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Discov Soc Sci Health ; 3(1): 17, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37547258


Background: The differing global trends in alcohol consumption and policy measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic warrant a closer look at the actions taken by civil society organisations (CSOs) and community-led efforts to describe how they may influence and accelerate action for change in alcohol control measures. This paper analyses actions undertaken by CSOs at the national and local levels to safeguard communities and improve alcohol control policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in six African countries. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was distributed via email to CSOs involved in alcohol prevention, outreach and policy development in Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Individuals (n = 19) working at CSOs responded to the questionnaire from February to March 2022. Questions related to the role of CSOs during the pandemic are analysed and synthesised in this paper. 19 CSOs respondents representing the six countries were included in the study. Results: Action areas led by CSOs during the COVID-19 pandemic included: (i) direct lobbying advocacy, (ii) conducting public awareness media campaigns and (iii) legal and regulatory interventions linked to the pandemic. Conclusions: Given the size of the challenges governments faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of CSOs, during the ongoing pandemic and beyond, has become even more relevant to strengthen advocacy and public health interventions for alcohol control in Southern Africa. For this, CSOs should have a "seat at the table" when public health policies are designed, discussed and enforced.

Bull World Health Organ ; 100(10): 628-635, 2022 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36188018


The World Health Organization (WHO) African Region is struggling with increasing harm associated with alcohol consumption. Legislators of Sao Tome and Principe, concerned about this harm and the high prevalence of alcohol use disorders, designed a comprehensive alcohol control bill to tackle this situation. Input into the design of the bill was obtained through interviews involving many stakeholders. The process had five phases: (i) scoping the problem to understand the social burden of the harm caused by alcohol consumption; (ii) updating the evidence on alcohol policies and identifying areas for legislative interventions; (iii) drafting the bill; (iv) aligning the legislative framework of the bill; and (v) initiating the parliamentary procedure. The new bill scored 92/100 using a standardized alcohol control policy scale. The bill covers all domains of WHO's 2010 global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, and includes the three most cost-effective interventions for reducing alcohol consumption: increased excise taxes on alcohol; bans or comprehensive restrictions on exposure to alcohol advertising; and restrictions on the availability of retailed alcohol through reduced hours of sale. The National Assembly plenary session upheld the bill, which is now under evaluation of the specialized First Commission on Political, Legal, Constitutional and Ethical Affairs. Approval of the bill requires the final voting once it is back with the National Assembly and its promulgation by the President. Drafting an alcohol control bill which is country-led, inclusive, evidence-based and free of interference by the alcohol industry helps prioritize public health objectives over other interests.

La Région africaine de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) fait face à une hausse des dégâts causés par l'alcool. Préoccupés par la situation et par la forte prévalence des troubles liés à cette consommation, les législateurs de Sao Tomé-et-Principe ont élaboré un projet de loi détaillé afin d'y remédier. À l'origine de sa conception, plusieurs entretiens avec différentes parties prenantes. Le processus s'est divisé en cinq phases: (i) définir l'étendue du problème pour évaluer le fardeau que les dégâts provoqués par l'alcool font peser sur la société; (ii) actualiser les données probantes relatives aux politiques en matière d'alcool et identifier les domaines nécessitant une intervention législative; (iii) rédiger le projet de loi; (iv) aligner le cadre législatif du projet de loi; et enfin, (v) initier la procédure parlementaire. Le nouveau projet de loi a obtenu un score de 92/100 sur une échelle d'évaluation standard des mesures de lutte contre l'alcool. Il couvre tous les thèmes repris dans la Stratégie mondiale de l'OMS visant à réduire l'usage nocif de l'alcool, publiée en 2010. Il prévoit également les trois interventions les plus rentables en termes de diminution de la consommation d'alcool: l'augmentation des taxes d'accise sur l'alcool; l'interdiction ou l'instauration de conditions strictes en matière d'exposition à la publicité pour l'alcool; et une disponibilité restreinte des boissons alcoolisées dans le commerce en limitant les heures de vente. L'Assemblée nationale a soutenu le projet de loi en séance plénière. Il est désormais en cours d'évaluation au sein de la première Commission spécialisée en affaires politiques, juridiques, constitutionnelles et éthiques. Pour être adopté, le projet de loi doit revenir à l'Assemblée nationale pour un vote final, puis être promulgué par le président. Une loi globale de lutte contre l'alcool, élaborée par le pays lui-même, fondée sur des faits et n'ayant subi aucune ingérence de la part de l'industrie de l'alcool contribue à faire passer les objectifs de santé publique avant d'autres intérêts.

La Región de África de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) está tratando de hacer frente a los crecientes daños derivados del consumo de alcohol. Los legisladores de Santo Tomé y Príncipe, preocupados por estos daños y por la alta prevalencia de los trastornos por consumo de alcohol, diseñaron un proyecto de ley integral para el control del alcohol con el fin de solucionar esta situación. Las contribuciones al diseño del proyecto de ley se obtuvieron a través de entrevistas en las que participaron muchas partes interesadas. El proceso constó de cinco fases: (i) la delimitación del problema para comprender la carga social de los daños causados por el consumo de alcohol; (ii) la actualización de los datos sobre las políticas de alcohol y la identificación de las áreas de intervención legislativa; (iii) la redacción del proyecto de ley; (iv) la adaptación del marco legislativo del proyecto de ley; y (v) el inicio del procedimiento parlamentario. El nuevo proyecto de ley obtuvo una puntuación de 92/100 según una escala estandarizada de políticas para el control del alcohol. El proyecto de ley abarca todos los ámbitos de la estrategia mundial que la OMS puso en marcha en 2010 para reducir el uso nocivo del alcohol, e incluye las tres intervenciones más rentables para reducir el consumo de alcohol: el aumento de los impuestos especiales sobre el alcohol; la prohibición o la restricción general de la exposición a la publicidad del alcohol; y la restricción de la disponibilidad del alcohol al por menor mediante la reducción del horario de venta. La sesión plenaria de la Asamblea Nacional respaldó el proyecto de ley, que ahora está bajo evaluación de la Comisión Primera especializada en Asuntos Políticos, Jurídicos, Constitucionales y Éticos. La aprobación del proyecto de ley requiere la votación final una vez que regrese a la Asamblea Nacional y que el Presidente lo promulgue. La elaboración de un proyecto de ley para el control del alcohol que sea liderado por el país, inclusivo, basado en la evidencia y libre de interferencias por parte de la industria del alcohol ayuda a priorizar los objetivos de salud pública sobre otros intereses.

Alcoolismo , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/prevenção & controle , Alcoolismo/complicações , Humanos , São Tomé e Príncipe , Impostos , Organização Mundial da Saúde
BMJ Open ; 12(9): e063365, 2022 09 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36127108


OBJECTIVES: To describe and map scientific literature related to alcohol consumption, its determinants, governance, harm and control policies by publication output, author affiliations, funding, countries of study and research themes. DESIGN: Bibliometric analysis using performance analysis and science mapping techniques. DATA SOURCES: Scientific articles. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Indexed scientific articles published between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2021 with an English abstract focused on alcohol consumption, its determinants, harms, governance and control policies. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Searches were run in Web of Science and PubMed. Performance metrics were analysed using descriptive statistics. Keywords were used for science mapping in a deductive approach to cluster articles by five main research themes. The 'policy response' theme was further analysed by six subthemes. RESULTS: 4553 articles were included in the analysis. Three out of four articles (3479/4553, 76.4%) were authored solely by authors affiliated with HIC institutions. One in five articles (906/4553, 19.9%) had at least one author affiliated to an institution from an upper-middle-income, middle-income or low-income country context. Governments, followed by research institutions, were the predominant funding source. Half (53.1%) studied a single country and, of these, 77.0% were high-income countries (HICs). Australia, USA and UK were the most studied countries, together accounting for 44.9% (975/2172) of country-specific articles. Thematically, 'consumption' was most studied, and 'alcohol determinants', least. 'Policy response' articles were predominately conducted in HIC contexts. CONCLUSIONS: Although the attributable harm of alcohol is known to affect more significantly lower-income and middle-income countries, scientific publications primarily report on HIC contexts by authors from HICs. Research themes reflect known cost-effective policy actions, though skewed towards HICs and a focus on consumption. The implementation of context-specific alcohol control policies requires addressing the determinants of the uneven geographical and thematic distribution of research.

Bibliometria , Publicações , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Humanos , Renda , Pobreza
Bull. W.H.O. (Online) ; 100(10): 628-635, 2022. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1397440


The World Health Organization (WHO) African Region is struggling with increasing harm associated with alcohol consumption. Legislators of Sao Tome and Principe, concerned about this harm and the high prevalence of alcohol use disorders, designed a comprehensive alcohol control bill to tackle this situation. Input into the design of the bill was obtained through interviews involving many stakeholders. The process had five phases: (i) scoping the problem to understand the social burden of the harm caused by alcohol consumption; (ii) updating the evidence on alcohol policies and identifying areas for legislative interventions; (iii) drafting the bill; (iv) aligning the legislative framework of the bill; and (v) initiating the parliamentary procedure. The new bill scored 92/100 using a standardized alcohol control policy scale. The bill covers all domains of WHO's 2010 global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, and includes the three most cost-effective interventions for reducing alcohol consumption: increased excise taxes on alcohol; bans or comprehensive restrictions on exposure to alcohol advertising; and restrictions on the availability of retailed alcohol through reduced hours of sale. The National Assembly plenary session upheld the bill, which is now under evaluation of the specialized First Commission on Political, Legal, Constitutional and Ethical Affairs. Approval of the bill requires the final voting once it is back with the National Assembly and its promulgation by the President. Drafting an alcohol control bill which is country-led, inclusive, evidence-based and free of interference by the alcohol industry helps prioritize public health objectives over other interests.

Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Prevalência , Alcoolismo , Acidentes de Trânsito , Violência Doméstica
Health Policy Open ; 2: 100030, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383514


Hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions have been extensively used in health services research to assess access, quality and performance of primary health care. Inter-country comparisons can assist policy-makers in pursuing better health outcomes by contrasting policy design, implementation and evaluation. The objective of this study is to identify the conceptual, methodological, contextual and policy dimensions and factors that need to be accounted for when comparing these types of hospitalizations across countries. A conceptual framework for inter-country comparisons was drawn based on a review of 18 studies with inter-country comparison of ambulatory care sensitive conditions hospitalizations. The dimensions include methodological choices; population's demographic, epidemiologic and socio-economic profiles and features of the health services and system. Main factors include access and quality of primary health care, availability of health workforce and health facilities, health interventions and inequalities. The proposed framework can assist in designing studies and interpreting findings of inter-country comparisons of ambulatory care sensitive conditions hospitalizations, accelerating learning and progress towards universal health coverage.

Health Policy ; 124(1): 12-24, 2020 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31791717


Health system stewards have the critical task to identify quality of care deficiencies and resolve underlying system limitations. Despite a growing evidence-base on the effectiveness of certain mechanisms for improving quality of care, frameworks to facilitate the oversight function of stewards and the use of mechanisms to improve outcomes remain underdeveloped. This review set out to catalogue a wide range of quality of care mechanisms and evidence on their effectiveness, and to map these in a framework along two dimensions: (i) governance subfunctions; and (ii) targets of quality of care mechanisms. To identify quality of care mechanisms, a series of searches were run in Health Systems Evidence and PubMed. Additional grey literature was reviewed. A total of 128 quality of care mechanisms were identified. For each mechanism, searches were carried out for systematic reviews on their effectiveness. These findings were mapped in the framework defined. The mapping illustrates the range and evidence for mechanisms varies and is more developed for some target areas such as the health workforce. Across the governance sub-functions, more mechanisms and with evidence of effectiveness are found for setting priorities and standards and organizing and monitoring for action. This framework can support system stewards to map the quality of care mechanisms used in their systems and to uncover opportunities for optimization backed by systems thinking.

Governança Clínica/organização & administração , Política de Saúde , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde/organização & administração , Humanos , Melhoria de Qualidade , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde/tendências , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto
BMC Health Serv Res ; 19(1): 1006, 2019 Dec 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31881884


BACKGROUND: Primary health care and its strengthening through performance measurement is essential for sustainably working towards universal health coverage. Existing performance frameworks and indicators to measure primary health care capture system functions like governance, financing and resourcing but to a lesser extent the function of services delivery and its heterogeneous nature. Moreover, most frameworks have weak links with routine information systems and national health priorities, especially in the context of high- and middle-income countries. This paper presents the development of a tool that responds to this context with the aim to create primary health care performance intelligence for the 53 countries of the WHO European Region. METHODS: The work builds-off of an existing systematic review on primary care and draws on priorities of current European health policies and available (inter)national information systems. Its development included: (i) reviewing and classifying features of primary care; (ii) constructing a set of tracer conditions; and (iii) mapping existing indicators in the framework resulting from (i). The analysis was validated through a series of reviews: in-person meetings with country-nominated focal points and primary care experts; at-distance expert reviews; and, preliminary testing with country informants. RESULTS: The resulting framework applies a performance continuum in the classical approach of structures-processes-outcomes spanning 6 domains - primary care structures, model of primary care, care contact, primary care outputs, health system outcomes, and health outcomes - that are further classified by 26 subdomains and 63 features of primary care. A care continuum was developed using a set of 12 tracer conditions. A total of 139 indicators were mapped to the classification, each with an identified data source to safeguard measurability. Individual indicator passports and a glossary of terms were developed to support the standardization of the findings. CONCLUSION: The resulting framework and suite of indicators, coined the Primary Health Care Impact, Performance and Capacity Tool (PHC-IMPACT), has the potential to be applied in Europe, closing the gap on existing data collection, analysis and use of performance intelligence for decision-making towards primary health care strengthening.

Competência Clínica , Atenção Primária à Saúde/organização & administração , Europa (Continente) , Política de Saúde , Humanos , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther ; 9(2): 129-139, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31143634


Improving access to quality services is integral to achieving better outcomes for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). In Kazakhstan, like other countries with historically centralized governance models, key to improving quality is instilling a common and shared understanding of the roles and responsibilities in correspondence with the multifaceted nature of quality of care. This review details the experience of two pilot projects implemented in Kazakhstan's regions of Kyzylorda and Mangystau over a three-year period with the aim to improve clinical practice through a multi-actor, multi-intervention approach. Adopting a health system perspective, the pilots, by design, introduced interventions targeting four actors: policy-makers; health facility managers; health practitioners and patients. The review draws on the following sources of data: rapid baseline assessments; implementation plans, curriculums and other pilot-related material; a mid-way joint implementation meeting; intervention-specific evaluations; and a final external evaluation. The multi-actor, multi-intervention approach to the pilot projects showed some improvements to service outputs, in particular for cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment and decreases in hospitalization rates for hypertension. The pilot projects also illustrated progress in working towards a shared understanding of the different roles of actors for improving quality of care, appreciating the complementarity of individual actors working towards improved population health and in establishing a culture of learning through the exchange of ideas and practices. The importance of responsibility across health system actors for outcomes is vital for the NCD agenda. This approach offers relevant policy lessons for similar centralized governance systems.

Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther ; 17(2): 75-78, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30626232


This meeting was held from the 30 October to the 1 November 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The meeting brought together participants from 16 countries of central Asia, Caucasus, eastern Europe and expert speakers from western Europe and India. Participants discussed the analysis and use of data on antimicrobial medicines consumption, country experiences in enforcing legislation for prescription-only access to antibiotics, the role of primary health care (PHC) in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR), strategies to improving competencies of practitioners using evidence-based clinical protocols and public engagement in the responsible use of medicines. Moving toward prescription-only access to antibiotics requires that government involve, from the onset, different stakeholders, e.g. public, patients, practitioners, pharmacists and pharmaceutical industry in designing and applying policies that ensure access to antibiotics accompanied by measures that promote responsible use and limit excessive use.

Antibacterianos/administração & dosagem , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Atenção Primária à Saúde/organização & administração , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Competência Clínica , Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Política de Saúde , Humanos , Cooperação Internacional , Medicamentos sob Prescrição/administração & dosagem
Health Policy ; 116(1): 1-11, 2014 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24485914


BACKGROUND: The premise that good governance will ultimately lead to better health outcomes has been central to the proliferation of work in this area over the past decade. OBJECTIVE: To consolidate and align literature on governance by presenting an overview of efforts to define, describe and operationalize the health governance function. METHODS: A targeted review of governance literature. RESULTS: (1) A variety of terms have been assigned to precede health governance definitions. These terms commonly describe governance ideals (e.g. good, democratic) or characteristics of the organization of actors in governance arrangements (e.g. hierarchical, networked). (2) Dimensions of governance are defined from different perspectives and in varied combinations, capturing values, sub-functions and/or outcomes of governance. (3) Tools used to govern remain to be cataloged, however, measures can be aligned according to dimensions of governance or their ability to create specific relationships between actors. DISCUSSION: Resolving the conceptual confusion around health governance requires recognition for the differences in the premise and approaches taken to defining governance, as well as specifying core dimensions and aligning applicable tools. CONCLUSION: Despite a growing literature base, a concerted effort is needed for a more accessible understanding of health governance that is both practical at present and actionable for policy-makers.

Atenção à Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , Governo , Terminologia como Assunto , Política de Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , Administração de Serviços de Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , Humanos