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J Fluid Mech ; 847: 28-70, 2018 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31831915


A family of cases each containing a small separation bubble is treated by direct numerical simulation (DNS), varying two parameters: the severity of the pressure gradients, generated by suction and blowing across the opposite boundary, and the Reynolds number. Each flow contains a well-developed entry region with essentially zero pressure gradient, and all are adjusted to have the same value for the momentum thickness, extrapolated from the entry region to the centre of the separation bubble. Combined with fully defined boundary conditions this will make comparisons with other simulations and turbulence models rigorous; we present results for a set of eight Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence models. Even though the largest Reynolds number is approximately 5.5 times higher than in a similar DNS study we presented in 1997, the models have difficulties matching the DNS skin friction very closely even in the zero pressure gradient, which complicates their assessment. In the rest of the domain, the separation location per se is not particularly difficult to predict, and the most definite disagreement between DNS and models is near reattachment. Curiously, the better models tend to cluster together in their predictions of pressure and skin friction even when they deviate from the DNS, although their eddy-viscosity levels are widely different in the outer region near the bubble (or they do not rely on an eddy viscosity). Stratford's square-root law is satisfied by the velocity profiles, both at separation and reattachment. The Reynolds-number range covers a factor of two, with the Reynolds number based on the extrapolated momentum thickness equal to approximately 1500 and 3000. This allows tentative estimates of the improvements that even higher values will bring to the model comparisons. The solutions are used to assess models through pressure, skin friction and other measures; the flow fields are also used to produce effective eddy-viscosity targets for the models, thus guiding turbulence-modelling work in each region of the flow.

Flow Turbul Combust ; 99(3-4): 553-564, 2017 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31832014


We study turbulent plane Couette-Poiseuille (CP) flows in which the conditions (relative wall velocity ΔU w ≡ 2U w , pressure gradient dP/dx and viscosity ν) are adjusted to produce zero mean skin friction on one of the walls, denoted by APG for adverse pressure gradient. The other wall, FPG for favorable pressure gradient, provides the friction velocity uτ , and h is the half-height of the channel. This leads to a one-dimensional family of flows of varying Reynolds number Re ≡ U w h/ν. We apply three codes, and cover three Reynolds numbers stepping by a factor of 2 each time. The agreement between codes is very good, and the Reynolds-number range is sizable. The theoretical questions revolve around Reynolds-number independence in both the core region (free of local viscous effects) and the two wall regions. The core region follows Townsend's hypothesis of universal behavior for the velocity and shear stress, when they are normalized with uτ and h; universality is not observed for all the Reynolds stresses, any more than it is in Poiseuille flow or boundary layers. The behavior at very high Re is unknown. The FPG wall region obeys the classical law of the wall, again for velocity and shear stress, but could suggest a low value for the Karman constant κ, possibly near 0.37. For the APG wall region, Stratford conjectured universal behavior when normalized with the pressure gradient, leading to a square-root law for the velocity. The literature, also covering other flows with zero skin friction, is ambiguous. Our results are very consistent with both of Stratford's conjectures, suggesting that at least in this idealized flow geometry the theory is successful like it was for the classical law of the wall. We appear to know the constants of the law within a 10% bracket. On the other hand, again that does not extend to Reynolds stresses other than the shear stress, but these stresses are passive in the momentum equation.
