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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(8)2023 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37112412


The proliferation of devices for the Internet of Things (IoT) and their implication in many activities of our lives have led to a considerable increase in concern about the security of these devices, posing a double challenge for designers and developers of products. On the one hand, the design of new security primitives, suitable for resource-limited devices, can facilitate the inclusion of mechanisms and protocols to ensure the integrity and privacy of the data exchanged over the Internet. On the other hand, the development of techniques and tools to evaluate the quality of the proposed solutions as a step prior to their deployment, as well as to monitor their behavior once in operation against possible changes in operating conditions arising naturally or as a consequence of a stress situation forced by an attacker. To address these challenges, this paper first describes the design of a security primitive that plays an important role as a component of a hardware-based root of trust, as it can act as a source of entropy for True Random Number Generation (TRNG) or as a Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) to facilitate the generation of identifiers linked to the device on which it is implemented. The work also illustrates different software components that allow carrying out a self-assessment strategy to characterize and validate the performance of this primitive in its dual functionality, as well as to monitor possible changes in security levels that may occur during operation as a result of device aging and variations in power supply or operating temperature. The designed PUF/TRNG is provided as a configurable IP module, which takes advantage of the internal architecture of the Xilinx Series-7 and Zynq-7000 programmable devices and incorporates an AXI4-based standard interface to facilitate its interaction with soft- and hard-core processing systems. Several test systems that contain different instances of the IP have been implemented and subjected to an exhaustive set of on-line tests to obtain the metrics that determine its quality in terms of uniqueness, reliability, and entropy characteristics. The results obtained prove that the proposed module is a suitable candidate for various security applications. As an example, an implementation that uses less than 5% of the resources of a low-cost programmable device is capable of obfuscating and recovering 512-bit cryptographic keys with virtually zero error rate.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(5)2022 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35271204


Concern for the security of embedded systems that implement IoT devices has become a crucial issue, as these devices today support an increasing number of applications and services that store and exchange information whose integrity, privacy, and authenticity must be adequately guaranteed. Modern lattice-based cryptographic schemes have proven to be a good alternative, both to face the security threats that arise as a consequence of the development of quantum computing and to allow efficient implementations of cryptographic primitives in resource-limited embedded systems, such as those used in consumer and industrial applications of the IoT. This article describes the hardware implementation of parameterized multi-unit serial polynomial multipliers to speed up time-consuming operations in NTRU-based cryptographic schemes. The flexibility in selecting the design parameters and the interconnection protocol with a general-purpose processor allow them to be applied both to the standardized variants of NTRU and to the new proposals that are being considered in the post-quantum contest currently held by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, as well as to obtain an adequate cost/performance/security-level trade-off for a target application. The designs are provided as AXI4 bus-compliant intellectual property modules that can be easily incorporated into embedded systems developed with the Vivado design tools. The work provides an extensive set of implementation and characterization results in devices of the Xilinx Zynq-7000 and Zynq UltraScale+ families for the different sets of parameters defined in the NTRUEncrypt standard. It also includes details of their plug and play inclusion as hardware accelerators in the C implementation of this public-key encryption scheme codified in the LibNTRU library, showing that acceleration factors of up to 3.1 are achieved when compared to pure software implementations running on the processing systems included in the programmable devices.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 36(2): 237-254, jun. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-456963


Objetivo: analizar la vivencia de los actos de autodaño sin intencionalidad suicida en mujeres con trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA). Método: se entrevistaron de forma detallada nueve mujeres, entre los 15 y los 39 años de edad, con anorexia, bulimianerviosa o trastorno por atracones de alimentación, e historia de lesiones autoinfligidas, como automutilaciones, actos de autoagresión recurrentes como golpearse, quemarse o causarse lesiones en la piel. Se grabaron y transcribieron las entrevistas y, posteriormente, se analizaron los contenidos relevantes usando técnicas de triangulación. Resultados: seencontró que el autodaño está estrechamente ligado con vivencias de culpa o castigo, vivencias de alivio de estados emocionales intensamente dolorosos, vivencia de obligatoriedad o urgencia, estados disociativos antes, durante o después de realizarlo, o con la fi nalidad deintegrarse y romper la disociación. La totalidad de las mujeres había reportado experiencias traumáticas tempranas del tipo de abuso sexual o maltrato físico, o habían sido víctimas de secuestro, amenazas de secuestro, extorsión a la familia, así como desplazamiento forzado por homicidios o amenazas. Conclusiones: existe una estrecha relación entre trauma,disociación, comportamientos automutilatoriosy TCA en estas pacientes. Se plantea la necesidad de diseñar una intervención terapéutica específica. El análisis de narrativas parece ser una herramienta de trabajo útil para facilitar la expresión de contenidos y el análisis de la disociación, que debe trabajarsedurante el proceso terapéutico.

Humanos , Comportamento Alimentar