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Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 41: 129-136, ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1564451


Resumen Introducción: un estilo de vida saludable evitará la aparición de factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV), permitiendo mayor longevidad y calidad de vida. Objetivo: determinar el riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) y los componentes de salud cardiovascular en pacientes adultos que concurren a un sanatorio privado de la ciudad de Santa Fe. Materiales y método: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes (40-75 años, ambos sexos) que concurrieron espontáneamente a un sanatorio privado de la ciudad de Santa Fe entre agosto 2021-julio 2022. Se excluyeron pacientes con ECV. Mediante entrevista personal, telefónica y datos de la historia clínica, se calculó el RCV (calculadora OPS/OMS) y se evaluaron componentes de salud cardiovascular según la American Heart Association (AHA): presión arterial (PA) sistólica <130 mmHg y/o diastólica <85 mmHg), colesterol (<200 mg/dL), glucemia (<100 mg/dL), índice de masa corporal (IMC) (<65 años: 18,5-25 kg/m2; >65 años: 22-27 kg/m2), consumo frutas y verduras (≥5 porciones/día), actividad física (nivel moderado/alto), tabaquismo (no fumar/no ex fumador) y sueño, dormir 6-8hs nocturnas. Se evaluó estrés, ansiedad y depresión. Resultados expresados en frecuencias (IC 95%). Se utilizó el programa InfoStat. Resultados: participaron 94 pacientes, 44% sexo femenino (53,4±8,2 años). El 21,3% de los pacientes presentó RCV alto y 5,5% muy alto. Solo 18,9% presentó PA adecuada y 21,4% se clasificó en la categoría normopeso. El 53,6% presentó colesterol deseable y 54,4% glucemia deseable. Entre las conductas de estilo de vida: 84,2% no era fumador. Del total que respondieron las encuestas telefónicas, 13,3% consume ≥5 porciones/día de frutas y verduras, 59,6% presentó nivel moderado/alto de actividad física, 52% durmió las horas recomendadas. El 52,9% presentó bajo nivel de estrés y 53,3% no manifestó síntomas de ansiedad. Conclusión: la mayor parte de los pacientes se clasificaron en las categorías de bajo a moderado RCV con elevada frecuencia de factores de riesgo (PA elevada, exceso de peso, glucemia y colesterol elevados). Es necesario modificar conductas para mejorar el estilo de vida (consumo de frutas y verduras, nivel de actividad física, duración del sueño y los síntomas de estrés y ansiedad) para reducir el RCV.

Abstract Introduction: a healthy lifestyle will prevent the appearance of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), allowing greater longevity and quality of life. Objective: the aim of this study was to determine cardiovascular risk (CVR) and components of cardiovascular health in adult patients attending a private sanatorium in the city of Santa Fe. Materials and method: analytical, cross-sectional study. Patients (40-75 years old, both sexes) who spontaneously attended a private sanatorium in the city of Santa Fe between August 2021 and July 2022 were included. Patients with CVD were excluded. Through personal interviews, telephone interviews and medical records, CVR was calculated (PAHO/WHO calculator) and cardiovascular health components were evaluated according to the American Heart Association (AHA): systolic blood pressure (BP) <130 mmHg and/or diastolic <85 mmHg), cholesterol (<200 mg/dL), blood glucose (<100 mg/dL), body mass index (BMI) ( <65 years: 18.5-25 kg/m2; >65 years: 22-27 kg/m2), consumption of fruits and vegetables (≥5 servings/day), physical activity (moderate/high level), smoking (non-smoking/non-ex-smoker) and sleep, sleeping 6-8 hours at night. Stress, anxiety, and depression were assessed. Results expressed in frequencies (95% CI). The InfoStat program was used. Results: 94 patients participated, 44% female (53.4±8.2 years). 21.3% of patients had high CVR and 5.5% had very high CVR. Only 18.9% had adequate BP and 21.4% were classified in the normal weight category. A total of 53.6% had desirable cholesterol and 54.4% had desirable blood glucose. Among lifestyle behaviors: 84.2% were non-smokers. Of the total who answered the telephone surveys, 13.3% consumed ≥5 servings/day of fruits and vegetables, 59.6% had a moderate/high level of physical activity, and 52% slept the recommended hours. 52.9% had a low level of stress and 53.3% did not show symptoms of anxiety. Conclusion: most of the patients were classified into the categories of low to moderate CVR with a high frequency of risk factors (high BP, excess weight, high blood glucose and high cholesterol). Lifestyle modifications (fruit and vegetable intake, level of physical activity, sleep duration, and symptoms of stress and anxiety) are needed to reduce CVR

Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis ; 33(9): 1808-1816, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37419750


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To evaluate the effects of a high-fat diet during post-weaning growth on intermediate metabolism and retroperitoneal adipose tissue, in adult male rats exposed to adequate or deficient zinc intake during prenatal and postnatal life. METHODS AND RESULTS: Female Wistar rats were fed low- or control-zinc diets from pregnancy to offspring weaning. Male offspring born from control mothers were fed either control or high-fat, control-zinc diets for 60 days. Male offspring born from zinc deficient mothers were fed either low-zinc or high-fat, low-zinc diets for 60 days. At 74 days of life, oral glucose tolerance test was performed. In 81-day-old offspring, blood pressure, lipid profile, plasmatic lipid peroxidation and serum adiponectin level were determined. In retroperitoneal adipose tissue, we evaluated oxidative stress, morphology and adipocytokines mRNA expression. Low-zinc diet induced adipocytes hypertrophy, increased oxidative stress, and decreased adiponectin mRNA expression in adipose tissue. Low-zinc diet increased systolic blood pressure, triglyceridemia, plasmatic lipid peroxidation and glycemia at 3 h after glucose overload. Animals fed high-fat or high-fat, low-zinc diets showed adipocytes hypertrophy, decreased adiponectin mRNA expression, and increased leptin mRNA expression and oxidative stress in adipose tissue. They also exhibited decreased serum adiponectin levels, increased triglyceridemia, plasmatic lipid peroxidation and area under the oral glucose tolerance curve. High-fat, low-zinc diet induced greater alterations in adipocyte hypertrophy, leptin mRNA expression and glucose tolerance test than high-fat diet. CONCLUSION: Zinc deficiency since early stages of intrauterine life could increase susceptibility to metabolic alterations induced by high-fat diets during postnatal life.

Dieta Hiperlipídica , Desnutrição , Gravidez , Ratos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Dieta Hiperlipídica/efeitos adversos , Leptina , Ratos Wistar , Adiponectina , Adipócitos/metabolismo , Zinco , Hipertrofia , RNA Mensageiro/metabolismo
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(1): 27-36, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279716


RESUMEN Introducción: La restricción del crecimiento intrauterino es una alteración del desarrollo fetal que se caracteriza por una tasa de crecimiento durante la etapa fetal que es menor al potencial genético de crecimiento para la edad gestacional. Esta condición plantea una carga importante para la salud pública, ya que aumenta la morbimortalidad de la descendencia, a corto y a largo plazo, particularmente, por asociarse al desarrollo de enfermedad cardiovascular y metabólica en la vida adulta. Objetivos: Mediante el uso de herramientas bioinformáticas nos propusimos identificar posibles genes cardinales involucrados en la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino asociados al desarrollo de obesidad, hipertensión arterial y síndrome metabólico. Material y métodos: Obtuvimos un total de 343 genes involucrados en los fenotipos de interés e identificamos 20 genes que resultaron significativamente relevantes en el análisis de la red de interacción. Particularmente, cuatro de estos genes identificados codifican para factores de crecimiento o sus receptores, VEGFA, PDGFRB, IGF1R y EGFR. Además, identificamos genes relacionados con la insulina y el control de la homeostasis cardiovascular, como son el CTNNB1, APP, MYC y MDMD2. Por otra parte, el análisis de clústeres permitió reconocer los términos de ontología genética más significativos, entre los que se destacan aquellos relacionados con procesos biológicos de proliferación y muerte celular programada, de comunicación intercelular, del metabolismo proteico, y de desarrollo del sistema cardiovascular. Conclusiones: Los genes hallados en este estudio podrían ser de utilidad como biomarcadores putativos de la presencia de alteraciones cardiovasculares y metabólicas asociadas a la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino o potenciales blancos terapéuticos de estrategias de tratamiento orientadas al genotipo del paciente.

ABSTRACT Background: Intrauterine growth restriction is an abnormal fetal development characterized by a fetal growth rate lower than the potential genetic growth for the gestational age. This condition represents a major burden for public health systems, as it increases short and long-term morbidity and mortality in the offspring, particularly because of its association with the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disease in adult life. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to identify possible cardinal genes involved in intrauterine growth restriction associated with the development of obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome using bioinformatics tools. Methods: A total of 343 genes involved in the phenotypes of interest were obtained and 20 genes were identified as significantly relevant in the interaction network analysis. Specifically, four of these identified genes encode for growth factors or their receptors, VEGFA, PDGFRB, IGF1R and EGFR. We also identified genes related to insulin and cardiovascular homeostasis as CTNNB1, APP, MYC and MDMD2. Cluster analysis provided the most significant gene ontology terms, including those related to the biological processes of proliferation and programmed cell death, intercellular communication, protein metabolism and development of the cardiovascular system. Conclusions: The genes found in this study could be useful as putative biomarkers for the presence of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders associated with intrauterine growth restriction, or as potential therapeutic targets for treatment strategies directed to the patient's genotype.