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J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 14(5): 100770, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37678108


Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus and a cause of significant morbidity, mortality and healthcare expenditure. Treatment of DFU includes multimodal approach like surgical debridement, infection control, vascular assessment, dressing etc. Multidisciplinary approach towards foot care is becoming a mainstay of therapy, and even with this comprehensive approach, there is still room for improvement in DFU outcomes. Integrative management includes the adoption of various systems of treatment with standard treatment for better outcomes. In the present case series, six cases of DFU were managed with the integration of Ayurveda and allopathic treatments. The cases were managed according to the standard diabetic foot ulcer management principles like surgical debridement, insulin therapy, along with incorporation of Ayurveda procedures like Vimlapana, Prakshalana, Bandhana etc. Standard assessment of ulcers at different time points was done using the Bates- Jensen Ulcer assessment tool. All the six DFU healed with minimal scar formation and in less time, lowering the risk of further amputation. Promising results were obtained in all six cases by adopting integrated Ayurveda and allopathic treatments, which indicates the potential benefits of alternative systems of medicine.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 14(3): 100719, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37271064


BACKGROUND: Ayurveda underlines the significance of wounds and wound healing. Acharya Susruta has highlighted the need for shastiupakramas in the management of the wound. Even with a multitude of therapeutic concepts and formulations in Ayurveda, wound management has yet to gain acceptance. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of Jatyadi tulle, Madhughrita tulle, and honey tulle in the management of Shuddhavrana (clean wound). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A three-arm randomized, parallel group, active-controlled, open-label clinical trial. Randomization was done through online random number generator software to allocate 45 patients treatment into three groups. Trial groups were treated with Jatyadi tulle (JT), Madhughrita tulle (MG), and control group was treated with Honey tulle (HT) for 10 days, and assessment was done on the 5th and 10th day. The wound was assessed using the Bates Jensen wound assessment tool, and the efficacy of the dressing material was assessed using the Worcestershire tissue viability team dressing assessment form. The study outcomes were early wound healing and clinical cure. RESULTS: Within-group results were assessed using the Wilcoxon matched pairs test, and between-group results were assessed by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U test. Significant results were obtained within-group (p value < 0.05) from day 0 and at various time points. The results between groups were found to be comparable; JT and MG were found to be significant in ease of application, removal, and patient comfort. No adverse drug events were identified throughout the study. CONCLUSION: JT and MG tulle have shown significant results in the management of shuddhavrana.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 14(2): 100691, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36841195


Burn injuries are frequent, horrifying, and life-threatening conditions that are still challenging to cure. Complications like scarring, keloid formation, and contractures are the main challenges for the treating surgeon. The Ayurvedic classics explain different treatment modalities for the management of burn wounds, like oral medicines, topical applications prepared with herbal medicines, ghee, oil, and typical wound dressing techniques like Patraadaana (wound covering with medicinal leaves), and fumigation therapy, etc. Here we report a case of accidental burn injury with a TBSA of 27% First degree (superficial) and 15% second degree (deep partial-thickness) burns with complaints of fever and burning sensation at the burn site. On the basis of the symptoms listed in the classical texts of Ayurveda, the case was diagnosed as Pramadadagdha (accidental burn). To properly manage the burn wound, an integrated therapy strategy was designed. Ropanaghrita (medicated ghee) was applied locally, followed by the application of Tinospora cordifolia leaves to cover the wound, fumigation therapy, and oral medications to hasten wound healing and reduce infection. In the first seven days, modern medicine was used as emergency care in addition to Ayurvedic management. Within 60 days of receiving treatment, the burn wound had entirely healed, and the patient was able to resume her regular work activities. In the current situation, the combined strategy produced encouraging burn management outcomes.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 13(4): 100665, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36436295


BACKGROUND: Pain has globally become an attention problem which causes discomfort by affecting the body as well as the mind. The International association of pain estimated that 1 in 5 patients experiences the pain, i.e. 30% of world population. 19.3% (180-200 million) of the total population in India suffer from chronic pain and its severity appeals early approach of patients to hospitals. Ayurveda being the oldest medical science emphasized its importance and treatment of pain with both pharmacological and non-pharmacological (Parasurgical) methods. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of non-pharmacological (para surgical) procedures in the management of pain. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Total 100 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain fulfilling the inclusion criteria were recruited by assessing the site, severity and nature of pain. A special protocol was framed by incorporating Ayurveda treatment principles by using Para surgical procedures such as Agnikarma (Therapeutic burn), Jalauka (leech therapy), Alabu (Cupping therapy) and Siravyadha (Vein puncture). The parameters like VAS and VDS pertaining to pain were assessed from baseline and at various time points. Statistical analysis was performed by using Wilcoxon match paired test to assess the results. RESULTS: The VAS and VDS scale were used to assess the efficacy of para-surgical procedures which was found to be significant (p < 0.0001) from baseline and at various time points. CONCLUSION: Protocol based pain management by various para surgical procedures was found effective in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain. The ambiguity in selection of proper parasurgical procedure for pain management is justified by following the protocol.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 12(1): 119-125, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33551337


BACKGROUND: Sports injuries are the second most common type of accident after domestic (3.7%) and occupational accidents (3.1%). There is an average annual estimate of 8.6 million sports and recreational related injury incidents with an age-adjusted rate of 34.1 per 1000 populations. Common sports injuries are musculoskeletal injuries i.e. Sprains, Strains, Joint injuries, soft tissue injury (STI). The sports injury in Ayurveda can be co-related within dissimilar facets of trauma related ailments. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of a protocol-based management of common sports injuries using an integrated approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Integration of Ayurveda and Physiotherapy procedures was done and phase wise treatment was framed. Total 30 patients of age between 10 and 60 years ful-filling the inclusion criteria were selected for the present study. The patients were treated with Phase wise protocol consisting of three phase's i.e. Inflammatory (1-5 days), Stabilization and recovery (6-10 days), Muscle strengthening (11-17 days). Assessments were done through various variables like pain, tenderness, swelling, local temperature, manual muscle testing (MMT) and range of motion (ROM) at different time points. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Wilcoxon matched pair test was used to assess within group results for subjective parameters and paired t-test (Dependent t-test) was used to assess for objective parameters. RESULT: The study showed that integrated treatment approach has given significant results in the parameters like pain, loss of function, tenderness, local temperature, MMT and ROM. CONCLUSION: Phase wise management through integrated protocol is effective in the management of common sports injuries.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 12(1): 165-168, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32896437


Administration of intramuscular, intraarterial or subcutaneous injection of particular drugs ends up into a rare entity known as Nicolau syndrome (NS). The viscous nature of these drugs sometimes triggers acute vasospasm and even arterial embolism. There is no consensus on treatment of NS so far. Phasic treatments depend on the extent of the necrotic lesion and ranges from medication to surgical debridement. Here we report a case of 60 year female known case of Knee Osteoarthritis who was dependent on Diclofenac injection IM for relief of pain. She presented with complaints of fever with chills, rigors, discoloration of skin at the gluteal region right side, later turned into necrosis of skin and adipose tissue, pus formation and associated with loss of appetite, dryness of mouth, pedal oedema. The case was diagnosed as NS according to contemporary science and Kotha (Gangrene) as per Ayurveda. The case was treated successfully with Chedana karma (Surgical debridement) followed by Vrana shodhana (making free from undesirable healing factors), Ropana (Closure of wound) and oral medications.

Ayu ; 38(3-4): 113-116, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30254389


BACKGROUND: A maximum number of hemorrhoidectomies are performed under spinal anesthesia. However, the effect of spinal anesthesia varies from person to person due to difference in their physical and psychological properties, which is well explained in Ayurveda as Prakriti (physiology of an individual). In this study, we have tried to establish a relation between wipeout period of spinal anesthesia and different Prakriti. OBJECTIVES: To observe wipeout period of spinal anesthesia in hemorrhoidectomy in relation to different Prakriti. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 individuals who underwent hemorrhoidectomy under spinal anesthesia were selected for the study and their Prakriti was assessed as per the standard Prakriti assessment chart before surgery. Apart from demographic data, pain assessment was also recorded by following visual analog scale. Postoperative follow-up was done until the wipeout effect of spinal anesthesia was observed. GraphPad Prism software was used to analyze the data; P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Male predominance was observed in hemorrhoidectomy cases. Majority of the patients were 20-25 years of age with body weight between 61 and 70 kg. Distribution of Prakriti was observed to be highest in Vata-Pitta Prakriti (36.6%). A significant difference was observed in the wipeout period among Prakriti where the duration of wipeout period was more in the Kapha Prakriti individuals (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Kapha involvement increases the wipeout period in posthemorrhoidectomy; however, in Pitta and Vata Prakriti individuals, the wipeout period is less. Future studies could include a larger sample size and various other factors to analyze the involvement of Kapha.

Anc Sci Life ; 33(3): 182-5, 2014 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25538355


Anal fistula (bhagandara) is a chronic inflammatory condition, a tubular structure opening in the ano-rectal canal at one end and surface of perineum/peri-anal skin on the other end. Typically, fistula has two openings, one internal and other external associated with chronic on/off pus discharge on/off pain, pruritis and sometimes passing of stool from external opening. This affects predominantly male patients due to various etiologies viz., repeated peri-anal infections, Crohn's disease, HIV infection, etc., Complex and atypical variety is encountered in very few patients, which require special treatment for cure. The condition poses difficulty for a surgeon in treating due to issues like patient hesitation, trouble in preparing ksarasutra, natural and routine infection with urine, stool etc., and dearth of surgical experts and technique. We would like to report a complex and atypical, single case of anterior, low anal fistula with tract reaching to median raphe of scrotum, which was managed successfully by limited application of ksarasutra.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 4(3): 181-3, 2013 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24250149


Epidermal nevi are hamartomas that are characterized by hyperplasia of epidermis and adnexal structures. These nevi may be classified into a number of distinct variants, which are based on clinical morphology, extent of involvement, and the predominant epidermal structure in the lesion. Variants include verrucous epidermal nevus, nevus sebaceous, nevus comedonicus, eccrine nevus, apocrine nevus, Becker's nevus, and white sponge nevus. A 22-year-old girl approached us with complaints of blackish-colored hard growth, increasing in size over the right post-auricular region since 5 years. Ksharakarma is a procedure that involves the most important surgical, para-surgical, and critical-care procedures like incision, excision, scraping, and hemostatic locally (pratisaraneeya) and generally (panneya). Pratisaraneeya kshara is prepared with herbo-mineral medicines having an average pH of 13, possessing penetrating, corrosive, scraping, and healing properties, and are evidently indicated for external application in charmakila. For the present case, kshara karma was preferred for application as the lesion was bigger in size and the results were appreciable clinically.

Int J Ayurveda Res ; 1(4): 268-70, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21455456


Eczema is a form of dermatitis where inflammation of epidermis occurs. The exact cause of eczema is not known. Although it is activated by the immune system and is related to allergic reactions, it is not the same as other allergic reactions. In Ayurveda, the disease is described by the name "Vicharchika." Virechana is the best line of management for skin disorders. Controlling eczema more effectively can make a radical improvement to the patient's quality of life. A case report of 45-year-old male, who presented with complaints of rashes over dorsum of both foot associated with intense itching and burning sensation, oozing wound posterior to lateral malleolus and dorsum of left foot has been presented here.