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Science ; 376(6589): 199-203, 2022 04 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35389780


Despite quantum electrodynamics (QED) being one of the most stringently tested theories underpinning modern physics, recent precision atomic spectroscopy measurements have uncovered several small discrepancies between experiment and theory. One particularly powerful experimental observable that tests QED independently of traditional energy level measurements is the "tune-out" frequency, where the dynamic polarizability vanishes and the atom does not interact with applied laser light. In this work, we measure the tune-out frequency for the 23S1 state of helium between transitions to the 23P and 33P manifolds and compare it with new theoretical QED calculations. The experimentally determined value of 725,736,700(260) megahertz differs from theory [725,736,252(9) megahertz] by 1.7 times the measurement uncertainty and resolves both the QED contributions and retardation corrections.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(4): 043004, 2015 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26252681


We present the first measurement for helium atoms of the tune-out wavelength at which the atomic polarizability vanishes. We utilize a novel, highly sensitive technique for precisely measuring the effect of variations in the trapping potential of confined metastable (2^{3}S_{1}) helium atoms illuminated by a perturbing laser light field. The measured tune-out wavelength of 413.0938(9_{stat})(20_{syst}) nm compares well with the value predicted by a theoretical calculation [413.02(9) nm] which is sensitive to finite nuclear mass, relativistic, and quantum electrodynamic effects. This provides motivation for more detailed theoretical investigations to test quantum electrodynamics.

J Chem Phys ; 139(13): 134112, 2013 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24116557


The Dirac-Coulomb equation for the helium atom is studied under the restrictions of the Poet-Temkin model which replaces the 1/r12 interaction by the simplified 1/r> form. The effective reduction in the dimensionality made it possible to obtain binding energies for the singlet and triplet states in this model problem with a relative precision from 10(-8) to 10(-10). The energies for the singlet state were consistent with a previous configuration interaction calculation [H. Tatewaki and Y. Watanabe, Chem. Phys. 389, 58 (2011)]. Manifestations of Brown-Ravenhall disease were noted at higher values of nuclear charge and ultimately limited the accuracy of the Poet-Temkin model energy. The energies from a no-pair configuration interaction (CI) calculation (the negative-energy states for the appropriate hydrogen-like ion were excluded from the CI expansion) were found to be different from the unrestricted B-spline calculation.

J Chem Phys ; 137(2): 024311, 2012 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22803540


It is important for experimental design to know the transition oscillator strengths in hydrogen molecular ions. In this work, for HD(+), HT(+), and DT(+), we calculate the ro-vibrational energies and oscillator strengths of dipole transitions between two ro-vibrational states with the vibrational quantum number ν = 0-5 and the total angular momentum L = 0-5. The oscillator strengths of HT(+) and DT(+) are presented as supplementary material.

J Chem Phys ; 136(17): 174107, 2012 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22583210


The multipole expansion of the polarization interaction between a charged particle and an electrically neutral object has long been known to be asymptotic in nature, i.e., the multiple expansion diverges at any finite distance from the atom. However, the multipole expansion of the polarization potential of a confined hydrogen atom is shown to be absolutely convergent at a distance outside the confinement radius, R(0), of the atom. The multipole expansion of the dispersion potential between two confined hydrogen atoms is also shown to be absolutely convergent provided the two atoms satisfy R > 2R(0), where R is the inter-nuclear separation. These results were established analytically using oscillator strength sum rules and verified numerically using a B-spline description of the hydrogen ground state and its excitation spectrum.

J Chem Phys ; 136(10): 104104, 2012 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22423825


The long-range non-additive three-body dispersion interaction coefficients Z(111), Z(112), Z(113), and Z(122) are computed for many atomic combinations using standard expressions. The atoms considered include hydrogen, the rare gases, the alkali atoms (up to Rb), and the alkaline-earth atoms (up to Sr). The term Z(111) arising from three mutual dipole interactions is known as the Axilrod-Teller-Muto coefficient or the DDD (dipole-dipole-dipole) coefficient. Similarly, the terms Z(112), Z(113), and Z(122) arise from the mutual combinations of dipole (1), quadrupole (2), and octupole (3) interactions between atoms and they are sometimes known, respectively, as dipole-dipole-quadrupole, dipole-dipole-octupole, and dipole-quadrupole-quadrupole coefficients. Results for the four Z coefficients are given for the homonuclear trimers, for the trimers involving two like-rare-gas atoms, and for the trimers with all combinations of the H, He, and Li atoms. An exhaustive compilation of all coefficients between all possible atomic combinations is presented as supplementary data.

J Chem Phys ; 133(10): 104306, 2010 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20849171


The long-range dispersion coefficients for the ground and excited states of Li, Li(+), and Be(+) interacting with the He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms in their ground states are determined. The variational Hylleraas method is used to determine the necessary lists of multipole matrix elements for He, Li, Li(+), and Be(+), while pseudo-oscillator strength distributions are used for the heavier rare gases. Some single electron calculations using a semiempirical Hamiltonian are also performed for Li and Be(+) and found to give dispersion coefficients in good agreement with the Hylleraas calculations. Polarizabilities are given for some of the Li and Li(+) states and the recommended (7)Li(+) polarizability including both finite-mass and relativistic effects was 0.192 486 a.u. The impact of finite-mass effects upon the dispersion coefficients has been given for some selected interatomic interactions.

Berílio/química , Lítio/química , Gases Nobres/química