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Front Plant Sci ; 12: 700855, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34552605


The increase in events associated with drought constraints plant growth and crop performance. Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is sensitive to water deficit stress (DS), which limits productivity. The aim of this research was to characterise the response of seven (CCN51, FEAR5, ICS1, ICS60, ICS95, EET8, and TSH565) commercially important cacao clones to severe and temporal water deficit stress. Ten-month-old cacao trees were submitted to two treatments: well-watered and water-stressed until the leaf water potential (Ψ leaf) reached values between -3.0 and -3.5 MPa. The effects of hydric stress on water relations, gas exchange, photochemical activity, membrane integrity and oxidative stress-related gene expression were evaluated. All clones showed decreases in Ψ leaf, but TSH565 had a higher capacity to maintain water homeostasis in leaves. An initial response phase consisted of stomatal closure, a general mechanism to limit water loss: as a consequence, the photosynthetic rate dropped by approximately 98% on average. In some clones, the photosynthetic rate reached negative values at the maximum stress level, evidencing photorespiration and was confirmed by increased intracellular CO2. A second and photosynthetically limited phase was characterized by a drop in PSII quantum efficiency, which affected all clones. On average, all clones were able to recover after 4 days of rewatering. Water deficit triggered oxidative stress at the early phase, as evidenced by the upregulation of oxidative stress markers and genes encoding ROS scavenging enzymes. The effects of water deficit stress on energy metabolism were deduced given the upregulation of fermentative enzyme-coding genes. Altogether, our results suggest that the EET8 clone was the highest performing under water deficit while the ICS-60 clone was more susceptible to water stress. Importantly, the activation of the antioxidant system and PSII repair mechanism seem to play key roles in the observed differences in tolerance to water deficit stress among clones.

Univ. sci ; 15(1): 37-48, Jan.-Apr. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-637333


Objetivo. Desarrollar metodologías para la propagación sexual Montanoa quadrangularis Schultz Bipontianus ("Arboloco"). Materiales y métodos. Las semillas se colectaron de árboles establecidos en La Estación Ambiental de Chilaca (Geoambiente Ltda) localizada en el municipio de Pacho-Cundinamarca (Colombia). Se establecieron dos etapas de estudio: en semillero, se evalúo el efecto de los sustratos suelo local, mezcla suelo local con humus de lombriz y turba y dos arreglos espaciales: siembra directa al azar y a 0,5 cm de profundidad sobre la respuesta germinativa de las semillas. En vivero, se evaluó el efecto de los sustratos: suelo local y suelo local mezclado con humus de lombriz y turba, los estados de desarrollo de las plantas: dos hojas, cuatro hojas y seis hojas sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo vegetal. Resultados. En semillero, la turba determinó la mayor capacidad germinativa con 83,67%, mientras que en el suelo local, se obtuvo la menor capacidad germinativa con un 40,83%. En vivero, las plantas con 6 hojas y trasplantadas en el sustrato suelo local con humus de lombriz, presentaron las mejores respuestas en parámetros como longitud total por planta (9,51 cm), área foliar (36,69 cm²), el peso seco total de la planta (0,10 g). Conclusiones. El tipo de sustrato utilizado en semillero, afectó la capacidad germinativa de semillas de M. quadrangularis. El tipo de sustrato utilizado en vivero y el estado de desarrollo, incidieron significativamente en el crecimiento y desarrollo del arboloco.

Objective. To develop sexual propagation methodologies for Montanoa quadrangularis Schultz Bipontianus (arboloco). Materials and methods. Seeds were harvested from trees grown at the Chilaca environmental station (Geoambiente Ltda.) located in Pacho, Cundinamarca, Colombia. The study was carried out in two phases: firstly, substrate effect on germination responses was evaluated in seedbed conditions. Substrates evaluated were: local soil, local soil mixed with worm humus, and peat. Additionally, two spatial arrangements were assessed: seeds sown at random and at 0.5 cm in depth. Secondly, in nursery conditions the effect of the substrates local soil, local soil mixed with worm humus and peat, as well as the effect of developmental stages of the plants (with 2, 4, and 6 leaves) on their further growth and development were evaluated. Results. In seedbed conditions, the germination capacity was highly influenced by peat substrate (83.67%) whereas in local soil the germination capacity was 40.83%. In nursery conditions, 6-leaf plants grown in local soil mixed with worm humus showed the best responses on parameters such as plant total length (9.51 cm), leaf area (36.69 cm²), and total dry weight (0.10 g). Conclusions. The type of substrate used in seedbed conditions influenced the germination capacity of M. quadrangularis seeds. The substrate and the developmental stage of the plant had a significant influence on the growth and development of arboloco plants.

Objetivo. Desenvolver metodologias para a propagação sexual da especie Montanoa quadrangularis Schultz Bipontianus ("Arboloco"). Materiais e métodos. As sementes foram coletadas de árvores localizadas na "La Estación Ambiental de Chilaca (Geoambiente Ltda), município de Pacho, Cundinamarca (Colômbia). Houve duas etapas de estudo: em sementeira, onde foi avaliado o efeito de substratos do solo local, mistura de solo local com húmus de minhoca e turfa e dois arranjos espaciais: plantio direito aleatório e a 0,5 cm de profundidade, sobre a resposta germinativa das sementes. No viveiro, foi avaliado o efeito dos substratos: solo local e solo local misturado com húmus de minhoca e turfa, e os estágios de desenvolvimento das plantas: duas folhas, quatro folhas e seis folhas no crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Resultados. Na sementeira, a turfa determinou a maior capacidade germinativa com 83,67%, enquanto que o solo local apresentou a menor capacidade germinativa com 40,83%. No viveiro, as plantas com 6 folhas e transplantadas para o substrato de solo local com húmus de minhoca, apresentaram as melhores respostas em parâmetros como o comprimento total por planta (9,51 cm), área folhar (36,69 cm²), e peso da matéria seca total da planta (0,10 g). Conclusões. O tipo de substrato utilizado na sementeira afetou a capacidade germinativa das sementes de M. quadrangularis. O tipo de substrato utilizado no viveiro e o estado de desenvolvimento, influenciaram significativamente no crescimento e desenvolvimento do "Arboloco".