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J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(5): e2022JA030356, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35860288


An accurate description of the state of the ionosphere is crucial for understanding the physics of Earth's coupling to space, including many potentially hazardous space weather phenomena. To support this effort, ground networks of magnetometer stations, optical instruments, and radars have been deployed. However, the spatial coverage of such networks is naturally restricted by the distribution of land mass and access to necessary infrastructure. We present a new technique for local mapping of polar ionospheric electrodynamics, for use in regions with high data density, such as Fennoscandia and North America. The technique is based on spherical elementary current systems (SECS), which were originally developed to map ionospheric currents. We expand their use by linking magnetic field perturbations in space and on ground, convection measurements from space and ground, and conductance measurements, via the ionospheric Ohm's law. The result is a technique that is similar to the Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE) technique, but tailored for regional analyses of arbitrary spatial extent and resolution. We demonstrate our technique on synthetic data, and with real data from three different regions. We also discuss limitations of the technique and potential areas for improvement.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(9): e2022JA030464, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36589318


Earth's magnetotail plays a critical role in the dynamics of the magnetosphere, particularly during intervals of geomagnetic activity. To improve our understanding of the ion dynamics in this region, energetic neutral atom (ENA) imaging can provide global measurements to place in situ measurements in context and validate simulations. The NASA Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers mission provided near-continuous observations using ENA imagers. ENA data can be used to calculate maps of equatorial ion temperatures that often show observations of regions of enhanced temperatures associated with phenomena in the magnetotail such as magnetic reconnection and narrow flow channels. We present an algorithm that can be used to search through a collection of these maps to identify intervals with such enhancements for further study. The algorithm results are validated against two sets of related phenomena: (a) a database of dipolarizing flux bundle (DFB) measurements from THEMIS and (b) a list of substorm onsets from SuperMAG. We demonstrate that the algorithm is very good at identifying intervals when there are DFB measurements or substorm onsets as long as there sufficient ENA data. We discuss some potential scientific studies that can result from use of the algorithm. We also show a preliminary application of the algorithm to simulation output to demonstrate the usefulness for other datasets, facilitate comparative studies, and introduce a new method for model validation.

Geophys Res Lett ; 48(19): e2021GL094002, 2021 Oct 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35846947


The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the magnetospheric boundary plays a crucial role in solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, particle entry, and energization. The full extent of its impact has remained an open question due, in part, to global models without sufficient resolution to capture waves at higher latitudes. Using global magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we investigate an event when the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission observed periodic low-frequency waves at the dawn-flank, high-latitude boundary layer. We show the layer to be unstable, even though the slow solar wind with the draped interplanetary magnetic field is seemingly unfavorable for wave generation. The simulated velocity shear at the boundary is thin ( ∼ 0.65 R E ) and requires commensurately high spatial resolution. These results, together with MMS observations, confirm for the first time in fully three-dimensional global geometry that KH waves can grow in this region and thus can be an important process for energetic particle acceleration, dynamics, and transport.

Geophys Res Lett ; 47(14): e2020GL088227, 2020 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32999513


Explosive magnetotail activity has long been understood in the context of its auroral manifestations. While global models have been used to interpret and understand many magnetospheric processes, the temporal and spatial scales of some auroral forms have been inaccessible to global modeling creating a gulf between observational and theoretical studies of these phenomena. We present here an important step toward bridging this gulf using a newly developed global magnetosphere-ionosphere model with resolution capturing ≲ 30 km azimuthal scales in the auroral zone. In a global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the growth phase of a synthetic substorm, we find the self-consistent formation and destabilization of localized magnetic field minima in the near-Earth magnetotail. We demonstrate that this destabilization is due to ballooning-interchange instability which drives earthward entropy bubbles with embedded magnetic fronts. Finally, we show that these bubbles create localized field-aligned current structures that manifest in the ionosphere with properties matching observed auroral beads.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 124(7): 5461-5481, 2019 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31598452


Extended periods of northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lead to the formation of a cold, dense plasma sheet due to the entry of solar wind plasma into the magnetosphere. Identifying the paths that the solar wind takes to enter the magnetosphere, and their relative importance has remained elusive. Any theoretical model of entry must satisfy observational constraints, such as the overall entry rate and the dawn-dusk asymmetry observed in the cold, dense plasma sheet. We model, using a combination of global magnetohydrodynamic and test particle simulations, solar wind ion entry into the magnetosphere during northward IMF and compare entry facilitated by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability to cusp reconnection. For Kelvin-Helmholtz entry we reproduce transport rates inferred from observation and kinetic modeling and find that intravortex reconnection creates buoyant flux tubes, which provides, through interchange instability, a mechanism of filling the central plasma sheet with cold magnetosheath plasma. For cusp entry we show that an intrinsic dawn-dusk asymmetry is created during entry that is the result of alignment of the westward ion drift with the dawnward electric field typically observed during northward IMF. We show that both entry mechanisms provide comparable mass but affect entering plasma differently. The flank-entering plasma is cold and dawn-dusk symmetric, whereas the cusp-entering plasma is accelerated and preferentially deflected toward dawn. The combined effect of these entry mechanisms results in a plasma sheet population that exhibits dawn-dusk asymmetry in the manner that is seen in nature: a two-component (hot and cold) dusk flank and hotter, broadly peaked dawn population.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 124(11): 8647-8668, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32195073


This paper addresses the question of the contribution of azimuthally localized flow channels and magnetic field dipolarizations embedded in them in the global dipolarization of the inner magnetosphere during substorms. We employ the high-resolution Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry global magnetosphere magnetohydrodynamic model and simulate an isolated substorm event, which was observed by the geostationary satellites and by the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft. The results of our simulations reveal that plasma sheet flow channels (bursty bulk flows, BBFs) and elementary dipolarizations (dipolarization fronts, DFs) occur in the growth phase of the substorm but are rare and do not penetrate to the geosynchronous orbit. The substorm onset is characterized by an abrupt increase in the occurrence and intensity of BBFs/DFs, which penetrate well earthward of the geosynchronous orbit during the expansion phase. These azimuthally localized structures are solely responsible for the global (in terms of the magnetic local time) dipolarization of the inner magnetosphere toward the end of the substorm expansion. Comparison with the geostationary satellites and Magnetospheric Multiscale data shows that the properties of the BBFs/DFs in the simulation are similar to those observed, which gives credence to the above results. Additionally, the simulation reveals many previously observed signatures of BBFs and DFs, including overshoots and oscillations around their equilibrium position, strong rebounds and vortical tailward flows, and the corresponding plasma sheet expansion and thinning.
