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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(15): 153802, 2023 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37897775


A generic novel model governing optical pulse propagation in a nonlinear dispersive amplifying medium with asymmetric (linear spectral slope) gain is introduced. We examine the properties of asymmetric optical pulses formed in such gain-skewed media, both theoretically and numerically. We derive a dissipative optical modification of the classical shallow water equations that highlights an analogy between this phenomenon and hydrodynamic wave breaking. These findings provide insight into the nature of asymmetric optical pulses capable of accumulating large nonlinear phase without wave breaking, a crucial aspect in the design of nonlinear fiber amplifiers.

Phys Rev E ; 106(5-1): 054205, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559467


We examine a possibility to exploit the nonlinear lens effect-the initial stage of self-focusing to localize initially broad field distribution into the small central area where wave collapse is arrested-the nonlinear beam tapering. We describe two-dimensional localized solitary waves (ring solitons) in a physical system that presents a linear medium in the central core, surrounded by the cladding with the focusing Kerr nonlinearity. The standard variational analysis demonstrates that such solitons correspond to the minimum of the Hamiltonian.

Opt Lett ; 46(19): 4757-4760, 2021 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34598192


We demonstrate that spectral peak power of negatively chirped optical pulses can acquire a blueshift after amplification by a semiconductor optical amplifier. The central wavelength of a transform limited optical pulse translates over 20 nm towards a shorter wavelength after propagation in a single-mode fiber and semiconductor optical amplifier. A chirped Gaussian pulse with full width at half maximum 1 ps and dimensionless chirp parameter C=-20 can be blueshifted by 5 THz.

Phys Rev E ; 103(2): L020202, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736089


The nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) is used to characterize the optical combs in the Lugiato-Lefever equation with both anomalous and normal dispersion. We demonstrate that the NFT signal processing technique can simplify analysis of the formation of dissipative dark solitons and regimes exploiting modulation instability for a generation of coherent structures, by approximating the comb with several discrete eigenvalues, providing a platform for the analytical description of dissipative coherent structures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(15): 153901, 2019 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050515


Using the cubic Ginzburg-Landau equation as an example, we demonstrate how the inverse scattering transform can be applied to characterize coherent structures in dissipative nonlinear systems. Using this approach one can reduce the number of the effective degrees of freedom in the system when the dynamic is dominated by the coherent structures, even if they are embedded in the dispersive waves and demonstrate unstable behavior.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(10): 103902, 2019 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30932653


We show that Kerr beam self-cleaning results from parametric mode mixing instabilities that generate a number of nonlinearly interacting modes with randomized phases-optical wave turbulence, followed by a direct and inverse cascade towards high mode numbers and condensation into the fundamental mode, respectively. This optical self-organization effect is an analogue to wave condensation that is well known in hydrodynamic 2D turbulence.

Opt Express ; 26(13): 17360-17377, 2018 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30119548


In this work, we study the performance of polarization division multiplexing nonlinear inverse synthesis transmission schemes for fiber-optic communications, expected to have reduced nonlinearity impact. Our technique exploits the integrability of the Manakov equation-the master model for dual-polarization signal propagation in a single mode fiber-and employs nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) based signal processing. First, we generalize some algorithms for the NFT computation to the two- and multicomponent case. Then, we demonstrate that modulating information on both polarizations doubles the channel information rate with a negligible performance degradation. Moreover, we introduce a novel dual-polarization transmission scheme with reduced complexity which separately processes each polarization component and can also provide a performance improvement in some practical scenarios.

Nat Commun ; 9: 16190, 2018 05 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29799526


This corrects the article DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7214.

Opt Express ; 26(10): 12698-12706, 2018 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29801306


We experimentally demonstrate all-optical amplitude regeneration of 4-level pulse amplitude modulated signals (PAM4) based on a single nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM). Four power-plateau regions are achieved using return-to-zero (RZ) pulses of narrow pulse-width, enabling large nonlinear phase shifts within the highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). We quantify noise suppression characteristics at each amplitude level and obtain an overall EVM improvement of 0.92dB by optimizing input power and distortion strength. A theoretical analysis has been also carried out matching the experimental results and revealing the design characteristics of the regenerator's nonlinear transfer function.

Phys Rev E ; 95(6-1): 062133, 2017 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28709237


We consider a model nondispersive nonlinear optical fiber channel with an additive Gaussian noise. Using Feynman path-integral technique, we find the optimal input signal distribution maximizing the channel's per-sample mutual information at large signal-to-noise ratio in the intermediate power range. The optimal input signal distribution allows us to improve previously known estimates for the channel capacity. We calculate the output signal entropy, conditional entropy, and per-sample mutual information for Gaussian, half-Gaussian, and modified Gaussian input signal distributions. We demonstrate that in the intermediate power range the capacity (the per-sample mutual information for the optimal input signal distribution) is greater than the per-sample mutual information for half-Gaussian input signal distribution considered previously as the optimal one. We also show that the capacity grows as loglogP in the intermediate power range, where P is the signal power.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(22): 223901, 2017 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28621991


Remarkable mathematical properties of the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) can offer advanced solutions for the mitigation of nonlinear signal distortions in optical fiber links. Fundamental optical soliton, continuous, and discrete eigenvalues of the nonlinear spectrum have already been considered for the transmission of information in fiber-optic channels. Here, we propose to apply signal modulation to the kernel of the Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko equations that offers the advantage of a relatively simple decoder design. First, we describe an approach based on exploiting the general N-soliton solution of the NLSE for simultaneous coding of N symbols involving 4×N coding parameters. As a specific elegant subclass of the general schemes, we introduce a soliton orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (SOFDM) method. This method is based on the choice of identical imaginary parts of the N-soliton solution eigenvalues, corresponding to equidistant soliton frequencies, making it similar to the conventional OFDM scheme, thus, allowing for the use of the efficient fast Fourier transform algorithm to recover the data. Then, we demonstrate how to use this new approach to control signal parameters in the case of the continuous spectrum.

Opt Express ; 25(1): 223-231, 2017 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28085815


Visualisation of complex nonlinear equation solutions is a useful analysis tool for various scientific and engineering applications. We have re-examined the geometrical interpretation of the classical nonlinear four-wave mixing equations for the specific scheme of a phase sensitive one-pump fiber optical parametric amplification, which has recently attracted revived interest in the optical communications due to potential low noise properties of such amplifiers. Analysis of the phase portraits of the corresponding dynamical systems provide valuable additional insight into field dynamics and properties of the amplifiers. Simple geometric approach has been proposed to describe evolution of the waves, involved in phase-sensitive fiber optical parametric amplification (PS-FOPA) process, using a Hamiltonian structure of the governing equations. We have demonstrated how the proposed approach can be applied to the optimization problems arising in the design of the specific PS-FOPA scheme. The method considered here is rather general and can be used in various applications.

Phys Rev E ; 94(4-1): 042203, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27841501


Using the path-integral technique we examine the mutual information for the communication channel modeled by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with additive Gaussian noise. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation is one of the fundamental models in nonlinear physics, and it has a broad range of applications, including fiber optical communications-the backbone of the internet. At large signal-to-noise ratio we present the mutual information through the path-integral, which is convenient for the perturbative expansion in nonlinearity. In the limit of small noise and small nonlinearity we derive analytically the first nonzero nonlinear correction to the mutual information for the channel.

Opt Express ; 24(15): 16649-58, 2016 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27464119


A black box phase sensitive amplifier based 3R regeneration scheme is proposed for non-return to zero quadrature phase shift keyed formatted signals. Performance improvements of more than 2 dB are achieved at the presence of input phase distortion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(3): 033902, 2016 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26849599


We use advanced statistical tools of time-series analysis to characterize the dynamical complexity of the transition to optical wave turbulence in a fiber laser. Ordinal analysis and the horizontal visibility graph applied to the experimentally measured laser output intensity reveal the presence of temporal correlations during the transition from the laminar to the turbulent lasing regimes. Both methods unveil coherent structures with well-defined time scales and strong correlations both, in the timing of the laser pulses and in their peak intensities. Our approach is generic and may be used in other complex systems that undergo similar transitions involving the generation of extreme fluctuations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(2): 028701, 2016 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26824573


Nonlinear instabilities are responsible for spontaneous pattern formation in a vast number of natural and engineered systems, ranging from biology to galaxy buildup. We propose a new instability mechanism leading to pattern formation in spatially extended nonlinear systems, which is based on a periodic antiphase modulation of spectrally dependent losses arranged in a zigzag way: an effective filtering is imposed at symmetrically located wave numbers k and -k in alternating order. The properties of the dissipative parametric instability differ from the features of both key classical concepts of modulation instabilities, i.e., the Benjamin-Feir instability and the Faraday instabiltyity. We demonstrate how the dissipative parametric instability can lead to the formation of stable patterns in one- and two-dimensional systems. The proposed instability mechanism is generic and can naturally occur or can be implemented in various physical systems.

Modelos Teóricos , Dinâmica não Linear
Sci Rep ; 5: 18526, 2015 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26687730


Pulse generation often requires a stabilized cavity and its corresponding mode structure for initial phase-locking. Contrastingly, modeless cavity-free random lasers provide new possibilities for high quantum efficiency lasing that could potentially be widely tunable spectrally and temporally. Pulse generation in random lasers, however, has remained elusive since the discovery of modeless gain lasing. Here we report coherent pulse generation with modeless random lasers based on the unique polarization selectivity and broadband saturable absorption of monolayer graphene. Simultaneous temporal compression of cavity-free pulses are observed with such a polarization modulation, along with a broadly-tunable pulsewidth across two orders of magnitude down to 900 ps, a broadly-tunable repetition rate across three orders of magnitude up to 3 MHz, and a singly-polarized pulse train at 41 dB extinction ratio, about an order of magnitude larger than conventional pulsed fiber lasers. Moreover, our graphene-based pulse formation also demonstrates robust pulse-to-pulse stability and wide-wavelength operation due to the cavity-less feature. Such a graphene-based architecture not only provides a tunable pulsed random laser for fiber-optic sensing, speckle-free imaging, and laser-material processing, but also a new way for the non-random CW fiber lasers to generate widely tunable and singly-polarized pulses.

Opt Express ; 23(12): 15119-33, 2015 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26193496


An iterative method for computing the channel capacity of both discrete and continuous input, continuous output channels is proposed. The efficiency of new method is demonstrated in comparison with the classical Blahut - Arimoto algorithm for several known channels. Moreover, we also present a hybrid method combining advantages of both the Blahut - Arimoto algorithm and our iterative approach. The new method is especially efficient for the channels with a priory unknown discrete input alphabet.

Nat Commun ; 6: 7004, 2015 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25947951


Physical systems with co-existence and interplay of processes featuring distinct spatio-temporal scales are found in various research areas ranging from studies of brain activity to astrophysics. The complexity of such systems makes their theoretical and experimental analysis technically and conceptually challenging. Here, we discovered that while radiation of partially mode-locked fibre lasers is stochastic and intermittent on a short time scale, it exhibits non-trivial periodicity and long-scale correlations over slow evolution from one round-trip to another. A new technique for evolution mapping of intensity autocorrelation function has enabled us to reveal a variety of localized spatio-temporal structures and to experimentally study their symbiotic co-existence with stochastic radiation. Real-time characterization of dynamical spatio-temporal regimes of laser operation is set to bring new insights into rich underlying nonlinear physics of practical active- and passive-cavity photonic systems.

Nat Commun ; 2: 6214, 2015 Feb 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25645177


Traditional wave kinetics describes the slow evolution of systems with many degrees of freedom to equilibrium via numerous weak non-linear interactions and fails for very important class of dissipative (active) optical systems with cyclic gain and losses, such as lasers with non-linear intracavity dynamics. Here we introduce a conceptually new class of cyclic wave systems, characterized by non-uniform double-scale dynamics with strong periodic changes of the energy spectrum and slow evolution from cycle to cycle to a statistically steady state. Taking a practically important example-random fibre laser-we show that a model describing such a system is close to integrable non-linear Schrödinger equation and needs a new formalism of wave kinetics, developed here. We derive a non-linear kinetic theory of the laser spectrum, generalizing the seminal linear model of Schawlow and Townes. Experimental results agree with our theory. The work has implications for describing kinetics of cyclical systems beyond photonics.