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Biomedicines ; 11(8)2023 Aug 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37626690


The symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) frequently include fatigue, depression, and neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), causing severe burdens on affected individuals. The relationships between these symptoms have not been intensively researched and there are no studies on the detailed influence of the different neurogenic LUTS. We aimed to investigate the relationships between fatigue, depression, and neurogenic LUTS as recorded in bladder diaries by persons with MS. We analyzed the bladder diaries of 274 people and their scores on the Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognitive Functions and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (German version). The neurogenic LUTS were defined as urgency, reduced voided volume, increased standardized voiding frequency, nocturia, and urinary incontinence. Those suffering from incontinence, nocturia, reduced voided volume, or urgency had higher fatigue scores compared to those without these symptoms. Those with nocturia showed significantly higher scores for depression. The severity of urgency and voided volume had the greatest effect on the severity of individuals' fatigue and depression levels. With increasing urgency, the risk of clinically significant fatigue and depression was expected to increase. Urgency and voided volume correlated most with fatigue and depression. A prospective longitudinal study investigating fatigue/depression after the successful treatment of neurogenic LUTS is needed to clarify causality and offer possible treatment options for fatigue and depression.

J Clin Med ; 12(10)2023 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37240458


Urinary or double incontinence in frail elderly people is common and leads to a reduction in quality of life and an increased burden on the patients' caregivers. Up to now, no special instrument has been available to assess the impact of incontinence on cognitively impaired patients and their professional caregivers. Thus, the outcomes of incontinence-specific medical and nursing interventions for cognitively impaired individuals are not measurable. Our aim was to investigate the impacts of urinary and double incontinence on both the affected patients and their caregivers using the newly developed "International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Cognitively Impaired Elderly" (ICIQ-Cog) tool. The severity of incontinence was measured by incontinence episodes per night/per 24 h, the type of incontinence, the type of incontinence devices used, and the proportion of incontinence care out of total care; all these measures were correlated to the ICIQ-Cog. Incontinence episodes per night and the proportion of incontinence care out of total care showed significant correlations with the patient- and caregiver-related ICIQ-Cog scores. Both items have negative effects on patient quality of life and caregiver burden. Improving nocturnal incontinence and reducing the need for incontinence care overall can decrease the incontinence-specific bother of affected patients and their professional caregivers. The ICIQ-Cog can be used to verify the impacts of medical and nursing interventions.

Biomedicines ; 10(12)2022 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36552016


Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) in asymptomatic patients with MS has been described in preliminary studies, but specific investigations of this topic are rare. Many authors advise early diagnosis and treatment of NLUTD in patients with MS. In contrast, clinical practice and different guidelines recommend neuro-urological diagnostics only in the presence of symptoms. Our aim was to investigate the characteristics of NLUTD and the correlations of clinical parameters with NLUTD in asymptomatic patients with MS. We evaluated bladder diaries, urodynamic findings, and therapy proposals. Correlations of the voided volume, voiding frequency, urinary tract infections, and uroflowmetry including post-void residual with the urodynamic findings were determined. In our study, 26% of the patients were asymptomatic. Of these, 73.7% had urodynamic findings indicative of NLUTD, 21.1% had detrusor overactivity, 13.2% had detrusor underactivity, 13.2% detrusor overactivity and detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, and 57.9% had radiologically abnormal findings of the bladder. No patients presented low bladder compliance or renal reflux. Clinical parameters from the bladder diary and urinary tract infections were found to be correlated with NLUTD, and the absence of symptoms did not exclude NLUTD in patients with MS. We observed that urinary tract damage is already present in a relevant proportion. Based on our results, we recommend that patients with MS be screened for NLUTD regardless of the subjective presence of urinary symptoms or the disease stage.
