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Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 12(2): 51-60, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253282


La Afasia Progresiva Primaria (APP) es una patología neurodegenerativa que se presenta con afectación insidiosa y progresiva del lenguaje. Los criterios diagnósticos actuales diferencian tres subtipos de APP, cada una con perfiles neurolingüísticos específicos. Diversas investigaciones han propuesto que un síntoma característico de la APP variante semántica (APP-vs) es un mayor compromiso en el procesamiento de conceptos concretos que de abstractos (Efecto de Concretud Inverso - ECI). Para explicar este ECI se han propuesto diferentes explicaciones: (a). el patrón de compromiso neural, (b). el nivel educativo de los pacientes, (c). el estadio de la enfermedad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar en forma longitudinal la progresión en el procesamiento de conceptos concretos y abstractos en un paciente diagnosticado con APP-vs. Para ello se utilizó una tarea de juicios de sinonimia donde se debe identificar si dos palabras son sinónimos o no. La tarea cuenta con pares de conceptos concretos y abstractos. Se evaluó al paciente en tres momentos (2014, 2015 y 2016). Se observó un mejor desempeño de conceptos abstractos en la primera evaluación. El ECI desaparece en la segunda evaluación. El patrón se revierte en la tercera. Estos resultados apoyan la propuesta de que el ECI observado en pacientes con APP-vs es un síntoma de los estadios iniciales de la enfermedad. Este ECI se relacionaría con la afectación temprana de las porciones del Lóbulo Temporal Anterior que procesan rasgos visuales, que serían más relevantes para los conceptos concretos.

Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative disease which appears with progressive and insidious affectation of language. Current diagnostic criteria establish three different subtypes of PPA, each showing specific neurolinguistic profiles. Several researches have proposed a Reverse Concreteness Effect (RCE) as a main symptom for the Semantic Variant of PPA (sv-PPA), that is, a better performance with abstract than concrete concepts. Different explanations for this effect include: (a). pattern of neural degeneration, (b). patients' educational level, (c). moment of disease progression. The aim of this work is to study the progression of concrete and abstract concepts processing in a patient diagnosed with sv-PPA. We used a synonyms judgement task where the subject has to indicate if two words are synonyms or not. The task include both concrete and abstract concepts. The patient was evaluated in three different moments (2014, 2015 and 2016). A better performance with abstract concepts was observed during the first evaluation. The RCE disappeared during the second assessment. The third time showed a reversed pattern. Our results support those proposing that the RCE can only be found at initial stages of vs-PPA. The RCE appears to be related to the early degeneration of some portions in the Anterior Temporal Lobe which process visual features. These would be much more relevant for processing concrete concepts.

Humanos , Doença , Afasia Primária Progressiva , Doenças Neurodegenerativas , Patologia , Pacientes , Sinais e Sintomas , Estudos Longitudinais , Progressão da Doença , Idioma
Rev. CES psicol ; 11(2): 66-77, jul.-dez. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-976917


Resumen Las tareas de fluidez verbal semántica (FVS) y fluidez verbal fonológica (FVF) son medidas sensibles para detectar y diagnosticar diversas patologías tanto en la población adulta como en la infantil. Dado que las tareas de FVS y FVF permiten detectar problemas específicos de determinadas facultades lingüísticas o cognitivas, el objetivo de este trabajo es indagar las posibles relaciones existentes entre FVS y FVF en una población de niños argentinos de nivel escolar primario de 3°, 5° y 7° grado y edades comprendidas entre los 8 y 12 años. Los 86 niños participantes respondieron a una tarea de FVS en la que se evaluaron cinco categorías (animales, partes del cuerpo, medios de transportes, ropa e instrumentos musicales) y una tarea de FVF en la que respondieron a los fonemas /f/, /a/, /s/. Se realizó un análisis de correlaciones cuyo resultado muestra que existe una asociación de mediana intensidad entre ambas tareas. Además, se llevaron a cabo un análisis factorial exploratorio y uno confirmatorio, que detectaron dos factores diferenciados: un factor verbal semántico y un factor verbal fonológico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los procesos fonológicos y semánticos se encuentran diferenciados desde edades tempranas, aunque por su correlación es posible concluir que ambos procesos confluyen en un mismo almacén de búsqueda en la memoria verbal.

Abstract Semantic verbal fluency tasks (SVF) and phonological verbal fluency tasks (PVF) are highly sensitive measures used to detect and diagnose different pathologies in adult and child populations. The results of numerous investigations point out differential performances between these two tasks both in adults and children. Based on this evidence, we intend to identify the possible connections between SVF and PVF in a group of Argentinian children aged 8 to 12 years old who attended to 3rd, 5th and 7th school primary levels. Participants answered to a SVF task which tested five categories (animals and body parts for living things and transports, cloth and musical instruments for inanimate objects domain) and a PVF task where the phonemes /f, a, s/ were assessed. A correlations analysis was carried out. The result showed there is a mild association between both tasks. In addition, an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis were conducted. Two differential factors were detected: a semantic verbal factor and a phonological verbal factor. Our results show that phonological and semantic are different processes and function separately in early development, although due to their correlation it is possible to conclude that both processes converge in the same store in verbal memory.

Trends Psychol ; 25(3): 983-993, jul.-set. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-904518


El objetivo del presente trabajo es obtener información del patrón evolutivo de desempeño en tareas de fluidez verbal para una muestra de niños argentinos de nivel primario de 3°, 5° y 7° grado. Se evaluó a los participantes con una tarea de fluidez semántica, en la que se evaluaron las categorías de animales, frutas y verduras, y partes del cuerpo para el dominio de seres vivos, y medios de transporte, instrumentos musicales y ropa para el de objetos inanimados. Asimismo fueron evaluados con una tarea de fluidez fonológica en la que se testearon los fonemas /f/, /a/ y /s/. Los datos obtenidos dan cuenta de diferencias de rendimiento entre las tareas de fluidez con un mejor desempeño en las tareas de fluidez semántica. Asimismo, en las tareas de fluidez semántica se observa un mejor rendimiento en el dominio de seres vivos. Las diferencias obtenidas en ambas tareas se identifican al comparar los grupos según escolaridad, siendo únicamente los niños de 3° grado los que, con menor cantidad de ejemplares recuperados, se disocian significativamente de los de 5° y 7° grado. Estos hallazgos son discutidos a la luz de posibles diferencias en función del desarrollo cognitivo, de las funciones ejecutivas y del sistema semántico.

No presente trabalho oferecemos dados de tarefas de fluência verbal para crianças argentinas de 3°, 5° e 7 ° ano do ensino fundamental. Os participantes foram avaliados com uma tarefa de fluência semântica, que testou as categorias de animais, frutas e legumes e partes do corpo para o domínio dos seres vivos e meios de transporte, instrumentos musicais e roupas para os objetos inanimados. As crianças também foram avaliadas com uma tarefa de fluência fonológica que testou os fonemas /f/, /a/ e /s/. Os dados obtidos apontam para diferenças de desempenho entre as tarefas e mostraram um melhor desempenho nas de fluência semântica. Além disso, nas tarefas de fluência semântica os participantes tiveram um melhor desempenho no domínio dos seres vivos. Tanto para fluência semântica quanto fonológica, as diferenças estiveram presentes quando os grupos foram comparados pelo nível de escolaridade, de modo que os alunos de 3° ano se dissociam significativamente dos 5° e 7 ° anos, produzindo menor quantidade de exemplares. Os resultados são discutidos à luz de possíveis diferenças originadas no desenvolvimento cognitivo, as funções executivas e o sistema semântico.

The aim of this work is to obtain data about the evolutionary pattern of performance in verbal fluency tasks for a sample of Argentinean primary school aged children (3rd, 5th y 7th grade) in semantic and phonological verbal fluency tasks. For the semantic fluency task, children were assessed in different categories: animals, fruits and vegetables, and body parts for living things domain, and means of transport, musical instruments and clothes for inanimate objects. For the phonological fluency assessment, children were tested with /f/, /a/and /s/phonemes. Both fluency tasks showed differences between grades, indicating the influence of education. Besides, irrespective of the grade, children performed better on the semantic fluency tasks. Results in the semantic fluency task also showed a better performance for the living things domain over the inanimate objects domain. Further analysis on the results showed that 3rd grade children have the worst performance, compared to 5th and 7th grade children. The results of our work are discussed taking in account cognitive mechanisms, executive functions and semantic memory development.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Semântica , Distúrbios da Fala , Comportamento Verbal , Escolaridade , Criança
Temas psicol. (Online) ; 25(3): 995-1005, set. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-70950


El objetivo del presente trabajo es obtener información del patrón evolutivo de desempeño en tareas de fluidez verbal para una muestra de niños argentinos de nivel primario de 3°, 5° y 7° grado. Se evaluó a los participantes con una tarea de fluidez semántica, en la que se evaluaron las categorías de animales, frutas y verduras, y partes del cuerpo para el dominio de seres vivos, y medios de transporte, instrumentos musicales y ropa para el de objetos inanimados. Asimismo fueron evaluados con una tarea de fluidez fonológica en la que se testearon los fonemas /f/, /a/y /s/. Los datos obtenidos dan cuenta de diferencias de rendimiento entre las tareas de fluidez con un mejor desempeño en las tareas de fluidez semántica. Asimismo, en las tareas de fluidez semántica se observa un mejor rendimiento en el dominio de seres vivos. Las diferencias obtenidas en ambas tareas se identifican al comparar los grupos según escolaridad, siendo únicamente los niños de 3° grado los que, con menor cantidad de ejemplares recuperados, se disocian significativamente de los de 5° y 7° grado. Estos hallazgos son discutidos a la luz de posibles diferencias en función del desarrollo cognitivo, de las funciones ejecutivas y del sistema semántico.(AU)

No presente trabalho oferecemos dados de tarefas de fluência verbal para crianças argentinas de 3°, 5° e 7 ° ano do ensino fundamental. Os participantes foram avaliados com uma tarefa de fluência semântica, que testou as categorias de animais, frutas e legumes e partes do corpo para o domínio dos seres vivos e meios de transporte, instrumentos musicais e roupas para os objetos inanimados. As crianças também foram avaliadas com uma tarefa de fluência fonológica que testou os fonemas /f /, /a/e /s /. Os dados obtidos apontam para diferenças de desempenho entre as tarefas e mostraram um melhor desempenho nas de fluência semântica. Além disso, nas tarefas de fluência semântica os participantes tiveram um melhor desempenho no domínio dos seres vivos. Tanto para fluência semântica quanto fonológica, as diferenças estiveram presentes quando os grupos foram comparados pelo nível de escolaridade, de modo que os alunos de 3° ano se dissociam significativamente dos 5° e 7 ° anos, produzindo menor quantidade de exemplares. Os resultados são discutidos à luz de possíveis diferenças originadas no desenvolvimento cognitivo, as funções executivas e o sistema semântico.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Escolaridade , Semântica , Distúrbios da Fala , Comportamento Verbal , Criança
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 71(5): 286-291, Sep.-Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-744079


Background: Currently, there is a spreading worldwide tendency to characterize health issues and to propose alternative solutions via the creation of computerized databases. The aim of this study was to present the results in a computerized database of pediatric cardiac surgeries developed under the auspices of the Mexican Association of Specialists in Congenital Heart Diseases (Asociación Mexicana de Especialistas en Cardiopatías Congénitas A.C) and coordinated by the collegiate group of Pediatric Cardiology and Surgery as petitioned by the National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals Coordinating Commission. Methods: We analyzed all cases registered in the database during a 1-year observation period (August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012) by all major Health Ministry-dependent institutes and hospitals offering surgical services related to pediatric cardiopathies to the non-insured population. Results: Seven institutions participated voluntarily in completing the database. During the analyzed period, 943 surgeries in 880 patients with 7% reoperations (n = 63) were registered. Thirty-eight percent of the surgeries were performed in children <1 year of age. The five most common cardiopathies were patent ductus arteriosus (n = 96), ventricular septal defect (n = 86), tetralogy of Fallot (n = 72), atrial septal defect (n = 68), and aortic coarctation (n = 54). Ninety percent of surgeries were elective and extracorporeal circulation was used in 62% of surgeries. Global mortality rate was 7.5% with the following distribution in the RACHS-1 score categories: 1 (n = 4, 2%), 2 (n = 19, 6%), 3 (n = 22, 8%), 4 (n = 12, 19%), 5 (n = 1, 25%), 6 (n = 6, 44%), and non-classifiable (n = 2, 9%). Conclusions: This analysis provides a representative view of the surgical practices in cardiovascular diseases in the pediatric population at the national non-insured population level. However, incorporating other health institutions to the national registry database will render a more accurate panorama of the national reality in surgical practices in the population <18 years of age.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 71(5): 286-291, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29421617


BACKGROUND: Currently, there is a spreading worldwide tendency to characterize health issues and to propose alternative solutions via the creation of computerized databases. The aim of this study was to present the results in a computerized database of pediatric cardiac surgeries developed under the auspices of the Mexican Association of Specialists in Congenital Heart Diseases (Asociación Mexicana de Especialistas en Cardiopatías Congénitas A.C) and coordinated by the collegiate group of Pediatric Cardiology and Surgery as petitioned by the National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals Coordinating Commission. METHODS: We analyzed all cases registered in the database during a 1-year observation period (August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012) by all major Health Ministry-dependent institutes and hospitals offering surgical services related to pediatric cardiopathies to the non-insured population. RESULTS: Seven institutions participated voluntarily in completing the database. During the analyzed period, 943 surgeries in 880 patients with 7% reoperations (n=63) were registered. Thirty-eight percent of the surgeries were performed in children <1 year of age. The five most common cardiopathies were patent ductus arteriosus (n=96), ventricular septal defect (n=86), tetralogy of Fallot (n=72), atrial septal defect (n=68), and aortic coarctation (n=54). Ninety percent of surgeries were elective and extracorporeal circulation was used in 62% of surgeries. Global mortality rate was 7.5% with the following distribution in the RACHS-1 score categories: 1 (n=4, 2%), 2 (n=19, 6%), 3 (n=22, 8%), 4 (n=12, 19%), 5 (n=1, 25%), 6 (n=6, 44%), and non-classifiable (n=2, 9%). CONCLUSIONS: This analysis provides a representative view of the surgical practices in cardiovascular diseases in the pediatric population at the national non-insured population level. However, incorporating other health institutions to the national registry database will render a more accurate panorama of the national reality in surgical practices in the population <18 years of age.

Rev Invest Clin ; 65(6): 476-82, 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24687354


INTRODUCTION: Current world tendency is the detection of health problems in order to offer solution alternatives by means of the development of computarized data bases. OBJECTIVE: To present the results of a computerized data base developed for the registry of pediatric cardiac surgery with the support of Asociación Mexicana de Especialistas en Cardiopatías Congénitas (AMECC, A.C.). MATERIAL AND METHODS: A one-year analysis (from August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012) of a computerized data base was performed with the support of AMECC and the participation of the most important Mexican institutions for pediatric surgical heart disease health care, particularly for the uninsured population. RESULTS: There were 7 health institutions voluntarily incorporated to the national data base registry, and in the first year of observation, 943 surgical procedures in 880 patients and 7% re-operations (n = 63), were reported. Patients up to one-year old accounted for 38%. The most frequent types of operated congenital heart diseases were: patent ductus arteriosus (n = 96), ventricular septal defect (n = 86), tetralogy of Fallot (n = 72), atrial septal defect (n = 68), and aortic coarctation (n = 54). Elective procedures were 90%, and 62% of them were performed with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. Overall mortality was 7.5% with the following RACHS-1 score risk distribution: 1 (n = 4.2%), 2 (n = 19.6%), 3 (n = 22.8%), 4 (n = 12.19%), 5 (n = 1.25%), 6 (n = 6.44%) and not classifiable (n = 2.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Although this analysis gives a representative vision of the cardiovascular surgical health care for the uninsured national pediatric population, the incorporation of other health institutions to this data base may lead us to have a most realistic overview in relation to the surgical cardiovascular health care for the up to 18 year-old population.

Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Pediatria , Sistema de Registros , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos/mortalidade , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos/estatística & dados numéricos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Eletivos/mortalidade , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Eletivos/estatística & dados numéricos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/epidemiologia , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Pessoas sem Cobertura de Seguro de Saúde , México , Pediatria/estatística & dados numéricos , Reoperação/estatística & dados numéricos , Risco