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Salus ; 19(3): 41-46, dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-783131


Se desarrolló un protocolo de PCR para identificar cepas de Salmonella de diferentes procedencias empleando un set de iniciadores PCR específico a Salmonella, para el reconocimiento de una secuencia de 119 pb del gen invA. Los resultados cumplieron con las máximas de la selectividad: inclusividad, pues todas las 14 cepas de Salmonella ensayadas presentaron señal positiva para el gen, exclusividad ya que ninguna cepa no Salmonella (Shigella, E. coli, E. coli O157:H7) mostró señal positiva, robustez porque en las 14 cepas de Salmonella se obtuvo la señal esperada, en un total de cuatro repeticiones con iguales condiciones de trabajo en cuatro días no consecutivos. Asimismo, fue reproducible, pues los resultados fueron idénticos al modificar las condiciones de reacción. Al comparar la PCR con el cultivo convencional, usando preenriquecimiento no selectivo en agua peptonada y enriquecimiento selectivo en caldo selenito-cistina, se apreció que la PCR fue 100% sensible y especifica, con 100% de inclusividad como de exclusividad.

A PCR protocol was developed to identify strains of Salmonella from different sources using a set of “primers” PCR specific to Salmonella, for the recognition of 119 bp invA gene sequence. The results met the maxims of selectivity: inclusiveness, all strains of Salmonella presented positive signal for the gene, exclusivity since no strain Salmonella (Shigella, E. coli, E. coli O157: H7) showed no signal positive robustness because in the 14 strains of Salmonella expected signal was obtained in a total of four repetitions with equal working conditions in four non-consecutive days. Also it was reproducible, results were identical by modifying the reaction conditions. Comparing PCR with conventional culture, using non-selective pre-enrichment in peptone water and selective enrichment in selenite-cystine broth, it was found that the PCR was 100% sensitive and specific, with 100% of inclusiveness, 100% exclusive and 100% of both positive and negative predictive value.

Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 33(2): 122-128, dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-710659


Debido a su uso por humanos y para preservar la salud pública, los ambientes marinos recreacionales, deberían cumplir requisitos de calidad fisico-química y microbiológica. Sin embargo, actividades antropogénicas, tales como agricultura, ganadería, industriales, turísticas y domésticas, pueden descargar aguas servidas en playas marinas. La metodología vigente para evaluar la carga bacteriana de aguas recreacionales, no pareciera satisfactoria, particularmente en la detección de microorganismos patógenos debido a la presencia, en aguas marinas, de bacterias viables pero no cultivables (VBNC). Este estudio evaluó la carga bacteriana de aerobios mesófilos, coliformes totales/fecales y enterococos, en playas de Chichiriviche, Falcón, Venezuela y el efecto de concentraciones de agua marina sobre las densidades bacterianas. Las determinaciones se efectuaron en agar nutritivo, Mac Conkey y KF, preparados con agua destilada (MAD) o con agua de mar 10% v/v, (MAM). La carga bacteriana se incrementó entre 20 y 47 veces cuando los medios de cultivo se suplementaron con agua de mar. Las diferencias en las cargas bacterianas entre MAD y MAM, para aerobios mesófilos, coliformes totales y fecales fueron estadísticamente significativas (p≤0,05). El oxígeno disuelto y pH, en ambos medios presentaron valores permisibles.

Due to their use by humans and to preserve public health, recreational marine environments should fulfill physico-chemical and microbiological quality prerequisites. Nevertheless, anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, cattle raising, industrial, touristic and domestic, can discharge contaminated water at marine beaches. The present methods for evaluating the bacterial load of recreational waters does not appear satisfactory, especially concerning the detection of pathogenic microorganisms due to the presence, in marine waters, of viable but not cultivable bacteria (VNCB). This study evaluated the bacterial load of mesophilic aerobials, total and fecal coliforms, and enterococci at the Chichiriviche beaches, Falcon State, Venezuela, and the effect of marine water concentrations over the bacterial densities. The determinations were done in nutrient, Mac Conkey and KF agar prepared with distilled water (MAD) or with sea water (MSW). The bacterial load increased between 27 and 47 times when the culture media were supplement with sea water. The differences of the bacterial loads between MAD and MSW for mesophilic aerobials, total and fecal coliforms were statistically significant (p≤0.05). Dissolved oxygen and pH presented permissible values in both media.

ISRN Microbiol ; 2013: 284950, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23936727


Polyethoxylated nonylphenols, with different ethoxylation degrees (NPEO x ), are incorporated into many commercial and industrial products such as detergents, domestic disinfectants, emulsifiers, cosmetics, and pesticides. However, the toxic effects exerted by their degradation products, which are persistent in natural environments, have been demonstrated in several animal and invertebrate aquatic species. Therefore, it seems appropriate to look for indigenous bacteria capable of degrading native NPEO x and its derivatives. In this paper, the isolation of five bacterial strains, capable of using NPEO 15 , as unique carbon source, is described. The most efficient NPEO 15 degrader bacterial strains were identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens (strain Yas2) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (strain Yas1). Maximal growth rates were reached at pH 8, 27°C in a 5% NPEO 15 medium. The NPEO 15 degradation extension, followed by viscometry assays, reached 65% after 54.5 h and 134 h incubation times, while the COD values decreased by 95% and 85% after 24 h for the Yas1 and Yas2 systems, respectively. The BOD was reduced by 99% and 99.9% levels in 24 h and 48 h incubations. The viscosity data indicated that the NPEO 15 biodegradation by Yas2 follows first-order kinetics. Kinetic rate constant (k) and half life time (τ) for this biotransformation were estimated to be 0.0072 h(-1) and 96.3 h, respectively.

Salus ; 17(1): 25-33, ene. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-701621


En el presente trabajo se evaluó la calidad higiénico-sanitaria de leche cruda y pasteurizada proveniente de diversas zonas del estado Carabobo, Venezuela. Siguiendo la metodología descrita por la APHA y COVENIN, fueron analizadas 100 muestras de leche pasteurizada y 40 de leche cruda. En leche pasteurizada fueron determinados recuentos de: bacterias aerobias mesófilas, coliformes totales, termotolerantes (fecales), mohos y levaduras, en leche cruda sólo se realizaron recuentos de bacterias aerobias mesófilas y la prueba del tiempo de reducción del azul de metileno (TRAM). Se investigó también la presencia de Salmonella spp.Los resultados de la leche pasteurizada, indican que 92% de las muestras cumplieron con los límites para bacterias aerobias mesófilas establecidos en la norma COVENIN. En relación a coliformes totales, 45% de las muestras se encontraron por encima del límite permitido en la Norma y 72% de las mismas excedía el límite de aceptación para coliformes termotolerantes.No se detectó presencia de Salmonella spp. En cuanto a la leche cruda, 72,5% de las muestras presentaron recuentos de bacterias aerobias mesófilas por encima de los límites establecidos, contrario a los resultados del TRAM, según los cuales sólo 30% de las muestras incumplían la norma. Los resultados demostraron que es necesario que las autoridades de salud del país implementen medidas más estrictas en el control sanitario de la leche, desde las fincas de ordeño hasta la industria láctea regional, ya que la elevada microbiota en leche cruda y altos recuentos de coliformes totales y termotolerantes en leche pasteurizada, además de disminuir la vida útil de la leche, podrían representar un riesgo potencial a la salud del consumidor.

In the present study the hygienic-sanitary quality of raw and pasteurized milk from various areas of the State of Carabobo, Venezuela, was assessed. Following the methodology described by the APHA and COVENIN, 100 pasteurized milk samples and 40 raw milk samples were analyzed. Counts of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, total coliforms, thermotolerant (faecal) coliforms, molds and yeasts were determined for pasteurized milk; for raw milk, only counts of mesophilic aerobic bacteria and methylene blue reduction test (MBRT) were carried out. The presence of Salmonella spp. was also investigated. Test results of pasteurized milk indicated that 92% of samples met the limits set for mesophilic aerobic bacteria established by COVENIN; however, 45% of samples were above the limit allowed in the Standard for total coliforms, and 72% of them exceeded the limit of acceptance in terms of thermotolerant coliforms; Salmonella spp. was not observed. With regard to raw milk, 72.5% of the samples had aerobic mesophilic bacteria counts above the limits, contrary to the MBRT results, which claimed that only 30% of samples did not comply with the norm. These findings strongly suggest the need for the country’s health authorities to implement more stringent sanitary control measures on milk from dairy farms and on the regional dairy industry, since the high microbiota found in raw milk and high counts of total coliforms and thermotolerant in pasteurized milk, in addition to diminishing the milk lifetime, could represent a potential risk to the consumer’s health.

J Mater Sci Mater Med ; 19(5): 2023-8, 2008 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17957446


Modified zeolite X, previously exchanged with K+ and Ca2+ cations were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, chemical analysis and BET techniques. Different masses of these solids were mixed with an ox bile solution at different reaction times. The supernatants obtained by centrifugations were submitted to bile acid and phospholipids quantitative determinations. The amount of bile acids adsorbed was 65, 28 and 77% and for phospholipids was 45, 67 and 98% for KX, NaX and CaX respectively. As expected, as the amount of mass used increases more bile acids and phospholipids are adsorbed due to a larger surface of the solid being available for adsorption. On the other hand, 120 min of reaction time were sufficient for the adsorption of both components. The solids, after incubations with bile solutions were treated with abundant distilled water and dried at room temperature. The FT-IR analysis of these solids did not detect any bile and on the zeolite surface with suggested that the bile acid adsorption on the exchanged zeolites is moderated by weak and non covalent interactions.

Ácidos e Sais Biliares/química , Materiais Biocompatíveis/química , Cálcio/química , Potássio/química , Sódio/química , Zeolitas/química , Adsorção , Cátions , Centrifugação , Humanos , Cinética , Micelas , Fosfolipídeos/análise , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier , Fatores de Tempo