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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(18): 183601, 2023 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37977631


Controlling the photon statistics of light is paramount for quantum science and technologies. Recently, we demonstrated that transmitting resonant laser light past an ensemble of two-level emitters can result in a stream of single photons or excess photon pairs. This transformation is due to quantum interference between the transmitted laser light and the incoherently scattered photon pairs [Prasad et al., Nat. Photonics 14, 719 (2020)NPAHBY1749-488510.1038/s41566-020-0692-z]. Here, using the dispersion of the atomic medium, we actively control the relative quantum phase between these two components. We thereby realize a tunable two-photon interferometer and observe interference fringes in the normalized photon coincidence rate. When tuning the relative phase, the coincidence rate varies periodically, giving rise to a continuous modification of the photon statistics from antibunching to bunching. Beyond the fundamental insight that there exists a tunable quantum phase between incoherent and coherent light that dictates the photon statistics, our results lend themselves to the development of novel quantum light sources.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(10): 103603, 2023 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37739377


Experiments based on cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) are widely used to study the interaction of a light field with a discrete frequency spectrum and emitters. More recently, the field of waveguide QED has attracted interest due to the strong interaction between propagating photons and emitters that can be obtained in nanophotonic waveguides, where a continuum of frequency modes is allowed. Both cavity and waveguide QED share the common goal of harnessing and deepening the understanding of light-matter coupling. However, they often rely on very different experimental setups and theoretical descriptions. Here, we experimentally investigate the transition from cavity to waveguide QED with an ensemble of cold atoms that is coupled to a fiber-ring resonator, which contains a nanofiber section. By varying the length of the resonator from a few meters to several tens of meters, we tailor the spectral density of modes of the resonator while remaining in the strong coupling regime. When increasing the resonator length, we observe a continuous transition from the paradigmatic Rabi oscillations of cavity QED to non-Markovian dynamics reminiscent of waveguide QED.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(20): 203601, 2022 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35657855


We discuss the evolution of the quantum state of an ensemble of atoms that are coupled via a single propagating optical mode. We theoretically show that the quantum state of N atoms, which are initially prepared in the timed Dicke state, in the single excitation regime evolves through all the N-1 states that are subradiant with respect to the propagating mode. We predict this process to occur for any atom number and any atom-light coupling strength. These findings are supported by measurements performed with cold cesium atoms coupled to the evanescent field of an optical nanofiber. We experimentally observe the evolution of the state of the ensemble passing through the first two subradiant states, leading to sudden, temporary switch-offs of the optical power emitted into the nanofiber. Our results contribute to the fundamental understanding of collective atom-light interaction and apply to all physical systems, whose description involves timed Dicke states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(7): 073601, 2022 Feb 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35244447


We experimentally and theoretically investigate collective radiative effects in an ensemble of cold atoms coupled to a single-mode optical nanofiber. Our analysis unveils the microscopic dynamics of the system, showing that collective interactions between the atoms and a single guided photon gradually build up along the atomic array in the direction of propagation of light. These results are supported by time-resolved measurements of the light transmitted and reflected by the ensemble after excitation via nanofiber-guided laser pulses, whose rise and fall times are shorter than the atomic lifetime. Superradiant decays more than 1 order of magnitude faster than the single-atom free-space decay rate are observed for emission in the forward-propagating guided mode, while at the same time, no speed-up of the decay rate is measured in the backward direction. In addition, position-resolved measurements of the light that is transmitted past the atoms are performed by inserting the nanofiber-coupled atomic array in a 45-m-long fiber ring resonator, which allow us to experimentally reveal the progressive growth of the collective response of the atomic ensemble. Our results highlight the unique opportunities offered by nanophotonic cold atom systems for the experimental investigation of collective light-matter interaction.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(12): 123602, 2021 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34597106


We observe that a weak guided light field transmitted through an ensemble of atoms coupled to an optical nanofiber exhibits quadrature squeezing. From the measured squeezing spectrum we gain direct access to the phase and amplitude of the energy-time entangled part of the two-photon wave function which arises from the strongly correlated transport of photons through the ensemble. For small atomic ensembles we observe a spectrum close to the line shape of the atomic transition, while sidebands are observed for sufficiently large ensembles, in agreement with our theoretical predictions. Furthermore, we vary the detuning of the probe light with respect to the atomic resonance and infer the phase of the entangled two-photon wave function. From the amplitude and the phase of the spectrum, we reconstruct the real and imaginary part of the time-domain wave function. Our characterization of the entangled two-photon component constitutes a diagnostic tool for quantum optics devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(23): 233602, 2021 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34170158


We demonstrate trapping of a single ^{85}Rb atom at a distance of about 200 nm from the surface of a whispering-gallery-mode bottle microresonator. The atom is trapped in an optical potential, which is created by retroreflecting a red-detuned focused laser beam from the resonator surface. We counteract the trap-induced light shift of the atomic transition frequency by superposing a second laser beam. This allows us to observe a vacuum Rabi splitting in the excitation spectrum of the coupled atom-resonator system. This first demonstration of stable and controlled interaction of a single atom with a whispering-gallery mode in the strong coupling regime opens up the route toward the implementation of quantum protocols and applications that harvest the chiral atom-light coupling present in this class of resonators.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(24): 243602, 2019 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31922835


We report on the observation of collective superstrong coupling of a small ensemble of atoms interacting with the field of a 30-m long fiber resonator containing a nanofiber section. The collective light-matter coupling strength exceeds the free-spectral range and the atoms couple to consecutive longitudinal resonator modes. The measured transmission spectra of the coupled atom-resonator system provide evidence of this regime, realized with a few hundred atoms with an intrinsic single-atom cooperativity of 0.13. These results are the starting point for studies in a new setting of light-matter interaction, with strong quantum nonlinearities and a new type of dynamics.

Nature ; 541(7638): 473-480, 2017 01 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28128249


Advanced photonic nanostructures are currently revolutionizing the optics and photonics that underpin applications ranging from light technology to quantum-information processing. The strong light confinement in these structures can lock the local polarization of the light to its propagation direction, leading to propagation-direction-dependent emission, scattering and absorption of photons by quantum emitters. The possibility of such a propagation-direction-dependent, or chiral, light-matter interaction is not accounted for in standard quantum optics and its recent discovery brought about the research field of chiral quantum optics. The latter offers fundamentally new functionalities and applications: it enables the assembly of non-reciprocal single-photon devices that can be operated in a quantum superposition of two or more of their operational states and the realization of deterministic spin-photon interfaces. Moreover, engineered directional photonic reservoirs could lead to the development of complex quantum networks that, for example, could simulate novel classes of quantum many-body systems.

Opt Lett ; 42(1): 85-88, 2017 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28059184


We experimentally realize an optical fiber ring resonator that includes a tapered section with a subwavelength-diameter waist. In this section, the guided light exhibits a significant evanescent field which allows for efficient interfacing with optical emitters. A commercial tunable fiber beam splitter provides simple and robust coupling to the resonator. Key parameters of the resonator such as the out-coupling rate, free spectral range, and birefringence can be adjusted. Thanks to the low taper- and coupling-losses, the resonator exhibits an unloaded finesse of F=75±1, sufficient for reaching the regime of strong coupling for emitters placed in the evanescent field. The system is ideally suited for trapping ensembles of laser-cooled atoms along the nanofiber section. Based on measured parameters, we estimate that the system can serve as a platform for optical multimode strong coupling experiments. Finally, we discuss the possibilities of using the resonator for applications based on chiral quantum optics.

Science ; 354(6319): 1577-1580, 2016 12 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27940579


Integrated nonreciprocal optical components, which have an inherent asymmetry between their forward and backward propagation direction, are key for routing signals in photonic circuits. Here, we demonstrate a fiber-integrated quantum optical circulator operated by a single atom. Its nonreciprocal behavior arises from the chiral interaction between the atom and the transversally confined light. We demonstrate that the internal quantum state of the atom controls the operation direction of the circulator and that it features a strongly nonlinear response at the single-photon level. This enables, for example, photon number-dependent routing and novel quantum simulation protocols. Furthermore, such a circulator can in principle be prepared in a coherent superposition of its operational states and may become a key element for quantum information processing in scalable integrated optical circuits.

Science ; 346(6205): 67-71, 2014 Oct 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25190718


Controlling the flow of light with nanophotonic waveguides has the potential of transforming integrated information processing. Because of the strong transverse confinement of the guided photons, their internal spin and their orbital angular momentum get coupled. Using this spin-orbit interaction of light, we break the mirror symmetry of the scattering of light with a gold nanoparticle on the surface of a nanophotonic waveguide and realize a chiral waveguide coupler in which the handedness of the incident light determines the propagation direction in the waveguide. We control the directionality of the scattering process and can direct up to 94% of the incoupled light into a given direction. Our approach allows for the control and manipulation of light in optical waveguides and new designs of optical sensors.

Science ; 344(6180): 180-3, 2014 Apr 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24674870


Multiparticle entanglement enables quantum simulations, quantum computing, and quantum-enhanced metrology. Yet, there are few methods to produce and measure such entanglement while maintaining single-qubit resolution as the number of qubits is scaled up. Using atom chips and fiber-optical cavities, we have developed a method based on nondestructive collective measurement and conditional evolution to create symmetric entangled states and perform their tomography. We demonstrate creation and analysis of entangled states with mean atom numbers up to 41 and experimentally prove multiparticle entanglement. Our method is independent of atom number and should allow generalization to other entangled states and other physical implementations, including circuit quantum electrodynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(19): 193601, 2013 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24266471


We demonstrate highly efficient switching of optical signals between two optical fibers controlled by a single atom. The key element of our experiment is a whispering-gallery-mode bottle microresonator, which is coupled to a single atom and interfaced by two tapered fiber couplers. This system reaches the strong coupling regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics, leading to a vacuum Rabi splitting in the excitation spectrum. We systematically investigate the switching efficiency of our system, i.e., the probability that the fiber-optical switch redirects the light into the desired output. We obtain a large redirection efficiency reaching a raw fidelity of more than 60% without postselection. Moreover, by measuring the second-order correlation functions of the output fields, we show that our switch exhibits a photon-number-dependent routing capability.

Science ; 341(6147): 725-6, 2013 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23950521
Phys Rev Lett ; 110(21): 213604, 2013 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23745874


Light is often described as a fully transverse-polarized wave, i.e., with an electric field vector that is orthogonal to the direction of propagation. However, light confined in dielectric structures such as optical waveguides or whispering-gallery-mode microresonators can have a strong longitudinal polarization component. Here, using single (85)Rb atoms strongly coupled to a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator, we experimentally and theoretically demonstrate that the presence of this longitudinal polarization fundamentally alters the interaction between light and matter.

Science ; 337(6090): 40-1, 2012 Jul 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22767916
Nature ; 475(7355): 210-3, 2011 Jul 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21753851


A measurement necessarily changes the quantum state being measured, a phenomenon known as back-action. Real measurements, however, almost always cause a much stronger back-action than is required by the laws of quantum mechanics. Quantum non-demolition measurements have been devised that keep the additional back-action entirely within observables other than the one being measured. However, this back-action on other observables often imposes its own constraints. In particular, free-space optical detection methods for single atoms and ions (such as the shelving technique, a sensitive and well-developed method) inevitably require spontaneous scattering, even in the dispersive regime. This causes irreversible energy exchange (heating), which is a limitation in atom-based quantum information processing, where it obviates straightforward reuse of the qubit. No such energy exchange is required by quantum mechanics. Here we experimentally demonstrate optical detection of an atomic qubit with significantly less than one spontaneous scattering event. We measure the transmission and reflection of an optical cavity containing the atom. In addition to the qubit detection itself, we quantitatively measure how much spontaneous scattering has occurred. This allows us to relate the information gained to the amount of spontaneous emission, and we obtain a detection error below 10 per cent while scattering less than 0.2 photons on average. Furthermore, we perform a quantum Zeno-type experiment to quantify the measurement back-action, and find that every incident photon leads to an almost complete state collapse. Together, these results constitute a full experimental characterization of a quantum measurement in the 'energy exchange-free' regime below a single spontaneous emission event. Besides its fundamental interest, this approach could significantly simplify proposed neutral-atom quantum computation schemes, and may enable sensitive detection of molecules and atoms lacking closed transitions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(20): 203602, 2010 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867027


We prepare and detect the hyperfine state of a single 87Rb atom coupled to a fiber-based high-finesse cavity on an atom chip. The atom is extracted from a Bose-Einstein condensate and trapped at the maximum of the cavity field, resulting in a reproducibly strong atom-cavity coupling. We use the cavity reflection and transmission signal to infer the atomic hyperfine state with a fidelity exceeding 99.92% in a readout time of 100 µs. The atom is still trapped after detection.

J Med Chem ; 53(9): 3645-74, 2010 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20380432


Potassium-competitive acid blockers (P-CABs) constitute a new therapeutic option for the treatment of acid-related diseases that are widespread and constitute a significant economical burden. Enantiomerically pure tetrahydrochromenoimidazoles were prepared using the readily available candidate 4 (BYK 405879) as starting material or the Noyori asymmetric reduction of ketones as key reaction. A comprehensive SAR regarding the influence of the 5-carboxamide and the 8-aryl residue on in vitro activity, acid-suppression in the Ghosh Schild rat, and affinity toward the hERG channel was established. In addition, efficacy and duration of the antisecretory action was examined for the most promising target compounds by 24 h pH-metry in the fistula dog and a significantly different SAR was observed as compared to the Ghosh Schild rat. Several tetrahydrochromenoimidazoles were identified that possessed a comparable profile as the candidate 4.

Ácidos/antagonistas & inibidores , Canais de Potássio Éter-A-Go-Go/metabolismo , Imidazóis/farmacologia , Animais , Cães , Humanos , Imidazóis/síntese química , Imidazóis/metabolismo , Potássio , Ratos , Ratos Endogâmicos , Relação Estrutura-Atividade
Bioorg Med Chem ; 16(1): 536-41, 2008 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17964794


A series of novel 6-substituted imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazines were synthesized via palladium catalyzed amino- or alkoxycarbonylation as key step. The anti-secretory activity of these compounds has been assessed in a binding assay against H(+)/K(+)-ATPase from hog gastric mucosa. Some of the compounds proved to be potent inhibitors of the gastric acid pump.

Inibidores da Bomba de Prótons , Pirazinas/síntese química , Estômago/enzimologia , Animais , Inibidores Enzimáticos/síntese química , Inibidores Enzimáticos/farmacologia , Ácido Gástrico/metabolismo , Mucosa Gástrica/efeitos dos fármacos , Mucosa Gástrica/metabolismo , Pirazinas/farmacologia , Suínos