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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1407241


Abstract Introduction: "Ant gardens'' are ant nests located at different heights on trees on which vascular epiphytic plants that have been transported and sown by ants have germinated. Although this mutualistic relationship has been studied in humid tropical ecosystems, information on other tropical and Colombian ecosystems is scarce. Objective: To characterize the distribution, building, diversity, demography and phenology of ant gardens in dry tropical forest. Methods: In January and February, 2018, we identified 170 ant gardens on a 100x5 m transect on the banks of the Quesada River, Colombia, and in adjacent secondary dry premontane transitional forest; we monitored changes, for gardens and plants, in 28 of them, every two weeks (March 2018-February 2019). Results: The gardens, built by Azteca ulei, were aggregated near water bodies; had 10 species of epiphytes and were on 13 tree species. Larger gardens had more epiphyte species. Some epiphytes had a bimodal phenological pattern. Less seedlings become established in the dry season, and less adults remain in the gardens. Garden characteristics benefit both epiphytes and ants. Conclusions: The gardens built by A. ulei have ecological characteristics that favor the germination, establishment, and reproduction of diverse epiphytes in this dry tropical ecosystem, including aggregation near water flows.

Resumen Introducción: Los "jardines de hormigas'' son nidos de hormigas en árboles, que se localizan a diferentes alturas, sobre los que germinan plantas epífitas vasculares que han sido transportadas y sembradas previamente por hormigas. Aunque esta relación mutualista ha sido estudiada en ecosistemas húmedos tropicales, la información en otros ecosistemas tropicales y en Colombia, es escasa. Objetivo: Caracterizar la distribución, construcción, diversidad, demografía y fenología de los hormigueros en bosque tropical seco. Métodos: En enero y febrero de 2018, identificamos 170 hormigueros en un transecto de 100x5 m a orillas del río Quesada, Colombia, y en el bosque secundario premontano seco de transición adyacente; monitoreamos cambios, para jardines y plantas, en 28 de ellos, cada dos semanas (marzo 2018-febrero 2019). Resultados: Los jardines, construidos por Azteca ulei, se agregaron cerca de cuerpos de agua; tenían 10 especies de epífitas y estaban sobre 13 especies arbóreas. Los jardines más grandes tenían más especies epífitas. Algunas epífitas tuvieron un patrón fenológico bimodal. Se establecen menos plántulas en la estación seca y quedan menos adultos en los jardines. Las características del jardín benefician tanto a las epífitas como a las hormigas. Conclusiones: Los jardines construidos por A. ulei tienen características ecológicas que favorecen la germinación, establecimiento y reproducción de diversas epífitas en este ecosistema tropical seco, incluyendo la agregación cerca de cursos de agua.

Animais , Formigas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Florestas , Ecologia
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;66(2): 918-936, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977355


Abstract Seed germination and seed longevity under different environmental conditions are fundamental to understand the ecological dynamics of a species, since they are decisive for its success within the ecosystem. Taking this into account, seed germination and seed storage behavior of a pioneer species of tropical dry forest (Tecoma stans) were studied in the laboratory, to establish the effect of different environmental conditions on a local tree population. Two seed lots collected in July 2011, from Cali (Colombia), were evaluated under three alternating temperatures (20/30, 20/25, 25/30 ºC; 16/8 h) and four light qualities (12-hour white light photoperiod, darkness, and 15 minutes of red light -R and far red light -FR). Final germination was recorded for all treatments; for white light treatment the daily germination was recorded to calculate mean germination rate, mean germination time, and two synchronization indices. To assess the effect of light quality on physiological variables, a destructive germination test was carried out. For this test, another seed lot was evaluated under the same light conditions using an alternating temperature of 20/30 °C - 16/8 h, recording germination during six days for every treatment. In addition, seeds were stored at two different moisture contents (7.7, 4.1 %) and three storage temperatures (20, 5, -20 ºC), during two time periods (one and three months); a seed germination test was conducted for each treatment. Four replicates of 35 seeds per treatment were used for all experiments. Germination was high (GP > 90 %) with all alternating temperatures under white light, whereas under R, FR, and darkness germination was evenly successful at low temperatures, but at higher temperature, half of the seeds entered into secondary dormancy (GP= 45-65 %). However, mean germination rate and synchronization under R and FR decreased significantly in comparison to white light treatment and, consequently, mean germination time increased. Seed storage behavior of this species is orthodox due to the high germination (GP > 90 %) obtained under all treatments. In conclusion, T. stans seeds have a negative germination response at high incubation temperatures in the absence of white light, entering into a secondary dormancy. In contrast, an environment with a lower temperature and without white light delays the germination, but at the end seeds are able to reach the same germination values. This seed dependence on incident light in limiting conditions suggests a physiological mechanism on the seed tissues of this species, probably mediated by phytochromes. Finally, the orthodox seed storage behavior of T. stans is a reason to include this species in ex situ seed conservation programs for restoration and recovery of the tropical dry forest; however, long-term studies should be conducted in order to evaluate the maintenance of this characteristic throughout longer periods of time. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 918936. Epub 2018 June 01.

Resumen La germinación y la longevidad de las semillas de una especie bajo diferentes condiciones ambientales son fundamentales para las dinámicas ecológicas de una especie, debido a que son decisivas en el éxito de la misma en un ecosistema. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se estudió la germinación y el comportamiento en el almacenamiento de las semillas de una especie pionera de bosque seco tropical (Tecoma stans) a nivel de laboratorio, para establecer el efecto de diferentes condiciones ambientales en una población local de árboles. Dos lotes de semillas recolectados en julio 2011, de Cali (Colombia), se evaluaron a tres temperaturas alternadas (20 / 30, 20 / 25, 25 / 30 °C; 16 / 8 h) y cuatro calidades de luz (fotoperiodo de 12 horas de luz blanca, oscuridad, y 15 minutos de luz roja -R y roja lejana -RL). Se registró la germinación final para todos los tratamientos; para el tratamiento de luz blanca se registró la germinación diaria para calcular la tasa media de germinación, el tiempo medio de germinación y dos índices de sincronización. Para evaluar el efecto de la calidad de luz sobre las variables fisiológicas, se realizó una prueba de germinación destructiva. Para esta prueba, otro lote de semillas fue puesto a las mismas condiciones de luz usando una temperatura alternada de 20 / 30 °C - 16 / 8 h, registrando la germinación durante seis días para cada tratamiento. Además, se almacenaron semillas a dos contenidos de humedad (7.7, 4.1 %) y a tres temperaturas de almacenamiento (20, 5, -20 °C), durante dos periodos de tiempo (uno y tres meses); se realizó una prueba de germinación a cada tratamiento. Cuatro repeticiones de 35 semillas por cada tratamiento se usaron en cada experimento. La germinación fue alta (PG > 90 %) en todas las temperaturas alternadas con luz blanca, mientras que en los tratamientos de luz R, RL y en oscuridad, la germinación fue igualmente exitosa a bajas temperaturas, pero a temperaturas más altas la mitad de las semillas entraron en latencia secundaria (PG= 45-65 %). Sin embargo, la tasa media de germinación y la sincronización en R y RL disminuyeron significativamente en comparación con el tratamiento de luz blanca y consecuentemente el tiempo medio de germinación aumentó. El comportamiento de las semillas de T. stans en el almacenamiento es ortodoxo debido a la alta germinación obtenida (PG > 90 %) en todos los tratamientos. En conclusión, las semillas de T. stans tienen una respuesta germinativa negativa a temperaturas de incubación alta en ausencia de luz blanca, donde entran a latencia secundaria. En contraste, un ambiente con baja temperatura y sin luz blanca retrasa la germinación, pero al final las semillas son capaces de alcanzar los mismos valores de germinación. Esta dependencia de las semillas a la luz incidente en condiciones limitantes sugiere la presencia de un mecanismo fisiológico en los tejidos de esta especie, probablemente mediado por fitocromos. Finalmente, el comportamiento ortodoxo de las semillas de T. stans en el almacenamiento abre la posibilidad de incluirla en programas de conservación ex situ para la restauración y recuperación del bosque seco tropical; no obstante, se deben llevarse a cabo pruebas más largas para evaluar el mantenimiento de esta característica por periodos de tiempo más largos.

Fitocromo , Bignoniaceae , Bignoniaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dormência de Plantas , Banco de Sementes
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;64(2): 701-713, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-843307


AbstractIn any ecosystem, fruits are resources that vary in time and space as well as in nutritional content. Coexistence of species from a trophic guild depends on the division and use of resources. Therefore, the organisms that depend on them as a food source, tend to show a certain degree of specialization. This way, understanding the factors that influence the dynamics of seed dispersal is important for the regeneration and conservation of tropical ecosystems. Our aim was to determine variation in consumption of Piper tuberculatum by fruit bat assemblages in the village of Robles (Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, Colombia). P. tuberculatum is a resource used not only by wildlife but also by people in the village of Robles. Bats were captured in mist nets between June and November 2014, their feces were collected, and the length of the forearm, wing area, leg length and mass were recorded. At the Universidad del Valle seed laboratory, fecal samples were washed, and their content determined. Of the 14 species captured, Sturnira lilium, Carollia brevicauda, Carollia perspicillata and Artibeus lituratus showed signs of having consumed P. tuberculatum.Sturnira lilium was the main consumer of P. tuberculatum fruits, with the greatest number of consumption events of fruit from this plant species, whereas the other bats showed more diversified consumption events. The greatest niche overlap was recorded between C. brevicauda and C. perspicillata, species that showed similar sizes (i.e., wing area and forearm length) followed by S. lilium and C. perspicillata. In contrast, A. lituratus showed the least niche overlap with the other three fruit bats captured. In conclusion, Sturnira lilium showed an interaction Sturnira-Piper, which is the result of low Solanum availability, and this bat species was the largest consumer of P. tuberculatum in the region. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (2): 701-713. Epub 2016 June 01.

ResumenLa coexistencia de las especies de un gremio trófico depende de la división y el uso de recursos. Los frutos en cualquier ecosistema son recursos alimenticios que varían en el tiempo y el espacio, así como en su contenido nutricional, por ende, los organismos que dependen de éstos como fuente alimenticia, tienden a presentar cierto grado de especialización. La comprensión de los factores que influyen en la dinámica de la dispersión de semillas es importante para la regeneración y conservación de los ecosistemas tropicales. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar cómo varía el consumo de Piper tuberculatum (Pipilongo) por parte del ensamblaje de murciélagos frugívoros en el corregimiento de Robles (Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, Colombia). P. tuberculatum es un recurso utilizado no solo por la fauna, sino también por los habitantes del corregimiento de Robles. Se capturaron murciélagos en redes de niebla entre junio y noviembre 2014, sus heces fueron recolectadas y medidas de la longitud del antebrazo, área alar, longitud de la pata y el peso fueron registradas. En el laboratorio de semillas de la Universidad del Valle, se lavaron las muestras y se determinó su contenido. Las especies Sturnira lilium, Carollia brevicauda, C. perspicillata, y Artibeus lituratus mostraron evidencia de consumo de frutos de P. tuberculatum, entre las 14 especies de murciélagos frugívoros capturadas. Entre ellas, S. lilium fue la principal consumidora de P. tuberculatum, con el mayor número de eventos de consumo de esta especie, mientras que las otras especies de murciélagos tuvieron eventos de consumo más diversos. El mayor traslape de nicho se registró entre las especies C. brevicauda y C. perspicillata, los cuales presentaron un tamaño similar (i.e., área alar, antebrazo), seguido de S. lilium y C. perspicillata. En contraste, el menor traslape de nicho se registró para A. lituratus con cada una de las otras tres especies de murciélagos frugívoras registradas. En conclusión, Sturnira lilium mostró una relación Sturnira-Piper, la cual es el resultado de la baja disponibilidad de Solanum, siendo ésta especie de murciélago el mayor consumidor de P. tuberculatum de la región.

Animais , Quirópteros/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Piper , Herbivoria/fisiologia , Clima Tropical , Florestas , Colômbia
Rev Biol Trop ; 64(2): 701-13, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29451764


In any ecosystem, fruits are resources that vary in time and space as well as in nutritional content. Coexistence of species from a trophic guild depends on the division and use of resources. Therefore, the organisms that depend on them as a food source, tend to show a certain degree of specialization. This way, understanding the factors that influence the dynamics of seed dispersal is important for the regeneration and conservation of tropical ecosystems. Our aim was to determine variation in consumption of Piper tuberculatum by fruit bat assemblages in the village of Robles (Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, Colombia). P. tuberculatum is a resource used not only by wildlife but also by people in the village of Robles. Bats were captured in mist nets between June and November 2014, their feces were collected, and the length of the forearm, wing area, leg length and mass were recorded. At the Universidad del Valle seed laboratory, fecal samples were washed, and their content determined. Of the 14 species captured, Sturnira lilium, Carollia brevicauda, Carollia perspicillata and Artibeus lituratus showed signs of having consumed P. tuberculatum. Sturnira lilium was the main consumer of P. tuberculatum fruits, with the greatest number of consumption events of fruit from this plant species, whereas the other bats showed more diversified consumption events. The greatest niche overlap was recorded between C. brevicauda and C. perspicillata, species that showed similar sizes (i.e., wing area and forearm length) followed by S. lilium and C. perspicillata. In contrast, A. lituratus showed the least niche overlap with the other three fruit bats captured. In conclusion, Sturnira lilium showed an interaction Sturnira-Piper, which is the result of low Solanum availability, and this bat species was the largest consumer of P. tuberculatum in the region.

Quirópteros/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Herbivoria/fisiologia , Piper , Animais , Colômbia , Florestas , Clima Tropical
Rev Biol Trop ; 63(1): 249-61, 2015 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26299129


The ecological restoration strategies for highly threatened ecosystems such as the tropical dry forest, depend on the knowledge of limiting factors of biological processes for the different species. Some of these include aspects such as germination and seed longevity of typical species present in those forests. In this study, we evaluated the effect of light and temperature on seed germination of two Fabaceae (Samanea saman and Jacaranda caucana) and two Bignoniaceae (Pithecellobium dulce and Tabebuia rosea) species having potential use in restoration, and we analyzed the seed storage behavior of these species for a three months period. To study the light effect, four levels of light quality on seeds were used (photoperiod of 12 hours of white light, darkness and light enriched in red and far-red, both for an hour each day), and we combined them with three levels of alternated temperatures (20/25, 20/30 and 25/30*C-16/8h). For the storage behavior, two levels of seed moisture content particular for each species were used (low: 3.5-6.1% and high: 8.3-13.8%), with three storage temperatures (20, 5 and -20 degrees C) and two storage times (one and three months). The criterion for germination was radicle emergence which was measured in four replicates per treatment, and was expressed as percentage of germination (PG). There were significant differences in germination of Samanea saman and Jacaranda caucana among light and temperature treatments, with the lowest value in darkness treatments, whereas germination of Pithecellobium dulce and Tabebuia rosea did not differ between treatments (PG>90%). The most suitable temperature regime to promote germination in all species was 25/30 degrees C. These four species showed an orthodox seed storage behavior. We concluded that seeds of R dulce, J. caucana and T. rosea did not have an apparent influence of all light conditions tested in their germination response, which might confer advantages in colonization and establishment processes, while S. saman did not germinate well in darkness. We suggest the use of seeds of P dulce, J. caucana and T rosea in ecological restoration processes, due to their tolerance and germination under a wide range of temperature and light conditions. Futhermore, seeds of S. saman might be used in open areas such as forest gaps.

Bignoniaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fabaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Germinação , Luz , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Temperatura , Bignoniaceae/classificação , Colômbia , Fabaceae/classificação , Florestas
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(1): 249-261, Jan.-Mar. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-753790


The ecological restoration strategies for highly threatened ecosystems such as the tropical dry forest, depend on the knowledge of limiting factors of biological processes for the different species. Some of these include aspects such as germination and seed longevity of typical species present in those forests. In this study, we evaluated the effect of light and temperature on seed germination of two Fabaceae (Samanea saman and Jacaranda caucana) and two Bignoniaceae (Pithecellobium dulce and Tabebuia rosea) species having potential use in restoration, and we analyzed the seed storage behavior of these species for a three months period. To study the light effect, four levels of light quality on seeds were used (photoperiod of 12 hours of white light, darkness and light enriched in red and far-red, both for an hour each day), and we combined them with three levels of alternated temperatures (20/25, 20/30 and 25/30°C-16/8h). For the storage behavior, two levels of seed moisture content particular for each species were used (low: 3.5-6.1% and high: 8.3-13.8%), with three storage temperatures (20, 5 and -20°C) and two storage times (one and three months). The criterion for germination was radicle emergence which was measured in four replicates per treatment, and was expressed as percentage of germination (PG). There were significant differences in germination of Samanea saman and Jacaranda caucana among light and temperature treatments, with the lowest value in darkness treatments, whereas germination of Pithecellobium dulce and Tabebuia rosea did not differ between treatments (PG>90%). The most suitable temperature regime to promote germination in all species was 25/30°C. These four species showed an orthodox seed storage behavior. We concluded that seeds of P. dulce, J. caucana and T. rosea did not have an apparent influence of all light conditions tested in their germination response, which might confer advantages in colonization and establishment processes, while S. saman did not germinate well in darkness. We suggest the use of seeds of P. dulce, J. caucana and T. rosea in ecological restoration processes, due to their tolerance and germination under a wide range of temperature and light conditions. Futhermore, seeds of S. saman might be used in open areas such as forest gaps.

Las estrategias de restauración ecológica en ecosistemas altamente amenazados como el bosque seco tropical, dependen del conocimiento de factores limitantes de procesos biológicos, como la germinación y la longevidad de semillas de especies típicas de los mismos. En este estudio se evaluó el efecto de la luz y la temperatura en la germinación de semillas de dos especies de Fabaceae y dos de Bignoniaceae potencialmente útiles para restauración, y se determinó su comportamiento en el almacenamiento. Para el primer objetivo, se utilizaron cuatro niveles de calidad lumínica (fotoperiodo con 12 horas de luz, oscuridad y estímulos de luz enriquecida en rojo y luz enriquecida en rojo lejano, ambas por una hora), combinados con tres niveles de temperaturas alternadas (20/25, 20/30 y 25/30°C - 16/8h). Para el segundo objetivo, se utilizaron dos niveles de contenido de humedad de las semillas, con tres niveles de temperatura de almacenamiento (20, 5 y -20°C) y dos tiempos de almacenamiento (1 y 3 meses). La variable de respuesta para ambos experimentos fue el número de semillas germinadas, expresado en porcentaje (PG). Samanea saman y Jacaranda caucana presentaron un PG significativamente diferente entre los tratamientos lumínicos, con el valor menor en la oscuridad, mientras Pithecellobium dulce y Tabebuia rosea no presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos (PG>90%). La respuesta a la temperatura mostró que 25/30°C es el régimen más adecuado para promover la germinación de la mayoría de las especies. Las semillas de las cuatro especies evaluadas presentaron un comportamiento ortodoxo en el almacenamiento. Se concluye que las semillas de P. dulce, J. caucana y T. rosea son indiferentes a las condiciones de luz y temperatura probadas, confiriéndoles ciertas ventajas en procesos de colonización y establecimiento frente a S. saman, cuya germinación no se ve favorecida en la oscuridad. Se sugiere el uso de semillas de P. dulce, J. caucana y T. rosea en proyectos de restauración ecológica del bosque seco Tropical, debido a su tolerancia y germinación en condiciones ambientales con intervalos amplios de temperatura y luminosidad. Mientras que, semillas de S. saman podrían ser usadas en sitios abiertos como claros de bosques.

Bignoniaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fabaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Germinação , Luz , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Temperatura , Bignoniaceae/classificação , Colômbia , Florestas , Fabaceae/classificação