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Ecol Appl ; 34(7): e3023, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39148306


Rising global fire activity is increasing the prevalence of repeated short-interval burning (reburning) in forests worldwide. In forests that historically experienced frequent-fire regimes, high-severity fire exacerbates the severity of subsequent fires by increasing prevalence of shrubs and/or by creating drier understory conditions. Low- to moderate-severity fire, in contrast, can moderate future fire behavior by reducing fuel loads. The extent to which previous fires moderate future fire severity will powerfully affect fire-prone forest ecosystem trajectories over the next century. Further, knowing where and when a wildfire may act as a landscape-scale fuel treatment can help direct pre- and post-fire management efforts. We leverage satellite imagery and fire progression mapping to model reburn dynamics within forests that initially burned at low/moderate severity in 726 unique fire pair events over a 36-year period across four large fire-prone Western US ecoregions. We ask (1) how strong are the moderating effects of low- to moderate-severity fire on future fire severity, (2) how long do moderating effects last, and (3) how does the time between fires (a proxy for fuel accumulation) interact with initial fire severity, day-of-burning weather conditions, and climate to influence reburn severity. Short-interval reburns primarily occurred in dry- and moist-mixed conifer forests with historically frequent-fire regimes. Previous fire moderated reburn severity in all ecoregions with the strongest effects occurring in the California Coast and Western Mountains and the average duration of moderating effects ranging from 13 years in the Western Mountains to >36 years in the California Coast. The strength and duration of moderating effects depended on climate and initial fire severity in some regions, reflecting differences in post-fire fuel accumulation. In the California Coast, moderating effects lasted longer in cooler and wetter forests. In the Western Mountains, moderating effects were stronger and longer lasting in forests that initially burned at higher severity. Moderating effects were largely robust to fire weather, suggesting that previous fire can mediate future fire severity even under extreme conditions. Our findings demonstrate that low- to moderate-severity fire buffers future fire severity in historically frequent-fire forests, underlining the importance of wildfire as a restoration tool for adapting to global change.

Florestas , Incêndios Florestais , Mudança Climática , Clima
Ecology ; 103(7): e3697, 2022 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35352822


Plant communities are predicted to be more resistant to invasion if they are highly productive, harbor species with similar functional traits to invaders, or support species with high competitive potential. However, the strength of competition may decrease with increasing abiotic stress if species more heavily invest in traits that confer stress tolerance over competitive ability, potentially influencing community trait-resistance relationships. Recent research examining how community traits influence invasion resistance has been predominantly focused on single vegetation types, and results between studies are often conflicting. Few studies have evaluated the extent to which abiotic factors and community traits interact to influence invasion along vegetation gradients. Here, we use an in situ seed addition experiment to examine how above- and below-ground plant traits and vegetation type interact to influence community resistance to invasion by a recently introduced annual grass, Ventenata dubia, along a productivity gradient in eastern Oregon, USA. To measure invasion resistance, we evaluated V. dubia biomass in seeded subplots with varying trait compositions across three vegetation types situated along a productivity gradient: scab-flats (sparsely vegetated dwarf-shrublands), low sage-steppe, and ephemeral wet meadows. Trait-resistance relationships were highly context dependent. In wet meadows (the most productive sites), resistance to invasion increased with increasing resident biomass and as community weighted mean trait values for specific leaf area, fine-to-total root volume, and height become more similar to V. dubia's trait values, although these relationships were relatively weak. We did not find evidence that neighboring species influenced invasion resistance in less productive vegetation types, in contrast to our expectations that facilitative interactions may increase with decreasing productivity as posited by the stress-gradient hypothesis. Unlike V. dubia, which heavily invaded all three vegetation types, introduced species with similar trait values, including Bromus tectorum, were not abundant throughout the study area demonstrating V. dubia's unique ability to take advantage of available resources. Our results illustrate how community traits and site productivity interact to influence community resistance to invasion and highlight that communities with lower overall biomass and few functionally similar species to V. dubia may be at the greatest risk for invasion.

Espécies Introduzidas , Plantas , Biomassa , Bromus , Poaceae