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Bioinformation ; 18(7): 640-644, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37313054


It is of interest to examine the awareness and precautions of urban and rural residents on a number of mosquito-borne diseases (MBD). A sample of 300 adult people (Rural 150+Urban 150) was selected from Mahesana district of North Gujarat. Majority of samples (47.3 %) had average, 16% poor and 36.7% had good level of awareness in urban areas. In rural areas majority of the samples (40.67%) had average, 28%poor and 31.33% had good level of awareness. (67.3%) urban population were using mosquito repellent liquids and creams and (68.6%) of rural population were using mosquito net. Data shows that both urban and rural populations have moderate awareness on Mosquito Borne Diseases and majority is taking precaution towards these conditions. Data also revealed that there is no significant difference between urban & rural population's precaution measures against Mosquito borne diseases.

Bioinformation ; 18(8): 692-696, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37323559


Numerous studies have shown that patients can have preoperative anxiety in mild, moderate, or severe forms. A supplemental tool to a disease's clinical treatment is bibliotherapy. This approach includes the core ideas of cognitive behavioral therapy and offers exercises meant to assist readers in overcoming unpleasant emotions. Therefore, it is of interest to evaluate how well bibliotherapy reduced pre-operative patients' anxiety. For the experimental group (30) and control group (30), a sample of 60 preoperative patients who had been determined to have considerable levels of anxiety was chosen. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale is used to measure patient anxiety. Prior to surgery, bibliotherapy was given to the experimental group's sample twice daily for around 20 minutes. No intervention was given to the control group. The study's findings showed that the experimental group's mean percentage anxiety score at the pre-test was 80.10 percent, whereas the control group's mean percentage anxiety score was 85.66 percent. After the test, the experimental group's mean anxiety score was 50.66 percent, while the control group's mean anxiety score was 83.20 percent. It is evident that bibliotherapy was successful in lowering pre-operative patients' anxiety levels. Nurses can utilize this non-pharmacological technique to help patients feel less anxious about surgery and experience fewer post-operative problems.

Bioinformation ; 18(9): 791-794, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37426492


Outdoor play works as an important tool for the children education. Providing a natural learning environment for children helps them to have an active and fulfilling life. Also, higher levels of attention and well-being are promoted when children play in green outdoor spaces. The importance of play for children's healthy development is grounded in a strong body of research. The study used an experimental research methodology, and data was obtained from 60 school-aged children using a purposive sample strategy and a checklist. The mean, standard deviation, and chi square test were used to analyze the data. After giving act out method, majority (85%) of the school age children had adequate knowledge, 15% of the school children had moderate knowledge regarding outdoor games and its importance. In data analysis the mean of pretest score was 6.43 and mean of post test score was 15.88. The mean difference was 9.45. Post test mean was more than pretest mean, which indicate the effectiveness of actout method on deficiency of outdoor game among school children. The standard deviation of pretest knowledge score was 3.9; the post test knowledge score was 2.47. The computed 't' value was 16.1, the DF was 59, and the P value was 1.67, all of which are significant. Religion, monthly income, and the age of the children all had an impact on the calculated chi square value. According to the findings of this study, the act out method was successful in boosting understanding about the lack of outdoor games among school-aged children.

Bioinformation ; 18(9): 786-790, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37426510


Hygiene is the science of health and its maintenance. Hygiene status of children is an index of national investment in the development of its man power. It is influenced by social, familial and individual factors as well as the children's knowledge of health on personal hygiene, comfort and basic needs. The utility of games is as a teaching strategy of health professionals. The main objectives of the study were to assess existing level of awareness regarding healthy habits among school children and to check the effect of Modified snake & ladder game in improving the awareness of children regarding healthy habits. Research design selected for this study was pre experimental one group pretest posttest design with a sample size of 60. Samples of the study were given opportunity to play and earn awareness through the modified snake & ladder game. Their awareness was assessed before and after the game section. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, standard deviation and chi square test. In data analysis the mean of pre-test score was 13.83 and mean of post-test score was 18.63. The mean difference was 4.8. The standard deviation of pre-test stress score was 01.07 and post-test stress score was 01.60. The calculated' 't' value was 21.24, which was greater than the table value(1.67).The study concluded that snake and ladder game was effective in improving the awareness of school children on healthy habits.
