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Phys Rev E ; 109(3): L032106, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38632730


We study a one dimensional gas of N noninteracting diffusing particles in a harmonic trap, whose stiffness switches between two values µ_{1} and µ_{2} with constant rates r_{1} and r_{2}, respectively. Despite the absence of direct interaction between the particles, we show that strong correlations between them emerge in the stationary state at long times, induced purely by the dynamics itself. We compute exactly the joint distribution of the positions of the particles in the stationary state, which allows us to compute several physical observables analytically. In particular, we show that the extreme value statistics (EVS), i.e., the distribution of the position of the rightmost particle, has a nontrivial shape in the large N limit. The scaling function characterizing this EVS has a finite support with a tunable shape (by varying the parameters). Remarkably, this scaling function turns out to be universal. First, it also describes the distribution of the position of the kth rightmost particle in a 1d trap. Moreover, the distribution of the position of the particle farthest from the center of the harmonic trap in d dimensions is also described by the same scaling function for all d≥1. Numerical simulations are in excellent agreement with our analytical predictions.

Phys Rev E ; 109(2): L022103, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491567


In many random search processes of interest in chemistry, biology, or during rescue operations, an entity must find a specific target site before the latter becomes inactive, no longer available for reaction or lost. We present exact results on a minimal model system, a one-dimensional searcher performing a discrete time random walk, or Lévy flight. In contrast with the case of a permanent target, the capture probability and the conditional mean first passage time can be optimized. The optimal Lévy index takes a nontrivial value, even in the long lifetime limit, and exhibits an abrupt transition as the initial distance to the target is varied. Depending on the target lifetime, this transition is discontinuous or continuous, separated by a nonconventional tricritical point. These results pave the way to the optimization of search processes under time constraints.

Phys Rev E ; 109(1-1): 014136, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38366440


Recently we introduced the active Dyson Brownian motion model (DBM), in which N run-and-tumble particles interact via a logarithmic repulsive potential in the presence of a harmonic well. We found that in a broad range of parameters the density of particles converges at large N to the Wigner semicircle law as in the passive case. In this paper we provide an analytical support for this numerical observation by studying the fluctuations of the positions of the particles in the nonequilibrium stationary state of the active DBM in the regime of weak noise and large persistence time. In this limit we obtain an analytical expression for the covariance between the particle positions for any N from the exact inversion of the Hessian matrix of the system. We show that, when the number of particles is large N≫1, the covariance matrix takes scaling forms that we compute explicitly both in the bulk and at the edge of the support of the semicircle. In the bulk the covariance scales as N^{-1}, while at the edge it scales as N^{-2/3}. Remarkably we find that these results can be transposed directly to an equilibrium model, the overdamped Calogero-Moser model in the low-temperature limit, providing an analytical confirmation of the numerical results obtained by Agarwal et al. [J. Stat. Phys. 176, 1463 (2019)0022-471510.1007/s10955-019-02349-6]. For this model our method also allows us to obtain the equilibrium two-time correlations and their dynamical scaling forms both in the bulk and at the edge. Our predictions at the edge are reminiscent of a recent result in the mathematics literature in Gorin and Kleptsyn [arXiv:2009.02006 (2023)] on the (passive) DBM. That result can be recovered by the present methods and also, as we show, using the stochastic Airy operator. Finally, our analytical predictions are confirmed by precise numerical simulations in a wide range of parameters.

Phys Rev E ; 109(1-1): 014101, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38366495


Even though strongly correlated systems are abundant, only a few exceptional cases admit analytical solutions. In this paper we present a large class of solvable systems with strong correlations. We consider a set of N independent and identically distributed random variables {X_{1},X_{2},...,X_{N}} whose common distribution has a parameter Y (or a set of parameters) which itself is random with its own distribution. For a fixed value of this parameter Y, the X_{i} variables are independent and we call them conditionally independent and identically distributed. However, once integrated over the distribution of the parameter Y, the X_{i} variables get strongly correlated yet retain a solvable structure for various observables, such as for the sum and the extremes of X_{i}^{'}s. This provides a simple procedure to generate a class of solvable strongly correlated systems. We illustrate how this procedure works via three physical examples where N particles on a line perform independent (i) Brownian motions, (ii) ballistic motions with random initial velocities, and (iii) Lévy flights, but they get strongly correlated via simultaneous resetting to the origin. Our results are verified in numerical simulations. This procedure can be used to generate an endless variety of solvable strongly correlated systems.

Phys Rev E ; 108(1-1): 014112, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37583217


We consider a system of noninteracting particles on a line with initial positions distributed uniformly with density ρ on the negative half-line. We consider two different models: (i) Each particle performs independent Brownian motion with stochastic resetting to its initial position with rate r and (ii) each particle performs run-and-tumble motion, and with rate r its position gets reset to its initial value and simultaneously its velocity gets randomized. We study the effects of resetting on the distribution P(Q,t) of the integrated particle current Q up to time t through the origin (from left to right). We study both the annealed and the quenched current distributions and in both cases, we find that resetting induces a stationary limiting distribution of the current at long times. However, we show that the approach to the stationary state of the current distribution in the annealed and the quenched cases are drastically different for both models. In the annealed case, the whole distribution P_{an}(Q,t) approaches its stationary limit uniformly for all Q. In contrast, the quenched distribution P_{qu}(Q,t) attains its stationary form for QQ_{crit}(t). We show that Q_{crit}(t) increases linearly with t for large t. On the scale where Q∼Q_{crit}(t), we show that P_{qu}(Q,t) has an unusual large deviation form with a rate function that has a third-order phase transition at the critical point. We have computed the associated rate functions analytically for both models. Using an importance sampling method that allows to probe probabilities as tiny as 10^{-14000}, we were able to compute numerically this nonanalytic rate function for the resetting Brownian dynamics and found excellent agreement with our analytical prediction.

Phys Rev E ; 107(6-1): 064141, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37464619


We consider N Brownian motions diffusing independently on a line, starting at x_{0}>0, in the presence of an absorbing target at the origin. The walkers undergo stochastic resetting under two protocols: (A) each walker resets independently to x_{0} with rate r and (B) all walkers reset simultaneously to x_{0} with rate r. We derive an explicit analytical expression for the mean first-passage time to the origin in terms of an integral which is evaluated numerically using Mathematica. We show that, as a function of r and for fixed x_{0}, it has a minimum at an optimal value r^{*}>0 as long as NN_{c}, the optimal value occurs at r^{*}=0 indicating that resetting hinders search processes. We obtain different values of N_{c} for protocols A and B; indeed, for N≤7 resetting is beneficial in protocol A, while for N≤6 resetting is beneficial for protocol B. Our theoretical predictions are verified in numerical Langevin simulations.

Phys Rev E ; 107(6-1): 064105, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37464700


We study the nonequilibrium Langevin dynamics of N particles in one dimension with Coulomb repulsive linear interactions. This is a dynamical version of the so-called jellium model (without confinement) also known as ranked diffusion. Using a mapping to the Lieb-Liniger model of quantum bosons, we obtain an exact formula for the joint distribution of the positions of the N particles at time t, all starting from the origin. A saddle-point analysis shows that the system converges at long time to a linearly expanding crystal. Properly rescaled, this dynamical state resembles the equilibrium crystal in a time-dependent effective quadratic potential. This analogy allows us to study the fluctuations around the perfect crystal, which, to leading order, are Gaussian. There are however deviations from this Gaussian behavior, which embody long-range correlations of purely dynamical origin, characterized by the higher-order cumulants of, e.g., the gaps between the particles, which we calculate exactly. We complement these results using a recent approach by one of us in terms of a noisy Burgers equation. In the large-N limit, the mean density of the gas can be obtained at any time from the solution of a deterministic viscous Burgers equation. This approach provides a quantitative description of the dense regime at shorter times. Our predictions are in good agreement with numerical simulations for finite and large N.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(20): 207101, 2023 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37267543


We study a one-dimensional gas of N Brownian particles that diffuse independently, but are simultaneously reset to the origin at a constant rate r. The system approaches a nonequilibrium stationary state with long-range interactions induced by the simultaneous resetting. Despite the presence of strong correlations, we show that several observables can be computed exactly, which include the global average density, the distribution of the position of the kth rightmost particle, and the spacing distribution between two successive particles. Our analytical results are confirmed by numerical simulations. We also discuss a possible experimental realization of this resetting gas using optical traps.

Phys Rev E ; 106(5-1): 054133, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559430


We consider an overdamped run-and-tumble particle in two dimensions, with self-propulsion in an orientation that stochastically rotates by 90^{∘} at a constant rate, clockwise or counterclockwise with equal probabilities. In addition, the particle is confined by an external harmonic potential of stiffness µ, and possibly diffuses. We find the exact time-dependent distribution P(x,y,t) of the particle's position, and in particular, the steady-state distribution P_{st}(x,y) that is reached in the long-time limit. We also find P(x,y,t) for a "free" particle, µ=0. We achieve this by showing that, under a proper change of coordinates, the problem decomposes into two statistically independent one-dimensional problems, whose exact solution has recently been obtained. We then extend these results in several directions, to two such run-and-tumble particles with a harmonic interaction, to analogous systems of dimension three or higher, and by allowing stochastic resetting.

Phys Rev E ; 106(5-1): 054110, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559509


We consider a one-dimensional stationary time series of fixed duration T. We investigate the time t_{m} at which the process reaches the global maximum within the time interval [0,T]. By using a path-decomposition technique, we compute the probability density function P(t_{m}|T) of t_{m} for several processes, that are either at equilibrium (such as the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process) or out of equilibrium (such as Brownian motion with stochastic resetting). We show that for equilibrium processes the distribution of P(t_{m}|T) is always symmetric around the midpoint t_{m}=T/2, as a consequence of the time-reversal symmetry. This property can be used to detect nonequilibrium fluctuations in stationary time series. Moreover, for a diffusive particle in a confining potential, we show that the scaled distribution P(t_{m}|T) becomes universal, i.e., independent of the details of the potential, at late times. This distribution P(t_{m}|T) becomes uniform in the "bulk" 1≪t_{m}≪T and has a nontrivial universal shape in the "edge regimes" t_{m}→0 and t_{m}→T. Some of these results have been announced in a recent letter [Europhys. Lett. 135, 30003 (2021)0295-507510.1209/0295-5075/ac19ee].

Phys Rev E ; 106(4-1): 044127, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36397533


We study the statistics of the first-passage time of a single run-and-tumble particle (RTP) in one spatial dimension, with or without resetting, to a fixed target located at L>0. First, we compute the first-passage time distribution of a free RTP, without resetting or in a confining potential, but averaged over the initial position drawn from an arbitrary distribution p(x). Recent experiments used a noninstantaneous resetting protocol that motivated us to study in particular the case where p(x) corresponds to the stationary non-Boltzmann distribution of an RTP in the presence of a harmonic trap. This distribution p(x) is characterized by a parameter ν>0, which depends on the microscopic parameters of the RTP dynamics. We show that the first-passage time distribution of the free RTP, drawn from this initial distribution, develops interesting singular behaviors, depending on the value of ν. We then switch on resetting, mimicked by relaxation of the RTP in the presence of a harmonic trap. Resetting leads to a finite mean first-passage time and we study this as a function of the resetting rate for different values of the parameters ν and b=L/c, where c is the position of the right edge of the initial distribution p(x). In the diffusive limit of the RTP dynamics, we find a rich phase diagram in the (b,ν) plane, with an interesting reentrance phase transition. Away from the diffusive limit, qualitatively similar rich behaviors emerge for the full RTP dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(20): 200603, 2022 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35657896


We introduce a resetting Brownian bridge as a simple model to study search processes where the total search time t_{f} is finite and the searcher returns to its starting point at t_{f}. This is simply a Brownian motion with a Poissonian resetting rate r to the origin which is constrained to start and end at the origin at time t_{f}. We unveil a surprising general mechanism that enhances fluctuations of a Brownian bridge, by introducing a small amount of resetting. This is verified for different observables, such as the mean-square displacement, the hitting probability of a fixed target and the expected maximum. This mechanism, valid for a Brownian bridge in arbitrary dimensions, leads to a finite optimal resetting rate that minimizes the time to search a fixed target. The physical reason behind an optimal resetting rate in this case is entirely different from that of resetting Brownian motions without the bridge constraint. We also derive an exact effective Langevin equation that generates numerically the trajectories of a resetting Brownian bridge in all dimensions via a completely rejection-free algorithm.

Algoritmos , Movimento (Física) , Probabilidade
Phys Rev E ; 104(4-1): 044103, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34781527


We study two interacting identical run-and-tumble particles (RTPs) in one dimension. Each particle is driven by a telegraphic noise and, in some cases, also subjected to a thermal white noise with a corresponding diffusion constant D. We are interested in the stationary bound state formed by the two RTPs in the presence of a mutual attractive interaction. The distribution of the relative coordinate y indeed reaches a steady state that we characterize in terms of the solution of a second-order differential equation. We obtain the explicit formula for the stationary probability P(y) of y for two examples of interaction potential V(y). The first one corresponds to V(y)∼|y|. In this case, for D=0 we find that P(y) contains a δ function part at y=0, signaling a strong clustering effect, together with a smooth exponential component. For D>0, the δ function part broadens, leading instead to weak clustering. The second example is the harmonic attraction V(y)∼y^{2} in which case, for D=0, P(y) is supported on a finite interval. We unveil an interesting relation between this two-RTP model with harmonic attraction and a three-state single-RTP model in one dimension, as well as with a four-state single-RTP model in two dimensions. We also provide a general discussion of the stationary bound state, including examples where it is not unique, e.g., when the particles cannot cross due to an additional short-range repulsion.

Phys Rev E ; 104(2-1): 024117, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34525540


We introduce a method to exactly generate bridge trajectories for discrete-time random walks, with arbitrary jump distributions, that are constrained to initially start at the origin and return to the origin after a fixed time. The method is based on an effective jump distribution that implicitly accounts for the bridge constraint. It is illustrated on various jump distributions and is shown to be very efficient in practice. In addition, we show how to generalize the method to other types of constrained random walks such as generalized bridges, excursions, and meanders.

Phys Rev E ; 103(6-1): 062134, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34271704


We study the position distribution P(R[over ⃗],N) of a run-and-tumble particle (RTP) in arbitrary dimension d, after N runs. We assume that the constant speed v>0 of the particle during each running phase is independently drawn from a probability distribution W(v) and that the direction of the particle is chosen isotropically after each tumbling. The position distribution is clearly isotropic, P(R[over ⃗],N)→P(R,N) where R=|R[over ⃗]|. We show that, under certain conditions on d and W(v) and for large N, a condensation transition occurs at some critical value of R=R_{c}∼O(N) located in the large-deviation regime of P(R,N). For RR_{c} is typically dominated by a "condensate," i.e., a large single run that subsumes a finite fraction of the total displacement (supercritical condensed phase). Focusing on the family of speed distributions W(v)=α(1-v/v_{0})^{α-1}/v_{0}, parametrized by α>0, we show that, for large N, P(R,N)∼exp[-Nψ_{d,α}(R/N)], and we compute exactly the rate function ψ_{d,α}(z) for any d and α. We show that the transition manifests itself as a singularity of this rate function at R=R_{c} and that its order depends continuously on d and α. We also compute the distribution of the condensate size for R>R_{c}. Finally, we study the model when the total duration T of the RTP, instead of the total number of runs, is fixed. Our analytical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations, performed using a constrained Markov chain Monte Carlo technique, with precision ∼10^{-100}.

Phys Rev E ; 103(3): L030105, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33862753


We develop a first-principles approach to compute the counting statistics in the ground state of N noninteracting spinless fermions in a general potential in arbitrary dimensions d (central for d>1). In a confining potential, the Fermi gas is supported over a bounded domain. In d=1, for specific potentials, this system is related to standard random matrix ensembles. We study the quantum fluctuations of the number of fermions N_{D} in a domain D of macroscopic size in the bulk of the support. We show that the variance of N_{D} grows as N^{(d-1)/d}(A_{d}logN+B_{d}) for large N, and obtain the explicit dependence of A_{d},B_{d} on the potential and on the size of D (for a spherical domain in d>1). This generalizes the free-fermion results for microscopic domains, given in d=1 by the Dyson-Mehta asymptotics from random matrix theory. This leads us to conjecture similar asymptotics for the entanglement entropy of the subsystem D, in any dimension, supported by exact results for d=1.

Phys Rev E ; 103(2-1): 022135, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736082


We compute exactly the mean perimeter and the mean area of the convex hull of a two-dimensional isotropic Brownian motion of duration t and diffusion constant D, in the presence of resetting to the origin at a constant rate r. We show that for any t, the mean perimeter is given by 〈L(t)〉=2πsqrt[D/r]f_{1}(rt) and the mean area is given by 〈A(t)〉=2πD/rf_{2}(rt) where the scaling functions f_{1}(z) and f_{2}(z) are computed explicitly. For large t≫1/r, the mean perimeter grows extremely slowly as 〈L(t)〉∝ln(rt) with time. Likewise, the mean area also grows slowly as 〈A(t)〉∝ln^{2}(rt) for t≫1/r. Our exact results indicate that the convex hull, in the presence of resetting, approaches a circular shape at late times due to the isotropy of the Brownian motion. Numerical simulations are in perfect agreement with our analytical predictions.

Phys Rev E ; 102(4-1): 042133, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33212668


We consider an active run-and-tumble particle (RTP) in d dimensions, starting from the origin and evolving over a time interval [0,t]. We examine three different models for the dynamics of the RTP: the standard RTP model with instantaneous tumblings, a variant with instantaneous runs and a general model in which both the tumblings and the runs are noninstantaneous. For each of these models, we use the Sparre Andersen theorem for discrete-time random walks to compute exactly the probability that the x component does not change sign up to time t, showing that it does not depend on d. As a consequence of this result, we compute exactly other x-component properties, namely, the distribution of the time of the maximum and the record statistics, showing that they are universal, i.e., they do not depend on d. Moreover, we show that these universal results hold also if the speed v of the particle after each tumbling is random, drawn from a generic probability distribution. Our findings are confirmed by numerical simulations. Some of these results have been announced in a recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 090603 (2020)10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.090603].

Phys Rev E ; 101(5-1): 052101, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32575200


We present a general framework to study the distribution of the flux through the origin up to time t, in a noninteracting one-dimensional system of particles with a step initial condition with a fixed density ρ of particles to the left of the origin. We focus principally on two cases: (i) particles undergoing diffusive dynamics (passive case) and (ii) run-and-tumble dynamics for each particle (active case). In analogy with disordered systems, we consider the flux distribution for both the annealed and the quenched initial conditions, for passive and active particles. In the annealed case, we show that, for arbitrary particle dynamics, the flux distribution is a Poissonian with a mean µ(t) that we compute exactly in terms of the Green's function of the single-particle dynamics. For the quenched case, we show that, for the run-and-tumble dynamics, the quenched flux distribution takes an anomalous large-deviation form at large times, P_{qu}(Q,t)∼exp[-ρv_{0}γt^{2}ψ_{RTP}(Q/ρv_{0}t)], where γ is the rate of tumbling and v_{0} is the ballistic speed between two successive tumblings. In this paper, we compute the rate function ψ_{RTP}(q) and show that it is nontrivial. Our method also gives access to the probability of the rare event that, at time t, there is no particle to the right of the origin. For diffusive and run-and-tumble dynamics, we find that this probability decays with time as a stretched exponential, ∼exp(-csqrt[t]), where the constant c can be computed exactly. We verify our results for these large deviations by using an importance sampling Monte Carlo method.

Phys Rev E ; 101(5-1): 052111, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32575204


We consider a one-dimensional Brownian motion of fixed duration T. Using a path-integral technique, we compute exactly the probability distribution of the difference τ=t_{min}-t_{max} between the time t_{min} of the global minimum and the time t_{max} of the global maximum. We extend this result to a Brownian bridge, i.e., a periodic Brownian motion of period T. In both cases, we compute analytically the first few moments of τ, as well as the covariance of t_{max} and t_{min}, showing that these times are anticorrelated. We demonstrate that the distribution of τ for Brownian motion is valid for discrete-time random walks with n steps and with a finite jump variance, in the limit n→∞. In the case of Lévy flights, which have a divergent jump variance, we numerically verify that the distribution of τ differs from the Brownian case. For random walks with continuous and symmetric jumps we numerically verify that the probability of the event "τ=n" is exactly 1/(2n) for any finite n, independently of the jump distribution. Our results can be also applied to describe the distance between the maximal and minimal height of (1+1)-dimensional stationary-state Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interfaces growing over a substrate of finite size L. Our findings are confirmed by numerical simulations. Some of these results have been announced in a recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 200201 (2019)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.123.200201].
