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J Clin Exp Dent ; 15(5): e403-e410, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37214755


Background: Greater degradation of the hybrid layer is expected when a universal adhesive system is used, especially in the conventional application strategy. Therefore, it would important to evaluate the effect of the ethanol (ETH) and a potential matrix protease inhibitor (caffeic acid phenethyl ester/ CAPE) to maximize the ability to achieve stable dentin bond strength. The aim of this study was to evaluated the effect of ETH on a wet-bonding technique, and dentin pretreatments with different concentrations of CAPE in ethanolic solution, followed by application of a universal adhesive system (Single Bond Universal) to inhibit proteolytic activity. Material and Methods: Dentin blocks were allocated to eight experimental groups according to the strategy (total-etch our self-etch) and treatments: ETH, or dentin pretreatment with CAPE (at 0.5%, 2.5%; and 5.0%). Half of each block (each hemiblock) served as the control (without dentin pretreatments) for the same group. The bonding strategy was performed (adhesive system/ restoration with composite resin). Two slices were obtained from each hemiblock and evaluated using in situ zymography. The proteolytic activity was analyzed by quantifying the green photons of the images obtained under a fluorescence microscope in three dentin locations close to the dentin-resin interface: hybrid layer (HL), underlying dentin (UD) and deep dentin (DD). Results: Wilcoxon tests (for comparison between experimental and control groups) and Friedman and Nemenyi tests (for comparisons between interface locations) showed that there was no difference between the groups with different CAPE concentrations and the respective control groups (p>0.05). ETH reduced the proteolytic activity at the HL and UD (p<0.05). Conclusions: The wet-bonding technique with ETH proved effective in reducing the proteolytic activity. The use of CAPE in different concentrations solubilized in ethanol did not have a favorable effect on proteolytic inhibition. Key words:Adhesives, Hybrid layer, Dentin, Metalloproteinases.

Rev. odontol. UNESP ; 31(1): 117-126, jan.-jun. 2002. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: lil-336343


O perfil da Odontologia brasileira atual torna necessária, por parte do cirurgiäo-dentista (CD), a procurapor cidades onde a proporçäo Habitante/CD seja favorável, associado ao nível sócioeconômico da área, observando características favoráveis à instalaçäo desses profissionais. Diante desse fato, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a relaçäo habitante/CD e habitante/especialista nos diferentes municípios do estado do Paraná, além de avaliar a distribuiçäo das entidades da área odontológica nos diferentes municípios, ano ano 2000. Para este estudo, foram utilizados cadastros do CFO (Conselho Federal de Odontologia) referentes ao CRO (Conselho Regional de Odontologia) do Paraná e dados do IBGE, além de informaçöes presentes em sites sobre o Estado. Mediante metodologia aplicada, pôde-se concluir que o Paraná é um Estado atrativo para o mercado odontológico; a maioria dos CDs é clínica geral; o município mais promissor é Säo José dos Pinhais; os municípios com menor relaçäo Habitante/CD säo os mais populosos e conhecidos no Estado (Curitiba, Londrina e Maringá); a elevada relaçäo Habitante/CD nem sempre indica que a área seja propícia para a instalaçäo do CD, pois áreas com essa característica, na maioria dos casos, säo de economia agrária e infra-estrutura precária; 81 por cento dos municípios apresentam relaçäo Habitante/CD superior a 1/1.500

Odontologia , Odontólogos