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Inorg Chem ; 35(19): 5525-5530, 1996 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11666741


The Mo(3)SnS(4)(6+) single cube is obtained by direct addition of Sn(2+) to [Mo(3)S(4)(H(2)O)(9)](4+). UV-vis spectra of the product (0.13 mM) in 2.00 M HClO(4), Hpts, and HCl indicate a marked affinity of the Sn for Cl(-), with formation of the more strongly yellow [Mo(3)(SnCl(3))S(4)(H(2)O)(9)](3+) complex complete in as little as 0.050 M Cl(-). The X-ray crystal structure of (Me(2)NH(2))(6)[Mo(3)(SnCl(3))S(4)(NCS)(9)].0.5H(2)O has been determined and gives Mo-Mo (mean 2.730 Å) and Mo-Sn (mean 3.732 Å) distances, with a difference close to 1 Å. The red-purple double cube cation [Mo(6)SnS(8)(H(2)O)(18)](8+) is obtained by reacting Sn metal with [Mo(3)S(4)(H(2)O)(9)](4+). The double cube is also obtained in approximately 50% yield by BH(4)(-) reduction of a 1:1 mixture of [Mo(3)SnS(4)(H(2)O)(10)](6+) and [Mo(3)S(4)(H(2)O)(9)](4+). Conversely two-electron oxidation of [Mo(6)SnS(8)(H(2)O)(18)](8+) with [Co(dipic)(2)](-) or [Fe(H(2)O(6)](3+) gives the single cube [Mo(3)SnS(4)(H(2)O)(12)](6+) and [Mo(3)S(4)(H(2)O)(9)](4+) (up to 70% yield), followed by further two-electron oxidation to [Mo(3)S(4)(H(2)O)(9)](4+) and Sn(IV). The kinetics of the first stages have been studied using the stopped-flow method and give rate laws first order in [Mo(6)SnS(8)(H(2)O)(18)](8+) and the Co(III) or Fe(III) oxidant. The oxidation with [Co(dipic)(2)](-) has no [H(+)] dependence, [H(+)] = 0.50-2.00 M. With Fe(III) as oxidant, reaction steps involving [Fe(H(2)O)(6)](3+) and [Fe(H(2)O)(5)OH](2+) are implicated. At 25 degrees C and I = 2.00 M (Li(pts)) k(Co) is 14.9 M(-)(1) s(-)(1) and k(a) for the reaction of [Fe(H(2)O)(6)](3+) is 0.68 M(-)(1) s(-)(1) (both outer-sphere reactions). Reaction of Cu(2+) with the double but not the single cube is observed, yielding [Mo(3)CuS(4)(H(2)O)(10)](5+). A redox-controlled mechanism involving intermediate formation of Cu(+) and [Mo(3)S(4)(H(2)O)(9)](4+) accounts for the changes observed.