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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(3): 1349-1358, 2020 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31854407


Ernzerhof's source-and-sink-potential (SSP) model for ballistic conduction in conjugated π systems predicts transmission of electrons through a two-wire device in terms of characteristic polynomials of the molecular graph and subgraphs based on the pattern of connections. We present here a complete classification of conduction properties of all molecular graphs within the SSP model. An omni-conductor/omni-insulator is a molecular graph that conducts/insulates at the Fermi level (zero of energy) for all connection patterns. In the new scheme, we define d-omni-conduction/insulation in terms of Fermi-level conduction/insulation for all devices with graph distance d between connections. This gives a natural generalisation to all graphs of the concept of near-omni-conduction/insulation previously defined for bipartite graphs only. Every molecular graph can be assigned to a nullity class and a compact code defining conduction behaviour; each graph has 0, 1, >1 zero eigenvalues (non-bonding molecular orbitals), and three letters drawn from {C, I, X} indicate conducting, insulating or mixed behaviour within the sets of devices with connection vertices at odd, even and zero distances d. Examples of graphs (in 28 cases chemical) are given for 35 of the 81 possible combinations of nullity and letter codes, and proofs of non-existence are given for 42 others, leaving only four cases open.

J Chem Phys ; 147(16): 164115, 2017 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29096467


Within the source-and-sink-potential model, a complete characterisation is obtained for the conduction behaviour of alternant π-conjugated hydrocarbons (conjugated hydrocarbons without odd cycles). In this model, an omni-conductor has a molecular graph that conducts at the Fermi level irrespective of the choice of connection vertices. Likewise, an omni-insulator is a molecular graph that fails to conduct for any choice of connections. We give a comprehensive classification of possible combinations of omni-conducting and omni-insulating behaviour for molecular graphs, ranked by nullity (number of non-bonding orbitals). Alternant hydrocarbons are those that have bipartite molecular graphs; they cannot be full omni-conductors or full omni-insulators but may conduct or insulate within well-defined subsets of vertices (unsaturated carbon centres). This leads to the definition of "near omni-conductors" and "near omni-insulators." Of 81 conceivable classes of conduction behaviour for alternants, only 14 are realisable. Of these, nine are realised by more than one chemical graph. For example, conduction of all Kekulean benzenoids (nanographenes) is described by just two classes. In particular, the catafused benzenoids (benzenoids in which no carbon atom belongs to three hexagons) conduct when connected to leads via one starred and one unstarred atom, and otherwise insulate, corresponding to conduction type CII in the near-omni classification scheme.

J Chem Phys ; 145(20): 204113, 2016 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27908125


This paper shows how to include Pauli (exclusion principle) effects within a treatment of ballistic molecular conduction that uses the tight-binding Hückel Hamiltonian and the source-sink-potential (SSP) method. We take into account the many-electron ground-state of the molecule and show that we can discuss ballistic conduction for a specific molecular device in terms of four structural polynomials. In the standard one-electron picture, these are characteristic polynomials of vertex-deleted graphs, with spectral representations in terms of molecular-orbital eigenvectors and eigenvalues. In a more realistic many-electron picture, the spectral representation of each polynomial is retained but projected into the manifold of unoccupied spin-orbitals. Crucially, this projection preserves interlacing properties. With this simple reformulation, selection rules for device transmission, expressions for overall transmission, and partition of transmission into bond currents can all be mapped onto the formalism previously developed. Inclusion of Pauli spin blockade, in the absence of external perturbations, has a generic effect (suppression of transmission at energies below the Fermi level) and specific effects at anti-bonding energies, which can be understood using our previous classification of inert and active shells. The theory predicts the intriguing phenomenon of Pauli perfect reflection whereby, once a critical electron count is reached, some electronic states of devices can give total reflection of electrons at all energies.

J Chem Phys ; 143(19): 194105, 2015 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26590525


We re-derive the tight-binding source-sink potential (SSP) equations for ballistic conduction through conjugated molecular structures in a form that avoids singularities. This enables derivation of new results for families of molecular devices in terms of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the molecular graph. In particular, we define the transmission of electrons through individual molecular orbitals (MO) and through MO shells. We make explicit the behaviour of the total current and individual MO and shell currents at molecular eigenvalues. A rich variety of behaviour is found. A SSP device has specific insulation or conduction at an eigenvalue of the molecular graph (a root of the characteristic polynomial) according to the multiplicities of that value in the spectra of four defined device polynomials. Conduction near eigenvalues is dominated by the transmission curves of nearby shells. A shell may be inert or active. An inert shell does not conduct at any energy, not even at its own eigenvalue. Conduction may occur at the eigenvalue of an inert shell, but is then carried entirely by other shells. If a shell is active, it carries all conduction at its own eigenvalue. For bipartite molecular graphs (alternant molecules), orbital conduction properties are governed by a pairing theorem. Inertness of shells for families such as chains and rings is predicted by selection rules based on node counting and degeneracy.

J Chem Phys ; 140(5): 054115, 2014 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24511930


The source and sink potential model is used to predict the existence of omni-conductors (and omni-insulators): molecular conjugated π systems that respectively support ballistic conduction or show insulation at the Fermi level, irrespective of the centres chosen as connections. Distinct, ipso, and strong omni-conductors/omni-insulators show Fermi-level conduction/insulation for all distinct pairs of connections, for all connections via a single centre, and for both, respectively. The class of conduction behaviour depends critically on the number of non-bonding orbitals (NBO) of the molecular system (corresponding to the nullity of the graph). Distinct omni-conductors have at most one NBO; distinct omni-insulators have at least two NBO; strong omni-insulators do not exist for any number of NBO. Distinct omni-conductors with a single NBO are all also strong and correspond exactly to the class of graphs known as nut graphs. Families of conjugated hydrocarbons corresponding to chemical graphs with predicted omni-conducting/insulating behaviour are identified. For example, most fullerenes are predicted to be strong omni-conductors.

Int Sch Res Notices ; 2014: 871038, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27437494


There is an age-old question in all branches of network analysis. What makes an actor in a network important, courted, or sought? Both Crossley and Bonacich contend that rather than its intrinsic wealth or value, an actor's status lies in the structures of its interactions with other actors. Since pairwise relation data in a network can be stored in a two-dimensional array or matrix, graph theory and linear algebra lend themselves as great tools to gauge the centrality (interpreted as importance, power, or popularity, depending on the purpose of the network) of each actor. We express known and new centralities in terms of only two matrices associated with the network. We show that derivations of these expressions can be handled exclusively through the main eigenvectors (not orthogonal to the all-one vector) associated with the adjacency matrix. We also propose a centrality vector (SWIPD) which is a linear combination of the square, walk, power, and degree centrality vectors with weightings of the various centralities depending on the purpose of the network. By comparing actors' scores for various weightings, a clear understanding of which actors are most central is obtained. Moreover, for threshold networks, the (SWIPD) measure turns out to be independent of the weightings.

J Chem Inf Model ; 47(5): 1763-75, 2007.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17691719


A zero eigenvalue in the spectrum of the adjacency matrix of the graph representing an unsaturated carbon framework indicates the presence of a nonbonding pi orbital (NBO). A graph with at least one zero in the spectrum is singular; nonzero entries in the corresponding zero-eigenvalue eigenvector(s) (kernel eigenvectors) identify the core vertices. A nut graph has a single zero in its adjacency spectrum with a corresponding eigenvector for which all vertices lie in the core. Balanced and uniform trivalent (cubic) nut graphs are defined in terms of (-2, +1, +1) patterns of eigenvector entries around all vertices. In balanced nut graphs all vertices have such a pattern up to a scale factor; uniform nut graphs are balanced with scale factor one for every vertex. Nut graphs are rare among small fullerenes (41 of the 10 190 782 fullerene isomers on up to 120 vertices) but common among the small trivalent polyhedra (62 043 of the 398 383 nonbipartite polyhedra on up to 24 vertices). Two constructions are described, one that is conjectured to yield an infinite series of uniform nut fullerenes, and another that is conjectured to yield an infinite series of cubic polyhedral nut graphs. All hypothetical nut fullerenes found so far have some pentagon adjacencies: it is proved that all uniform nut fullerenes must have such adjacencies and that the NBO is totally symmetric in all balanced nut fullerenes. A single electron placed in the NBO of a uniform nut fullerene gives a spin density distribution with the smallest possible (4:1) ratio between most and least populated sites for an NBO. It is observed that, in all nut-fullerene graphs found so far, occupation of the NBO would require the fullerene to carry at least 3 negative charges, whereas in most carbon cages based on small nut cubic polyhedra, the NBO would be the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) for the uncharged system.

Fulerenos/química , Algoritmos , Carbono/química , Elétrons , Hidrocarbonetos/química , Modelos Moleculares , Conformação Molecular