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Nat Commun ; 13(1): 5405, 2022 09 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36109491


Feedbacks between climatic and geological processes are highly controversial and testing them is a key challenge in Earth sciences. The Great Escarpment of the Arabian Red Sea margin has several features that make it a useful natural laboratory for studying the effect of surface processes on deep Earth. These include strong orographic rainfall, convex channel profiles versus concave swath profiles on the west side of the divide, morphological disequilibrium in fluvial channels, and systematic morphological changes from north to south that relate to depth changes of the central Red Sea. Here we show that these features are well interpreted with a cycle that initiated with the onset of spreading in the Red Sea and involves feedbacks between orographic precipitation, tectonic deformation, mid-ocean spreading and coastal magmatism. It appears that the feedback is enhanced by the moist easterly trade winds that initiated largely contemporaneously with sea floor spreading in the Red Sea.

Vento , Retroalimentação , Oceano Índico
Lithos ; 134-135(3-3): 108-122, 2012 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26525358


Monazite is a common accessory mineral in various metamorphic and magmatic rocks, and is widely used for U-Pb geochronology. However, linking monazite U-Pb ages with the PT evolution of the rock is not always straightforward. We investigated the behaviour of monazite in a metasedimentary sequence ranging from greenschist facies phyllites into upper amphibolites facies anatectic gneisses, which is exposed in the Eocene Chugach Metamorphic Complex of southern Alaska. We investigated textures, chemical compositions and U-Pb dates of monazite grains in samples of differing bulk rock composition and metamorphic grade, with particular focus on the relationship between monazite and other REE-bearing minerals such as allanite and xenotime. In the greenschist facies phyllites, detrital and metamorphic allanite is present, whereas monazite is absent. In lower amphibolites facies schists (~ 550-650 °C and ≥ 3.4 kbar), small, medium-Y monazite is wide-spread (Mnz1), indicating monazite growth prior and/or simultaneous with growth of garnet and andalusite. In anatectic gneisses, new low-Y, high-Th monazite (Mnz2) crystallised from partial melts, and a third, high-Y, low-Th monazite generation (Mnz3) formed during initial cooling and garnet resorption. U-Pb SHRIMP analysis of the second and third monazite generations yields ages of ~ 55-50 Ma. Monazite became unstable and was overgrown by allanite and/or allanite/epidote/apatite coronas within retrograde muscovite- and/or chlorite-bearing shear zones. This study documents polyphase, complex monazite growth and dissolution during a single, relatively short-lived metamorphic cycle.

Tectonophysics ; 541-543(6): 1-18, 2012 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27065501


According to new apatite fission track, zircon- and apatite (U-Th)/He data, we constrain the near-surface history of the southeastern Tauern Window and adjacent Austrolapine units. The multi-system thermochronological data demonstrate that age-elevation correlations may lead to false implications about exhumation and cooling in the upper crust. We suggest that isothermal warping in the Penninic units that are in the position of a footwall, is due to uplift, erosion and the buildup of topography. Additionally we propose that exhumation rates in the Penninic units did not increase during the Middle Miocene, thus during the time of lateral extrusion. In contrast, exhumation rates of the Austroalpine hangingwall did increase from the Paleogene to the Neogene and the isotherms in this unit were not warped. The new zircon (U-Th)/He ages as well as zircon fission track ages from the literature document a Middle Miocene exhumation pulse which correlates with a period of enhanced sediment accumulation during that time. However, enhanced sedimentation- and exhumation rates at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary, as observed in the Western- and Central Alps, cannot be observed in the Eastern Alps. This contradicts a climatic trigger for surface uplift, and makes a tectonic trigger and/or deep-seated mechanism more obvious to explain surface uplift in the Eastern Alps. In combination with already published geochronological ages, our new data demonstrate Oligocene to Late Miocene fault activity along the Möll valley fault that constitutes a major shear zone in the Eastern Alps. In this context we suggest a geometrical and temporal relationship of the Katschberg-, Polinik-Möll valley- and Mur-Mürz faults that define the extruding wedge in the eastern part of the Eastern Alps. Equal deformation- and fission track cooling ages along the Katschberg-Brenner- and Simplon normal faults demonstrate overall Middle Miocene extension in the whole alpine arc.

Geomorphology (Amst) ; 134(1-2): 62-78, 2011 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22053124


The transition zone of the Eastern Alps to the Pannonian Basin provides one of the best sources of information on landscape evolution of the Eastern Alpine mountain range. The region was non-glaciated during the entire Pleistocene. Thus, direct influence of glacial carving as a landscape forming process can be excluded and relics of landforms are preserved that date back to at least the Late Neogene. In this study, we provide a correlation between various planation surfaces across the orogen-basin transition. In particular, we use stream terraces, planation surfaces and cave levels that cover a vertical spread of some 700 m. Our correlation is used to show that both sides of the transition zone uplifted together starting at least about 5 Ma ago. For our correlation we use recently published terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) burial ages from cave sediments, new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of a stream terrace and U-Th ages from speleothems. Minimum age constraints of cave levels from burial ages of cave sediments covering the last ~ 4 Ma are used to place age constraints on surface features by parallelizing cave levels with planation surfaces. The OSL results for the top section of the type locality of the Helfbrunn terrace suggest an Early Würm development (80.5 ± 3.7 to 68.7 ± 4.0 ka). The terrace origin as a penultimate gravel deposit (in classical Alpine terminology Riss) is therefore questioned. U-series speleothem ages from caves nearby indicate formation during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5c and 5a which are both interstadial warm periods. As OSL ages from the terrace also show a time of deposition during MIS 5a ending at the MIS 5/4 transition, this supports the idea of temperate climatic conditions at the time of deposition. In general, tectonic activity is interpreted to be the main driving force for the formation and evolution of these landforms, whilst climate change is suggested to be of minor importance. Obvious hiatuses in Miocene to Pleistocene sediments are related to ongoing erosion and re-excavation of an uplifting and rejuvenating landscape.
