, as well as one lizard feed on nectar, often act as pollinators and contribute to seed output of flowering plants. We present a dataset containing information on flowering plants visited by nectar-feeding vertebrates and sampled at 166 localities in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. This dataset provides information on 1902 unique interactions among 515 species of flowering plants and 129 species of potential vertebrate pollinators and the patterns of species diversity across latitudes. All plant-vertebrate interactions compiled were recorded through direct observations of visits, and no inferences of pollinators based on floral syndromes were included. We also provide information on the most common plant traits used to understand the interactions between flowers and nectar-feeding vertebrates: plant growth form, corolla length, rate of nectar production per hour in bagged flowers, nectar concentration, flower color and shape, time of anthesis, presence or absence of perceptible fragrance by human, and flowering phenology as well as the plant's threat status by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classification. For the vertebrates, status of threat by IUCN classification, body mass, bill or rostrum size are provided. Information on the frequency of visits and pollen deposition on the vertebrate's body is provided from the original source when available. The highest number of unique interactions is recorded for birds (1771) followed by bats (110). For plants, Bromeliaceae contains the highest number of unique interactions (606), followed by Fabaceae (242) and Gesneriaceae (104). It is evident that there was geographical bias of the studies throughout the southeast of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and that most effort was directed to flower-hummingbird interactions. However, it reflects a worldwide tendency of more plants interacting with birds compared with other vertebrate species. The lack of similar protocols among studies to collect basic data limits the comparisons among areas and generalizations. Nevertheless, this dataset represents a notable effort to organize and highlight the importance of vertebrate pollinators in this hotspot of biodiversity on Earth and represents the data currently available. No copyright or proprietary restrictions are associated with the use of this data set. Please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications or scientific events.

Néctar de Plantas , Polinização , Animais , Aves , Flores , Florestas , Humanos , Mamíferos
Ambio ; 51(1): 253-268, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33825156


Considering the necessity of interdisciplinary approaches for planning and managing the expansion of urban landscapes worldwide, this study aimed to (1) assess landscape permeability for birds and people inhabiting a Neotropical city and (2) propose priority streets and areas for the implementation of a green infrastructure project that could benefit both. To reach these goals, we generated resistance surfaces using expert knowledge to simulate multiple least-cost corridors (MLCC) between parks and green spaces within an urban landscape for people and seven bird species. We compared the solutions using a corridors' spatial agreement analysis, which allow us to identify the overlap between modeled corridors for all organisms or functional groups of interest. We also identified the streets most selected by the simulated MLCC and then identified a green space which is a convergence point of corridors modeled for both people and bird species. Finally, we suggested priority streets for planting trees and proposed interventions to turn the green space into a multifunctional park, conciliating social and ecological perspectives.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Animais , Aves , Cidades , Humanos , Parques Recreativos
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221363, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394009


Abstract Mammals are charismatic organisms that play a fundamental role in ecological functions and ecosystem services, such as pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient cycling, and pest control. The state of São Paulo represents only 3% of the Brazilian territory but holds 33% of its mammalian diversity. Most of its territory is dominated by agriculture, pastures, and urban areas which directly affect the diversity and persistence of mammals in the landscape. In addition, São Paulo has the largest port in Latin America and the largest offshore oil reservoir in Brazil, with a 600 km stretch of coastline with several marine mammal species. These human-made infrastructures affect the diversity, distribution, ecology, and the future of mammals in the state. Here, we answer five main questions: 1) What is the diversity of wild mammals in São Paulo state? 2) Where are they? 3) What is their positive and negative impact on human well-being? 4) How do mammals thrive in human-modified landscapes? 5) What is the future of mammals in the state? The state of São Paulo holds 255 species of native mammals, with four endemic species, two of them globally endangered. At least six species (two marsupials, Giant otter, Pampas deer, Brazilian dwarf brocket deer, and Giant armadillo) were extirpated from the state due to hunting and habitat loss. The intense human land use in the state forced many mammalian species to change their diet to cope with the intense fragmentation and agriculture. Large-scale monoculture has facilitated the invasion of exotic species such as wild boars (javali) and the European hare. Several "savanna-dwelling" species are expanding their ranges (Maned wolf, Brocket deer) over deforested areas and probably reflect changes towards a drier climate. Because the state has the largest road system, about 40,000 mammals from 33 species are killed per year in collisions causing an economic loss of 12 million dollars/year. The diversity of mammals is concentrated in the largest forest remnants of Serra do Mar and in the interior of the State, mainly in the regions of Ribeirão Preto and Jundiaí. Sampling gaps are concentrated throughout the interior of the state, particularly in the northwest region. Wild mammals play a fundamental role in many ecosystem services, but they can also be a concern in bringing new emergent diseases to humans. Although the taxonomy of mammals seems to be well known, we show that new species are continuously being discovered in the state. Therefore, continuous surveys using traditional and new technologies (eDNA, iDNA, drones), long-term population monitoring, investigation of the interface of human-wildlife conflict, and understanding of the unique ecosystem role played by mammals are future avenues for promoting sustainable green landscapes allied to human well-being in the state. The planting of forest or savanna corridors, particularly along with major river systems, in the plateau, controlling illegal hunting in the coastal areas, managing fire regimes in the Cerrado, and mitigating roadkill must be prioritized to protect this outstanding mammal diversity.

Resumo Os mamíferos são organismos carismáticos que desempenham um papel fundamental na função ecológica e nos serviços ecossistêmicos, como polinização, dispersão de sementes, ciclagem de nutrientes e controle de pragas. O Estado de São Paulo representa apenas 3% do território brasileiro, mas detém 33% da diversidade de mamíferos. A maior parte de seu território é dominado pela agricultura, pastagens e áreas urbanas que afetam diretamente a diversidade e a persistência dos mamíferos na paisagem. Além disso, São Paulo possui o maior porto da América Latina e o maior reservatório de petróleo costeiro do Brasil, com 600 km de extensão de litoral com diversas espécies de mamíferos marinhos. Essas infraestruturas afetam a diversidade, distribuição, ecologia e o futuro dos mamíferos no estado. Aqui, respondemos cinco perguntas principais: 1) Qual é a diversidade de mamíferos silvestres no Estado de São Paulo? 2) Onde eles ocorrem? 3) Qual é o seu impacto positivo e negativo no bem-estar humano? 4) Como os mamíferos persistem em paisagens modificadas pelo homem? 5) Qual é o futuro dos mamíferos no estado? O estado de São Paulo possui 255 espécies de mamíferos nativos, com quatro espécies endêmicas, duas delas globalmente ameaçadas de extinção. Pelo menos seis espécies (dois marsupiais, ariranha, veado-campeiro, veado-cambuta e tatu-canastra) foram extirpadas do estado devido à caça e perda de habitat. O intenso uso humano da terra no estado forçou muitas espécies de mamíferos a mudar sua dieta para lidar com a intensa fragmentação e agricultura. A monocultura em larga escala facilitou a invasão de espécies exóticas, como porcos selvagens (javaporco) e a lebre europeia. Várias espécies de áreas abertas estão expandindo suas áreas de distribuição (lobo-guará, veado-catingueiro) sobre áreas desmatadas e provavelmente refletem mudanças em direção a um clima mais seco. Como o estado possui o maior sistema rodoviário do Brasil, cerca de 40 mil mamíferos de 33 espécies são mortos por ano em colisões, causando um prejuízo econômico de 12 milhões de dólares/ano. A diversidade de mamíferos está concentrada nos maiores remanescentes florestais da Serra do Mar e no interior do Estado, principalmente nas regiões de Ribeirão Preto e Jundiaí. As lacunas amostrais estão concentradas em todo o interior do estado, principalmente na região noroeste. Os mamíferos silvestres desempenham um papel fundamental em muitos serviços ecossistêmicos, mas também podem ser uma preocupação em trazer novas doenças emergentes para as populações humanas. Embora a taxonomia de mamíferos pareça ser bem conhecida, mostramos que novas espécies estão sendo continuamente descobertas no estado. Portanto, pesquisas usando tecnologias tradicionais e novas (eDNA, iDNA, drones), monitoramento populacional de longo prazo, a investigação da interface do conflito homem-vida selvagem e a compreensão do papel único no ecossistema desempenhado pelos mamíferos são um caminho futuro para promover uma paisagem verde sustentável aliada ao bem-estar humano no estado. O plantio de corredores florestais ou de cerrado, principalmente junto aos principais sistemas fluviais, no planalto, o controle da caça ilegal nas áreas costeiras, o manejo dos regimes de fogo no Cerrado e a mitigação dos atropelamentos devem ser uma prioridade para proteger essa notável diversidade de mamíferos.

PeerJ ; 9: e11673, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34239779


BACKGROUND: A key challenge for conservation biology in the Neotropics is to understand how deforestation affects biodiversity at various levels of landscape fragmentation. Addressing this challenge requires expanding the coverage of known biodiversity data, which remain to date restricted to a few well-surveyed regions. Here, we assess the sampling coverage and biases in biodiversity data on fruit-feeding butterflies at the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, discussing their effect on our understanding of the relationship between forest fragmentation and biodiversity at a large-scale. We hypothesize that sampling effort is biased towards large and connected fragments, which occur jointly in space at the Atlantic forest. METHODS: We used a comprehensive dataset of Atlantic Forest fruit-feeding butterfly communities to test for sampling biases towards specific geographical areas, climate conditions and landscape configurations. RESULTS: We found a pattern of geographical aggregation of sampling sites, independently of scale, and a strong sampling bias towards large and connected forest fragments, located near cities and roads. Sampling gaps are particularly acute in small and disconnected forest fragments and rare climate conditions. In contrast, currently available data can provide a fair picture of fruit-feeding butterfly communities in large and connected Atlantic Forest remnants. DISCUSSION: Biased data hamper the inference of the functional relationship between deforestation and biodiversity at a large-scale, since they are geographically clustered and have sampling gaps in small and disconnected fragments. These data are useful to inform decision-makers regarding conservation efforts to curb biodiversity loss in the Atlantic Forest. Thus, we suggest to expand sampling effort to small and disconnected forest fragments, which would allow more accurate evaluations of the effects of landscape modification.

Mov Ecol ; 9(1): 35, 2021 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34233767


BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence that individuals within populations can vary in both habitat use and movement behavior, but it is still not clear how these two relate to each other. The aim of this study was to test if and how individual bats in a Stunira lilium population differ in their movement activity and preferences for landscape features in a correlated manner. METHODS: We collected data on movements of 27 individuals using radio telemetry. We fitted a heterogeneous-space diffusion model to the movement data in order to evaluate signals of movement variation among individuals. RESULTS: S. lilium individuals generally preferred open habitat with Solanum fruits, regularly switched between forest and open areas, and showed high site fidelity. Movement variation among individuals could be summarized in four movement syndromes: (1) average individuals, (2) forest specialists, (3) explorers which prefer Piper, and (4) open area specialists which prefer Solanum and Cecropia. CONCLUSIONS: Individual preferences for landscape features plus food resource and movement activity were correlated, resulting in different movement syndromes. Individual variation in preferences for landscape elements and food resources highlight the importance of incorporating explicitly the interaction between landscape structure and individual heterogeneity in descriptions of animal movement.

Ecotoxicol Environ Saf ; 215: 112147, 2021 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33756294


The intensive shift on land cover by anthropogenic activities have led to changes in natural habitats and environmental contamination, which can ultimately impact and threat biodiversity and ecosystem services, such as pollination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of native forest and human-modified land covers on the concentrations of chemical elements accumulated in the neotropical pollinator bee T. angustula. Eight landscapes, within an Ecological Corridor in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, with gradients of forest cover, spatial heterogeneity and varying land covers were used as sampling unities. Bees collected in traps or through actives searches had the concentration of 21 chemical elements determined by ICP-MS. Results show a beneficial effect of forested areas on the concentrations of some well-known toxic elements accumulated in bees, such as Hg, Cd, and Cr. Multivariate Redundancy Analysis (RDA) suggests road as the most important driver for the levels of Cr, Hg, Sb, Al, U, As, Pb and Pt and bare soil, pasture and urban areas as the landscape covers responsible for the concentrations of Zn, Cd, Mn, Mg, Ba and Sr in bees. The results reinforce the potential use of T. angustula bees as bioindicators of environmental quality and also show that these organisms are being directly affected by human land use, offering potential risks for the Neotropical ecosystem. Our study sheds light on how land covers (native forest and human-modified) can influence the levels of contaminants in insects within human-dominated landscapes. The generation of predictions of the levels of toxic metals and metalloids based on land use can both contribute to friendly farming planning as well as to support public policy development on the surrounding of protected areas and biodiversity conservation hotspots.

Abelhas/fisiologia , Monitoramento Ambiental , Metaloides/metabolismo , Metais/metabolismo , Agricultura , Animais , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Ecossistema , Florestas , Intoxicação por Metais Pesados , Humanos , Polinização , Solo
Front Genet ; 11: 259, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32269588


Changes in landscape structure can affect essential population ecological features, such as dispersal and recruitment, and thus genetic processes. Here, we analyze the effects of landscape metrics on adaptive quantitative traits variation, evolutionary potential, and on neutral genetic diversity in populations of the Neotropical savanna tree Tabebuia aurea. Using a multi-scale approach, we sampled five landscapes with two sites of savanna in each. To obtain neutral genetic variation, we genotyped 60 adult individuals from each site using 10 microsatellite loci. We measured seed size and mass. Seeds were grown in nursery in completely randomized experimental design and 17 traits were measured in seedlings to obtain the average, additive genetic variance (V a ) and coefficient of variation (CV a %), which measures evolvability, for each trait. We found that habitat loss increased genetic diversity (He) and allelic richness (AR), and decreased genetic differentiation among populations (F ST ), most likely due to longer dispersal distance of pollen in landscapes with lower density of flowering individuals. Habitat amount positively influenced seed size. Seeds of T. aurea are wind-dispersed and larger seeds may be dispersed to short distance, increasing genetic differentiation and decreasing genetic diversity and allelic richness. Evolvability (CV a %) in root length decreased with habitat amount. Savanna trees have higher root than shoot growth rate in the initial stages, allowing seedlings to obtain water from water tables. Landscapes with lower habitat amount may be more stressful for plant species, due to the lower plant density, edge effects and the negative impacts of agroecosystems. In these landscapes, larger roots may provide higher ability to obtain water, increasing survival and avoiding dying back because of fire. Despite the very recent agriculture expansion in Central Brazil, landscape changes are affecting neutral and adaptive variation in T. aurea. Several populations have low additive genetic variation for some traits and thus, may have limited evolvability, which may jeopardize species long-term persistence. The effect of habitat loss on highly variable neutral loci may only be detected after a certain threshold of population size is attained, that could become dangerously small masking important losses of heterozygosity endangering species conservation.

Front Genet ; 11: 606222, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33613620


Plants are one of the most vulnerable groups to fragmentation and habitat loss, that may affect community richness, abundance, functional traits, and genetic diversity. Here, we address the effects of landscape features on adaptive quantitative traits and evolutionary potential, and on neutral genetic diversity in populations of the Neotropical savanna tree Caryocar brasiliense. We sampled adults and juveniles in 10 savanna remnants within five landscapes. To obtain neutral genetic variation, we genotyped all individuals from each site using nine microsatellite loci. For adaptive traits we measured seed size and mass and grown seeds in nursery in completely randomized experimental design. We obtained mean, additive genetic variance (V a ) and coefficient of variation (CV a %), which measures evolvability, for 17 traits in seedlings. We found that landscapes with higher compositional heterogeneity (SHDI) had lower evolutionary potential (CV a %) in leaf length (LL) and lower aboveground dry mass (ADM) genetic differentiation (Q ST ). We also found that landscapes with higher SHDI had higher genetic diversity (He) and allelic richness (AR) in adults, and lower genetic differentiation (F ST ). In juveniles, SHDI was also positively related to AR. These results are most likely due to longer dispersal distance of pollen in landscapes with lower density of flowering individuals. Agricultural landscapes with low quality mosaic may be more stressful for plant species, due to the lower habitat cover (%), higher cover of monocropping (%) and other land covers, and edge effects. However, in landscapes with higher SHDI with high quality mosaic, forest nearby savanna habitat and the other environments may facilitate the movement or provide additional habitat and resources for seed disperses and pollinators, increasing gene flow and genetic diversity. Finally, despite the very recent agriculture expansion in Central Brazil, we found no time lag in response to habitat loss, because both adults and juveniles were affected by landscape changes.

Sci Total Environ ; 707: 135403, 2020 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31864000


There has been a body of research examining the sounds produced in landscapes. These sounds are commonly defined as soundscapes, however, the term is often used in different contexts. To understand the various meanings attributed to soundscapes, we identified how soundscapes are represented in the scientific literature and identified current knowledge gaps in soundscape research focusing on terrestrial environments. We conducted a quantitative review of published papers with the keyword soundscape available at Web of Science and Scopus databases. A total of 1309 abstracts and a subset of about 5% (N = 68) complete papers and reviews published from 1985 to 2017 were read and analysed, identifying types of sound, types of environment and focal species studied, as well as study regions and climates. By identifying the current focus of research, we also identified gaps and research opportunities. Research was biased towards temperate regions, terrestrial environments, and the impacts on humans in urban areas. Although most of the world's biodiversity is concentrated in tropical wilderness areas, these regions had fewer studies attributed to them. Given the importance of tropical landscapes for biodiversity conservation, we strongly suggest that more research should be undertaken in the tropics, with a particular focus on wildlife in these regions. Furthermore, soundscape research (methods and tools) should increasingly target the anthropogenic impacts on wildlife, including behavioural and physiological changes, alongside the current focus on human-sound interactions and the approach used by bioacoustics methods.

Animais Selvagens , Animais , Biodiversidade , Aves , Clima , Humanos , Som
Viruses ; 11(11)2019 10 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31683644


BACKGROUND: Hantavirus disease in humans is rare but frequently lethal in the Neotropics. Several abundant and widely distributed Sigmodontinae rodents are the primary hosts of Orthohantavirus and, in combination with other factors, these rodents can shape hantavirus disease. Here, we assessed the influence of host diversity, climate, social vulnerability and land use change on the risk of hantavirus disease in Brazil over 24 years. METHODS: Landscape variables (native forest, forestry, sugarcane, maize and pasture), climate (temperature and precipitation), and host biodiversity (derived through niche models) were used in spatiotemporal models, using the 5570 Brazilian municipalities as units of analysis. RESULTS: Amounts of native forest and sugarcane, combined with temperature, were the most important factors influencing the increase of disease risk. Population at risk (rural workers) and rodent host diversity also had a positive effect on disease risk. CONCLUSIONS: Land use change-especially the conversion of native areas to sugarcane fields-can have a significant impact on hantavirus disease risk, likely by promoting the interaction between the people and the infected rodents. Our results demonstrate the importance of understanding the interactions between landscape change, rodent diversity, and hantavirus disease incidence, and suggest that land use policy should consider disease risk. Meanwhile, our risk map can be used to help allocate preventive measures to avoid disease.

Infecções por Hantavirus/transmissão , Síndrome Pulmonar por Hantavirus/transmissão , Roedores/virologia , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Zoonoses/virologia , Animais , Brasil/epidemiologia , Clima , Doenças Transmissíveis Emergentes , Reservatórios de Doenças/virologia , Ecossistema , Fazendeiros , Orthohantavírus , Infecções por Hantavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Hantavirus/prevenção & controle , Síndrome Pulmonar por Hantavirus/epidemiologia , Síndrome Pulmonar por Hantavirus/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Saúde Pública
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(37): 18466-18472, 2019 09 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31451670


The broad negative consequences of habitat degradation on biodiversity have been studied, but the complex effects of natural-agricultural landscape matrices remain poorly understood. Here we used stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes to detect changes in mammal resource and habitat use and trophic structure between preserved areas and human-modified landscapes (HMLs) in a biodiversity hot spot in South America. We classified mammals into trophic guilds and compared resource use (in terms of C3- and C4-derived carbon), isotopic niches, and trophic structure across the 2 systems. In HMLs, approximately one-third of individuals fed exclusively on items from the agricultural matrix (C4), while in preserved areas, ∼68% depended on forest remnant resources (C3). Herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores were the guilds that most incorporated C4 carbon in HMLs. Frugivores maintained the same resource use between systems (C3 resources), while insectivores showed no significant difference. All guilds in HMLs except insectivores presented larger isotopic niches than those in preserved areas. We observed a complex trophic structure in preserved areas, with increasing δ15N values from herbivores to insectivores and carnivores, differing from that in HMLs. This difference is partially explained by species loss and turnover and mainly by the behavioral plasticity of resilient species that use nitrogen-enriched food items. We concluded that the landscape cannot be seen as a habitat/nonhabitat dichotomy because the agricultural landscape matrix in HMLs provides mammal habitat and opportunities for food acquisition. Thus, favorable management of the agricultural matrix and slowing the conversion of forests to agriculture are important for conservation in this region.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Recursos Naturais , Estado Nutricional , Agricultura , Animais , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Florestas , Herbivoria , Humanos , Marcação por Isótopo , Mamíferos , Isótopos de Nitrogênio/análise , América do Sul
PLoS Negl Trop Dis ; 13(8): e0007655, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31404077


Several viruses from the genus Orthohantavirus are known to cause lethal disease in humans. Sigmodontinae rodents are the main hosts responsible for hantavirus transmission in the tropical forests, savannas, and wetlands of South America. These rodents can shed different hantaviruses, such as the lethal and emerging Araraquara orthohantavirus. Factors that drive variation in host populations may influence hantavirus transmission dynamics within and between populations. Landscape structure, and particularly areas with a predominance of agricultural land and forest remnants, is expected to influence the proportion of hantavirus rodent hosts in the Atlantic Forest rodent community. Here, we tested this using 283 Atlantic Forest rodent capture records and geographically weighted models that allow us to test if predictors vary spatially. We also assessed the correspondence between proportions of hantavirus hosts in rodent communities and a human vulnerability to hantavirus infection index across the entire Atlantic Forest biome. We found that hantavirus host proportions were more positively influenced by landscape diversity than by a particular habitat or agricultural matrix type. Local small mammal diversity also positively influenced known pathogenic hantavirus host proportions, indicating that a plasticity to habitat quality may be more important for these hosts than competition with native forest dwelling species. We found a consistent positive effect of sugarcane and tree plantation on the proportion of rodent hosts, whereas defaunation intensity did not correlate with the proportion of hosts of potentially pathogenic hantavirus genotypes in the community, indicating that non-defaunated areas can also be hotspots for hantavirus disease outbreaks. The spatial match between host hotspots and human disease vulnerability was 17%, while coldspots matched 20%. Overall, we discovered strong spatial and land use change influences on hantavirus hosts at the landscape level across the Atlantic Forest. Our findings suggest disease surveillance must be reinforced in the southern and southeastern regions of the biome where the highest predicted hantavirus host proportion and levels of vulnerability spatially match. Importantly, our analyses suggest there may be more complex rodent community dynamics and interactions with human disease than currently hypothesized.

Biodiversidade , Florestas , Infecções por Hantavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Hantavirus/virologia , Orthohantavírus/isolamento & purificação , Roedores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Roedores/virologia , Agricultura/métodos , Animais , Reservatórios de Doenças/virologia , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa , Ecossistema , Orthohantavírus/classificação , Infecções por Hantavirus/transmissão , Humanos , Roedores/classificação , América do Sul/epidemiologia , Análise Espacial
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31400499


Hematological measures are increasingly being used to analyse the impact of several stressors on the physiological condition of animals. Landscape degradation and habitat loss impacts terrestrial and volant mammals occurrence, however rarely the effects of these factors on physiological conditions and stress levels were analyzed. Here, we measured several hematological parameters to analyse the impacts of habitat amount on the physiological condition (body condition and health status) and stress level of four species of Neotropical fruit-eating bats. We measured hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and calculated the hemoglobin-hematocrit residuals (HHR) and mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), as well as the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (N/L ratio) of four common frugivores bat species (Artibeus lituratus, Artibeus planirostris, Sturnira lilium and Carollia perspicilatta). The bats were captured in 20 landscapes within the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, in a gradient from 10 to 85% of habitat amount. We tested the influence of habitat amount, species, sex and reproductive condition on the physiological variables. We fit GLM to each of the response variables and performed a model selection to identify the most plausible to explain the patterns. N/L ratio was negatively influenced by habitat amount, while the other variables were not related to habitat amount. Overall, we found that habitat loss apparently did not jeopardize the physiological condition of fruit-eating bats and that stress level apparently is not high enough to have any deleterious effect. We suggest that the increase in glucocorticoids, indirectly assessed by the N/L ratio, is a predictive, beneficial response, that allow these bats to cope efficiently with the stressors associated with habitat loss.

Biodiversidade , Quirópteros/fisiologia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Quirópteros/sangue , Ecossistema , Frutas/química , Genitália/fisiologia , Linfócitos/fisiologia , Neutrófilos/fisiologia
Ecol Evol ; 9(11): 6318-6328, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31236223


A decline in species number often occurs after forest fragmentation and habitat loss, which usually results in the loss of ecological functions and a reduction in functional diversity in the forest fragments. However, it is uncertain whether these lost ecological functions are consistently maintained throughout continuous forests, and so the importance of these functions in continuous forests remains unknown. Point counts were used to assess both the taxonomic and functional diversity of specialist and generalist birds from sampling in a continuous primary forest compared with forest fragments in order to investigate the responses of these groups to forest fragmentation. We also measured alpha and beta diversity. The responses of specialists and generalists were similar when we assessed all bird species but were different when only passerines were considered. When examining passerines we found lower total taxonomic beta diversity for specialists than for generalists in the continuous forest, while taxonomic beta diversity was higher in the fragmented forest and similar between bird groups. However, total functional beta-diversity values indicated clearly higher trait regularity in continuous forest for specialists and higher trait regularity in fragments for generalists. Specialists showed significantly higher functional alpha diversity in comparison with generalists in the continuous forest, while both groups showed similar values in fragments. In passerines, species richness and alpha functional diversity of both specialist and generalist were explained by forest connectivity; but, only fragment size explained those parameters for specialist passerines. We suggest that considering subsets of the community with high similarity among species, as passerines, provides a better tool for understanding responses to forest fragmentation. Due to the regularity of specialists in continuous forest, their lost could highly affect functionality in forest fragments.

Ecology ; 100(10): e02785, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31180132


Biodiversity inventories contain important information about species richness, community structure, and composition, and are the first step in developing any conservation and mitigation strategies. The Atlantic Forest of South America is home to around 334 species of small-, medium-, and large-sized mammals, and is currently restricted to less than 12% of its original cover. Here, we present the ATLANTIC MAMMALS, an open data set on information on medium- and large-sized mammal assemblages in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. A total of 129 studies were compiled, including published and in press peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, theses and unpublished data. We mapped 244 assemblages, eight orders, 63 genera, and 94 species (24 of which are classified as threatened by the IUCN Red List) distributed in 128 protected and 116 unprotected areas. Species richness of the mammalian assemblages varied from 1 to 39 species (mean 15). The most recorded species in the entire biome was Dasypus novemcinctus, followed by Cerdocyon thous and Procyon cancrivorous. These data can be useful in support of macroecological studies and conservation planning strategies. Please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us of how they are using the data.

J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 7(3): 233-241, jul.-set. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005602


Objetivo: investigar surto de toxoplasmose no município de Gouveia-MG, no período entre fevereiro e maio de 2015. Método: foram realizados estudos descritivo e caso-controle, com análise multivariada (regressão logística) e nível de significância de 5%. Definiu-se como caso o indivíduo com toxoplasmose aguda, confirmada laboratorialmente (IgM e/ou IgG reagentes e baixa avidez de IgG), e controle o indivíduo susceptível (IgM e IgG não reagentes). Resultado: o estudo contemplou 50 casos e 68 controles, sendo a maioria dos casos do sexo masculino (43 pacientes, 86%). Os casos tiveram 10 vezes mais chance de tomar água procedente do Manancial (IC95%: 2,8-37,4; p=0,01), 5,1 vezes mais chance de ingerir linguiça (IC95%: 1,2-20,4; p=0,02) e 4,5 vezes mais chance de ser do sexo masculino (IC95%: 1,2-16,7; p=0,02), quando comparados aos controles. Conclusão: foi confirmado um surto de toxoplasmose aguda, em Gouveia - MG, de transmissão hídrica e/ou alimentar. A maior ocorrência no sexo masculino pode estar relacionada a hábitos de risco, envolvidos na transmissão da doença. Foram propostas medidas que resultaram na diminuição e no controle dos casos da doença.

Objective: to investigate the outbreak of toxoplasmosis in the municipality of Gouveia-MG, between February and May 2015. Methods: Descriptive and case control study, with multivariate analysis (logistic regression) and level of significance of 5%. For the purpose of the study, a case was defined on an individual with laboratory which confirmed acute toxoplasmosis (IgM and/or IgG with low IgG avidity) and a control was a susceptible individual (nonreactive IgM and IgG). Results: The study comprised 50 cases and 68 controls, with most cases being male (43 patients, 86%). When compared to controls, cases had 10 times greater odds of having drunk water from Stream A (IC95%: 2,8-37,4; p=0,01), 5,1 times greater odds of having ingested sausage (IC95%: 1,2-20,4; p=0,02) and 4.5 times greater odds of being of male sex (IC95%: 1,2-16,7; p=0,02). Conclusion: A water/foodborne outbreak of acute toxoplasmosis was confirmed in Gouveia-MG, affecting predominantly men. This may be associated with habits regarding disease transmission. Measures that resulted in the reduction and control of cases of this disease have been proposed.

Ecology ; 100(4): e02622, 2019 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30644540


Joint species distribution modeling has enabled researchers to move from species-level to community-level analyses, leading to statistically more efficient and ecologically more informative use of data. Here, we propose joint species movement modeling (JSMM) as an analogous approach that enables inferring both species- and community-level movement parameters from multispecies movement data. The species-level movement parameters are modeled as a function of species traits and phylogenetic relationships, allowing one to ask how species traits influence movements, and whether phylogenetically related species are similar in their movement behavior. We illustrate the modeling framework with two contrasting case studies: a stochastic redistribution model for direct observations of bird movements and a spatially structured diffusion model for capture-recapture data on moth movements. In both cases, the JSMM identified several traits that explain differences in movement behavior among species, such as movement rate increasing with body size in both birds and moths. We show with simulations that the JSMM approach increases precision of species-specific parameter estimates by borrowing information from other species that are closely related or have similar traits. The JSMM framework is applicable for many kinds of data, and it facilitates a mechanistic understanding of the causes and consequences of interspecific variation in movement behavior.

Aves , Movimento , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Filogenia , Especificidade da Espécie
Ecology ; 99(12): 2875, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30380155


Butterflies are one of the best-known insect groups, and they have been the subject of numerous studies in ecology and evolution, especially in the tropics. Much attention has been given to the fruit-feeding butterfly guild in biodiversity conservation studies, due to the relative ease with which taxa may be identified and specimens sampled using bait traps. However, there remain many uncertainties about the macroecological and biogeographical patterns of butterflies in tropical ecosystems. In the present study, we gathered information about fruit-feeding butterfly species in local communities from the Atlantic Forests of South America. The ATLANTIC BUTTERFLIES data set, which is part of ATLANTIC SERIES data papers, results from a compilation of 145 unpublished inventories and 64 other references, including articles, theses, and book chapters published from 1949 to 2018. In total, the data set contains 7,062 records (presence) of 279 species of fruit-feeding butterflies identified with taxonomic certainty, from 122 study locations. The Satyrini is the tribe with highest number of species (45%) and records (30%), followed by Brassolini, with 13% of species and 12.5% of records. The 10 most common species correspond to 14.2% of all records. This data set represents a major effort to compile inventories of fruit-feeding butterfly communities, filling a knowledge gap about the diversity and distribution of these butterflies in the Atlantic Forest. We hope that the present data set can provide guidelines for future studies and planning of new inventories of fruit-feeding butterflies in this biome. The information presented here also has potential use in studies across a great variety of spatial scales, from local and landscape levels to macroecological research and biogeographical research. We expect that such studies be very important for the better implementation of conservation initiatives, and for understanding the multiple ecological processes that involve fruit-feeding butterflies as biological indicators. No copyright restrictions apply to the use of this data set. Please cite this Data paper when using the current data in publications or teaching events.
