BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) commonly occurs in association with chronic kidney disease (CKD), resulting in adverse outcomes. Combining pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) and renal sympathetic denervation (RSD) may reduce the recurrence of AF in patients with CKD and hypertension. We considered that RSD could reduce the recurrence of AF in patients with CKD by modulating sympathetic hyperactivity. Our goal was to compare the impact of PVI + RSD with that of PVI alone in patients with concurrent AF and CKD. METHODS: This was a single-center, prospective, longitudinal, randomized, double-blind study. Forty-five patients with controlled hypertension, symptomatic paroxysmal AF and/or persistent AF, stage 2 or 3 CKD, and a dual-chamber pacemaker were enrolled from January 2014 to January 2015. We assessed the 30-second recurrence of AF recorded by the pacemaker, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurements, estimated glomerular filtration rate, albuminuria, echocardiographic parameters, and safety of RSD. RESULTS: No patient developed procedural or other complications. The ambulatory blood pressure measurements did not differ within the PVI + RSD group or between the PVI + RSD and PVI groups throughout the study. Significantly more patients in the PVI + RSD group than in the PVI group were free of AF at the 12-month follow-up evaluation. The PVI group had an unacceptable response to ablation with respect to changes in echocardiographic parameters, whereas these parameters improved in the PVI + RSD group. CONCLUSION: PVI + RSD were associated with a lower AF recurrence rate than PVI alone; it also improved renal function and some echocardiographic parameters. These encouraging data will serve as baseline information for further long-term studies on larger patient populations.
Quinze pacientes com endocardite infecciosa foram revistos a partir da experiência dos autores nos dois últimos anos. A idade variou de 16 a 44 anos, näo havendo nítida prevalência quanto ao sexo ou à raça. A maior parte das hemoculturas era negativa. Os pacientes tinham prognóstico reservado, apresentando pelo menos duas ou três das indicaçöes cirúrgicas maiores estabelecidas na literatura. Apesar de o risco operatório ser alto, a mortalidade pré-operatória foi de 0% e a pós-operatória de 20%. Em vista destes resultados e da alta morbidade com o tratamento clínico isolado, recomendam uma conduta agressiva com a intervençäo cirúrgica precoce, o que seguramente melhora em muito a sobrevida desses enfermos. Enfatizam que o ecocardiograma é muito importante na decisäo a ser tomada e que no ato operatório deve ser feito inventário de todas as válvulas cardiácas, fontes possíveis de sépsis pós-operatória. Os autores apresentam, também baseados na experiência acumulada através dos anos, critérios maiores e menores para indicaçäo cirúrgica em endocardite infecciosa